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What It’s Like To Be<br />

In LCA 1<br />

My first day in LCA was at the start of September,<br />

I was so nervous, my hands and<br />

legs shaking, I was exited though, but<br />

mostly I was just scared that I wouldn’t get<br />

a place, and that they might not like me.<br />

When they introduced themselves, I was<br />

thinking ,…… “ Why was I scared” , I didn’t<br />

know why I was before, because they were<br />

so nice and acceptable , that I almost felt<br />

guilty for being scared of them.<br />

Being in LCA is a lot different, from school;<br />

it’s something new to me, very new actually.<br />

Even though there are some subjects<br />

that are same just like in school such as<br />

Maths and English, it’s still a lot more different<br />

than school and I really like it so far.<br />

So far my favourite subject is ICT, because I<br />

didn’t have a class on computers ,<br />

Here in LCA students and teachers are<br />

treated the same which in my opinion is<br />

awesome, the best thing is that we call<br />

teachers by their name, I really like it, but<br />

sometimes I do get mixed up and call a<br />

teacher Mrs, she laughed at me haha . I<br />

feel really appreciated, part of the group,<br />

and mostly good. I don’t have a favourite<br />

teacher, because all of them are nice and<br />

amazing, and so helpful.<br />

I got to know the LCA 2’s and I get along<br />

with all of them. They’re really welcoming,<br />

helpful and friendly. I think we’ll all just get<br />

along great if we keep going and getting on<br />

the way we are. So yeah so far I’m in love<br />

with LCA and everything about it<br />

Tralee Youthreach<br />

Students Experiences Of the LCA<br />

Teambuilding Day<br />

By Shannon O’Shea<br />

During my first month of Leaving Cert<br />

Applied on Friday 18th of September, I<br />

attended a teambuilding day in An Riacht<br />

in Castleisland. There, we did a series<br />

of tasks to make us work as a team. The<br />

best task we did was the minefield game,<br />

in this game, there were two teams, each<br />

team had to draw out a minefield for the<br />

other team. Once it is made, they then<br />

had to try cross the minefield without<br />

standing on a bomb. Although most of<br />

the games were quite fun, I did not enjoy<br />

the blindfolded game. In this task you<br />

were required to collect a puzzle piece<br />

while blindfolded, I found this difficult<br />

as it was difficult for me to hear what my<br />

teammates were saying and it made me<br />

feel very uneasy as I am not comfortable<br />

enough yet. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed<br />

the day. I’m still adjusting to LCA but I felt<br />

more comfortable as the day went on<br />

and I’m glad I attended this day out.<br />

Work Experience<br />

By Hayden Whelan<br />

During July I worked with a delivery<br />

company named Nightline for my LCA<br />

work experience. My first day of work was<br />

hard. I had to get up at 6am and be at<br />

work by 7am. My boss would collect me at<br />

my home and drive me to work. When we<br />

got to the depo he gave me a crash course<br />

on what to do. We first took the packages<br />

off the palates and then put them in order<br />

respectively to where they were being<br />

delivered to. I found this hard cause my<br />

supervisor had a pattern that changed<br />

and I found it very hard to pick up on the<br />

pattern for the order where the packages<br />

go. Once the packages were in order they<br />

get d.i.p scan (package in depo). Once all<br />

packages were scanned, we then put the<br />

packages in the van in order of the delivery<br />

route. As the packages are put in the van<br />

they are given a v.o.p scan (package on<br />

van), these scans are made so both the<br />

manager and customers can keep track of<br />

delivery van.<br />

After the packages were loaded up, we<br />

start making deliveries. Before we delivered<br />

a package to a customer the package<br />

must be scanned again to say it is delivered.<br />

The day was long and I met a lot of<br />

people in my first week. After a while I was<br />

given the duty of making home deliveries.<br />

I would grab the package from the back<br />

of the van and go to the costumers house<br />

and get them the sign for it and given<br />

them the package.<br />

I did enjoy working there but the hours<br />

were tough but I did learn quite a lot<br />

while on the job. My people skills have<br />

improved quite a bit and my idea of what<br />

it is to work has improved.<br />

26<br />

Adriana Godlova

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