my Latex and Tex4ht cheat sheet

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org

my Latex cheat sheet - 12000.org


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texdef -t latex input<br />

\input:<br />

macro:->\@ifnextchar \bgroup \@iinput \@@input<br />

><br />

>texdef -t latex pi<br />

\pi:<br />

\mathchar"119<br />

\the\pi:<br />

281<br />

>texdef -t latex frac<br />

\frac:<br />

macro:#1#2->{\begingroup #1\endgroup \over #2}<br />

2.27 wrapping text around figures<br />

see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56176/h<strong>and</strong>ling-of-wrapfig-pictures-in-latex <strong>and</strong> http:<br />

//texblog.org/tag/wrapfigure/ also there is wraptable see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/<br />

49300/wrap-text-around-a-tabular<br />

From the first link:<br />

\documentclass{article}<br />

\usepackage{wrapfig}<br />

\usepackage{lipsum}<br />

\begin{document}<br />

\lipsum[1-4]<br />

\begin{wrapfigure}{R}{5cm}<br />

\centering<br />

\rule{3cm}{7cm}<br />

\end{wrapfigure}<br />

\lipsum[1-6]<br />

\end{document}<br />

2.28 what tex editors to use?<br />

list of some I tried<br />

1. Texmaker (shows structure of document on left panel. Ok, but it gets confused with \Verbatim that<br />

has also <strong>Latex</strong> code in it, it think it is part of the document <strong>and</strong> shows it in the structure of the actual<br />

document as well.<br />

2. texworks<br />

3. Kyle on Linux (nice)<br />


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