my Latex and Tex4ht cheat sheet

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org


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\documentclass{article}<br />

\begin{document}<br />

\ScriptEnv{html}<br />

{\NoFonts\hfill\break}<br />

{\EndNoFonts}<br />

\begin{html}<br />

This is HTML head 2 <br />

more HTML code<br />

\end{html}<br />

\end{document}<br />

reference: http://tug.org/pipermail/tex4ht/2013q3/000823.html<br />

3.17 How to control page margins in html<br />

To control page margins in html, can do it in html or css.<br />

HTML method (add code the BODY tag of your web page source code):<br />

<br />

CSS method (add code to the BODY tag of your external style <strong>sheet</strong>):<br />

body {margin-top: 10px;<br />

margin-right: 10px;<br />

margin-bottom: 10px;<br />

margin-left: 10px;}<br />

To change margins in html output of htlatex, use the following .cfg file for htlatex<br />

\Preamble{html}<br />

\begin{document}<br />

\Css {body {margin-top: 10px;<br />

margin-right: 10px;<br />

margin-bottom: 10px;<br />

margin-left: 50px;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

\EndPreamble<br />

<strong>and</strong> then type htlatex foo.tex "foo.cfg"<br />

3.18 tex4ht <strong>and</strong> table of content issues<br />

see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44541/tex4ht-limit-toc<br />

I use this comm<strong>and</strong> to get table of content to be full in tex4ht<br />


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