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6.7. Proposed Amendments to the Act<br />

The Department is in the process of introducing the<br />

Communal Property Associations Amendment Bill 2015 to<br />

effect technical and substantive changes to the principal Act.<br />

Amongst other things the amendments will for the first time<br />

create dedicated capacity to enable the Department to<br />

adequately ensure that CPAs comply with their legislative and<br />

constitutional obligations and to manage all aspects relating<br />

to its oversight role. This will be done through the<br />

establishment of CPA Office and the appointment of the<br />

Registrar of CPAs and the Deputy Registrars in provinces.<br />

Through these amendments the members of CPAs will<br />

through legislation be able to have institutionalised use rights<br />

to their land.<br />

To forestall the possibility of untrustworthy individuals<br />

occupying leadership positions in CPAs, there will be<br />

categories of persons that are prohibited from occupying any<br />

elected office in a CPA. Provisions will be included in the CPA<br />

Amendment Bill where people who have been found guilty of<br />

some offenses will not be eligible to stand for elections.<br />

Provisions enabling the registration of Provisional CPAs will be<br />

repealed. There registration of Provisional CPAs and<br />

subsequent transfers of land to those entities has created<br />

administrative challenges for the Department when land has<br />

to be further transferred to permanent CPAs.<br />

The value of land, agricultural assets and other potential business<br />

activities present unique opportunities for CPAs to contribute to<br />

the GDP of this country.<br />

The Bill will ensure that everything is done to create the right<br />

operational environment through support and enforcement<br />

mechanisms in legislation and through properly capacitated<br />

support structures.<br />

The following insertion will be made to the CPA Amendment Bill<br />

in order to give effect to the Wagon Wheel:<br />

“2A In respect of land or property contemplated in Section 2:<br />

(a) the Department shall have a general plan for such property<br />

prepared and approved in terms of the Land Survey Act, 1997<br />

(Act No. 8 of 1997);<br />

(b) the general plan contemplated in paragraph (a) shall outline<br />

portions of the property:<br />

(i) to be used for commercial, business, industrial, investment<br />

and related purposes; and, or<br />

(ii) to which all members of the community will have access;<br />

and<br />

(iii) to be allocated to individual households; and or<br />

(c) the portions allocated to individual households shall be<br />

registered in terms of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47<br />

of 1937).”<br />


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