Evidence 3

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EVIDENCE 3<br />

Tania Georgia Galarza Sousa<br />

2708338<br />

TECMILENIO Contemporary World

Events<br />

Germany Reunited 1990<br />

Collapse of the Soviet Union 1991<br />

Scientists Clone Sheep 1997<br />

The attack to the twin towers 2001<br />

The attack to the twin towers 2010<br />

Important concepts to know.<br />

Globalization: The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and<br />

communications integration. Implies the opening of local and nationalistic<br />

perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world<br />

with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.<br />

Terrorism: Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a<br />

crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable<br />

abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented.<br />

Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict.<br />

Unipolar world: we can say that is the context in which the world order is dominated<br />

by one superpower.<br />

Digital era: The historical period characterized by the existence of digital<br />


Why did the globalization emerge?<br />

Globalization became a buzzword following the end of the Cold War, but the phenomenon<br />

has long been a factor in the foreign relations of the United States. It emerge as a suggestion<br />

of growing interdependence of nations and the development of international institutions,<br />

seemed to capture the essence of what more recently has been termed globalization.<br />

In most cases, what caused the terrorist´s attacks<br />

of XX Century?<br />

Fanatism combined with the injured of a country to another with the Nationalism that was<br />

intensified during the early 20th century. as nations became closely tied to concepts of race<br />

and ethnicity, international political<br />

developments began to support such<br />

concepts. Members of ethnic groups<br />

whose states had been absorbed by<br />

others or had ceased to exist as<br />

separate nations saw opportunities to<br />

realize nationalist ambitions. Several of<br />

these groups chose terror as a method<br />

to conduct their struggle. The largest act<br />

of international terrorism occurred on<br />

September 11, 2001 in a set of coordinated<br />

attacks on the United States<br />

of America, where Islamic terrorists<br />

hijacked civilian airliners and used them<br />

to attack the World Trade Centre (WTC)<br />

towers in New York City and the<br />

Pentagon in Washington, DC.

How does the end of the Cold<br />

War relate with the Unipolar<br />

World?<br />

The cold war defined two blocs, one against the other in<br />

more than just one aspect. When the countries were<br />

involved in the cold war the bloc tried to fight the other,<br />

because they had different ideas and economic<br />

systems. When the Cold War ended the communist bloc<br />

died and the supremacy of the capital bloc transformed<br />

the entire world, and the way everything was organized.<br />

In this way the world ended up with only one bloc and<br />

one super power , that is the Unipolar world, only one<br />

point of view ruling the world.

How has the Digital Era influenced today's<br />

society?<br />

Today´s society especially teenagers have the influence of digital era. The world has<br />

evolved to a digital era, in which the technological stuff invade our lives. Every day activities<br />

are related to technological devices. The critical role that technology plays in the<br />

development of society, stimulating not only the economy but society’s socio-cultural values,<br />

rather than being merely a tool of society Social progress has come to be equated with<br />

technical progress, particularly since the Industrial Revolution.

Bibliography:<br />

Businessdictionarycom. (nd). BusinessDictionarycom. Retrieved 27 November, 2015, from<br />

http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/globalization.html<br />

Terrorism-researchcom. (2015). Terrorism-researchcom. Retrieved 27 November, 2015, from<br />

http://www.terrorism-research.com/<br />

Terrorism-researchcom. (2015). Terrorism-researchcom. Retrieved 27 November, 2015, from<br />

http://www.terrorism-research.com/v<br />

Ukessayscom. (nd). UKEssays. Retrieved 27 November, 2015, from<br />


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