The MOSEK Python optimizer API manual Version 7.0 (Revision 141)

Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek


402 APPENDIX B. PARAMETERS • dparam.intpnt nl tol dfeas. Dual feasibility tolerance used when a nonlinear model is solved. • dparam.intpnt nl tol mu red. Relative complementarity gap tolerance. • dparam.intpnt nl tol near rel. Nonlinear solver optimality tolerance parameter. • dparam.intpnt nl tol pfeas. Primal feasibility tolerance used when a nonlinear model is solved. Relative gap termination tolerance for nonlinear prob- • dparam.intpnt nl tol rel gap. lems. • dparam.intpnt tol dfeas. Dual feasibility tolerance used for linear and quadratic optimization problems. • dparam.intpnt tol infeas. Nonlinear solver infeasibility tolerance parameter. • dparam.intpnt tol mu red. Relative complementarity gap tolerance. • dparam.intpnt tol pfeas. Primal feasibility tolerance used for linear and quadratic optimization problems. • dparam.intpnt tol rel gap. Relative gap termination tolerance. • dparam.lower obj cut. Objective bound. • dparam.lower obj cut finite trh. Objective bound. • dparam.mio disable term time. Certain termination criteria is disabled within the mixedinteger optimizer for period time specified by the parameter. • iparam.mio max num branches. Maximum number of branches allowed during the branch and bound search. • iparam.mio max num solutions. Controls how many feasible solutions the mixed-integer optimizer investigates. • dparam.mio max time. Time limit for the mixed-integer optimizer. • dparam.mio near tol rel gap. The mixed-integer optimizer is terminated when this tolerance is satisfied. • dparam.mio rel gap const. This value is used to compute the relative gap for the solution to an integer optimization problem. • dparam.mio tol rel gap. optimizer. • dparam.optimizer max time. Solver time limit. Relative optimality tolerance employed by the mixed-integer • iparam.sim max iterations. Maximum number of iterations that can be used by a simplex optimizer. • dparam.upper obj cut. Objective bound. • dparam.upper obj cut finite trh. Objective bound. • Integer parameters • Double parameters • String parameters

B.1. DPARAM: DOUBLE PARAMETERS 403 B.1 dparam: Double parameters B.1.1 dparam.ana sol infeas tol Corresponding constant: dparam.ana sol infeas tol Description: If a constraint violates its bound with an amount larger than this value, the constraint name, index and violation will be printed by the solution analyzer. Possible Values: Any number between 0.0 and +inf. Default value: 1e-6 B.1.2 dparam.basis rel tol s Corresponding constant: dparam.basis rel tol s Description: Maximum relative dual bound violation allowed in an optimal basic solution. Possible Values: Any number between 0.0 and +inf. Default value: 1.0e-12 B.1.3 dparam.basis tol s Corresponding constant: dparam.basis tol s Description: Maximum absolute dual bound violation in an optimal basic solution. Possible Values: Any number between 1.0e-9 and +inf. Default value: 1.0e-6


B.1 dparam: Double parameters<br />

B.1.1<br />

dparam.ana sol infeas tol<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

dparam.ana sol infeas tol<br />

Description:<br />

If a constraint violates its bound with an amount larger than this value, the constraint name,<br />

index and violation will be printed by the solution analyzer.<br />

Possible Values:<br />

Any number between 0.0 and +inf.<br />

Default value:<br />

1e-6<br />

B.1.2<br />

dparam.basis rel tol s<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

dparam.basis rel tol s<br />

Description:<br />

Maximum relative dual bound violation allowed in an optimal basic solution.<br />

Possible Values:<br />

Any number between 0.0 and +inf.<br />

Default value:<br />

1.0e-12<br />

B.1.3<br />

dparam.basis tol s<br />

Corresponding constant:<br />

dparam.basis tol s<br />

Description:<br />

Maximum absolute dual bound violation in an optimal basic solution.<br />

Possible Values:<br />

Any number between 1.0e-9 and +inf.<br />

Default value:<br />


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