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DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught<br />

in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus,<br />

“Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law<br />

Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”<br />

(John 8:3-5)<br />

One morning Jesus was teaching in the Temple. Suddenly, some<br />

lawyers and Pharisees burst into the room dragging a woman in front<br />

of Jesus. When they accused her, the people understood why her hair<br />

was messed up and she was barely clothed. She had been caught<br />

in the act of adultery, and these religious leaders wanted to have<br />

her stoned to death for her sin. Imagine how she felt at that moment!<br />

Caught in the act ... dragged out and accused publicly ... facing<br />

a horrible death. Jesus could have said, “Yes, that’s what the Law<br />

says. Come on, everybody. Pick up a rock, and let’s get it over with!”<br />

But he didn’t. She deserved death. Jesus gave her grace. After all<br />

the accusers had left the room, Jesus stood alone with the woman.<br />

Jesus asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned<br />

you?“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus<br />

declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:10-11). God’s<br />

grace is not a new concept. It is as old as God himself. In fact, grace<br />

is God’s very nature. He forgives sinners because it pleases him to be<br />

kind to us. His grace doesn’t excuse sin and say, “Oh, she couldn’t<br />

help it.” Grace doesn’t minimize it and say, “It wasn’t that bad.” The<br />

grace of God looks sin in the face in all its ugliness-and forgives. Our<br />

sins deserve condemnation. They deserve the righteous wrath of God<br />

to be poured out to punish us. That’s why God’s great grace is so<br />

wonderful: We deserve just the opposite! Speaker and author Jerry<br />

Bridges once said that grace is “God’s goodness displayed toward our<br />

unworthiness.”<br />

Have you noticed all the rules and commands listed in the Scriptures?<br />

Do they seem to be demanding, diffi cult, and guilt producing? These<br />

laws are God’s perfect standard of holiness for us, and they show us<br />

how far we miss that standard. Paul wrote, “The law was added so<br />

that the trespass (and our awareness of sin) might increase. But where<br />

sin increased, grace increased all the more” (Rom 5:20). Do you see<br />

it? The more we are aware of our sinfulness, the more we will be aware<br />

of God’s grace! Those who think they don’t sin very much don’t have<br />

much appreciation for the forgiveness and kindness of God, but those<br />

who are very aware of the dark parts of their hearts are very thankful<br />

for God’s grace. Paul then asks a question: “What shall we say then?<br />

Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” He answers that<br />

question: “By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any<br />

longer?” (Rom 6:1-2) Paul’s conclusion is very similar to the statement<br />

Jesus made to the woman caught in adultery: When we are gripped<br />

with the grace of God, we won’t take forgiveness for granted. We will<br />

“go and leave our life of sin.”<br />


DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

No matter what you’ve done, God’s grace is greater. No matter how<br />

big or how bad your sin may be, God’s grace provides forgiveness,<br />

hope, and restoration. His grace is unlimited. His cookie jar of grace is<br />

never empty.<br />

Almost every relationship we experience, every class we take, and<br />

every job we hold is based on performance. We get what we deserve.<br />

That perspective is so pervasive that it is difficult for many of us to<br />

realize that God breaks this mold. He treats us very differently. We<br />

don’t get to heaven based on what we’ve done. We get there in spite<br />

of what we’ve done-even the worst of us.<br />

If I showed up in heaven, and I found that getting there was based on<br />

my performance, I’d know I sure didn’t belong! God would have to<br />

grade on a curve-a huge curve-for me to make it on my own! But God<br />

doesn’t grade on a curve. His standard is perfection. You and I can’t<br />

possibly achieve that, so we have to turn to someone who did. We<br />

can walk boldly into the gates of heaven, and if the guy at the ticket<br />

booth says, “Hey, do you belong here?” we can tell him, “No, not on<br />

my own. Jesus paid my way.”<br />

Some of us think of grace only in terms of the point of our salvation<br />

experience. Certainly, the grace of God brings us to repentance so<br />

we are born again, but grace is an “all day, every day” thing. We<br />

don’t dip our toe into it only when we become Christians and when<br />

we blow it really badly; we dive in headfirst and soak our hearts in it.<br />

Over and over again in the New Testament, the writers use the term “in<br />

Christ” to describe believers. When God looks at you and me, he sees<br />

the righteousness of Christ because we are “in him.”<br />

And some of us think God shakes his head and grimaces when<br />

he dispenses grace to us. We think he is reluctant to be kind to us,<br />

but that’s not true at all. God delights in showing his goodness and<br />

forgiveness to us. When Jesus talked to the woman caught in adultery,<br />

I think he was smiling when he told her, “Neither do I condemn you.” I<br />

think she felt his love because his smile was genuine and obvious. The<br />

grace of God reveals his glory and his nature. When we understand<br />

more about grace, we understand more about God’s heart. It<br />

changes us.<br />

We tend to make two mistakes regarding the grace of God: When<br />

things are going well, we don’t even think of God; but when things are<br />

going bad, we think it’s so bad that even God can’t fix things.<br />

In his tape series, “Disciplines of Grace,” Jerry Bridges says, “Your best<br />

days are not so good that you are be; yond the need of God’s grace,<br />

however, on your worst days, you’re not so bad that you are beyond<br />

the reach of God’s grace.”<br />


DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

The grace of God is at work in our lives from beginning to end.<br />

Even our desire to please God is a result of his grace working in our<br />

hearts. Our choices to obey are by the grace of God. The changes<br />

we experience and the ways God uses us to change others’ lives<br />

are by the incredible grace of God. No, the grace of God is not an<br />

ointment we dab on when we feel bad. It is the air we breathe in our<br />

relationship with Christ.<br />

As we soak up the grace of God, we gain three things:<br />

-We have hope and assurance that God forgives, God cares, and<br />

God provides. No sin is bigger than God’s grace, and no situation is<br />

too difficult for it.<br />

-We are full of thankfulness. Like the woman in John 8, we realize that<br />

we deserve condemnation, but we received kindness and love.<br />

-Our motives for obedience are clarified. Grace turns a teeth gritting,<br />

“do or die” attitude into a thankful, “do because he died” gratitude.<br />

We obey out of love, not because we’re afraid of him.<br />

By now you’ve been working through this book for a few weeks. You<br />

may have really struggled with some things you feel that God has told<br />

you to do. You may have disobeyed God, and you feel conviction.<br />

If that is the case, remember the grace Jesus showed to the woman<br />

caught in adultery. She blew it, too-big time! But Jesus spoke to her<br />

with kindness, gentleness, and forgiveness. He encouraged her to<br />

respond to his grace by doing better.<br />

Or in the past few weeks, you may have been faithful to do every<br />

exercise in this book and you’ve learned a lot. You’re so proud of<br />

yourself that you can’t wait to tell people how great you’re doing<br />

and the pearls of wisdom you’re learning every day! You need to<br />

remember the grace of God, too. You aren’t more acceptable to<br />

God because you’ve done your homework. You are acceptable<br />

only because Jesus Christ died to pay for your sins. Including the sin of<br />

pride.<br />

How are you responding to the darkness in your life? If you are down,<br />

remember God’s grace in his kindness and encouragement. Or<br />

maybe you are seeing wonderful changes God is making in your life.<br />

If you are doing great, remember that these changes are not your<br />

doing. They are the deep work of the goodness and power of God.<br />

Either way, his grace is truly amazing.<br />


DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

“Amazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me!<br />

I once was lost but now am found; Was blind but now I see. ‘Twas<br />

grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How<br />

precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed.<br />

-Be still. Listen to what God is saying to you.<br />

1. Describe the situation of the woman brought to Jesus in John 8:1-11.<br />

(Who, what, when, where, how, why?)<br />

2. What do you think she may have been thinking and feeling at the<br />

beginning? ... at the end?<br />

3. When have you felt the grace of God most strongly and clearly?<br />

Describe that time.<br />


DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

4. What do you typically believe about God’s grace on your worst<br />

days? on your best days?<br />

5. How can a deeper grasp of the grace of God give you: -hope and<br />

assurance?<br />

-gratitude? -clearer motives?<br />

6. Complete this prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to experience your grace<br />

much more because....<br />

7. Read John 8:1-11. Think about each verse, then use it as a guide as<br />

you pray.<br />


DAY <strong>23</strong>: DAILY GRACE<br />

Memorize: Say Psalm 116:1-2 aloud. How can you apply this passage<br />

of scripture today?<br />

Lord, today you are calling me to die to selfish desires by: ‘<br />

You are calling me to obey in these areas:<br />

You are calling me to intimacy with you by:<br />


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