The MOSEK Python optimizer API manual Version 7.0 (Revision 141)

Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek


426 APPENDIX B. PARAMETERS B.1.66 dparam.simplex abs tol piv Corresponding constant: dparam.simplex abs tol piv Description: Absolute pivot tolerance employed by the simplex optimizers. Possible Values: Any number between 1.0e-12 and +inf. Default value: 1.0e-7 B.1.67 dparam.upper obj cut Corresponding constant: dparam.upper obj cut Description: If either a primal or dual feasible solution is found proving that the optimal objective value is outside, [dparam.lower obj cut, dparam.upper obj cut], then MOSEK is terminated. Possible Values: Any number between -inf and +inf. Default value: 1.0e30 See also: • dparam.upper obj cut finite trh Objective bound. B.1.68 dparam.upper obj cut finite trh Corresponding constant: dparam.upper obj cut finite trh Description: If the upper objective cut is greater than the value of this value parameter, then the the upper objective cut dparam.upper obj cut is treated as ∞. Possible Values: Any number between -inf and +inf. Default value: 0.5e30

B.2. IPARAM: INTEGER PARAMETERS 427 B.2 iparam: Integer parameters B.2.1 iparam.alloc add qnz Corresponding constant: iparam.alloc add qnz Description: Additional number of Q non-zeros that are allocated space for when numanz exceeds maxnumqnz during addition of new Q entries. Possible Values: Any number between 0 and +inf. Default value: 5000 B.2.2 iparam.ana sol basis Corresponding constant: iparam.ana sol basis Description: Controls whether the basis matrix is analyzed in solaution analyzer. Possible values: • Switch the option off. • onoffkey.on Switch the option on. Default value: onoffkey.on B.2.3 iparam.ana sol print violated Corresponding constant: iparam.ana sol print violated Description: Controls whether a list of violated constraints is printed when calling Task.analyzesolution. All constraints violated by more than the value set by the parameter dparam.ana sol infeas tol will be printed. Possible values:


B.2 iparam: Integer parameters<br />

B.2.1<br />

iparam.alloc add qnz<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.alloc add qnz<br />

Description:<br />

Additional number of Q non-zeros that are allocated space for when numanz exceeds maxnumqnz<br />

during addition of new Q entries.<br />

Possible Values:<br />

Any number between 0 and +inf.<br />

Default value:<br />

5000<br />

B.2.2<br />

iparam.ana sol basis<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.ana sol basis<br />

Description:<br />

Controls whether the basis matrix is analyzed in solaution analyzer.<br />

Possible values:<br />

• Switch the option off.<br />

• onoffkey.on Switch the option on.<br />

Default value:<br />

onoffkey.on<br />

B.2.3<br />

iparam.ana sol print violated<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

iparam.ana sol print violated<br />

Description:<br />

Controls whether a list of violated constraints is printed when calling Task.analyzesolution.<br />

All constraints violated by more than the value set by the parameter dparam.ana sol infeas tol<br />

will be printed.<br />

Possible values:

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