The MOSEK Python optimizer API manual Version 7.0 (Revision 141)

Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek


460 APPENDIX B. PARAMETERS B.2.87 iparam.mio mode Corresponding constant: iparam.mio mode Description: Controls whether the optimizer includes the integer restrictions when solving a (mixed) integer optimization problem. Possible values: • miomode.ignored The integer constraints are ignored and the problem is solved as a continuous problem. • miomode.lazy Integer restrictions should be satisfied if an optimizer is available for the problem. • miomode.satisfied Integer restrictions should be satisfied. Default value: miomode.satisfied B.2.88 iparam.mio mt user cb Corresponding constant: iparam.mio mt user cb Description: It true user callbacks are called from each thread used by this optimizer. If false the user callback is only called from a single thread. Possible values: • Switch the option off. • onoffkey.on Switch the option on. Default value: onoffkey.on B.2.89 iparam.mio node optimizer Corresponding constant: iparam.mio node optimizer Description: Controls which optimizer is employed at the non-root nodes in the mixed-integer optimizer.

B.2. IPARAM: INTEGER PARAMETERS 461 Possible values: • optimizertype.concurrent The optimizer for nonconvex nonlinear problems. • optimizertype.conic The optimizer for problems having conic constraints. • optimizertype.dual simplex The dual simplex optimizer is used. • The optimizer is chosen automatically. • simplex One of the simplex optimizers is used. • optimizertype.intpnt The interior-point optimizer is used. • optimizertype.mixed int The mixed-integer optimizer. • optimizertype.mixed int conic The mixed-integer optimizer for conic and linear problems. • primal simplex The network primal simplex optimizer is used. It is only applicable to pute network problems. • optimizertype.nonconvex The optimizer for nonconvex nonlinear problems. • optimizertype.primal dual simplex The primal dual simplex optimizer is used. • optimizertype.primal simplex The primal simplex optimizer is used. Default value: B.2.90 iparam.mio node selection Corresponding constant: iparam.mio node selection Description: Controls the node selection strategy employed by the mixed-integer optimizer. Possible values: • The optimizer employs a best bound node selection strategy. • mionodeseltype.first The optimizer employs a depth first node selection strategy. • The optimizer decides the node selection strategy. • mionodeseltype.hybrid The optimizer employs a hybrid strategy. • mionodeseltype.pseudo The optimizer employs selects the node based on a pseudo cost estimate. • mionodeseltype.worst The optimizer employs a worst bound node selection strategy. Default value:


B.2.87<br />

iparam.mio mode<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.mio mode<br />

Description:<br />

Controls whether the <strong>optimizer</strong> includes the integer restrictions when solving a (mixed) integer<br />

optimization problem.<br />

Possible values:<br />

• miomode.ignored <strong>The</strong> integer constraints are ignored and the problem is solved as a continuous<br />

problem.<br />

• miomode.lazy Integer restrictions should be satisfied if an <strong>optimizer</strong> is available for the<br />

problem.<br />

• miomode.satisfied Integer restrictions should be satisfied.<br />

Default value:<br />

miomode.satisfied<br />

B.2.88<br />

iparam.mio mt user cb<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.mio mt user cb<br />

Description:<br />

It true user callbacks are called from each thread used by this <strong>optimizer</strong>. If false the user callback<br />

is only called from a single thread.<br />

Possible values:<br />

• Switch the option off.<br />

• onoffkey.on Switch the option on.<br />

Default value:<br />

onoffkey.on<br />

B.2.89<br />

iparam.mio node <strong>optimizer</strong><br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.mio node <strong>optimizer</strong><br />

Description:<br />

Controls which <strong>optimizer</strong> is employed at the non-root nodes in the mixed-integer <strong>optimizer</strong>.

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