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19. Takfeer based on the claim that silence regarding the rulers means being pleased with<br />

their Kufr and not considering the case of weakness.<br />

20. Generalizing the rule of Takfeer and its implications upon the wives and children of<br />

the soldiers of shirk and manmade laws or similar such Murtadeen, and not considering<br />

the case of weakness.<br />

21. Not differentiating the implications of Takfeer between the Kaafir who has power and<br />

between the powerless one who has been subjugated.<br />

Point of note: - There is a difference between apostasy that does not fight against Islam<br />

and between apostasy that fights against Islam.<br />

22. Takfeer on everyone who works in a job under the disbelieving governments without<br />

examining the details.<br />

23. Takfeer on everyone who seeks help from the Tawagheet or their helpers or goes to<br />

their courts in the absence of Islamic authority, without considering the details. 51<br />

24. Not differentiating between following the administrative systems and going to them<br />

for judgement and between seeking judgement from the Kufr legislation.<br />

Two points:<br />

Differentiating between criticizing the legislators of our times unrestrictedly, including<br />

those amongst them who legislate the administrative system on the one hand and those<br />

who abide by those systems out of fear or by having interpretations.<br />

Differentiating between criticizing unrestrictedly the one who legislates laws even if it<br />

matches with the Shareeah due to them originating from the legal documents of the<br />

Thaghout in their legislation and between the one who seeks judgement from or judges<br />

by them thinking that they agree with the Shareeah.<br />

25. Not differentiating between judging by other than what Allah has sent down and<br />

between avoiding some of the judgements of Allah sometimes in practice which is a sin.<br />

26. Takfeer on all those who participate in elections without looking at the details. 52<br />

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />

51 !Many!scholars!including!Sheikh!Abdullah!Azzam!(ra)!permit!going!to!non!Islamic!courts!for!gaining!one’s!rights!in!<br />

case!of!one!being!deprived!of!it.!!<br />

52 !An!example!for!this!is!the!issue!of!democracy.!Even!though!the!fundamental!principles!of!democracy!are!founded!<br />

on!Kufr!which!says!that!man!is!the!sole!legislator!and!there!is!none!above!him!who!can!govern!him,!there!are!still!<br />

many!Muslims!who!do!not!know!the!actual!foundation!of!democracy!and!they!think!that!democracy!just!means!the!<br />

opposite!of!tyranny!and!the!opposite!of!autocracy!and!monarchy.!Many!Muslims!just!consider!democracy!to!be!a!<br />


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