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By Brandi Clemons • Illustrated by Linda Undernehr<br />

Who Am I?<br />

I Am Mouse!<br />

Mice are careful, quiet creatures. They must<br />

always remember to be quiet and listen carefully<br />

to everything around them so they can stay out<br />

of harm’s way. Like the mouse, we must listen<br />

carefully in our lives. God wants us to listen and hear<br />

the Holy Spirit, His voice, in our hearts. To do this,<br />

we need to be quiet sometimes.<br />

So what does it really mean for us to be quiet? When<br />

the Bible talks about being quiet, it means to be at<br />

rest, or at peace, in our hearts. When we talk to God<br />

and listen for His voice and guidance, He brings a<br />

special quietness, or peacefulness, into our hearts.<br />

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Once upon a time, there lived a missionary named Mr.<br />

John Ronald. He had been serving God for over twenty<br />

years. He had a seven year-old son named Mathew.<br />

The Lord revealed to Mr. John in a dream to go on a<br />

mission trip to Uganda. Mr. John wanted to leave his<br />

son behind to stay with his grandmother in Canada;<br />

however, after fervent prayers, Mr. John, resting quietly<br />

on his bed, heard the voice of the Holy Spirit.<br />

The voice said, “Take Mathew along with you to Uganda.”<br />

Mr. John was surprised and wondered why the Spirit<br />

of God wanted Mathew to go along to Uganda. He was<br />

confused and doubted if it was really the Holy Spirit<br />

who had spoken to him.<br />

A week before he was to depart, he heard the voice<br />

again while he read the Bible in the living room. The<br />

voice said, “Read Psalm 8:2.” He quickly turned his<br />

Bible to that chapter and verse. It read: “Through the<br />

praise of children and infants you have established a<br />

stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe<br />

and the avenger…“<br />

Mr. John then made up his mind to take Mathew along<br />

with him. Mathew was very glad when his father told<br />

him the news, because he loved being with his father.<br />

When Mr. John and Mathew arrived in Uganda, they<br />

stayed in a small bungalow. Mr. John enrolled Mathew<br />

in a local school some distance away from where they<br />

stayed.” Mathew made friends with Ibiru and Sadiku<br />

in his new school. One day, Mathew was walking home<br />

from school with Ibiru and Sadiku, when something<br />

unexpected took place.<br />

“Let us take this way,” Ibiru told Mathew and Sadiku as<br />

they reached a crossroad.<br />

“It is a longer route,” Sadiku replied.<br />

“Yes I know, but we can pluck some mangoes on our<br />

way,” Ibiru said.<br />

Mathew walked along with them, though he had never<br />

been on this route before. The path was surrounded<br />

by bushes, and no one was walking there except the<br />

three boys.<br />

Mathew noticed Sadiku looking right, left, and backwards<br />

most of the time, as if he were afraid.<br />

“There it is!” Ibiru said, as he saw the mango tree just<br />

ahead.<br />

As they plucked mangoes, BAM! A big snake fell from<br />

the mango tree. Ibiru and Sadiku shouted and fled in<br />

different directions. Mathew also took to his heels but<br />

could not find his two friends.<br />

Mathew did not know his way home, so he began to<br />

sing, “Jesus is the way……..”<br />

As he roamed through the bushes, he found himself in<br />

the midst of a local tribe that worshipped idols. They<br />

were dressed in animal skins. Three of the tribe’s warriors,<br />

holding spears, took Mathew to their leader. He<br />

was the chief of all Talaka.<br />

The chief, seated on his throne with his crown on his<br />

head, was very sad. Mathew could see this on his face;<br />

he knew something must be going on inside the chief’s<br />

palace.<br />

A traditional healer came to the palace to see the chief.<br />

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The healer went inside the chief’s palace along with the<br />

chief, but they came out shaking their heads. Mathew<br />

could hear women crying inside the palace.<br />

The Holy Spirit spoke to Mathew, instructing him to go<br />

inside the chief’s palace, and he obeyed. The chief and<br />

the traditional healer followed him. Mathew entered<br />

the room where the chief’s daughter was about to die.<br />

He prayed for her. “In the name of Jesus, be healed.”<br />

Suddenly the chief’s daughter rose up. The chief and<br />

everyone else in the tribe who heard and saw this were<br />

stunned.<br />

Mathew’s father eventually found him, and everyone<br />

in the tribe gave their lives to Christ after Mr. John<br />

preached to them through a local interpreter.<br />

Illustrated by Edward Letwenko<br />

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STUDY PAGE 1<br />

by Donna Huisjen<br />

“ The Quiet Wise”<br />

“the quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded<br />

than the shouts of a ruler of fools.”<br />

(Ecclesiastes 9:17 NIV)<br />

I’m a grandma, but some of my favorite people are much younger. I pay attention to what<br />

kids say, because they’re often pretty wise. A few years ago my four-year-old granddaughter said<br />

something simple but important when she asked me to turn down the TV: “I’m not the loudest girl.”<br />

We live in a world that values loud, outspoken people. Shyer—and often younger—people tend<br />

to fade into the background. Others might not expect them to have anything worthwhile to say. But<br />

the one audience member who really counts, hears and listens to the whispers, prayers, and even<br />

the unspoken thoughts of the quiet wise—many of whom are kids!<br />

Mathew in the “Miracle in Talaka” story was definitely one of those wise people God values.<br />

When he walked—uninvited!—into that tribal palace, both the chief and the traditional healer<br />

“heard” his wisdom too and silently followed. And I don’t think Mathew’s prayer for the chief’s<br />

dying daughter was shouted in big-shot tones.<br />

A wise man named Henry David Thoreau once said, “There are many fine things which we<br />

cannot say if we have to shout.” I like that! Sure, kids like to shout when they’re having fun. But their<br />

wise words are often spoken in something closer to a whisper. I think God likes that . . .<br />

Think about it:<br />

1) Some well-loved Bible stories show how<br />

God respects and values kids. How does<br />

young Samuel’s encounter with God show<br />

this? What about Jesus’ words when his<br />

disciples wanted the moms and kids to back<br />

away and give him some space?<br />

2) Think about the quote from Henry David<br />

Thoreau. What are some fine things you<br />

couldn’t say—or couldn’t say well!—in a<br />

loud or bossy voice?<br />

3) When have you been brave enough to offer<br />

your respectful opinion on an important<br />

matter? Did others listen?<br />

Pray about it:<br />

Thank you, Lord, for the quiet gift of<br />

wisdom. Thank you that we kids don’t have<br />

to wait until we’re all grown up to experience<br />

and exercise that gift. Thank you that you<br />

value me so much—right here and right now.<br />

Amen.<br />

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12-28-13<br />

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A LIFE<br />

Lived<br />

for<br />

GOD!<br />

My name is Malcolm. I was born in<br />

America, but what is unique about me is that<br />

I moved to Central Asia when I was three<br />

months old. I have grown up here. I am now<br />

eight years old. I have never spent a whole<br />

year in America. I have one sister, whose<br />

name is Emily. She is five. I will be in the third<br />

grade. I have been going to an international<br />

school where there are eight kids in my class.<br />

My teachers are from England and New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Where I live, the kids play a lot on the<br />

street. They have lots of different games they<br />

like to play. Sometimes, the boys run with a<br />

metal hoop and a stick. They use the stick to<br />

try to keep the rolling metal hoop from falling<br />

over. They also like to play soccer, volleyball,<br />

and ride scooters. The girls like to play house.<br />

They use broken bits of pottery for their tea<br />

parties. They like to play hopscotch and a<br />

game like Ring-Around-the-Roses.<br />

I sometimes help my mom with<br />

neighborhood projects. Once, we had a<br />

kids’ picnic for all of them. When I am not in<br />

school I like to help at a preschool, and play<br />

with the kids there. Lots of the kids here don’t<br />

have a lot of money and have to work hard.<br />

For a while I was collecting cans to give to<br />

my friend, so he could sell them for money.<br />

I live in a mud house. Lots of houses<br />

here are built from mud and stone, because<br />

they don’t have many trees. I like it that<br />

where I live, I have a lot of friends. I like that<br />

they have wide open spaces and lots of<br />

mountains. I like that I don’t have too many<br />

toys, and that my yard has a big wall around<br />

it. It is like a courtyard. In my yard, we have<br />

turtles. We have a dog named Mattie. We<br />

also have four chickens. Their names are<br />

Silverbells, Blackbells, Hawkeye, and Eagleeye.<br />

We eat their eggs, and I help get them<br />

from the chicken coop.<br />

My favorite food here is called Pialu.<br />

It is a dish made with rice, raisins, and<br />

sometimes carrots. You get to eat it with your<br />

hands. Another food I like is called Bolagna.<br />

It is fried bread with mashed potatoes inside.<br />

They have French fries here, but they call<br />

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them chips. They are a little thicker and fried<br />

in oil. In the winter, you can buy fried fish in<br />

the market. I like that, too.<br />

I pray for my friends and what is<br />

happening around them. I pray that they<br />

will live in a safe country. When I get older I<br />

would like to come back here, and help out<br />

like my dad and mom do. I would also like<br />

to travel the world and help other countries<br />

because Jesus wants us to love others.<br />

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A LESSON ON quietness<br />

A LESSON ON quietness<br />

Written & Illustrated by Edward Letwenko<br />

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A-MAZING<br />

Help Covert Cully find his way to the treasure.<br />

Illustrated by Tom Finley<br />

Like all mice, Covert Cully hides and sneaks around trying to find treasures. Sometimes,<br />

what looks like a treasure is really a trap, like cheese in a mousetrap. By listening to God<br />

and obeying His commands, you, too, can stay out of traps and find real treasures.<br />

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Silent Praise<br />

- Puzzle by Donna Huisjen

y Pastor Eli Sauseda<br />


1. What does it mean when people say “God’s timing”?<br />

Sometimes we want to rush into things before God wants us to. God’s timing simply means that<br />

we do WHAT God wants us to do WHEN he wants us to do it.<br />

2. How can Jesus be in my heart and in Heaven?<br />

Jesus lives in Heaven. To ask Jesus to come into your heart is another way of asking Him to be the<br />

Lord or Leader of your life because you believe He is the Son of God.<br />

3. How old was David when he fought Goliath?<br />

We don’t know exactly, but Goliath called him a boy, so it’s safe to say he was young. David was<br />

given King Saul’s armor and had the strength to lift Goliath’s sword, so we know he was strong.<br />

4. My mom says God sees my heart. What does that mean?<br />

It means God knows what you’re thinking. He is the only one who can do that. Lots of people try,<br />

but only God is omniscient, which is a big word that means God knows everything<br />

5. How come everyone I pray for doesn’t get healed…only some?<br />

Never stop praying and never stop believing! Sometimes people are healed quickly and sometimes<br />

it takes time.<br />

6. What does the word “righteous” mean?<br />

It means “in right standing” with God. It means that you are no longer guilty. When we make Jesus<br />

our Lord we are made righteous and will live forever with God in heaven.<br />

7. Can I be friends with someone who doesn’t believe in God?<br />

It just depends on what your definition of friend is. The Bible tells us that “bad company corrupts<br />

good morals,” which means if you hang around people who are negative toward God...you will<br />

start to be negative toward God too.<br />

8. Why doesn’t God always answer all my prayers?<br />

God always responds to his children who pray with faith. Sometimes we don’t see the answer<br />

quickly because there is a spiritual battle going on. That is why you never quit...the Bible calls this<br />

perseverance!<br />

9. Do I have to lift my hands during worship at church?<br />

You don’t have to but you can. Lifting your hands is just one of many forms of worship. The Bible<br />

records people singing, dancing, shouting, and many other ways people worshiped God!<br />

10. Even when my parents put my night light on when I go to bed, I am still very<br />

frightened. What can I do?<br />

God gives us lots of promises that He will protect us. You need to do two things! BELIEVE God<br />

when He says He will protect you, and TRUST that He is strong enough to do it. You are safe and<br />

protected!<br />

If you have any questions for Noah, please write to:<br />

Dear Noah<br />

P.O. Box 3160 Victoria, Texas 77903 or e-mail noah@thekidsark.com<br />

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STUDY PAGE 2<br />

by Donna Huisjen<br />

God’s Holy Temple<br />

“The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be<br />

silent before him.” (Habakkuk 2:20)<br />

As I mentioned on the first study page, I’m a grandma. So it’s pretty amazing that I still<br />

remember words from a church service w-a-a-y back when I was two years old! I remember<br />

them because at our church those words above, from the prophet Habakkuk, were repeated<br />

every Sunday morning. They reminded us to be respectful in our worship.<br />

A well-known Christian missionary named Mother Teresa knew about quiet reverence<br />

before God. She once said, “God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, flowers,<br />

grass—grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. . . .<br />

We need silence to be able to touch souls.”<br />

There’s nothing wrong, of course, with noise, both in our worship and in our living. God<br />

loves our energetic songs, our clapping, our dancing, and our shouts of praise. God loves<br />

to hear happy children, like Malcolm and his friends, at play in his wonderful world. But he<br />

also realizes that we can’t listen for his quiet voice unless we allow some time for stillness.<br />

Think about it:<br />

1) Are there some quiet times built in<br />

to your church’s worship? At what points<br />

in a service does your congregation get<br />

quiet? Why is that important? What kind of<br />

listening can you do in church?<br />

2) Where is God’s holy temple? Do you<br />

think Habakkuk meant only church, or could<br />

the prophet have been thinking much closer<br />

to “home”?<br />

3) What parts of your church’s worship<br />

do you think you’ll remember many years<br />

from now? The singing? The prayers?<br />

The readings? The praises? The children’s<br />

sermon? Something else?<br />

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Pray about it:<br />

Thank you, Lord, for meeting me in<br />

your holy temple—both on your special<br />

day of the week and every day—and<br />

night. Teach me to quiet down, even in<br />

my praise and worship, enough to hear<br />

and appreciate special words you might<br />

have for me. Amen.

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Written by Larry Killam<br />

Quietness<br />

What is the absence of noise?<br />

Quietness comes to mind. In both the<br />

Old and New Testament it means to<br />

be undisturbed, inactive, at ease, or<br />

silence.<br />

Sitting on a quiet horse looking out<br />

over a meadow of wild flowers in a<br />

valley would suit me. I enjoy quiet<br />

mornings when I go to feed my<br />

horses. The sun is coming up and<br />

birds are singing, and it is a great<br />

time to be still and know that God is<br />

who He is.<br />

Sometimes it is very hard to find<br />

a truly quiet place and time. There<br />

is so much noise, activity, and<br />

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unsettledness in this world that quiet<br />

and peace escape us. Of course,<br />

this is not new, for God says there<br />

is nothing new under the sun. King<br />

Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 3:7,<br />

“there is a time to be silent and a time<br />

to speak.”<br />

I wonder, in the story of Philip and<br />

the Ethiopian, if the horse was quiet<br />

or noisy when Philip was explaining<br />

Isaiah 53:7-8 to the Ethiopian as they<br />

rode in the chariot. I can’t imagine<br />

trying to explain something to<br />

someone if my horse is yelling to<br />

his buddy or stomping the ground. If<br />

you read that story you will see the

HorseGate Ministry<br />

Larry R. Killam<br />

Cohorsegate@q.com<br />

www.horsegateministry.org<br />

Ethiopian understood and was willing<br />

to stop the chariot and be baptized.<br />

Gee, I wonder if the horse stood<br />

quietly for that as well.<br />

Or how about when Paul was taken in<br />

the late of night to Caesarea with 70<br />

horsemen (Acts23:12-35)? Imagine all<br />

those horses neighing and snorting,<br />

along with all that Roman armor<br />

clanging and making noise. So much<br />

for sneaking Paul out of Jerusalem!<br />

To me, God is the picture perfect<br />

example of quietness. We can join<br />

Him beside the still waters, as Psalm<br />

23 states. I can imagine sitting on a<br />

horse alongside Jesus on His horse,<br />

letting both horses drink from the<br />

stream as I drink in all that Jesus is<br />

saying. We can’t do that if we do not<br />

seek quietness in our hearts for Jesus.<br />

So try this next time you are in the<br />

middle of confusion, trouble or a lot<br />

of noise. Take time to be quiet and<br />

listen for His quietness!<br />

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Hearing<br />

by Teresa Taylor Williams<br />

God<br />

“In quiet and calmness shall be your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)<br />

When her alarm clock went off, Jessica jumped out<br />

of bed. The day was finally here for talent show<br />

auditions. She went to look for her mother to remind<br />

her that she would be staying after school.<br />

“Today’s the big day, Mom!” She swung the door<br />

open to her mother’s home office and found her<br />

praying. “Oh, sorry,” she whispered. “I forgot this is<br />

your prayer time.”<br />

“Hold on just one minute, honey. I just need to finish<br />

this note to myself,” Mom said, grabbing the pen and<br />

notebook beside her Bible.<br />

“A note to yourself? About what?” Jessica asked.<br />

“Why are you writing during your prayer time?”<br />

Mom explained to her that prayer time consists of<br />

reading her Bible, praying, and writing down what<br />

God tells her.<br />

“God talks to you? What does He say?” Jessica<br />

asked.<br />

“Sweetie, He talks to all of His children. That is why<br />

my morning prayer time is important to me. I try to<br />

wake up before you because the house is nice and<br />

quiet. I want to hear clearly with my ears and my<br />

heart, without distractions,” Mom said.<br />

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Mom noticed that Jessica looked a little afraid of the<br />

idea of hearing God speak.<br />

“OK. When God speaks, it can be as loud as the<br />

thunder, or as quiet as a whisper,” said Mom. “He might<br />

want you to do something nice for someone else. Or<br />

He might remind you to pray for someone who is sick.”<br />

Jessica looked at the list written on her mother’s<br />

notebook. “Send ‘Thank You’ card to neighbor. Pray<br />

for co-worker who has lung cancer. Drink water. Pick<br />

up Jessica from school.”<br />

“Drink water? Did God really tell you that?” Jessica<br />

asked with a laugh.<br />

“Why yes, and I’m glad He did. Water is very important<br />

for us to have healthy bodies, and I haven’t been<br />

drinking enough water lately. You see, Jess, He loves<br />

and cares about us. He wants to help us through life,<br />

but we can’t hear Him as clearly if we’re too busy or<br />

distracted.”<br />

“Mom, do you have an extra notebook for me? I’m<br />

gonna try to hear God the next time I pray,” Jessica<br />

said. “I can’t wait to hear what He has to say!”

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Written by Evelyn Horan<br />

Illustrated by Samantha Bell<br />

Finding Jesus in Many Ways!<br />

How do I know<br />

Jesus is a part of my daily<br />

life? Every time I begin to<br />

think Jesus is too busy to<br />

remember my needs and<br />

wishes, I try finding His help<br />

in my routine activities.<br />

I remember one<br />

morning I had to shop in a<br />

short time. I needed a gift for<br />

my friend Mike’s birthday<br />

party. The party was the<br />

very next day. I wondered<br />

where I should go to shop.<br />

Knowing that gifts can be<br />

expensive, and because I<br />

didn’t have much money in<br />

my allowance, I asked Jesus<br />

in a little prayer to help me<br />

think about where to shop.<br />

Then I thought about<br />

a Christian store nearby<br />

that often had sales. It also<br />

carried items for younger<br />

people.<br />

When my mom drove<br />

me to the store, right inside<br />

I saw a table of discounted<br />

games. As I searched<br />

through them, I found a big<br />

Monopoly game. I couldn’t<br />

believe it! Mike and I had<br />

been playing on my old game<br />

board for a long time, and I<br />

knew he wanted a game for<br />

himself.<br />

“Thank You, Jesus,”<br />

I whispered. “Thank You<br />

for helping me find this<br />

Monopoly game”<br />

Then, to the right,<br />

another sign caught my<br />

eye. Children’s books were<br />

being offered at special discounted prices. While waiting for my<br />

birthday package for Mike to be gift- wrapped, I browsed along<br />

the shelves of books for young people. I found an interesting<br />

book about Jesus and his life. It had many beautiful, colorful<br />

pictures. I decided to buy it for my little sister. I remembered<br />

she had wanted a book of Bible stories for a long time.<br />

“Thank You, Jesus for sending me to this store,” I thought<br />

to myself happily, reaching for the special Bible story book.<br />

At home, Mom, my little sister, and I enjoyed a bowl<br />

of her tasty vegetable soup for lunch. We talked about my<br />

shopping experience and about the gentle voice that encouraged<br />

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me to go to the Christian bookstore to shop.<br />

“Aiden, do you have any idea Who might<br />

have helped you today?” Mom asked with a<br />

little smile.<br />

“That’s easy, Mom,” I said quickly.<br />

“It had to be the Lord Jesus. I’m sure of it.<br />

Things worked out too perfectly for it not to<br />

have been Him.”<br />

Mom nodded and said, “Yes, Aiden, He’s<br />

always there when we need Him.”<br />

My sheep hear my voice, and I<br />

know them, and they follow me.<br />

John 10:27-28<br />

I had to remind myself once again--<br />

when I am quiet and take the time to look for<br />

Him, it’s easy to find Jesus doing wonderful,<br />

unexpected things in my life. I just have to<br />

stay alert and recognize them. When I do, I<br />

know these little unexpected things are Jesus’<br />

way of showing me that I am not alone. They<br />

tell me that Jesus is here with me, helping me,<br />

and smoothing out my way.<br />

Isn’t it wonderful how Jesus makes His<br />

presence known to us in so many ways all the<br />

time? I am so glad to know that Jesus is here<br />

in our lives, helping us, and blessing us every<br />

day with His faithful love.<br />

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STUDY PAGE 3<br />

by Donna Huisjen<br />

Quiet!<br />

Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the<br />

waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down<br />

and it was completely calm.” (Mark 4:39 NIV)<br />

In the story, “The Camping Trip,” Ben and his dad rowed all day. They enjoyed both the<br />

unusual silence of the wild and the unusual sounds of nature. Their trip was uneventful in<br />

terms of weather, but it isn’t always that way. Sometimes nature itself can be plenty noisy—<br />

as in the furious storm Jesus’ disciples endured in the story told in Mark 4:35–41. Jesus was<br />

there too—fast asleep in the boat.<br />

Jesus wasn’t afraid of the wind, waves, and thunder, because he created them and is<br />

their boss! In his human nature Jesus needed silence, just as we do. But he also cared<br />

about his friends’ fears and need for quiet. That’s a need he created us to have. Listen:<br />

SSSsssHHHhhh! Quiet! Please be<br />

silent,<br />

for the Healer’s day’s been long.<br />

His oh-so-human self needs<br />

rest. Disruptions, move along.<br />

Wind, listen! This means you! You<br />

rolling waves, stop crashing now.<br />

Disciples, keep your voices down.<br />

Hush! To your rowing bow.<br />

“SSSsssHHHhhh! Hush now!<br />

Peace!<br />

Be silent,” the Lord of sea and sky<br />

rebukes them both in quiet<br />

tones. “We’re not about to die!”<br />

His friends, though dazed in shock<br />

and awe, accept this certainty.<br />

“What kind of man is this who<br />

speaks with such authority?”<br />

Think about it:<br />

1) What other needs are built in you as a<br />

human being? What benefits do you<br />

get from being quiet in a quiet place?<br />

2) What are some other ways in which<br />

Jesus showed concern for people’s<br />

needs while he was on Earth?<br />

How was it important for Jesus to<br />

experience being human?<br />

3) Think of a time when Jesus has<br />

quieted either your circumstances or<br />

your heart and mind when you really<br />

needed a break. What did this mean to<br />

you?<br />

Pray about it:<br />

How wonderful, Lord Jesus, to rest in<br />

the silence that only you can bring to<br />

my heart, mind, and soul. I pray that<br />

you will order “Quiet! Be still!” on my<br />

behalf when I need silence too. Amen.<br />

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The Kids’ Ark - 33

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