The MOSEK command line tool Version 7.0 (Revision 141)

The MOSEK command line tool. Version 7.0 ... - Documentation The MOSEK command line tool. Version 7.0 ... - Documentation


80 CHAPTER 9. PARAMETERS • MSK SPAR FEASREPAIR NAME SEPARATOR. Feasibility repair name separator. • MSK SPAR FEASREPAIR NAME WSUMVIOL. Feasibility repair name violation name. Conic interior-point method parameters. Parameters defining the behavior of the interior-point method for conic problems. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL DFEAS. Dual feasibility tolerance used by the conic interior-point optimizer. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL INFEAS. Infeasibility tolerance for the conic solver. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL MU RED. Optimality tolerance for the conic solver. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL NEAR REL. Optimality tolerance for the conic solver. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL PFEAS. Primal feasibility tolerance used by the conic interior-point optimizer. • MSK DPAR INTPNT CO TOL REL GAP. Relative gap termination tolerance used by the conic interior-point optimizer. Data check parameters. These parameters defines data checking settings and problem data tolerances, i.e. which values are rounded to 0 or infinity, and which values are large or small enough to produce a warning. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJ. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJ HUGE. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJ LARGE. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND INF. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND WRN. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL C HUGE. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL CJ LARGE. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL QIJ. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK DPAR DATA TOL X. Data tolerance threshold. • MSK IPAR LOG CHECK CONVEXITY. Controls logging in convexity check on quadratic problems. Set to a positive value to turn logging on. If a quadratic coefficient matrix is found to violate the requirement of PSD (NSD) then a list of negative (positive) pivot elements is printed. The absolute value of the pivot elements is also shown. Data input/output parameters. Parameters defining the behavior of data readers and writers. • MSK SPAR BAS SOL FILE NAME. Name of the bas solution file. • MSK SPAR DATA FILE NAME. Data are read and written to this file. • MSK SPAR DEBUG FILE NAME. MOSEK debug file. • MSK SPAR INT SOL FILE NAME. Name of the int solution file.

81 • MSK SPAR ITR SOL FILE NAME. Name of the itr solution file. • MSK IPAR LOG FILE. If turned on, then some log info is printed when a file is written or read. • MSK SPAR MIO DEBUG STRING. For internal use only. • MSK SPAR PARAM COMMENT SIGN. Solution file comment character. • MSK SPAR PARAM READ FILE NAME. Modifications to the parameter database is read from this file. • MSK SPAR PARAM WRITE FILE NAME. The parameter database is written to this file. • MSK SPAR READ MPS BOU NAME. Name of the BOUNDS vector used. An empty name means that the first BOUNDS vector is used. • MSK SPAR READ MPS OBJ NAME. Objective name in the MPS file. • MSK SPAR READ MPS RAN NAME. Name of the RANGE vector used. An empty name means that the first RANGE vector is used. • MSK SPAR READ MPS RHS NAME. Name of the RHS used. An empty name means that the first RHS vector is used. • MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XC LOW. Solution file filter. • MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XC UPR. Solution file filter. • MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XX LOW. Solution file filter. • MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XX UPR. Solution file filter. • MSK SPAR STAT FILE NAME. Statistics file name. • MSK SPAR STAT KEY. Key used when writing the summary file. • MSK SPAR STAT NAME. Name used when writing the statistics file. • MSK SPAR WRITE LP GEN VAR NAME. Added variable names in the LP files. Debugging parameters. These parameters defines that can be used when debugging a problem. • MSK IPAR AUTO SORT A BEFORE OPT. Controls whether the elements in each column of A are sorted before an optimization is performed. Dual simplex optimizer parameters. Parameters defining the behavior of the dual simplex optimizer for linear problems. • MSK IPAR SIM DUAL CRASH. Controls whether crashing is performed in the dual simplex optimizer. • MSK IPAR SIM DUAL RESTRICT SELECTION. Controls how aggressively restricted selection is used. • MSK IPAR SIM DUAL SELECTION. Controls the dual simplex strategy. Feasibility repair parameters.

81<br />

• MSK SPAR ITR SOL FILE NAME. Name of the itr solution file.<br />

• MSK IPAR LOG FILE. If turned on, then some log info is printed when a file is written or<br />

read.<br />

• MSK SPAR MIO DEBUG STRING. For internal use only.<br />

• MSK SPAR PARAM COMMENT SIGN. Solution file comment character.<br />

• MSK SPAR PARAM READ FILE NAME. Modifications to the parameter database is read from this<br />

file.<br />

• MSK SPAR PARAM WRITE FILE NAME. <strong>The</strong> parameter database is written to this file.<br />

• MSK SPAR READ MPS BOU NAME. Name of the BOUNDS vector used. An empty name means<br />

that the first BOUNDS vector is used.<br />

• MSK SPAR READ MPS OBJ NAME. Objective name in the MPS file.<br />

• MSK SPAR READ MPS RAN NAME. Name of the RANGE vector used. An empty name means<br />

that the first RANGE vector is used.<br />

• MSK SPAR READ MPS RHS NAME. Name of the RHS used. An empty name means that the first<br />

RHS vector is used.<br />

• MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XC LOW. Solution file filter.<br />

• MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XC UPR. Solution file filter.<br />

• MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XX LOW. Solution file filter.<br />

• MSK SPAR SOL FILTER XX UPR. Solution file filter.<br />

• MSK SPAR STAT FILE NAME. Statistics file name.<br />

• MSK SPAR STAT KEY. Key used when writing the summary file.<br />

• MSK SPAR STAT NAME. Name used when writing the statistics file.<br />

• MSK SPAR WRITE LP GEN VAR NAME. Added variable names in the LP files.<br />

Debugging parameters.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se parameters defines that can be used when debugging a problem.<br />

• MSK IPAR AUTO SORT A BEFORE OPT. Controls whether the elements in each column of A are<br />

sorted before an optimization is performed.<br />

Dual simplex optimizer parameters.<br />

Parameters defining the behavior of the dual simplex optimizer for <strong>line</strong>ar problems.<br />

• MSK IPAR SIM DUAL CRASH. Controls whether crashing is performed in the dual simplex optimizer.<br />

• MSK IPAR SIM DUAL RESTRICT SELECTION. Controls how aggressively restricted selection is<br />

used.<br />

• MSK IPAR SIM DUAL SELECTION. Controls the dual simplex strategy.<br />

Feasibility repair parameters.

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