WGM#38 NOV/DEC 2015

The Macau gaming industry is synonymous with junkets. First started by none other than Stanley Ho in the 1960s, these junkets and the VIP gamblers they provide have played a vital role in Macau’s rise over the past decade. However, the recent downturn has changed the landscape in this unique part of the world with the junket business suffering more than any other and a number of VIP rooms being forced to close in Macau over the past 12 months. So what does the future hold? In this issue of WGM, we speak exclusively to the Chairman of one of Macau’s biggest junket operators Tak Chun Group, Mr Levo Chan, about the current gaming climate, his expectations for the coming years and why Tak Chun has expanded while other junkets have slowed right down. Poker fans will enjoy our lengthy and intriguing interview with World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament Director Jack Effel who explains just how much goes into organizing the world’s biggest tournament series each and every year as well as regaling us with some of his favorite stories from the past. We tackle the smoking debate as Macau’s legislators decide whether to allow smoking in specially designated smoking lounges or ban the habit altogether, while our responsible gambling series sees us visit one of Macau’s main problem gambling treatment centres. In sport, we look at Manchester United’s big gamble on teen star Anthony Martial as well as examining which of the world’s major sports would benefit most from cracking the lucrative Chinese market. And our resident party animal tells us all about one of Macau’s newest trendy nightspots – Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge. The Macau gaming industry is synonymous with junkets. First started by none other than Stanley Ho in the 1960s, these junkets and the VIP gamblers they provide have played a vital role in Macau’s rise over the past decade.

However, the recent downturn has changed the landscape in this unique part of the world with the junket business suffering more than any other and a number of VIP rooms being forced to close in Macau over the past 12 months. So what does the future hold? In this issue of WGM, we speak exclusively to the Chairman of one of Macau’s biggest junket operators Tak Chun Group, Mr Levo Chan, about the current gaming climate, his expectations for the coming years and why Tak Chun has expanded while other junkets have slowed right down.

Poker fans will enjoy our lengthy and intriguing interview with World Series of Poker (WSOP) Tournament Director Jack Effel who explains just how much goes into organizing the world’s biggest tournament series each and every year as well as regaling us with some of his favorite stories from the past.

We tackle the smoking debate as Macau’s legislators decide whether to allow smoking in specially designated smoking lounges or ban the habit altogether, while our responsible gambling series sees us visit one of Macau’s main problem gambling treatment centres.

In sport, we look at Manchester United’s big gamble on teen star Anthony Martial as well as examining which of the world’s major sports would benefit most from cracking the lucrative Chinese market.

And our resident party animal tells us all about one of Macau’s newest trendy nightspots – Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge.


杰 克 的 扑 克 旅 程 The house that Jack built 58 是 , 在 线 扑 克 是 一 个 了 解 游 戏 的 有 利 工 具 , 对 于 已 经 成 为 游 戏 爱 好 者 的 人 来 说 , 也 是 件 好 事 。 在 线 扑 克 基 本 上 是 一 个 在 线 课 程 , 可 以 培 养 新 玩 家 , 希 望 他 们 最 终 可 以 来 WSOP 参 赛 。 这 是 他 们 改 进 技 能 的 途 径 之 一 。 怎 样 才 能 登 上 卡 耐 基 音 乐 厅 ? 练 习 , 练 习 , 再 练 习 。 在 线 扑 克 让 玩 家 得 以 打 磨 技 艺 , 了 解 数 学 原 理 , 累 积 本 金 等 等 。 人 们 听 到 的 有 关 在 线 扑 克 的 负 面 影 响 远 远 少 于 它 的 好 处 , 它 对 这 个 游 戏 的 未 来 是 至 关 重 要 的 。 有 关 扑 克 的 一 个 事 实 是 , 不 是 每 个 人 都 是 赢 家 。 常 规 体 育 项 目 亦 是 如 此 , 有 赢 有 输 , 股 市 也 一 样 , 扑 克 亦 不 例 外 。 在 线 扑 克 对 这 个 游 戏 的 发 展 和 演 变 是 很 关 键 的 。 BB: 玩 家 人 数 显 然 依 旧 是 美 国 扑 克 网 站 的 一 个 难 题 , 只 要 这 个 国 家 大 部 分 地 区 还 没 有 解 禁 。 您 对 于 目 前 为 止 WSOP. com 上 的 玩 家 人 数 怎 么 看 ? JE: 今 年 , 我 们 首 次 推 出 一 场 在 线 金 手 链 赛 事 , 吸 引 了 905 人 参 加 , 很 棒 的 数 字 。 考 虑 到 所 有 玩 家 都 是 来 自 本 州 , 人 数 方 面 并 不 糟 糕 。 我 还 没 有 仔 细 追 踪 今 年 夏 天 的 情 况 , 但 我 知 道 有 很 多 活 动 , 今 年 比 去 年 的 玩 家 多 了 很 多 。 他 们 显 然 很 享 受 这 个 游 戏 。 任 何 热 爱 扑 克 的 人 都 应 该 支 持 在 线 扑 克 。 我 们 看 到 了 早 期 它 在 发 展 新 玩 家 、 教 授 技 能 方 面 发 挥 的 作 用 , 现 在 设 法 让 它 继 续 就 更 加 重 要 了 。 希 望 有 一 天 它 可 以 完 全 开 放 并 受 到 管 制 , 这 样 人 们 可 以 穿 着 睡 衣 或 者 在 办 公 室 里 自 由 参 与 。 这 也 是 我 们 希 望 解 禁 的 另 一 个 原 因 - 很 多 人 想 玩 扑 克 但 没 法 玩 , 因 为 没 有 途 径 ! 如 果 你 住 在 一 个 没 有 实 体 娱 乐 场 的 地 方 , 而 且 不 想 冒 着 可 能 被 抢 劫 或 杀 害 的 风 险 去 玩 私 人 游 戏 , 那 么 能 够 玩 在 线 扑 克 是 很 棒 的 。 BB: 再 回 到 游 戏 的 实 体 版 本 , 近 年 来 一 直 有 传 言 称 , 出 于 某 种 原 因 WSOP 可 能 搬 到 凯 撒 皇 宫 。 有 可 能 吗 ? JE: 没 有 。 我 认 为 Rio 对 WSOP 来 说 是 很 棒 的 场 地 。 尽 管 我 们 也 有 其 他 地 方 可 以 举 行 , 但 这 里 很 棒 , 停 车 位 多 , 酒 店 一 流 , 场 地 大 , 环 境 很 适 合 比 赛 。 我 们 对 它 很 熟 悉 , 持 份 者 也 都 喜 欢 这 里 , 他 们 很 满 意 。 换 其 他 地 方 举 办 WSOP 的 问 题 是 , 首 先 我 们 需 要 找 到 一 个 足 够 大 的 地 点 , 还 要 找 到 一 个 像 我 们 一 样 热 爱 WSOP 的 合 作 者 , 这 很 困 难 。 我 认 为 Rio 真 的 是 很 棒 的 举 办 地 , 过 去 十 年 他 们 在 WSOP 方 面 非 常 勤 恳 , 不 断 努 力 改 进 , 积 极 听 取 玩 家 建 议 。 这 么 说 吧 - 每 年 两 个 月 , 就 是 这 里 了 。 凯 撒 皇 宫 或 许 是 凯 撒 娱 乐 的 旗 舰 娱 乐 场 , 但 6 月 和 7 月 的 Rio… 没 有 地 方 可 比 , 甚 至 没 有 接 近 的 。 这 有 点 像 伍 德 斯 托 克 音 乐 节 , 大 家 都 趋 之 若 鹜 。 BB: 说 点 轻 松 的 , 过 去 十 年 您 在 WSOP 看 到 过 哪 些 趣 事 ? JE: 我 见 过 最 搞 笑 的 事 情 之 一 是 , 来 这 里 工 作 的 第 一 年 ,Johnny Chan 和 Phil Laak 在 一 场 2,500 美 元 的 底 池 限 注 奥 马 哈 比 赛 中 进 入 单 斗 争 抢 金 手 链 。Phil 当 时 在 WSOP 还 算 新 手 , 但 他 是 个 疯 狂 的 人 , 那 次 单 斗 是 我 见 过 最 搞 笑 的 场 景 之 一 。 他 在 比 赛 空 档 一 边 喊 ,“ 是 TMD Johnny Chan, 是 TMD Johnny Chan!” 一 边 做 俯 卧 撑 、 仰 卧 起 坐 , 还 出 空 拳 。Johnny 差 点 玩 不 下 去 - 他 最 后 赢 得 个 人 第 十 条 金 手 链 。 那 个 画 面 实 在 太 滑 稽 ! 过 去 十 年 这 栋 楼 里 发 生 过 不 少 搞 笑 的 瞬 间 。 我 看 到 过 有 人 爆 冷 惨 败 后 倒 地 大 哭 , 有 人 赢 了 一 个 重 要 回 合 后 在 楼 里 发 疯 一 样 狂 奔 , 还 看 到 过 观 众 席 里 掉 出 来 一 只 熊 猫 !2013 年 WSOP 主 赛 决 战 桌 期 间 , 一 个 装 扮 成 熊 猫 的 家 伙 从 观 众 席 中 飞 出 来 , 被 舞 台 绊 倒 在 地 。 这 可 是 我 万 万 料 想 不 到 会 发 生 的 ! 还 有 一 次 Phil Hellmuth 在 停 车 场 撞 毁 了 一 辆 跑 车 … 我 们 见 过 不 少 不 寻 常 和 有 趣 的 事 。 BB:WSOP 主 赛 最 大 的 变 化 之 一 发 生 在 2008 年 , 那 一 年 “ 十 一 九 ” 的 概 念 首 次

杰 克 的 扑 克 旅 程 The house that Jack built an online tutorial to create new players who will eventually, hopefully, come and visit us here at the WSOP. It’s another way for them to get from one point to another. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? You practice, practice, practice. This allows players to develop their skills and the technical aspects of their game, to learn the mathematics, to build their bankrolls and do all those kind of things. The negatives people hear about online poker are far outweighed by the benefits. And it is critical to the future of the game. The fact of the matter when you look at poker is that not everyone is a winner. The same applies to regular sports – there is a winner and a loser – and the same with the stock market. Poker is no different. But online poker is crucial to the growth and evolution of the game. BB: Liquidity will obviously remain a problem for America’s online poker sites for as long as the majority of the country is locked out. What are your thoughts on player numbers at WSOP.com so far? JE: This year we had an online bracelet event for the first time and it attracted 905 players which is fantastic. The liquidity is not terrible considering the players are all here in the state. I haven’t been keeping up too much with what’s been going on this summer but I know there has been a lot of activity and a lot more guys playing this year than last year. They’re obviously enjoying the game. Anybody that loves poker should be a supporter of online poker. We saw what it did in the early days to develop new players and teach them how to play. Now it’s even more important to continue to find ways to do that. We just hope that one day it is wide open and regulated so people can play freely in their robes or offices and continue to participate. That’s the other thing – a lot of people want to play poker but can’t because they don’t have access to it! If you live somewhere that doesn’t have live casinos and you don’t want to play in a private game where you might risk being robbed or killed, having the ability to play online is great. BB: Back to the land-based version of the game and there have been rumors swirling for years that the WSOP could be moved to Caesar’s Palace for one reason or another. Can you see it happening? JE: No. I think the Rio is a great place for the WSOP. As much as we have other places where it could also be held, this is a great place to have it. There is plenty of parking, the hotel is great, it’s big and it’s set up for this event. We know how it works, the stakeholders love having it here and they embrace it. The problem with holding the WSOP elsewhere is that first, you’d have to find a place that was big enough, then you’d have to find someone that loves it as much as we do which is really hard. I think the Rio is a pretty damn good place to host it. They’ve been absolutely gracious in hosting the WSOP these past 10 years and they’ve worked very hard to improve. They listen to the players and let’s face it – for two months every year this is the place to be. Caesar’s Palace might be the flagship property for Caesar’s Entertainment but the Rio in June and July … there is no place like it. It’s not even close. This is like Woodstock, the place everybody wants to be. BB: On a lighter note, what are some of the funnier things you’ve seen at the WSOP over the past 10 years? JE: One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen was the first year I was working here when Johnny Chan and Phil Laak were heads-up for a bracelet in a US$2,500 PLO event. Phil was relatively new to the WSOP at the time but he’s a crazy personality and that headsup clash was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. He was yelling “It’s Johnny f****** Chan, it’s Johnny f****** Chan!” and doing push-ups and situps between hands, shadow boxing. Johnny could barely play! He ended up winning his 10th bracelet but it was hilarious to watch. There have been some funny moments in this building over the past 10 years. I’ve seen players take bad beats and fall over crying, I’ve seen people go nuts running through the building when they’ve won a big hand. I’ve even seen a panda fall out of the audience! That was great during the final table of the 2013 WSOP Main Event – a guy in a panda costume comes flying out of the stands, trips over the stage and hits the deck. In a million years I could never have expected that to happen! There was the time Phil Hellmuth crashed a race car in the parking lot … we’ve seen some unusual and interesting things. BB: One of the biggest changes to the WSOP Main Event came in 2008 when the concept of the November Nine was first introduced, which saw the tournament halted for three months once the final table was set with the remaining players returning in November to play to a winner. You must be pleased by its success, even though it was quite controversial when first announced? 59

杰 克 的 扑 克 旅 程 The house that Jack built<br />

an online tutorial to create new players who will<br />

eventually, hopefully, come and visit us here at the<br />

WSOP. It’s another way for them to get from one<br />

point to another. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?<br />

You practice, practice, practice. This allows players<br />

to develop their skills and the technical aspects<br />

of their game, to learn the mathematics, to build<br />

their bankrolls and do all those kind of things. The<br />

negatives people hear about online poker are far<br />

outweighed by the benefits. And it is critical to the<br />

future of the game. The fact of the matter when you<br />

look at poker is that not everyone is a winner. The<br />

same applies to regular sports – there is a winner<br />

and a loser – and the same with the stock market.<br />

Poker is no different. But online poker is crucial to<br />

the growth and evolution of the game.<br />

BB: Liquidity will obviously remain a problem<br />

for America’s online poker sites for as long as the<br />

majority of the country is locked out. What are your<br />

thoughts on player numbers at WSOP.com so far?<br />

JE: This year we had an online bracelet event for<br />

the first time and it attracted 905 players which is<br />

fantastic. The liquidity is not terrible considering<br />

the players are all here in the state. I haven’t been<br />

keeping up too much with what’s been going on this<br />

summer but I know there has been a lot of activity<br />

and a lot more guys playing this year than last year.<br />

They’re obviously enjoying the game. Anybody that<br />

loves poker should be a supporter of online poker.<br />

We saw what it did in the early days to develop<br />

new players and teach them how to play. Now it’s<br />

even more important to continue to find ways to<br />

do that. We just hope that one day it is wide open<br />

and regulated so people can play freely in their<br />

robes or offices and continue to participate. That’s<br />

the other thing – a lot of people want to play poker<br />

but can’t because they don’t have access to it! If you<br />

live somewhere that doesn’t have live casinos and<br />

you don’t want to play in a private game where you<br />

might risk being robbed or killed, having the ability<br />

to play online is great.<br />

BB: Back to the land-based version of the game and<br />

there have been rumors swirling for years that the<br />

WSOP could be moved to Caesar’s Palace for one<br />

reason or another. Can you see it happening?<br />

JE: No. I think the Rio is a great place for the WSOP.<br />

As much as we have other places where it could<br />

also be held, this is a great place to have it. There is<br />

plenty of parking, the hotel is great, it’s big and it’s<br />

set up for this event. We know how it works, the<br />

stakeholders love having it here and they embrace<br />

it. The problem with holding the WSOP elsewhere<br />

is that first, you’d have to find a place that was big<br />

enough, then you’d have to find someone that loves<br />

it as much as we do which is really hard. I think the<br />

Rio is a pretty damn good place to host it. They’ve<br />

been absolutely gracious in hosting the WSOP<br />

these past 10 years and they’ve worked very hard<br />

to improve. They listen to the players and let’s face<br />

it – for two months every year this is the place to be.<br />

Caesar’s Palace might be the flagship property for<br />

Caesar’s Entertainment but the Rio in June and July<br />

… there is no place like it. It’s not even close. This is<br />

like Woodstock, the place everybody wants to be.<br />

BB: On a lighter note, what are some of the<br />

funnier things you’ve seen at the WSOP over the<br />

past 10 years?<br />

JE: One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen was the<br />

first year I was working here when Johnny Chan and<br />

Phil Laak were heads-up for a bracelet in a US$2,500<br />

PLO event. Phil was relatively new to the WSOP at<br />

the time but he’s a crazy personality and that headsup<br />

clash was one of the funniest things I’ve ever<br />

seen. He was yelling “It’s Johnny f****** Chan, it’s<br />

Johnny f****** Chan!” and doing push-ups and situps<br />

between hands, shadow boxing. Johnny could<br />

barely play! He ended up winning his 10th bracelet<br />

but it was hilarious to watch. There have been some<br />

funny moments in this building over the past 10<br />

years. I’ve seen players take bad beats and fall over<br />

crying, I’ve seen people go nuts running through<br />

the building when they’ve won a big hand. I’ve<br />

even seen a panda fall out of the audience! That was<br />

great during the final table of the 2013 WSOP Main<br />

Event – a guy in a panda costume comes flying out<br />

of the stands, trips over the stage and hits the deck.<br />

In a million years I could never have expected that to<br />

happen! There was the time Phil Hellmuth crashed<br />

a race car in the parking lot … we’ve seen some<br />

unusual and interesting things.<br />

BB: One of the biggest changes to the WSOP<br />

Main Event came in 2008 when the concept of the<br />

November Nine was first introduced, which saw the<br />

tournament halted for three months once the final<br />

table was set with the remaining players returning<br />

in November to play to a winner. You must be<br />

pleased by its success, even though it was quite<br />

controversial when first announced?<br />


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