Alternate Procedure / Data Page / Pre-Lab

Alternate Procedure / Data Page / Pre-Lab

Alternate Procedure / Data Page / Pre-Lab


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<strong>Procedure</strong> and <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Page</strong> for CHM 2045-L Experiment #24:<br />

Molar Mass of an Unknown Acid<br />

This procedure replaces the procedures shown on pages 192 & 193 in your lab manual; the data page<br />

replaces the data page 195 & 196 in your manual. There is also an advanced study assignment at the<br />

end of this document which replaces the advanced study assignment on page 197 in your lab manual.<br />

<strong>Pre</strong>pare for the experiment by reading the “Volume” section Appendix IV in your lab manual if<br />

you are unfamiliar with the procedure of titration; this explains how to use and properly read a burette.<br />

You will be expected to understand how to use a burette and how to perform a titration before<br />

beginning this lab.<br />

Part A: Standardization of the NaOH solution<br />

The purpose of this part of the experiment is to determine the precise concentration of the<br />

NaOH solution that you will use for part B; the process of determining a precise concentration for a<br />

solution is called standardization.<br />

Clean a burette by rinsing it with water, using first tap water and then a final rinse with distilled<br />

or de-ionized water. Draw about 75 mL of NaOH from the container provided in the lab into a clean, dry<br />

container – 75 mL should be enough for the entire experiment -- please do not take more than you<br />

need! Rinse the clean burette with a few mL of the NaOH solution; remember to allow a few mL of<br />

NaOH to run through the tip of the burette to rinse it also. Discard this rinse. Now fill the burette to<br />

approximately the top mark and record the initial burette reading. (Remember that the correct<br />

precision for burette reading is two places past the decimal).<br />

Your instructor will provide a burette containing standardized HCl at the front desk of the lab.<br />

Bring two clean 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks to the front desk; they don’t necessarily have to be dry, but<br />

make sure there is no tap water in either flask. Record the initial burette reading before dispensing your<br />

HCl sample, then dispense approximately 20 mL of HCl into your first flask. Record the final burette<br />

reading. Repeat this procedure for the second flask; each flask should now contain about 20 mL of the<br />

HCl solution. One of these will be for trial 1 and the other will be for trial 2 – don’t get them mixed up!<br />

Make sure you record the precise quantity of HCl used (from your final and initial burette readings); also<br />

record the provided concentration of the HCl solution. Add 2 or 3 drops of phenolphthalein solution. At<br />

your desk, place a white piece of paper under the first flask to aid in the detection of any color change.<br />

Begin the titration by slowly and carefully adding NaOH from the burette at your desk to the<br />

Erlenmeyer flask containing the HCl solution. Notice that a pink color will briefly appear, and then<br />

rapidly disappear as you add the NaOH solution. Keep a close eye on this color change, as it will aid you<br />

in determining when you are close to the endpoint. Swirl the flask gently and continuously as you add<br />

the NaOH. When the pink color begins to last longer (2 or 3 seconds) before fading, you are getting<br />

close to the endpoint, and you want to be very careful not to go past the endpoint; you should add the<br />

NaOH drop-by-drop. The endpoint of the titration is the point at which the solution turns pink and<br />

remains that color; you should stop immediately at the endpoint. If you go past the endpoint, even by a<br />

few drops, you results will be affected. Swirl the flask for a few seconds to ensure that the pink color<br />

does not fade. Once the endpoint is reached, record the final burette reading for your NaOH burette.<br />

Note: there is no way to tell by looking at the solution how far past the endpoint you went. A<br />

solution looks just the same if you go 2 drops past as if you go 200 drops past the endpoint! Your<br />

instructor is not going to be able to ascertain by looking at your solution if you went too far past the<br />

endpoint... the ONLY way to make sure you stop precisely at the endpoint is by working slowly and<br />

carefully, and stopping immediately when the solution turns pink.<br />


Repeat the titration with your second HCl sample.<br />

Using equation 3 below, calculate the molarity of your base solution, M OH - , for each trial. Use<br />

the average value of this molarity for your calculations in Part B.<br />

Part B: Determination of the Molar Mass of an Acid<br />

Obtain two clean, dry 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and a sample of unknown acid. Into each flask,<br />

measure about 0.25 grams of the acid. Be careful with this measurement! If you start with too much<br />

acid, then your titration may require more than 50 mL of NaOH, and you will have to refill your burette<br />

during the titration (this will complicate your procedure and data collection).<br />

To the first flask, add 50 mL of distilled water and 2 or 3 drops of phenolphthalein solution.<br />

Swirl for a few minutes to dissolve the acid. The acid may not dissolve completely, but don’t worry<br />

because it will dissolve as you proceed with the titration.<br />

Refill your NaOH burette before beginning; some of these unknowns may require almost a<br />

complete burette to reach the endpoint. Record the initial volume of a NaOH before beginning. Titrate<br />

the acid solution as you did in part A, working slowly and carefully and stopping immediately when the<br />

solution turns pink. Record the final reading on the NaOH burette at the endpoint.<br />

Refill your NaOH burette and repeat the titration for the second sample of the unknown acid.<br />

Calculations:<br />

for Part A, you need to calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution. You have been provided with the<br />

molarity of the acid M acid , and you measured in the experiment the volumes of HCl and NaOH (V acid and<br />

V base ).<br />

moles of HCl = moles of NaOH added during titration<br />

Because the moles of each substance is equal to the Molarity x Volume, this equation can also be<br />

expressed:<br />

M acid x V acid = M base x V base (equation 3)<br />

(Notice that this is the same as Equation 3 in your lab manual). You know M acid , V acid , and M acid , so you<br />

can solve for M base . Use the average value from your two trials to complete the calculations in part B.<br />

For Part B, you must remember that the acid unknown and the NaOH react in a 1:1 molar ratio.<br />

Therefore the number of moles of acid in your unknown are equal to the number of moles of NaOH that<br />

you added during the titration. The moles of NaOH can be calculated from the volume of NaOH used (in<br />

LITERS!) and the molarity of the NaOH (which you calculated in Part A):<br />

moles of acid in unknown = moles of NaOH added during titration = M x V<br />

Remember to convert your volumes to Liters for this calculation! Once you know how many moles of<br />

acid were in your unknown, you can determine the molar mass of the acid by the ratio of grams to<br />

moles:<br />

grams of unknown<br />

MM =<br />

moles of acid in unknown<br />


<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Page</strong><br />

Name __________________________________________________________<br />

Part A - Standardization of NaOH solution<br />

Molarity of standardized HCl (provided by your instructor): ________________________________ M<br />

Trial 1 Trial 2<br />

Initial Reading, HCl burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Final Reading HCl burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Initial Reading, NaOH burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Final Reading, NaOH burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Part B - Determination of Molar Mass of an Unknown Acid<br />

Unknown number<br />

Mass of sample 1<br />

Mass of sample 2<br />

__________<br />

____________ grams<br />

____________ grams<br />

Trial 1 Trial 2<br />

Initial Reading, NaOH burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Final Reading, NaOH burette ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />


Calculations<br />

Name __________________________________________________________<br />

Part A - Standardization of NaOH solution<br />

Trial 1 Trial 2<br />

Total volume HCl ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Total volume NaOH ____________ mL _____________ mL<br />

Trial 1 Trial 2<br />

Molarity of NaOH ____________ M _____________ M<br />

(use equation 3)<br />

Average Molarity<br />

_____________ M<br />

Part B - Determination of Molar Mass of an Unknown Acid<br />

Trial 1 Trial 2<br />

Mass of sample __________ grams __________ grams<br />

Volume of NaOH used __________ mL __________ mL<br />

Moles of NaOH used __________ moles __________ moles<br />

(this is also the moles of acid in the unknown)<br />

Molar Mass of acid __________ g/mole __________ g/mole<br />

Average Molar Mass<br />

Unknown number<br />

__________ g/mole<br />

__________<br />


Advance Study Assignment Molar Mass of an Acid - CHM 2045<br />

CHM 2045-L<br />

Name _____________________________________________________________________________<br />

note: This advance study replaces the one on page 197 in your lab manual. You don’t have to do both<br />

of them!<br />

1. 7.0 mL of 6.0 M NaOH solution are diluted by adding water until the total volume is 400. mL. You are<br />

asked to find the molarity of the resulting solution.<br />

a. First find out how many moles of NaOH there are in 7.0 mL of 6.0 M NaOH, using Equation 1<br />

in the discussion in your lab manual. Note that the volume must be in Liters.<br />

_____________ moles NaOH<br />

b. Since the total number of moles of NaOH is not changed by adding water, the molarity after dilution<br />

can also be found using Equation 1, using the final volume of the solution. Calculate that final molarity.<br />

___________________ M NaOH<br />

2. In an acid/base titration, 22.13 mL of NaOH solution are needed to neutralize 24.65 mL of a 0.1094 M<br />

HCl solution. Calculate the molarity of the NaOH, using Equation 3 in the discussion section of your lab<br />

manual:<br />

_____________________ M NaOH<br />

3. A 0.2678 gram sample of an unknown acid requires 27.21 mL of 0.1164 M NaOH for neutralization to<br />

the phenolphthalein endpoint. The unknown acid reacts with the NaOH in a 1:1 molar ratio.<br />

a. How many moles of NaOH were used in the titration?<br />

____________________ moles NaOH<br />

b. How many moles of acid were present in the unknown sample?<br />

____________________ moles acid<br />

c. What is the molar mass of the acid (use Eq. 4 in your lab manual)?<br />

______________________ grams/mole<br />


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