my Latex and Tex4ht cheat sheet

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org


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2.6 How to find what changed in TexLive?<br />

see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/156908/whats-new-on-tlmgr one good method is by egreg<br />

which is this comm<strong>and</strong> http://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/?sortby=date<br />

2.7 extracting selected pages from a pdf?<br />

To extract selected pages from a pdf into a separate pdf see http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tipextract-pages-pdf<br />

Use pdftk (free install on linux, use package manager). Here is an example<br />

pdftk A=<strong>my</strong>file.pdf cat A6-10 output result.pdf<br />

2.8 how to include files in <strong>Latex</strong><br />

see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/246/when-should-i-use-input-vs-include<br />

2.9 combining complete documents into one<br />

2.9.1 combining using manual sectioning<br />

Problem description: I have many st<strong>and</strong>alone <strong>Latex</strong> documents that I want to compile into documents on<br />

their own, but also I want to combine them into one main document <strong>and</strong> have the table of contents <strong>and</strong> other<br />

references work as if all documents were written as one file.<br />

Solution:<br />

Given this example layout<br />

home/main.tex<br />

home/folderA/a.tex<br />

Where main.tex <strong>and</strong> a.tex are self contained <strong>Latex</strong> files, each with its own title, table of contents <strong>and</strong> can<br />

include local resources such as images <strong>and</strong> listings.<br />

Add the package \usepackage{st<strong>and</strong>alone} in main.tex to strip all the preamble from the included latex<br />

files. Also add it to each child document, so that each child document can be compiled as st<strong>and</strong>alone as well.<br />

To use the above, make sure the master document at the top level includes all packages included by all the<br />

children.<br />

Setup main.tex<br />


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