WGM#38 NOV/DEC 2015

The Macau gaming industry is synonymous with junkets. First started by none other than Stanley Ho in the 1960s, these junkets and the VIP gamblers they provide have played a vital role in Macau’s rise over the past decade. However, the recent downturn has changed the landscape in this unique part of the world with the junket business suffering more than any other and a number of VIP rooms being forced to close in Macau over the past 12 months. So what does the future hold? In this issue of WGM, we speak exclusively to the Chairman of one of Macau’s biggest junket operators Tak Chun Group, Mr Levo Chan, about the current gaming climate, his expectations for the coming years and why Tak Chun has expanded while other junkets have slowed right down. Poker fans will enjoy our lengthy and intriguing interview with World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament Director Jack Effel who explains just how much goes into organizing the world’s biggest tournament series each and every year as well as regaling us with some of his favorite stories from the past. We tackle the smoking debate as Macau’s legislators decide whether to allow smoking in specially designated smoking lounges or ban the habit altogether, while our responsible gambling series sees us visit one of Macau’s main problem gambling treatment centres. In sport, we look at Manchester United’s big gamble on teen star Anthony Martial as well as examining which of the world’s major sports would benefit most from cracking the lucrative Chinese market. And our resident party animal tells us all about one of Macau’s newest trendy nightspots – Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge. The Macau gaming industry is synonymous with junkets. First started by none other than Stanley Ho in the 1960s, these junkets and the VIP gamblers they provide have played a vital role in Macau’s rise over the past decade.

However, the recent downturn has changed the landscape in this unique part of the world with the junket business suffering more than any other and a number of VIP rooms being forced to close in Macau over the past 12 months. So what does the future hold? In this issue of WGM, we speak exclusively to the Chairman of one of Macau’s biggest junket operators Tak Chun Group, Mr Levo Chan, about the current gaming climate, his expectations for the coming years and why Tak Chun has expanded while other junkets have slowed right down.

Poker fans will enjoy our lengthy and intriguing interview with World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament Director Jack Effel who explains just how much goes into organizing the world’s biggest tournament series each and every year as well as regaling us with some of his favorite stories from the past.

We tackle the smoking debate as Macau’s legislators decide whether to allow smoking in specially designated smoking lounges or ban the habit altogether, while our responsible gambling series sees us visit one of Macau’s main problem gambling treatment centres.

In sport, we look at Manchester United’s big gamble on teen star Anthony Martial as well as examining which of the world’s major sports would benefit most from cracking the lucrative Chinese market.

And our resident party animal tells us all about one of Macau’s newest trendy nightspots – Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge.


问 题 面 对 面 TREATING THE PROBLEM 心 会 否 保 密 , 戒 赌 用 什 么 方 法 , 如 何 处 理 债 务 等 等 。 辅 导 员 会 鼓 励 他 们 到 中 心 面 谈 , 经 他 们 同 意 后 才 进 入 正 式 的 戒 赌 治 疗 。 BB: 标 准 治 疗 需 要 多 长 时 间 ? 治 疗 时 间 的 长 短 会 取 决 于 不 同 的 因 素 吗 ? 如 果 是 , 有 哪 些 因 素 ? BC: 康 复 情 况 因 人 而 异 , 故 没 有 标 准 治 疗 时 间 。 时 间 之 长 短 要 视 乎 求 助 者 的 赌 瘾 深 浅 程 度 、 戒 赌 动 机 、 债 务 大 小 、 支 援 网 络 ( 如 家 人 ) 的 支 持 度 等 。 举 个 例 子 , 如 果 求 助 者 没 有 戒 赌 动 机 , 可 能 只 来 一 两 次 面 谈 之 后 就 拒 绝 接 受 治 疗 , 他 们 希 望 有 速 食 方 法 戒 赌 及 还 债 。 又 比 如 , 求 助 者 赌 博 问 题 较 复 杂 , 可 能 同 时 患 有 情 绪 病 , 或 者 正 面 临 婚 姻 危 机 等 , 戒 赌 过 程 则 会 变 得 更 反 复 , 也 许 会 花 长 达 一 至 几 年 时 间 维 持 稳 定 。 而 经 验 上 , 即 使 一 个 人 能 维 持 半 年 以 上 不 再 翻 赌 , 也 可 能 因 一 件 小 事 或 赌 场 开 幕 而 重 新 跌 倒 。 这 正 是 因 为 澳 门 诱 惑 太 多 , 而 一 个 曾 染 上 赌 瘾 的 人 , 是 没 有 免 疫 力 可 言 的 。 BB: 可 以 为 我 们 介 绍 一 下 因 赌 博 问 题 来 您 这 里 就 诊 时 的 治 疗 过 程 吗 ? BC: 常 见 的 辅 导 历 程 一 般 会 有 以 下 几 个 目 标 及 内 容 : • 评 估 「 赌 博 失 调 」 的 程 度 • 透 过 债 务 重 组 或 构 思 还 债 计 划 , 减 轻 债 务 压 力 • 长 远 协 助 重 建 新 的 赌 博 及 金 钱 价 值 观 • 澄 清 及 找 到 问 题 症 结 , 是 较 深 层 次 的 辅 导 , 如 婚 姻 问 题 、 个 人 成 长 伤 害 等 , 影 响 赌 徒 较 易 依 赖 赌 博 逃 避 问 题 • 减 低 翻 赌 危 机 , 学 习 减 压 方 法 或 提 升 解 难 能 力 , 及 早 识 别 容 易 引 致 翻 赌 的 危 机 事 项 • 修 补 与 家 人 关 系 , 建 立 新 的 社 交 和 生 活 模 式 BB: 治 疗 的 成 功 率 如 何 ? BC: 正 如 之 前 所 述 , 在 澳 门 , 参 与 赌 博 的 便 利 度 是 戒 赌 最 大 的 挑 战 , 故 此 戒 赌 的 历 程 较 长 及 反 复 , 难 以 有 统 一 标 准 。 香 港 以 半 年 为 观 察 期 , 若 没 有 再 翻 赌 便 被 视 作 成 功 个 案 。 但 在 澳 门 , 十 个 求 助 者 中 , 可 能 只 有 三 至 四 位 能 持 守 半 年 以 上 , 其 他 则 要 不 断 经 历 翻 赌 及 再 停 赌 的 循 环 , 直 至 成 功 ! BB: 可 以 分 享 一 些 具 体 的 成 功 案 例 吗 ? BC: 当 然 。 有 位 赌 龄 十 多 年 的 男 性 赌 徒 , 因 赌 博 而 导 致 家 庭 不 和 , 且 终 日 处 在 欠 债 还 债 的 循 环 中 。 后 来 妻 子 决 定 离 婚 , 父 兼 母 职 的 他 , 最 揪 心 的 痛 , 莫 过 于 整 个 家 散 了 , 子 女 因 父 母 离 婚 而 被 迫 分 离 , 全 因 自 己 的 过 错 而 祸 延 下 一 代 。 他 接 受 戒 赌 辅 导 三 年 有 余 , 其 间 虽 然 经 常 翻 赌 , 但 他 不 断 反 省 和 认 识 自 己 , 后 来 认 清 了 赌 博 难 以 翻 身 的 事 实 , 价 值 观 及 生 活 模 式 也 逐 渐 出 现 正 向 转 变 。 今 天 的 他 已 经 停 赌 一 段 时 间 , 而 子 女 正 是 他 转 变 的 最 大 动 力 。 有 位 女 性 赌 徒 因 赌 博 成 瘾 状 况 严 重 , 触 犯 法 例 而 被 判 入 狱 。 家 人 由 于 难 以 原 谅 她 造 成 的 伤 害 , 故 入 狱 期 间 完 全 没 有 探 视 。 她 在 狱 中 度 过 孤 单 漫 长 的 日 子 , 不 断 自 责 反 思 , 直 至 刑 满 出 狱 后 , 丈 夫 的 原 谅 及 对 她 的 爱 , 令 她 醒 悟 过 来 , 决 定 接 受 戒 赌 辅 导 。 而 回 顾 她 的 人 生 , 当 初 赌 博 的 原 因 , 正 是 由 于 怀 疑 丈 夫 有 外 遇 而 借 以 发 泄 不 开 心 及 愤 怒 情 绪 , 及 至 成 瘾 已 难 以 根 除 。 出 狱 后 , 丈 夫 的 爱 令 她 释 除 怀 疑 , 而 辅 导 过 程 也 协 助 她 重 建 对 丈 夫 的 信 任 , 减 低 了 日 后 翻 赌 的 危 机 。 不 过 也 有 很 多 糟 糕 的 例 子 , 最 深 刻 的 是 那 些 赌 瘾 甚 深 的 个 案 。 由 于 长 期 对 亲 友 造 成 很 大 伤 害 , 因 此 求 助 时 已 经 众 叛 亲 离 , 孑 然 一 身 地 居 住 在 露 宿 者 中 心 。 加 之 文 化 程 度 较 低 , 收 入 难 以 抵 销 债 项 及 生 活 开 支 , 可 以 想 像 其 潦 倒 及 孤 寂 的 处 境 , 在 他 们 眼 中 彷 彿 只 看 到 绝 望 和 无 尽 的 悔 恨 。 故 此 , 这 类 人 也 很 难 有 动 力 长 远 戒 赌 , 因 为 68

问 题 面 对 面 TREATING THE PROBLEM BC: Most callers get to know our treatment centre through publications or the introduction of institutions. They will first call the gambling hotline, asking tentative questions about whether it is confidential, what methods we use, how to deal with debt and so on. The instructor will encourage them to come in for an interview although formal treatment won’t start until they agree. BB: How long does a standard treatment take and does the length of time differ based on different factors? If so, what are those factors? BC: The rehabilitation situation varies. There is no standard treatment time. The length of treatment time depends on the extent of the patient’s gambling addiction, motivation, the extent of debt, the level of network support such as family and so on. For example, if the caller isn’t motivated he might only come in for interviews once or twice then refuse treatment – they want instant treatment to quit gambling and repay their debt. Another example is that some callers have very complicated gambling issues such as suffering from a mood disorder or facing a marital crisis. In this case the process will become more volatile and may take up to several years to maintain stability. Even if they can stop gambling for over six months, from experience they may fall back into old habits due to a minor thing or even just a casino opening. This is because there is too much temptation in Macau and for those who once had a gambling addiction problem, there is no immunity. BB: Can you run us through and explain the process of treating someone who has a gambling problem and comes to you for treatment? BC: The common counseling process usually has the following objectives and content: • Evaluate the degree of “gambling disorder” • Reduce the burden of debt through debt restructuring or a repayment plan • Assist in the reconstruction of new values of gambling and money in the long term • Clarify and find the crux of the problem. It is a deeper level of counseling, such as marriage issues or personal growth damage which makes the gambler rely on gambling to avoid the issue. • Reduce the chance of relapse; learn decompression methods or enhance problem-solving ability; early identification of the crisis events that easily cause relapse. • Repair the relationship with family and build a new social and life mode BB: What sort of success rate do you have? BC: As I mentioned before, the easy accessibility of gambling in Macau is the biggest challenge to quitting gambling so it takes a long time and relapse happens. It is difficult to use a unified standard. In Hong Kong they use six months as the observation period. It is considered a successful case if there is no relapse in six months. But in Macau, out of 10 callers maybe only three or four of them will stay away from gambling for more than six months. The rest will have to experience a few cycles before they succeed! BB: Do you have any specific examples of success stories you can tell us about? BC: Sure. There is a male gambler who has gambled for over 10 years. Gambling caused disharmony in his family and the family has been in a constant cycle of debt repayment. His wife eventually wanted a divorce so he was forced to act as both father and mother of his children. The most gripping pain for him was seeing a scattered family as a result – the negative impact on the next generation was all his fault. He attended gambling counseling for more than three years and relapse happened often during that time but he constantly reflected on his own and recognized the fact that gambling is a path of no return. Once he did that, positive changes started to appear in his values and lifestyle. He has now stopped gambling for a period of time and his children have served as the motivation for his transformation. There is also a female gambler that springs to mind. Due to the seriousness of her gambling addiction, she broke the law and was sent to jail. Her family wasn’t willing to forgive her for the damage she caused and didn’t visit her at all while she was in prison. She suffered through some long and lonely days there but also spent time reflecting on her mistake. When she was released, her husband’s forgiveness and love convinced her to accept gambling counseling. It was while recalling her life during counseling that she realized the cause of her gambling issue was that she suspected her husband of having an affair. Gambling was her way of releasing her anger and unhappiness but eventually became an addiction. After being released from prison, her husband’s love finally eliminated her doubts and the counseling process helped her rebuild trust in her husband, which also reduced the chance of relapse in the future. But there are a lot of very bad cases. The most profound are those with very deep gambling addictions. Because of the harm they’ve caused to their family and friends over a long period, by the time they seek help they’ve already been deserted by them and live alone in homeless centers. Their level of education is often low and their income isn’t enough to offset their debts and living expenses. You can imagine their frustration and loneliness. You only see despair and endless regret in their eyes. It is very difficult for this kind of gambler to find the motivation to quit gambling in the long run because their life has lost focus. Their situation might best be described in a Chinese idiom as “dreaming their life away!” BB: You must see some very desperate people in some very unfortunate situations as a result of their gambling. BC: Yes! From the angle of addiction behavior, it is very difficult for someone to quit a habit or material that they’ve been dependent on 69

问 题 面 对 面 TREATING THE PROBLEM<br />

BC: Most callers get to know our treatment<br />

centre through publications or the introduction<br />

of institutions. They will first call the gambling<br />

hotline, asking tentative questions about<br />

whether it is confidential, what methods we<br />

use, how to deal with debt and so on. The<br />

instructor will encourage them to come in for<br />

an interview although formal treatment won’t<br />

start until they agree.<br />

BB: How long does a standard treatment take<br />

and does the length of time differ based on<br />

different factors? If so, what are those factors?<br />

BC: The rehabilitation situation varies. There<br />

is no standard treatment time. The length of<br />

treatment time depends on the extent of the<br />

patient’s gambling addiction, motivation, the<br />

extent of debt, the level of network support<br />

such as family and so on. For example, if the<br />

caller isn’t motivated he might only come in for<br />

interviews once or twice then refuse treatment<br />

– they want instant treatment to quit gambling<br />

and repay their debt. Another example is that<br />

some callers have very complicated gambling<br />

issues such as suffering from a mood disorder<br />

or facing a marital crisis. In this case the process<br />

will become more volatile and may take up to<br />

several years to maintain stability. Even if they<br />

can stop gambling for over six months, from<br />

experience they may fall back into old habits due<br />

to a minor thing or even just a casino opening.<br />

This is because there is too much temptation in<br />

Macau and for those who once had a gambling<br />

addiction problem, there is no immunity.<br />

BB: Can you run us through and explain<br />

the process of treating someone who has<br />

a gambling problem and comes to you for<br />

treatment?<br />

BC: The common counseling process usually<br />

has the following objectives and content:<br />

• Evaluate the degree of “gambling disorder”<br />

• Reduce the burden of debt through debt<br />

restructuring or a repayment plan<br />

• Assist in the reconstruction of new values<br />

of gambling and money in the long term<br />

• Clarify and find the crux of the problem.<br />

It is a deeper level of counseling, such<br />

as marriage issues or personal growth<br />

damage which makes the gambler rely on<br />

gambling to avoid the issue.<br />

• Reduce the chance of relapse; learn<br />

decompression methods or enhance<br />

problem-solving ability; early identification<br />

of the crisis events that easily cause relapse.<br />

• Repair the relationship with family and<br />

build a new social and life mode<br />

BB: What sort of success rate do you have?<br />

BC: As I mentioned before, the easy accessibility<br />

of gambling in Macau is the biggest challenge<br />

to quitting gambling so it takes a long time and<br />

relapse happens. It is difficult to use a unified<br />

standard. In Hong Kong they use six months<br />

as the observation period. It is considered<br />

a successful case if there is no relapse in six<br />

months. But in Macau, out of 10 callers maybe<br />

only three or four of them will stay away from<br />

gambling for more than six months. The rest<br />

will have to experience a few cycles before<br />

they succeed!<br />

BB: Do you have any specific examples of<br />

success stories you can tell us about?<br />

BC: Sure. There is a male gambler who has<br />

gambled for over 10 years. Gambling caused<br />

disharmony in his family and the family has<br />

been in a constant cycle of debt repayment.<br />

His wife eventually wanted a divorce so he<br />

was forced to act as both father and mother<br />

of his children. The most gripping pain for him<br />

was seeing a scattered family as a result – the<br />

negative impact on the next generation was all<br />

his fault. He attended gambling counseling for<br />

more than three years and relapse happened<br />

often during that time but he constantly<br />

reflected on his own and recognized the<br />

fact that gambling is a path of no return.<br />

Once he did that, positive changes started to<br />

appear in his values and lifestyle. He has now<br />

stopped gambling for a period of time and his<br />

children have served as the motivation for his<br />

transformation.<br />

There is also a female gambler that<br />

springs to mind. Due to the seriousness of her<br />

gambling addiction, she broke the law and was<br />

sent to jail. Her family wasn’t willing to forgive<br />

her for the damage she caused and didn’t visit<br />

her at all while she was in prison. She suffered<br />

through some long and lonely days there but<br />

also spent time reflecting on her mistake. When<br />

she was released, her husband’s forgiveness<br />

and love convinced her to accept gambling<br />

counseling. It was while recalling her life during<br />

counseling that she realized the cause of her<br />

gambling issue was that she suspected her<br />

husband of having an affair. Gambling was her<br />

way of releasing her anger and unhappiness<br />

but eventually became an addiction. After<br />

being released from prison, her husband’s<br />

love finally eliminated her doubts and the<br />

counseling process helped her rebuild trust in<br />

her husband, which also reduced the chance of<br />

relapse in the future.<br />

But there are a lot of very bad cases.<br />

The most profound are those with very deep<br />

gambling addictions. Because of the harm<br />

they’ve caused to their family and friends over a<br />

long period, by the time they seek help they’ve<br />

already been deserted by them and live alone<br />

in homeless centers. Their level of education<br />

is often low and their income isn’t enough to<br />

offset their debts and living expenses. You can<br />

imagine their frustration and loneliness. You<br />

only see despair and endless regret in their<br />

eyes. It is very difficult for this kind of gambler<br />

to find the motivation to quit gambling in the<br />

long run because their life has lost focus. Their<br />

situation might best be described in a Chinese<br />

idiom as “dreaming their life away!”<br />

BB: You must see some very desperate people<br />

in some very unfortunate situations as a result<br />

of their gambling.<br />

BC: Yes! From the angle of addiction behavior,<br />

it is very difficult for someone to quit a habit<br />

or material that they’ve been dependent on<br />


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