my Latex and Tex4ht cheat sheet

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org


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\documentclass[]{article}<br />

\usepackage{luacode}<br />

\begin{luacode*} -- CVS API thanks to http://nocurve.com/simple-csv-read-<strong>and</strong>-write-using-lua/<br />

local function split(str, sep)<br />

fields={}<br />

local matchfunc = string.gmatch(str, "([^"..sep.."]+)")<br />

if not matchfunc then return {str} end<br />

for str in matchfunc do<br />

table.insert(fields, str)<br />

end<br />

return fields<br />

end<br />

function read(path, sep, tonum)<br />

tonum = tonum or true<br />

sep = sep or ','<br />

local csvFile = {}<br />

local file = assert(io.open(path, "r"))<br />

for line in file:lines() do<br />

fields = split(line, sep)<br />

if tonum then -- convert numeric fields to numbers<br />

for i=1,#fields do<br />

fields[i] = tonumber(fields[i]) or fields[i]<br />

end<br />

end<br />

table.insert(csvFile, fields)<br />

end<br />

file:close()<br />

return csvFile<br />

end<br />

function getCVS(fileName)<br />

local m = read(fileName) -- read file csv1.txt to matrix m<br />

local nRow = #m<br />

local nCol = #m[1]<br />

tex.sprint("\\begin{tabular}{")<br />

for j=1,#m[1] do<br />

tex.sprint("|l")<br />

end<br />

tex.print("|}\\hline")<br />

for i = 1,nRow do<br />

for j = 1,nCol do<br />

tex.sprint(m[i][j])<br />

if j

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