Loaves & Fishes 27

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Let’s Study...<br />

James<br />

• James is the 59 th book of the Bible and the 20 th book of the<br />

New Testament.<br />

• Author. James is an “epistle” or letter, believed to have been<br />

written by James, the half-brother of Jesus Christ. (Mary was<br />

their mother, but Jesus was conceived supernaturally by the<br />

Holy Spirit, not by Joseph, Mary’s husband).<br />

• Time of writing. James was likely written around 45 AD. This<br />

makes James the first New Testament book to have been written,<br />

even though it is the 20 th book in the traditional order.<br />

• Historical context. James wrote this letter to a group of Jewish<br />

Christians who were experiencing suffering, poverty, and oppression.<br />

These were likely some of the first believers who had<br />

been driven away from Jerusalem by their fellow Jews because<br />

of their faith in Jesus. The good news of Jesus had not yet spread<br />

to non-Jewish people this early in the story of the Church<br />

• Summary. James begins the letter by talking about the suffering<br />

his readers were enduring, telling them to ask God for wisdom.<br />

Then, he launches into one of the most practical series of teachings<br />

in the New Testament. James is very concerned with the<br />

importance of living out one’s faith in a real way. We must not<br />

only hear the word of God, but do it.<br />

Here are just a few of the many topics James talks about in this<br />

letter: controlling our speech, favoritism or discrimination,<br />

wisdom, pride and humility, wealth, speaking the truth, and<br />

effective prayer.<br />

• Themes. The theme of the book of James is genuine faith, or<br />

faith that works. James repeatedly emphasizes that true faith<br />

18 | <strong>Loaves</strong> & <strong>Fishes</strong> • Issue <strong>27</strong>

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