children's christian magazine


STUDY PAGE 1 by Donna Huisjen “ The Quiet Wise” “the quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.” (Ecclesiastes 9:17 NIV) I’m a grandma, but some of my favorite people are much younger. I pay attention to what kids say, because they’re often pretty wise. A few years ago my four-year-old granddaughter said something simple but important when she asked me to turn down the TV: “I’m not the loudest girl.” We live in a world that values loud, outspoken people. Shyer—and often younger—people tend to fade into the background. Others might not expect them to have anything worthwhile to say. But the one audience member who really counts, hears and listens to the whispers, prayers, and even the unspoken thoughts of the quiet wise—many of whom are kids! Mathew in the “Miracle in Talaka” story was definitely one of those wise people God values. When he walked—uninvited!—into that tribal palace, both the chief and the traditional healer “heard” his wisdom too and silently followed. And I don’t think Mathew’s prayer for the chief’s dying daughter was shouted in big-shot tones. A wise man named Henry David Thoreau once said, “There are many fine things which we cannot say if we have to shout.” I like that! Sure, kids like to shout when they’re having fun. But their wise words are often spoken in something closer to a whisper. I think God likes that . . . Think about it: 1) Some well-loved Bible stories show how God respects and values kids. How does young Samuel’s encounter with God show this? What about Jesus’ words when his disciples wanted the moms and kids to back away and give him some space? 2) Think about the quote from Henry David Thoreau. What are some fine things you couldn’t say—or couldn’t say well!—in a loud or bossy voice? 3) When have you been brave enough to offer your respectful opinion on an important matter? Did others listen? Pray about it: Thank you, Lord, for the quiet gift of wisdom. Thank you that we kids don’t have to wait until we’re all grown up to experience and exercise that gift. Thank you that you value me so much—right here and right now. Amen. 12 - The Kids’ Ark

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The Kids’ Ark - 13

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