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forces in Sri Lanka, noting that it is not sufficient to screen individual officers<br />

when there is a large body of evidence of a pattern of widespread and<br />

systematic sexual abuse of detainees by members of the security forces and<br />

collusion amongst multiple branches of the forces at high levels within the<br />

Government of Sri Lanka.<br />

Fourth, we call upon international bodies such as OHCHR and ICRC not to offer<br />

the Sri Lankan government technical assistance on human rights without at<br />

the very least an effective monitoring mechanism, such as the appointment of<br />

a Special Rapporteur or a Special Envoy. Given the level of threat to witnesses,<br />

recommendations should take account of internationally accepted witness<br />

protection standards that would not only protect witnesses but also their<br />

families remaining in Sri Lanka.<br />

We call upon Member states having universal jurisdiction over torture, rape and<br />

sexual violence to initiate prosecutions against identified perpetrators who<br />

bear the greatest responsibility, taking note of the need for witness protection<br />

measures as set out above.<br />

Further Actions:<br />

National Governments:<br />

All decision makers within national asylum procedures should have careful<br />

regard, when seeking to evaluate risk on return to Sri Lanka in an individual<br />

application for asylum, reports produced by well-established NGO’s on the<br />

position of returnees and current UNHCR guidance on country conditions in Sri<br />

Lanka. Furthermore, it is imperative that all Sri Lankan asylum seekers should,<br />

prima facie, have access to full national asylum procedures. Given the concerns<br />

highlighted in this report about the treatment of detainees, asylum<br />

applications should proceed on the basis that they are well founded with the<br />

consequence that it is inappropriate to subject them to accelerated asylum<br />

procedures.<br />


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