The MOSEK Python optimizer API manual Version 7.0 (Revision 141)

Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek Optimizer API for Python - Documentation - Mosek


398 APPENDIX B. PARAMETERS • iparam.log mio. Controls the amount of log information from the mixed-integer optimizers. • iparam.log mio freq. The mixed-integer solver logging frequency. • iparam.log nonconvex. Controls amount of output printed by the nonconvex optimizer. • iparam.log optimizer. logged. Controls the amount of general optimizer information that is • iparam.log order. If turned on, then factor lines are added to the log. • iparam.log param. changes. Controls the amount of information printed out about parameter • iparam.log response. Controls amount of output printed when response codes are reported. A higher level implies that more information is logged. • iparam.log sim. Controls the amount of log information from the simplex optimizers. • iparam.log sim freq. Controls simplex logging frequency. • iparam.log sim minor. Currently not in use. • iparam.log sim network freq. Controls the network simplex logging frequency. • iparam.log storage. Controls the memory related log information. • iparam.max num warnings. Waning level. A higher value results in more warnings. • iparam.warning level. Warning level. Overall solver parameters. • clean optimizer. phase. Controls which simplex optimizer is used in the clean-up • iparam.concurrent num optimizers. The maximum number of simultaneous optimizations that will be started by the concurrent optimizer. • iparam.concurrent priority dual simplex. Priority of the dual simplex algorithm when selecting solvers for concurrent optimization. • iparam.concurrent priority free simplex. Priority of the free simplex optimizer when selecting solvers for concurrent optimization. • iparam.concurrent priority intpnt. Priority of the interior-point algorithm when selecting solvers for concurrent optimization. • iparam.concurrent priority primal simplex. Priority of the primal simplex algorithm when selecting solvers for concurrent optimization. • iparam.infeas prefer primal. Controls which certificate is used if both primal- and dualcertificate of infeasibility is available. • iparam.license wait. Controls if MOSEK should queue for a license if none is available. • iparam.mio cont sol. Controls the meaning of interior-point and basic solutions in mixed integer problems. • iparam.mio local branch number. Controls the size of the local search space when doing local branching.

399 • iparam.mio mode. Turns on/off the mixed-integer mode. • iparam.optimizer. Controls which optimizer is used to optimize the task. • iparam.presolve level. Currently not used. • iparam.presolve use. Controls whether the presolve is applied to a problem before it is optimized. • iparam.solution callback. Indicates whether solution call-backs will be performed during the optimization. Presolve parameters. • iparam.presolve elim fill. Maximum amount of fill-in in the elimination phase. • iparam.presolve eliminator max num tries. Control the maximum number of times the eliminator is tried. • iparam.presolve eliminator use. eliminated from the problem. • iparam.presolve level. Currently not used. Controls whether free or implied free variables are • iparam.presolve lindep abs work trh. Controls linear dependency check in presolve. • iparam.presolve lindep rel work trh. Controls linear dependency check in presolve. • iparam.presolve lindep use. linear dependencies. Controls whether the linear constraints are checked for • dparam.presolve tol abs lindep. Absolute tolerance employed by the linear dependency checker. • dparam.presolve tol aij. Absolute zero tolerance employed for constraint coefficients in the presolve. • dparam.presolve tol rel lindep. Relative tolerance employed by the linear dependency checker. • dparam.presolve tol s. Absolute zero tolerance employed for slack variables in the presolve. • dparam.presolve tol x. Absolute zero tolerance employed for variables in the presolve. • iparam.presolve use. Controls whether the presolve is applied to a problem before it is optimized. Primal simplex optimizer parameters. Parameters defining the behavior of the primal simplex optimizer for linear problems. • iparam.sim primal crash. Controls the simplex crash. • iparam.sim primal restrict selection. Controls how aggressively restricted selection is used. • iparam.sim primal selection. Controls the primal simplex strategy. Progress call-back parameters.


• iparam.log mio. Controls the amount of log information from the mixed-integer <strong>optimizer</strong>s.<br />

• iparam.log mio freq. <strong>The</strong> mixed-integer solver logging frequency.<br />

• iparam.log nonconvex. Controls amount of output printed by the nonconvex <strong>optimizer</strong>.<br />

• iparam.log <strong>optimizer</strong>.<br />

logged.<br />

Controls the amount of general <strong>optimizer</strong> information that is<br />

• iparam.log order. If turned on, then factor lines are added to the log.<br />

• iparam.log param.<br />

changes.<br />

Controls the amount of information printed out about parameter<br />

• iparam.log response. Controls amount of output printed when response codes are reported.<br />

A higher level implies that more information is logged.<br />

• iparam.log sim. Controls the amount of log information from the simplex <strong>optimizer</strong>s.<br />

• iparam.log sim freq. Controls simplex logging frequency.<br />

• iparam.log sim minor. Currently not in use.<br />

• iparam.log sim network freq. Controls the network simplex logging frequency.<br />

• iparam.log storage. Controls the memory related log information.<br />

• iparam.max num warnings. Waning level. A higher value results in more warnings.<br />

• iparam.warning level. Warning level.<br />

Overall solver parameters.<br />

• clean <strong>optimizer</strong>.<br />

phase.<br />

Controls which simplex <strong>optimizer</strong> is used in the clean-up<br />

• iparam.concurrent num <strong>optimizer</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> maximum number of simultaneous optimizations<br />

that will be started by the concurrent <strong>optimizer</strong>.<br />

• iparam.concurrent priority dual simplex. Priority of the dual simplex algorithm when<br />

selecting solvers for concurrent optimization.<br />

• iparam.concurrent priority free simplex. Priority of the free simplex <strong>optimizer</strong> when<br />

selecting solvers for concurrent optimization.<br />

• iparam.concurrent priority intpnt. Priority of the interior-point algorithm when selecting<br />

solvers for concurrent optimization.<br />

• iparam.concurrent priority primal simplex. Priority of the primal simplex algorithm<br />

when selecting solvers for concurrent optimization.<br />

• iparam.infeas prefer primal. Controls which certificate is used if both primal- and dualcertificate<br />

of infeasibility is available.<br />

• iparam.license wait. Controls if <strong>MOSEK</strong> should queue for a license if none is available.<br />

• iparam.mio cont sol. Controls the meaning of interior-point and basic solutions in mixed<br />

integer problems.<br />

• iparam.mio local branch number. Controls the size of the local search space when doing<br />

local branching.

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