children's christian magazine


Once upon a time, there lived a missionary named Mr. John Ronald. He had been serving God for over twenty years. He had a seven year-old son named Mathew. The Lord revealed to Mr. John in a dream to go on a mission trip to Uganda. Mr. John wanted to leave his son behind to stay with his grandmother in Canada; however, after fervent prayers, Mr. John, resting quietly on his bed, heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. The voice said, “Take Mathew along with you to Uganda.” Mr. John was surprised and wondered why the Spirit of God wanted Mathew to go along to Uganda. He was confused and doubted if it was really the Holy Spirit who had spoken to him. A week before he was to depart, he heard the voice again while he read the Bible in the living room. The voice said, “Read Psalm 8:2.” He quickly turned his Bible to that chapter and verse. It read: “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger…“ Mr. John then made up his mind to take Mathew along with him. Mathew was very glad when his father told him the news, because he loved being with his father. When Mr. John and Mathew arrived in Uganda, they stayed in a small bungalow. Mr. John enrolled Mathew in a local school some distance away from where they stayed.” Mathew made friends with Ibiru and Sadiku in his new school. One day, Mathew was walking home from school with Ibiru and Sadiku, when something unexpected took place. “Let us take this way,” Ibiru told Mathew and Sadiku as they reached a crossroad. “It is a longer route,” Sadiku replied. “Yes I know, but we can pluck some mangoes on our way,” Ibiru said. Mathew walked along with them, though he had never been on this route before. The path was surrounded by bushes, and no one was walking there except the three boys. Mathew noticed Sadiku looking right, left, and backwards most of the time, as if he were afraid. “There it is!” Ibiru said, as he saw the mango tree just ahead. As they plucked mangoes, BAM! A big snake fell from the mango tree. Ibiru and Sadiku shouted and fled in different directions. Mathew also took to his heels but could not find his two friends. Mathew did not know his way home, so he began to sing, “Jesus is the way……..” As he roamed through the bushes, he found himself in the midst of a local tribe that worshipped idols. They were dressed in animal skins. Three of the tribe’s warriors, holding spears, took Mathew to their leader. He was the chief of all Talaka. The chief, seated on his throne with his crown on his head, was very sad. Mathew could see this on his face; he knew something must be going on inside the chief’s palace. A traditional healer came to the palace to see the chief. 4 - The Kids’ Ark

The healer went inside the chief’s palace along with the chief, but they came out shaking their heads. Mathew could hear women crying inside the palace. The Holy Spirit spoke to Mathew, instructing him to go inside the chief’s palace, and he obeyed. The chief and the traditional healer followed him. Mathew entered the room where the chief’s daughter was about to die. He prayed for her. “In the name of Jesus, be healed.” Suddenly the chief’s daughter rose up. The chief and everyone else in the tribe who heard and saw this were stunned. Mathew’s father eventually found him, and everyone in the tribe gave their lives to Christ after Mr. John preached to them through a local interpreter. Illustrated by Edward Letwenko The Kids’ Ark - 5

The healer went inside the chief’s palace along with the<br />

chief, but they came out shaking their heads. Mathew<br />

could hear women crying inside the palace.<br />

The Holy Spirit spoke to Mathew, instructing him to go<br />

inside the chief’s palace, and he obeyed. The chief and<br />

the traditional healer followed him. Mathew entered<br />

the room where the chief’s daughter was about to die.<br />

He prayed for her. “In the name of Jesus, be healed.”<br />

Suddenly the chief’s daughter rose up. The chief and<br />

everyone else in the tribe who heard and saw this were<br />

stunned.<br />

Mathew’s father eventually found him, and everyone<br />

in the tribe gave their lives to Christ after Mr. John<br />

preached to them through a local interpreter.<br />

Illustrated by Edward Letwenko<br />

The Kids’ Ark - 5

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