children's christian magazine


HORSEGATE Written by Larry Killam Quietness What is the absence of noise? Quietness comes to mind. In both the Old and New Testament it means to be undisturbed, inactive, at ease, or silence. Sitting on a quiet horse looking out over a meadow of wild flowers in a valley would suit me. I enjoy quiet mornings when I go to feed my horses. The sun is coming up and birds are singing, and it is a great time to be still and know that God is who He is. Sometimes it is very hard to find a truly quiet place and time. There is so much noise, activity, and 26 - The Kids’ Ark unsettledness in this world that quiet and peace escape us. Of course, this is not new, for God says there is nothing new under the sun. King Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 3:7, “there is a time to be silent and a time to speak.” I wonder, in the story of Philip and the Ethiopian, if the horse was quiet or noisy when Philip was explaining Isaiah 53:7-8 to the Ethiopian as they rode in the chariot. I can’t imagine trying to explain something to someone if my horse is yelling to his buddy or stomping the ground. If you read that story you will see the

HorseGate Ministry Larry R. Killam Ethiopian understood and was willing to stop the chariot and be baptized. Gee, I wonder if the horse stood quietly for that as well. Or how about when Paul was taken in the late of night to Caesarea with 70 horsemen (Acts23:12-35)? Imagine all those horses neighing and snorting, along with all that Roman armor clanging and making noise. So much for sneaking Paul out of Jerusalem! To me, God is the picture perfect example of quietness. We can join Him beside the still waters, as Psalm 23 states. I can imagine sitting on a horse alongside Jesus on His horse, letting both horses drink from the stream as I drink in all that Jesus is saying. We can’t do that if we do not seek quietness in our hearts for Jesus. So try this next time you are in the middle of confusion, trouble or a lot of noise. Take time to be quiet and listen for His quietness! The Kids’ Ark - 27

HorseGate Ministry<br />

Larry R. Killam<br /><br /><br />

Ethiopian understood and was willing<br />

to stop the chariot and be baptized.<br />

Gee, I wonder if the horse stood<br />

quietly for that as well.<br />

Or how about when Paul was taken in<br />

the late of night to Caesarea with 70<br />

horsemen (Acts23:12-35)? Imagine all<br />

those horses neighing and snorting,<br />

along with all that Roman armor<br />

clanging and making noise. So much<br />

for sneaking Paul out of Jerusalem!<br />

To me, God is the picture perfect<br />

example of quietness. We can join<br />

Him beside the still waters, as Psalm<br />

23 states. I can imagine sitting on a<br />

horse alongside Jesus on His horse,<br />

letting both horses drink from the<br />

stream as I drink in all that Jesus is<br />

saying. We can’t do that if we do not<br />

seek quietness in our hearts for Jesus.<br />

So try this next time you are in the<br />

middle of confusion, trouble or a lot<br />

of noise. Take time to be quiet and<br />

listen for His quietness!<br />

The Kids’ Ark - 27

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