
abu-maria-book-final abu-maria-book-final


"judging a status is like judging the obligations arising from it.” 11 And Takfeer is from the rights of Allah Almighty, and one is not made Takfeer upon except whom Allah has made Takfeer upon with certainty and we don’t follow in this issue the minor students of knowledge, less so the general Muslims, without clarification and verification and removing doubts. So how then with the Takfeer on the Mujahideen groups! And those factions whom Jama’athu Dawla has made Takfeer upon; amongst them are people who have made Ta’weel (interpretation) of the texts (Quran and Sunnah), and who have made Ijtihad on statements regarding taking weapons or money (from the Kuffar). So by your Lord, answer me: where is the disbelief (Kufr) and apostasy in this? How is Takfeer made on them? And how can this Takfeer be made a basis for making Takfeer on other than them in a chain series using flimsy baseless justifications which has nothing of the rules of Takfeer in the Shareeah? Shaykh Abu Umar Abdul Hakeem Hassan said: "Surely from the serious grave issues which are Haram in the religion of Allah is to accuse a Muslim of Kufr without him deserving it. And surely the blood of the Muslim and his honour and his wealth is Haram, like the Messenger of Allah said "Everything belonging to a Muslim is inviolable for a Muslim; his honour, his blood and property". And this is clear also in his statement "Verily your blood and your wealth is inviolable", and the Prophet explained the great danger in making Takfeer on a Muslim, in his statement , "Cursing a believer is like killing him, and whoever accuses a believer of disbelief, then it is as if he has killed him." And from Abdullah Ibn Masood in a Marfoo 12 Hadith, "There is not a Muslim except there is between him and Allah a curtain. And if one of you says to his companion “Depart!”, then Allah will tear the curtain, and if he says “Oh Kafir”, then surely one of them has disbelieved" And he said “And engaging in Takfeer on Muslims without its justification has a lot of risks that one who wants safety should be cautious of. Amongst these risks are: Speaking about Allah without knowledge. And the basic ruling is that a person should not speak on a thing from the issues of the Shariah except with knowledge and fairness. And even though it is an order in general, it is in this topic most necessary. And just as a person is not allowed to confirm anything except with knowledge, he is also not allowed to deny a thing except with knowledge. And Allah said: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. This is stated in Arabic as ا)‏ ‏'لوضع كأحكا)‏ ‏'لتكل"ف ‏#حك (Ahkaamul Wad’e Ka Ahkaam e Thakleef) This is one of the principles of Usool which means that when a verdict is given regarding the status of a matter, it at the same time becomes the basis of the obligatory actions that are to be done based on it. In the above example, when a verdict of Takfeer is made on any person, it would mean that he can be killed and his property taken and so permissibility for these actions are implied from the Takfeer made on him. Hence the one who makes Takfeer must be cautious since he is in reality giving a verdict which makes a person’s blood and wealth permissible.! 12 !A!Marfoo’!Hadith!is!a!report!which!has!its!complete!chain!of!narrators!all!the!way!reaching!the!Prophet!!

قُلْ‏ ‏"ِن َّمَا حَر َّ?َ‏ ‏

"judging a status is like judging the obligations arising from it.” 11 And Takfeer is from<br />

the rights of Allah Almighty, and one is not made Takfeer upon except whom Allah has<br />

made Takfeer upon with certainty and we don’t follow in this issue the minor students of<br />

knowledge, less so the general Muslims, without clarification and verification and<br />

removing doubts. So how then with the Takfeer on the Mujahideen groups! And those<br />

factions whom Jama’athu Dawla has made Takfeer upon; amongst them are people who<br />

have made Ta’weel (interpretation) of the texts (Quran and Sunnah), and who have made<br />

Ijtihad on statements regarding taking weapons or money (from the Kuffar). So by your<br />

Lord, answer me: where is the disbelief (Kufr) and apostasy in this? How is Takfeer<br />

made on them? And how can this Takfeer be made a basis for making Takfeer on other<br />

than them in a chain series using flimsy baseless justifications which has nothing of the<br />

rules of Takfeer in the Shareeah? Shaykh Abu Umar Abdul Hakeem Hassan said: "Surely<br />

from the serious grave issues which are Haram in the religion of Allah is to accuse a<br />

Muslim of Kufr without him deserving it. And surely the blood of the Muslim and his<br />

honour and his wealth is Haram, like the Messenger of Allah said "Everything<br />

belonging to a Muslim is inviolable for a Muslim; his honour, his blood and property".<br />

And this is clear also in his statement "Verily your blood and your wealth is<br />

inviolable", and the Prophet explained the great danger in making Takfeer on a<br />

Muslim, in his statement , "Cursing a believer is like killing him, and whoever<br />

accuses a believer of disbelief, then it is as if he has killed him."<br />

And from Abdullah Ibn Masood in a Marfoo 12 Hadith, "There is not a Muslim except<br />

there is between him and Allah a curtain. And if one of you says to his companion<br />

“Depart!”, then Allah will tear the curtain, and if he says “Oh Kafir”, then surely one of<br />

them has disbelieved"<br />

And he said “And engaging in Takfeer on Muslims without its justification has a lot of<br />

risks that one who wants safety should be cautious of. Amongst these risks are: Speaking<br />

about Allah without knowledge. And the basic ruling is that a person should not speak on<br />

a thing from the issues of the Shariah except with knowledge and fairness. And even<br />

though it is an order in general, it is in this topic most necessary. And just as a person is<br />

not allowed to confirm anything except with knowledge, he is also not allowed to deny a<br />

thing except with knowledge. And Allah said:<br />

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />

1. This is stated in Arabic as ا)‏ ‏'لوضع كأحكا)‏ ‏'لتكل"ف ‏#حك (Ahkaamul Wad’e Ka Ahkaam e Thakleef) This is one of the<br />

principles of Usool which means that when a verdict is given regarding the status of a matter, it at the same time<br />

becomes the basis of the obligatory actions that are to be done based on it. In the above example, when a verdict of<br />

Takfeer is made on any person, it would mean that he can be killed and his property taken and so permissibility for<br />

these actions are implied from the Takfeer made on him. Hence the one who makes Takfeer must be cautious since he<br />

is in reality giving a verdict which makes a person’s blood and wealth permissible.!<br />

12 !A!Marfoo’!Hadith!is!a!report!which!has!its!complete!chain!of!narrators!all!the!way!reaching!the!Prophet!!

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