التدريس في الفصل


اأوالً:‏ المراجع العربية المراجع - 1 اأحمد حجى )2005(: الإدارة المدرسية،‏ دار النهضة المصرية،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 2 السيد عبد الحميد عطية )2002(: ديناميكية الجماعات،‏ اأساسيات نظرية وعمليات،‏ المكتب الجامعى الحديث،‏ الأسكندرية . - 3 جابر عبد الحميد جابر )2003(: الذكاءات المتعددة والفهم تنمية وتعميق،‏ دار الفكر العربى،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 4 جابر عبد الحميد جابر )2005(: حجرة الدراسة الفارقة والبنائية،‏ عالم الكتب،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 5 حسن ‏شحاته،‏ محبات اأبو عميرة )2004(: المعلمون والمتعلمون،‏ اأنماطهم وسلوكهم واأدوارهم،‏ الدار العربية للكتاب،‏ القاهرة ، ط 2. - 6 راضى الوقفى )1998(: مقدمة علم النفس،‏ دار الشروق للطباعة والنشر،‏ عمان.‏ - 7 روبرت مارزانو و اآخرون )2004(: اأبعاد التعلم،‏ ترجمة جابر عبد الحميد،‏ ‏صفاء الأعسر،‏ اأسماء مشرف،‏ عالم الكتب،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 8 ‏صالح الدين عرفه محمود )2006(: تفكير بال حدود،‏ عالم الكتب،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 9 على راشد )2006(: اإثراء بيئة التعلم،‏ عالم الفكر العربى،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 10 فتحى مصطفى الزيات )1995(: الأسس المعرفية للتكوين العقلى وتجهيز المعلومات،‏ دار الوفاء للطباعة و النشر،‏ المنصورة.‏ - 11 فرماوى محمد فرماوى )1997(: تاأثير تنظيم البيئة التعليمية بالروضة على تفاعل الأطفال والمعلم،‏ مجلة كلية التربية – جامعة عين ‏شمس،‏ العدد )210(. - 12 كوثر حسين كوجك )2007(: اتجاهات حديثة فى المناهج وطرق التدريس،‏ عالم الكتب،‏ القاهرة.‏ - 13 مدثر ‏سليم اأحمد )2003(: الوضع الراهن فى بحوث الذكاء،‏ المكتب الجامعى الحديث،‏ الإسكندرية.‏ ثانياً‏ : المراجع الإنجليزية 1- Ardith HarLe (2005): A Review of The Literature on Differentiating, Educational Studies St. Marys College of Maryland, 2007 . Differentiating Instruction What is Differentiation?, Educational Studies St. Mary>s ‏: 2- College of Maryland, 2007. St. Heterogenous Classrooms VS. Homogenous Classrooms, Educational Stadies, ‏: 3- Mary>s College of Maryland, 2007 . More Strategies That Differentiate Instruction, Educational Studies St. Mary>s ‏: 4- 250

College of Maryland, 2007. 5- Baltimore County Public School (2004): Personal Learning Styles, Office of Instruction Technology, 2007. 6- Bransford, J. Brown, A. L & Coching R. R (2000): People learn: Brain, mind, Experience & School ( Expanded Edition ), Washington. DC, National Research Council. 7- Brien, Tim & Gureny, Dennis (2001): Differentiation In Teaching and Learning Principles and Pratice, London, continuum press. 8- Center for Talent Development (2006): Differentiation in the Classroom, Northwestern University, 2007. 9- Clare John, D. (2004): Differentiation, Introduction-Towards a definition of Differentiation, Greenfield School website. 2007. 10- Dclare John (2004): History Teachers’ Discussion Forum, County Durham, 2007. 11- Diamond, Marian (2004): Enhance Learning With Technology, P Theroux, Teacher, Alberta, Canda. 2007. 12- Gardner, H. (1999): Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century, Basic Book, New York. 2007. 13- Gould, Holly C. (2007): Can Novice Teachers Differentiate? Yes, They Can, New Horizons for Learning. 14- Hall Tracey (2001): Differentiated Instruction, Effective Classroom Practices Report, National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum, (NCAC), 2007. 15- Henry, Veronica ; Loomis, Scolt ; Zisow, Marcie ( 2007 ): Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction, Baltimore County public School. 16- Hess Mary Ann (1999) : Teaching in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, Teachers to Guide Students down many paths a common destination, 2007. 17- Kirchner, Jana & Inman, Tracy (2007): Differentiation Tips for Teachers, Center for Gifted Studies,2007. 18- Kouchok, Kawsar. H (2007): Differentiation & Active Learning The Key to Quality Learning, (ppt), First Experts> Meeting, Defining Areas of Action to Enhance Learning … From Access to Success , UNESCO-Paris. 19- Marzano, R (1992): Adifferent Kind of Classroom : Teaching With Dimensions of learning, Alexandria, VA, Association for Supervison and Curriculum Development. 251

College of Maryland, 2007.<br />

5- Baltimore County Public School (2004): Personal Learning Styles, Office of Instruction<br />

Technology, 2007.<br />

6- Bransford, J. Brown, A. L & Coching R. R (2000): People learn: Brain, mind, Experience<br />

& School ( Expanded Edition ), Washington. DC, National Research Council.<br />

7- Brien, Tim & Gureny, Dennis (2001): Differentiation In Teaching and Learning Principles<br />

and Pratice, London, continuum press.<br />

8- Center for Talent Development (2006): Differentiation in the Classroom, Northwestern<br />

University, 2007.<br />

9- Clare John, D. (2004): Differentiation, Introduction-Towards a definition of<br />

Differentiation, Greenfield School website. 2007.<br />

10- Dclare John (2004): History Teachers’ Discussion Forum, County Durham, 2007.<br />

11- Diamond, Marian (2004): Enhance Learning With Technology, P Theroux, Teacher,<br />

Alberta, Canda. 2007.<br />

12- Gardner, H. (1999): Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century,<br />

Basic Book, New York. 2007.<br />

13- Gould, Holly C. (2007): Can Novice Teachers Differentiate? Yes, They Can, New<br />

Horizons for Learning.<br />

14- Hall Tracey (2001): Differentiated Instruction, Effective Classroom Practices Report,<br />

National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum, (NCAC), 2007.<br />

15- Henry, Veronica ; Loomis, Scolt ; Zisow, Marcie ( 2007 ): Using Technology to<br />

Differentiate Instruction, Baltimore County public School.<br />

16- Hess Mary Ann (1999) : Teaching in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, Teachers to Guide<br />

Students down many paths a common destination, 2007.<br />

17- Kirchner, Jana & Inman, Tracy (2007): Differentiation Tips for Teachers, Center for<br />

Gifted Studies,2007.<br />

18- Kouchok, Kawsar. H (2007): Differentiation & Active Learning The Key to Quality<br />

Learning, (ppt), First Experts> Meeting, Defining Areas of Action to Enhance Learning …<br />

From Access to Success , UNESCO-Paris.<br />

19- Marzano, R (1992): Adifferent Kind of Classroom : Teaching With Dimensions of<br />

learning, Alexandria, VA, Association for Supervison and Curriculum Development.<br />


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