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countries - and that is the ruling regarding fighting under the banner of the Kaafir ruler.<br />

And that states that, if there does not exist a Shariah banner which is capable of subduing<br />

the enemy, then there is no harm in fighting under the banner of that Kaafir ruler,<br />

especially if there is in that common public interest and if the major harm will be averted.<br />

And this is what the clear Shariah evidences indicate along with the Usooli (juristic)<br />

principles and the rules of Fiqh. And it is not correct as per the Shareeah to prevent it<br />

based on the Hadeeth "Whoever fights under a banner of ignorance...." (narrated by<br />

Muslim in his Saheeh (1848) on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased<br />

with him). The banner that is of ignorance is the one in which the truth does not stand out<br />

clearly from falsehood or it is for ignorant partisanship and corrupted factors and over<br />

colour and race and dubious matters.<br />

And how many destructive wars, furious battles and storms of trials have these ill fated<br />

banners caused..! And it is this banner that is Haram to join and fight under. It is a banner<br />

that is not concerned about the religion and does not give any value to its ties. And the<br />

meaning may be clear from the Hadeeth when the Messenger of Allah said: "One<br />

who fights under a banner of ignorance, having anger for the sake of his group, making<br />

calls for his group or supporting his group, and gets killed, then his death is that of one<br />

belonging to (the days of) Jahiliyya” 22 . And An Nawawi- may Allah have mercy on him<br />

- said in his explanation of Saheeh Muslim: "(Ignorance i.e. Amiyyah) means the blind<br />

matter whose purpose is not clear and this is what Ahmad bin Hanbal and the majority of<br />

the scholars) have stated". So whoever fights under the banner of a leader and his fighting<br />

is done in support of the leader or to enforce his authority and increase his wealth, then<br />

this fighting is haram, haram and this is the dispraised ignorance (Jaahiliya).<br />

As for those who fight the Kuffar - with the intention of defending their religion and their<br />

countries - under the banner of a Kafir regime, then they do not come under this. And the<br />

intention of those who fight is taken into consideration in this matter. And the people of<br />

knowledge do not stipulate conditions for the defensive Jihad and it is not necessary to<br />

have a Shariah banner. So they (the Kaafir enemy) are repelled in accordance with the<br />

power and capability. And those who are capable of fighting under a Shariah banner and<br />

are able to do this without causing excessive hardship, then this is what is obligatory in<br />

terms of the Shareeah. And those who are incapable of that but are able to confront<br />

individually, and as groups without a specific banner, then these people have done what<br />

is correct. And those who are incapable of either of these things, and are not capable of a<br />

real confrontation against the enemies except by entering into training centres of the<br />

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />

22 !This!Hadiths!shows!that!the!prohibited!form!of!fighting!under!the!banner!of!Kufr!is!when!it!is!conducted!in!the!<br />

manner!as!described!in!the!Hadith,!ie.!to!have!anger!for!the!“sake”!of!the!group!and!support!it!without!looking!at!the!<br />


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