my Latex and Tex4ht cheat sheet

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org


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2.43.4 reversing enumeration list<br />

Given enumeration list, where each item just uses one line, to reverse it:<br />

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex<br />

\documentclass{article}<br />

\usepackage{luacode}<br />

\usepackage{amsmath}<br />

%------------------------<br />

\begin{luacode*} -- copy the list here as is.<br />

data=[[\item 2001<br />

\item 2002<br />

\item 2003<br />

\item 2005 was a very good year<br />

\item 2006 was also a very good year<br />

\item 2007<br />

]]<br />

function string:split(sep) --http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin<br />

local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}<br />

local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)<br />

self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)<br />

return fields<br />

end<br />

function flip()<br />

lines = data:split("\n")<br />

tex.print("\\begin{enumerate}")<br />

for i=#lines,1,-1 do<br />

tex.print(lines[i])<br />

end<br />

tex.print("\\end{enumerate}")<br />

end<br />

\end{luacode*}<br />

\newcomm<strong>and</strong>\flip[0]{ \directlua{flip()}}%<br />

\begin{document}<br />

\flip{}<br />

\end{document}<br />

Another way is<br />


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