Tips for Building a Data Science Capability




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across the talent life cycle, including identifying,<br />

acquiring, developing, motivating, and retaining<br />

talent. The model is designed to be comprehensive<br />

to provide the insight and tools needed to help<br />

organizations strategically manage talent and flexible<br />

in allowing an organization to select and focus on<br />

immediate talent needs, where appropriate. In short,<br />

the model is designed to be customized depending<br />

on current organizational talent realities.<br />

The Booz Allen data science Talent Management<br />

Model is not just a grab-and-go “toolkit.” Rather, it’s<br />

a set of comprehensive service offerings that allow<br />

clients to answer three key data science talent<br />

questions: Who do you need? Where do you need<br />

them? How do you keep and develop them? When<br />

Booz Allen created the Talent Management Model,<br />

we intentionally developed service offerings to help<br />

clients who are struggling to answer one or more<br />

of these key questions. Some of the foundational<br />

service offerings, such as the competency<br />

framework and position descriptions, are designed<br />

to be easily customized to an organization’s needs.<br />

Other offerings, such as work<strong>for</strong>ce modeling, needs<br />

assessments, and team building, entail greater<br />

engagement and partnership with clients. Depending<br />

on where an organization falls within the data<br />

science talent spectrum, the Talent Management<br />

Model will help in<strong>for</strong>m which offerings are<br />

most valuable <strong>for</strong> addressing its data science<br />

talent challenges.<br />

Implementing a Talent Management Model not<br />

only helps data scientists understand their role<br />

and career path within the organization; it helps<br />

organizations establish, manage, and retain<br />

their data science work<strong>for</strong>ce in a strategic and<br />

comprehensive manner.<br />



Recruiting and selecting the right talent is a critical<br />

component to building a robust data science work<strong>for</strong>ce<br />

within an organization but it is only a piece<br />

of the talent strategy. To enable data scientists to<br />

flourish and deliver on their promise to enhance<br />

organizational per<strong>for</strong>mance, organizations must<br />

consider the full Talent Management Model,<br />

including the amount and type of work to be<br />

per<strong>for</strong>med, the competencies and skills needed<br />

to per<strong>for</strong>m the work, and the development and<br />

retention strategies the organization can employ<br />

to support this kind of unique work<strong>for</strong>ce. By implementing<br />

a comprehensive Talent Management<br />

Model that addresses these critical components,<br />

organizations can achieve an engaged and<br />

successfully per<strong>for</strong>ming work<strong>for</strong>ce, while gaining<br />

maximum returns on their analytical investment.<br />

Everything You Need to Know About Managing Your <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Science</strong> Talent | 35

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