
Stop-Torture-Report Stop-Torture-Report


Case Study 4: The Visit of David Cameron to Jaffna - 5 cases of torture connected to the protests in Jaffna. On 15th November 2013, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, visited Jaffna during the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM). His convoy was met by the families of the disappeared, pleading for his help in locating their loved ones. This is how one of the organisers later described it: When David Cameron came to Jaffna, we almost blocked the road and wanted him to look at our situation. Some ladies went to the car and tried to show him the photos of their missing children. The army removed us forcibly by pulling and pushing them off the road. Even women were dragged away and pushed down to the ground.” (Witness 77) Little did Mr. Cameron know at the time but several buses full of Tamils who wanted to see him were stopped by the security forces and turned back before they could get anywhere near the centre of Jaffna, like the bus on which this young man travelled: “I joined a group of people travelling by bus to join a demonstration about the issue of the disappeared Tamils in Sri Lanka. We all had a photograph of the missing people from our families. I had a picture of my XXX. The army boarded the bus and made the driver divert the route.” (Witness 41) The British Prime Minister’s visit was well covered by international journalists who accompanied him to Jaffna. The story made headline news that overshadowed the formal opening ceremony of the Commonwealth meeting in Colombo and caused further embarrassment to the Sri Lankan government. This was after the meeting in Colombo had already been boycotted by Canada because of concerns over human rights and several heads of state decided not 94

to attend the opening ceremony. The Sri Lankan security forces were quick to threaten the organisers and participants afterwards, as these witnesses testify: “I arranged the demonstrations during the visit of David Cameron to Jaffna during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November 2013 and that put me at risk. I was threatened by CID who telephoned me and said that I shouldn’t do things that damage the reputation of Sri Lanka.” (Witness 102) “About a week later the CID in civilian clothes and Army came to where we were living and told me that I was not to be involved in this kind of activity any more. They said if you do you know what will happen to you.” (Witness 77) “We arranged people to participate in the demonstrations when David Cameron visited Jaffna in 2013 November. After that I had visits from CID but I was not there as I was at work. The visits started maybe after a month. So then I started to feel frightened. I gave up the job and moved…They visited my home in XXX and asked for my contact details and whereabouts.” (Witness 117) “I was involved in the Cameron demonstrations in 2013 held by the families of disappeared. I also worked with the Tamil National Alliance and gathered the people in order to get the attention of the British Prime Minister by showing the photos of the disappeared. When we tried to do this we were stopped by CID and intelligence and threatened. They tried to disperse the crowd. The people still gathered and shouted when his vehicle passed. I was there and involved in organising the crowd along with my friends. I didn’t have immediate problems. My family advised me to keep a low profile as we heard the news of others involved being threatened and taken. Others were threatened and warned. My friend called XXX left the country because of these threats and he was involved in the Cameron demonstrations.” (Witness 122) 95

to attend the opening ceremony. The Sri Lankan security forces were quick to<br />

threaten the organisers and participants afterwards, as these witnesses testify:<br />

“I arranged the demonstrations during the visit of David Cameron to Jaffna<br />

during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November 2013<br />

and that put me at risk. I was threatened by CID who telephoned me and said<br />

that I shouldn’t do things that damage the reputation of Sri Lanka.”<br />

(Witness 102)<br />

“About a week later the CID in civilian clothes and Army came to where we<br />

were living and told me that I was not to be involved in this kind of activity any<br />

more. They said if you do you know what will happen to you.”<br />

(Witness 77)<br />

“We arranged people to participate in the demonstrations when David<br />

Cameron visited Jaffna in 2013 November. After that I had visits from CID but I<br />

was not there as I was at work. The visits started maybe after a month. So then<br />

I started to feel frightened. I gave up the job and moved…They visited my home<br />

in XXX and asked for my contact details and whereabouts.”<br />

(Witness 117)<br />

“I was involved in the Cameron demonstrations in 2013 held by the families of<br />

disappeared. I also worked with the Tamil National Alliance and gathered the<br />

people in order to get the attention of the British Prime Minister by showing the<br />

photos of the disappeared. When we tried to do this we were stopped by CID<br />

and intelligence and threatened. They tried to disperse the crowd. The people<br />

still gathered and shouted when his vehicle passed. I was there and involved in<br />

organising the crowd along with my friends. I didn’t have immediate problems.<br />

My family advised me to keep a low profile as we heard the news of others<br />

involved being threatened and taken. Others were threatened and warned. My<br />

friend called XXX left the country because of these threats and he was involved<br />

in the Cameron demonstrations.”<br />

(Witness 122)<br />


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