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1973<br />






VOLUM E 1<br />

Kandogan:<br />

Kata-kata aluan daripada Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia. 3<br />

Kata-kata aluan daripada Ketua Pengarah Pclajaran Malaysia. 4<br />

Kata-kata aluan daripada Pengarah Pelajaran Trengganu. 5<br />

Kata-kata aluan daripada Taun Guru Besar. 6<br />

“Saintis”<br />

The Editorial Board. ٦<br />

The Pioneers of s. M. s. 8<br />

P؛k؛rja-pekerja Sekolah.<br />

The History of s. M. s. in brief. 10—12<br />

نصه<br />

Prefects. of School 13 ?tagav،as Asrama Putra. 14<br />

?THgawas Asrama Putri. 15<br />

آ<br />

هل؛ ش'‏ One. : One Science 17 One Science Two. 18<br />

One Science Three. 19<br />

Malaysia.21 ‏:‏eties؛:•:؛ Persatuan Bahasa<br />

Persatuan Ugama Islam. 22<br />

Persatuan Ilmu Alam dan Tawarikh. 23<br />

Persatuan Sains Rumah Tangga. 24<br />

Persatuan Ilmu Hisab. 25<br />

Persatuan Sains Paduan. 26<br />

Junior Literary and Debating Society. 27<br />

School Choir. 28<br />

Persatuan Catur. 29<br />

Sports: Lapuran Sukan s. M. s. 31<br />

P asu^n Sepak Takraw, Pasukan Tennis Meja. 32<br />

Pasukan Bola Sepat. 33<br />

Pasukan Bola Jaring. 34<br />

The Pride of s .M.S.: a) Poetry Competition 35<br />

b) Singing Competition and Essay Competition. 36<br />

c) Best Pupil of the Year. 37<br />

d) Johan Anikaragam Kesatuan Pelajar Tingkatan Enam,<br />

Sekolah Menengah Padang Midin, K. Trengganu. 38<br />

e) Pertandingan Pesta Drama Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah,<br />

Kawasan K. Trengganu Utara. 39<br />

Literary Contributions: English Section and Malay Section. 43—65<br />

Advertisement.<br />

ه?—‏‎69‎<br />

و<br />







Saya mengambil kesempatan س mengucapkan tahniah di atas kesanggupan<br />

Sekolah Menengah Sains, Trengganu menerbitkan majallah ahunan^ya؛<br />

yang ulungkali semenjak sekolah ditubuhkan. Saya juga mengucapkan terima<br />

kasih kerana telah diberi kesempatan memuatkan sepatah dua kata aluan dalam<br />

'SAINTIS’ iaitu majallah Sekolah Menengah Sains Trengganu yang akan diterbitkan<br />

tidak berapa lama lagi.<br />

Oleh kerana adanya kesedaran hei dak mengajar sains, ilmu hisab dan<br />

teknoloji kepada jenerasi muda negara ini, Kerajaan dalam Rancangan Malaysia<br />

Kedua dijangka dapat menyiapkan 11 buah sekolah menengah sains di seluruh<br />

negara.<br />

Sukaeita saya mengingatkan bahawa ilmu pengetahuan bukanlah menjadi<br />

matlamat perjuangan kita tetapi sebaliknya ia menjadi perkakas untuk kepentingan<br />

masyarakat dan negara termasuk pelajar-palajar sekalian. Kita dapati<br />

sekarang di seluruh dunia banyak kaeau-bliau beriaku disebakan manusia menyalahgunakan<br />

ilmu pengetahuan mereka. Manusia begitu maju dalam bidang sains<br />

dan teknoloji hin^ga mereka dapat membuat beberapa jenis bom dan scterusnya<br />

mendarat di bulan. Nyatalah kemajuan dalam bidang اللال ؛‎1‎ pengetahuan telah<br />

’ manusia ke arah lembah kebinasaan iaitu bukan maju ke depan tetapi<br />

mundur ke belakang.<br />

Saya percaya pelajar-pelajar di sekolah ini tidak mahu kemajuan yang<br />

sedemikian dan saya berharap dengan adanya pimpinan dan tunjuk ajar dan<br />

ketaatan pelajar-pelajar sendiri maka ilmu sain، y،.ng dititikberatkan di sekolah<br />

ini dapat menentukan tiap orang mencapai kemajuan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.<br />

Dengan harapan ini saya mengakhiri kata-kata aluan dan sekali lagi<br />

saya menegaskan bahawa kemajuan sains di negara kita pada masa depan bergantung<br />

kepada pelajar-pelajar hari ini dan pelajar-pelajarlah yang akan membuktikan<br />

kepada dt^nia bahawa sains dan teknoloji tidak kurang darjat atau mutunya<br />

daripada apa yang terdapat di negara-neg^a yang maju dari kita.<br />

Kuala Lumpur,<br />

3hb Oktober, 1973.<br />








Saya berasa bangga kerana telah diminta memberlkan sepatah dua<br />

kata-kata aluan untuk dimuatkan dalam majallah SAINTIS, majallah tahunan<br />

Sekolah Menengah Sains, Trengganu.<br />

Sungguhpun sekolah ini ditubuhkan awal tahun ini, pelajar-pelajarnya<br />

sudah menut^'ukkan initiatif dengan ke-sanggupan mereka mengeluarkan majallah<br />

SAINTIS. Ini adalah satu tanda yang baik bagi sekolah ini. Atas usaha ahli-ahli<br />

jawatankuasa majallah menerbitkan majallah yang ulung kalinya ini, saya ucapkan<br />

tahniah dan syabas.<br />

Sekolah-sekolah Menengah S^ins ditubuhkan untuk rnemberi peluang<br />

kepada kanak-kanak luar bandar melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat menengah<br />

dan juga pendidikan sains dan teknik yang bermutu tinggi. Keistimewaan yang<br />

diberi kepada sekolah-sekolah ini dijangka akan menggalakkan penuntut-penuntut<br />

menumpukan segala tenaga dan minat kepada pelajaran mereka, lebih-lebih lagi<br />

terhadap matapelajaran sains, ؛‎1‎ hisab dan teknik. Memandang kepada perkembangan<br />

dan keperluan Negara, kejayaan dalam bidang ini akan menjamin<br />

kehidupan yang baik bagi pelajar-pelajar sekalian.<br />

ال عا<br />

Akhirnya saya harap semua pihak di sekolah ini iaitu penuntut-penuntut,<br />

guru-guru dan juga ibubapa akan bekerjasama antara satu sama lain supaya<br />

sekolah ini akan dapat memberi sumbangan yang besar kepada kemajuan serta<br />

perkembangan pelajaran di Negara kita, khususnya kepada rakyat luar bandar. ٢<br />

27hb. Semember. 1973.<br />

رص (HAJI HAMM Bra:SHEIKH<br />

• n Pengarah P e la ja r a ه<br />

Malaysia<br />

ه ألآ‎6‎<br />





Saya mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada Sek©]ah<br />

Menengah Sains, Kuala Trengganu yang telah ؛member peluang kepada saya<br />

menyatakan sepatah dua kata dalam 'Saintis' iaitu Majallah Tahunannya ini.<br />

Sesebuah sekolah yang baru, seperti sekolah ini tentu sekali terpaksa<br />

menghadapi beberapa masaalah awal, tetapi masaalah-masaalah itu dapat diatasi<br />

jika semua pihak yang berkenaan bersikap jujur dan berazam untuk mcngatasinya.<br />

Saya berharap sekolah ini dapat dari awal-awal ؛lag memhentuk keperi-<br />

badian dan tradisi-tradisinya sendiri yar.g berasaikan prinsip-prinsip RUKUNE-<br />

GARA.<br />

Dengan adanya usaha-usaha yang sungguh-sungguh dari semua yang<br />

terlibat, saya percaya sekolah ini sentiasa akan beroleh kejayaan-kejayaan yang<br />

cemerlang.<br />

؛‎٨‎ ؛ Saya akhiri dengan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada sekolah<br />

yang telah berusaha menerbitkan Majallah Tahunannya yang pertama ini.<br />

Terima kasih.<br />


Kata Pengantar Dari Penyelia<br />

Kepentingan pelajaran dalam zaman sains dan teknoloji ini terasa<br />

sungguh-sungguh penting; penting bagi seorang individu untuk menjamin kesejahteraan<br />

rohani dan jasmaninya, penting bagi ibu bapa untuk menjamin masa depan<br />

anak-anak mereka, dan penting bagi masyarakat dan negara untuk menjamin akan<br />

lahirnya satu masyarakat yang aman, sejahtera, bersatupadu dan maju setaraf<br />

dengan segala perkembangan dalam segala bidang didalam zaman moden ini.<br />

Pelajar dibangku sekolah sekarang adalah merupakan ahli-ahli masyarakat<br />

yang kelak akan memainkan peranan masing-masing dalam segala bidang<br />

aktiviti negara. Adalah menjadi hasrat kita untuk melengkapi mereka dengan<br />

pengetahuan sains dan teknoloji yang lengkap. Disamping itu mereka juga harus<br />

di lengkapi dengan ajaran yang berbentuk rohaniah, dengan berdasarkan moral<br />

dan tatasusila serta berpandukan ajaran agama yang positif untuk melengkapi<br />

diri mereka dalam menghadapi cabaran zaman.<br />

Walau pun umur sekolah ini masih terlalu muda dan masih dalam<br />

keadaan menumpang, tetapi kami berusaha untunk meletakkan satu asas yang<br />

kukuh dan Cuba membentuk satu tradisi tersendiri dengan berpandukan eogankata<br />

sekolah 'Disiplin, Kualiti dan Dedikasi.<br />


Penyelia,<br />

Sek. Men. Sains,<br />



^umpah seorang <strong>saintis</strong>,<br />

J^kan memajukan negara,<br />

I ndustri-industri akan dibina,<br />

^jegara akan<br />

aman makmur,<br />

anggung jawab sama dipikul.<br />

kita, niا untuk memaju negara<br />

^ a in s dan teknoloji membawa kemajuan.<br />

Hasil Nukilan<br />

Rokiah Abdullah 2 Sc. 3



Editor: Wee Yoke Hnnn<br />

Sub-editor: Romalnor bte Sldek.<br />

Treasurer: doesllna bte Teh.<br />

Committee members:<br />

1. damllah bte Salim.<br />

2 . Ahmad Deub bln Yusuf.<br />

3. Noranl Mud bte Mohd.<br />

4 . Heng Aik Ban.<br />

5. Abdul Movln bln Che IMgah.<br />

6 . Allas bln Wlammat.<br />

Advisers:<br />

٦. Cik gu doharl Shamsuddin.<br />

ro produce ٥٧٢ first school ؛؛ We are ٢٢٥٧ ا<br />

'Saintis’. it the ؛named magazine and we have إ<br />

I ^he ٥٥٧٠٢ of the magazines was drawn by<br />

Mohd Apnl, ^loranl M utl, Malmunah Hassan إ<br />

I and Zural^l Yusof. W e hope ro portray many<br />

aspects آه ٥٧٢ schoo! activities In a tiny<br />

٧٥١٧٨٦٠.<br />

W e like to th an k th e teach ers and pupils<br />

o f th is school fo r th ٠ l٢ e ffo rts In m aking<br />

th e<br />

m agazine a success. A special w o rd o f th an ks<br />

to ٠٧٢ H e a d m a s e [١٨٢. M u h am ad b'n M u s ta ffa<br />

fo r show ing his keen Interests In our w ksه‎٢‎<br />

and fo r his Invaluable help In seeing th a t a<br />

good m agazine Is p ro d d e d by؛ ‏.ءال To all<br />

advisers w e ap p reciate th e ir kind and ٧٨٠٠١-<br />

fish co -o peratio ns In m aking th is m agazine ٠<br />

unlgue one.<br />

2 . Clk gu Azmy Abdul Aziz.<br />

3 . Cik gu Ro’nani Othman.<br />

W e hope to m ake th is m agazine ٠<br />

m em o ry In th e ٨ e٠٢ fu tu re.<br />

living<br />

4 . Ustazah Zaklah bte Mammat<br />

5 . Cik gu Arshad All.<br />

6 . Cik gu Michael Low.<br />

Editor.<br />


THE<br />


From left to right: Mr. Michael Low,<br />

Ustazah Zakiah bte. Mamat, Encik<br />

Johari bin Shamsuddin, Encik Muhamad<br />

b. M astaffa (Guru Besar). Encik Arshad<br />

b. Moh^. Ali, Cik Rohani bte. Othman,<br />

Encik Azmi b. Abdul Aziz.<br />

'<br />

‏'إ •<br />

' سس<br />

||<br />

‏■د<br />

أةصم ؛ اا•‏<br />

ء<br />

رمأس<br />



Kiri Kekanan:<br />

Dari Othman B. Yunus (jaga), Hashitn B. Abd. Rahman, ( tukang sapu )<br />

Tengku Zainab Bte. Tengku Mud a (kerani), Wan Meriam Bte.<br />

Endut ( amah ), Cik Kalthum Bte. A w ang(am ah), Cik Hasnah Bte.<br />

Ibrahim ( penyeiia makanan ), Aziz B. Hitam ( budak pejabat ), Yusuf<br />

B. Husain ( tukang kebun).<br />

Tidak hadir: Embong B. Ismail (jaga).

A BRIEF HISTORY OF s. M. s.<br />


Our Class-Rooms<br />

at Sekolah Menengah<br />

Padang Midin<br />

Kuala Trengganu.<br />

Asrama Yayasan Trengganu<br />

Asrama Putri<br />

at<br />

Batu Buruk.<br />

Asrama Yayasan Trengganu<br />

Asrama Putra<br />

at<br />

Batu Buruk.<br />


Our Play-grounds<br />

Our<br />

ال<br />

هآا-عآ أل آلله<br />

Cum<br />

STUDY 1*00M<br />

Our Science Lab$<br />

at Sekolah Menengah<br />

Padang Midin<br />

Kuala Trengganu.<br />

بم؛،‏ تجتيبم<br />

;<br />

-<br />


Our Hall. In the far<br />

background. Headmaster’s<br />

residence at<br />

W akaf Tembusu<br />

Kuala Trengganu.<br />

Our Uostels<br />

صءاءمم<br />

‏•••؛•'•••••;••‏<br />

ءأأأء‎1‎<br />

.,,.,.-.<br />

ب • •'••;" '•;•; ه<br />

ب ‏■■■'.؛::::■‏<br />



Dari kiri ke kanan:<br />

Norani Muti bte Mohamed, Azizahbte Endut, Wee Yoke<br />

Hoo, Romaiaor bte Sidek, Encik Muhamed Mustaffa ( the<br />

Headmaster ) Cik gu Johari bin Shamsuddin, Aiias bin<br />

Mammat, Ahmad Daud bin Yusof, Zakaria bin K. c Ahmmu,<br />

C he’ Malik bin Mammat.<br />

This board was formed on the 8 th January 1973. Ehere are only<br />

eight member in this board. We a,re nominated by teachers. Alias bin Mamat<br />

beeame the school Captain. We have to maintain the dieipline of the Sch )ol.<br />

So far, the members of this board have done their best to keep<br />

things in order for the School. Since the first term, there is not any severe punishmen،<br />

given to pupils. We do eome aeross dilfieulties in earrying out our duties<br />

but we are able to solve them in meetings which we have once in a month, ©ur<br />

teachers often help us to solve our difficulties. 1 hope the members of this board<br />

will increase in years to come.<br />

Come what may, we will strive to safeguard our school motto<br />

jealously: ' Disiplin, Kualiti and Dedikasi<br />

School Captain/.


Dari kiri:<br />

Mohd. Apni Hassan (Im am dan pemungut duit gunting), Alias<br />

Mamat ( Keptan ) Cikgu Johari Shamsuddin ( Penguasa Asrama<br />

Putra), Al d. Movin Che Ngah, ( Pen. Kepten) dan pemungut<br />

duit TV. dan suratkhabar ), Mohd. Hizam Harun (dobi).<br />

Barisan Kedua: Mohd. Sulong (rawatan), Zajaria K. c . Ahmuu (permainan),<br />

. زو Mohd. Salahuddin Abd. Rahman (makanan), Che Malek<br />

Mamat ( buku pelawat ), Mohd. Zahari Mohd. Azhar ( menguruskan<br />

buku keluar masuk ), Abu Bakar Mohd. Nor (disiplin), w . Hamid<br />

w. Nik (kebe.sihan).<br />

Pada penggal pertama 1973 kami tinggal menumpang diasrama Sekolah<br />

Menengah Padang. Setelah tiga purnama hidup dengan belas ihsan orang, maka<br />

pada awal April kami telah berpindah pula menumpang diasrama Yayasan<br />

Trengganu hinggalah dewasa ini.<br />

Pada akhir bulan Jun 1973, murid-murid perempuan pula ikut berhujrah<br />

dah tinggal bersama kami, tapi mereka ditempatkan dibangunan khas.<br />

Pada mulanya segala kelengkapan diasrama ini adalah berkurangan dalam<br />

serba serbi tetapi sekarang banyak perubahan telah dilaksanakan.<br />

Setiap hari segala gerakerja diasrama ini adalah mengikut jadual yang<br />

disediakan khas oleh gurubesar.<br />

Kepten.<br />



س<br />

‏.•سه .•<br />

Duduk dari kiri:<br />

Berdiri dari kiri:<br />

Romainor Sidek(K epten), Cikgu Rohani Othman ( W aden)<br />

Wee Yoke Hoon ( Pen. Kepten ).<br />

Azizah Endut, Jamilah Salim, Maria Bernard Sin Soi, Maimunah<br />

Hassan, Norainimuti Mohd., ١٧. Aishah w . Hamid.<br />

Pengawas Asrama Putri ditubuhkan pada bulan Jun 1973, dimana pengawaspengawas<br />

ini dipilih dengan cara mengundi oleh penghuni penghuni asrama ini.<br />

Sebab-sebab diadakan pengawas ialan untuk mcnolong waden mengawasi penghuni<br />

penghuni asrama ini. Sebelum menjadi pengawas asrama putri, ^ng^as-pengaw as<br />

ini mestilah bersumpah bahawa mereka akan menjalankan tugas dengan adil dan<br />

jujur.<br />

Kepten.<br />



From left to right: (first row) Mohd. Hizam Harun, Maziah Yusuf, Maimon<br />

N. Alassan, w . Aishah w . Hamid, Wee Yoke Hoon<br />

(Class Monitor), Cikgu M ohammad M ustafa (Headmaster),<br />

Mr. Michael Low (Form teacher), Alrmad Daud Yusuf<br />

(Asst. Class M onitor), w. Zawiyah w. Ghazali, Norani<br />

-muti Mohd., Samsani Mohd,, Mohd. Apni Hassan,<br />

Second row<br />

: Juariah Cthman, M aimunah Hassan, Joeslina Teh, Wan<br />

Kamaliah Dagang, Maria Bernard Sin ‏,؛So Norsiah Mohd.<br />

Ali, Norliza Ahmad Zahari, Ramlah Abd. Rahim, Norzahariah<br />

Zakaria, Nafisah Mohd., Mardziah Hj. Abd.<br />

Latiff, Rokiah Jaafar, Nik Norhayati Razid.<br />

Back row : w. N ؛azar Jusoh, Mohd. Asbi Cthman, Zakaria K. c.<br />

Abmuu, Mohd. ؛Sabr Sarju, Mohd. Nor Ismail, Zuraidi<br />

Yusuff, Heng Aik Ban, Mohd. Zahari Mohd. Azhar,<br />

Mohd. Salahuddin Abd, Rahman, Ahmad Radzi Ismail,<br />

Suahaimi Abd. Rahman, Mazalan M. D. Zain, Abu Bakar<br />

Mohd. Nor, Abd. Wahab Othm an, Abd. Aziz. Mohd.<br />




‏.نجف أ،ا..‏<br />

Dari kiri (barisaa pertama) : Zaliha Abdullah, Tuan Gemala Tuan Muda,<br />

Norhidah Mahmud, Alias Mamat, (ketua klas), Cikgu Muhamad<br />

Mustafa (Gurubesar), cikgu Muhd. Arsai Ali (Guru<br />

klas), Ruhana Omar (pen ketua klas), Kelsom Taib, Wan<br />

Azizah w. Ibrahim, Azizah Endut.<br />

Barisan kedua : Husin Saleh, Romlah Abu Bakar, Noramani Yaakob, Zaliha<br />

Abd. Rahman, Azizah Abdullah, Kamariah Jusoh, w. Kamaliah<br />

Ibrahim, Al-Arikah Raja E Ali, w. Nasiah Abd.<br />

Majid, Saodah Abdullah, Noraini Abdullah, Rahimah Muda,<br />

Azar Muhamad, Rusina Muhamad, Suhaimi Husin.<br />

Barisan ketiga : Che Wan Kamal Ngah, Syed Mohd. Zamri Sulong. Mohd.<br />

Salim Abd. Rahman, Sukeri Muhamad, Abd. Movin Che<br />

Ngah, Mohd. Rosley Ismail, Azam Taib, Mohd. Yusof Abdullah,<br />

Mohd. Saidi Ibrahim, Mohd. Sulong, w. Ahmad<br />

Azam Yusof, Mazlan Che Ku Ahmad, Ismail Hj. Ahmad.<br />




حم?‏ صمء'ه<br />

مم ئ ج<br />

...<br />

ه'‏<br />

ض<br />

Dari Kiri (Barisan Pertama) : Juahariah Husin, Mariam Ma)؛d, R©senani<br />

Awang, Rom ainor Sidek (Ketua Klas) Cikgu Muhamad<br />

Mustafa (Gurubesar), Cikgu Azmy Abd. Aziz (Guru Klas),<br />

Che Malelc Hj. M amat (Pen, Ketua Klas), Mahsuri Mat<br />

Deris, Zaiton Ismail, Jismani Mohd. Amin.<br />

Barisan Kedua : Sidek Mohd. Zurni Mamat, Rokiah Daud, Nazilah Husin,<br />

Robiah Hashim, Pauziyah Abu. Bakar, Jamilah Salim, Zaliha<br />

Ngah, Hashimah Hashim. Rokiah Abdullah, Aiani Mohd.<br />

Rosnani Ngah, Salmah Jusoh, Idrahim Jusoh Azmi Man.<br />

Barisan Ketiga : Mohd. Zabidi H). w. Muda, w. Hamid w. Nik, Yusof<br />

Mohd., Mamat Abd. Rahman, Ahmad Asipi Ismail, Mohd.<br />

Abdullah, Mohd. Zaki Ismail, Asari Abdullah, Nik Mohd.<br />

Daud Ismail, Mohd. Sulaiman, Mohd. Zuhdi w. Ahmad,<br />

Mohd. Saril'f Embong.<br />




ةهةصء<br />

Guru Penasihat<br />

Pengerusi<br />

Pen. Pengerusi<br />

Satiausaha<br />

Bendahari<br />

Cikgu Azmy Abd. Aziz.<br />

M©hd. Apni Hassan<br />

Romainor Sidek<br />

Mohd. Zahari Mohd. Azhar<br />

Mohd. Asbi Othman<br />

Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa:<br />

Abu Bakar Mohd Nor ( ل Sc. ١ )<br />

Che Wan Kamal Ngah { ل Sc. 2 )<br />

Zuhdi Wan Ahmad ( ل Sc. 3 )<br />

Razid Nik Norhayati<br />

Sc. ل ( ) ا Saod ih Abdullah ( 1 Sc. 2 )<br />

Jamilah Salim ( 1 Sc 3 )<br />

Pers^uan Bahasa Malaysia Sekolah Menengah Sains telah ditubuhkan pada<br />

awal tahun 1973. Walaupun kami liada erpengalaman؛؛ untuk menjalankan beberapa<br />

aktiviti tetapi dengan perasaan dedikasi dan penuh tanggung jawab, serta kerjasama<br />

guru-guru, kami telah dapat menjalankan beberapa peraduan-peraduan untuk<br />

meninggikan taraf Bahasa Malaysia di sekolah ini.<br />

Sambutan yang telah diberi oleh ؟:‏ urid-murid sangat positif dan menggalakkan.<br />

Hi antara a^iviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan ialah peraduan syarahan dan<br />

kuiz. Hi dalam peraduan kuiz, keputusan nya adalah seperti berikut:-<br />

Hadiah pertama dimenangi oleh kumpulah : Starblack<br />

Hadiah kedua dimenangi oleh kumpulan : Snap<br />

Hadiah ketiga dimenangi oleh kumpulan : Seroja<br />

Hidalam peraduan syarahan pula keputusan nya ada lah seperti berikut:-<br />

Hadiah pertama dimenangi oleh : Mohd. Apni Hassam ( 1 Sc. 1 )<br />

Hadiah kedua dimenangi oleh : Asbi ©thman ( 1 Sc. 1 )<br />

Hadiah ketiga dimenangi oleh : Ahmad Radzi Ismail ( 1 Sc. 1 )<br />

Kepada mereka yang mengambil bahagian kami mengucapkan ribuan terima<br />

kasih dan berharap semoga dimasa hadapan persatuan ini akan lebuh progressif.<br />

Seki.an.<br />

" Maju Bangsa Kerana Bahasa ”<br />

Setiausaha,<br />

Mohd. Zahari Mohd. Azhar.


Guru ?enasihat : Ustazah Zakiah bte Mamat.<br />

?engerus؛Me؛aki : Mohd bin Sulong.<br />

Perempuan : Hashimah bte Hashim.<br />

$etiausaha-ke؛a k : Syed Zambri bin Tuan Sulung.<br />

Perempuan : Mariam bte Majid.<br />

Bendahari-Lelaki : Azam bin Taib.<br />

Perempuan : Wan Kamaliah bte Wan Dagang.<br />

Penolong Bendahari-Leiaki : Ahmad Asipi bin Ismail.<br />

Perempuan : Azizah bte Endut.<br />

Ahli-ahli Jawatan Kuasa : Wa.hab bin Othman.<br />

Sukri bin Mohd.<br />

Aiani bte Mohd.<br />

Rosina bte Mohd.<br />


Persatuan ini t؟lah ditubuhkan pada 22hb. July 1973. Seperti juga<br />

persatuan-persatuan lain persatuan ini juga telah mengadakan aktiviti-aktivti<br />

seperti mengadakan Quiz diantara kelas-kelas dan juga mengadakan ceramahceramah.<br />

Ceramah ini telah di sampaikan oleh Ustaz Haji Nik Wan bin Wan<br />

Ahmad pada kali pertamanya dan kali kedua telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz<br />

Ja‘afar bin Hassan dari Jabatan Ugama Trengganu. Pada Kali Ketiganya pula<br />

telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz Jabar bin Awang juga dari Jabatan Ugama<br />

Trengganu.<br />

Seta^at ini persatpan ini belum mepdapat sambatun dari semua pelajar.<br />

Tetapi pehak kami berharap dengan berkat doa ahli-ahli persatuan ini<br />

akan dapat mengadakan berbagai-bagai ktiviti؛؛ lagi demi untuk membimbing<br />

pelajar-pelajar Khusus nya saudara-saudara kita disekolah ini kearah pengetahuan<br />

ugama Islam dengan lebih mendalam lagi.<br />

Kami bagi pehak Persatuan Ugama Islam dengan iklas hati meminta<br />

kerjasama dari semua pehak untuk mengendalikan • ini dengan<br />

jayanya, baik dalam lapangan bahath atau syarahan dan lain-lain lagi di<br />

tahun-tahun yang akan datang.<br />

Salam Hormat dari saya.<br />

Setiausaha<br />



Presiden: Wan Hamid bin Wan Nik.<br />

Xaib-Presiden: Wan Kamaliah bte. Wan Ibrahim.<br />

Setiausaha: Husin bin Salleh.<br />

Bendahari: A1 Atikah Raja E bte. Ali.<br />

Ahli-ahli jawatan kuasa keeii.<br />

1. Mazlan bin Mohd Zain.<br />

2. Samsani bte Mohd.<br />

3. Ismail bin Haji Ahmad.<br />

4. Norhidah bte Mahmad.<br />

5. Zurni bin Mammat.<br />

6. Rosnani bte Awang.<br />

Lapuran persatuan Tawarikh dan limn Alam.<br />

Persatuan Tawarikh dan Ilmu Alam sekolah ini telah di tubuhkan pada<br />

penggal pertama 1973 Persatuan ini telah dikelolakan oleh Cik gu Azmy Aziz dan<br />

Cik gu Michael Low.<br />

Persatuan Tawarikh dan Ilmu Alam telah menjalankan beberapa aktivitiakiiviti<br />

eperti؛ mengada kan lawatan keSekayu dan Rantau Abang Seperti<br />

persatuan persatuan lain, persatuan ini juga telah mengadakan Quiz Tawarikh<br />

antara Kelas kelas. Kelas yang mendapat tempat pertama ialah Satu Sains Satu<br />

dan tempat kedua dimenangi oleh Tingkatan Satu Sains Tiga.<br />

Pada akhir penggal ketiga, iaitu sebelum cuti, persatuan ini telah *<br />

kan majlis perpisahan bagi guru guru dan murid murid Sekolah Menengah Sains.<br />

Kami bagi pehak persatuan ini berharap supaya dapat '<br />

sekelian bekerjasama menyumlrangkan usaha supaya ditahun hadapan persatuan<br />

ini akanlebih aktif lagi de^ni keba ikan kita bersama.<br />

‏.‏etiausaha؛<br />



President : Rohana Omar.<br />

Setiausaha : Jamilah Salim.<br />

Bendahari : M aimunah Hassan.<br />

Ahli Jawatan kuasa : Maria Bernard Sinsoi. ( 1 sc 1 )<br />

Abdullah : Saodah<br />

ئ ( ا ) ؟ء : Wan Kamaliah bte Wan Dagang. ( 1 sc 1 )<br />

: Rnsnani bte Awang. ( 1 sc 3 )<br />


Persatuan ini telah di tubuhkan pada 16 hb April 1973. ia itu pada<br />

penggal kedua dibawah pengawasan Cikgu Rohani bte Othman.<br />

Seperti lain persatuan, persatuan ini telah mengadakan beberapa aktiviti<br />

luar darjah. Ahli ahli di bahagikan m enjalankan kepada kerja masing<br />

masing seperti mengait, tatting, anak ayam dan sebagainya.<br />

A ktiviti-aktiviti telah dijalankan pada tiap tiap hari sabtu Persatuan<br />

ini juga telah mengadakan kerja tangan dimana lima kum pulan telah mengambil<br />

bahagian.<br />

Kumpulan yang memenangi tem pat petama ialah kum pulan M utiara<br />

^ebelas dengan hasil kerjanya Alas meja dan hadiah kedua dimenangi ©leh<br />

kum pulan ' Melor ’ dengan kerja tangan - Anak Ayam.<br />

Persatuan ini sangatlah berharao kerjasama kaw an kawan sekalian<br />

semoga ditahun hadapan, banyak lagi kegiatan yang dagat<br />

Setiausaha,<br />

Persatuan Sains Rumah<br />

Tangga.<br />

2 4


■■• ز•‏<br />

"،*■<br />

Guru Pena sihat: تاج؛لثتء Arshad Bin Mat Ali.<br />

Presiden: Mazlan bin Mohd Zain.<br />

Setiausaha: Wan Kamaliah bt. Wan Ibrahim.<br />

Benda hari: Rohana bt. Omar.<br />

Wakil Klas 1 Sc. ١: Mnhd Salahuddin bin Abdul Rahman.<br />

,, ,, 1 Sc. 2: Alias bin Mamat.<br />

,, 1 Sc. 3: Wan Hamid bin Wan Nik.<br />

Persatuan ini telah ditubuhkan pada bulan Mach tahun ini. "<br />

usianya yang masih muda disertai dengan kekurangan pengalaman '<br />

nya ^er؛atuan ini tidak dapat bcrjalan dengan jayanya. Walau '<br />

persatuan ini telah mengadakan beberapa pertandingkan kuiz istimewanya kuiz<br />

di antara klas-klas. Hi dalam psrtandingan ini Tingkatan Satu Sains Satu telah<br />

menjadi johan manakala naib johannya ialah Tingkatan Satu Sains Tiga.<br />

Tidak lupa juga diingatkan yang persatuan ini telah bergiat di dalam<br />

beberapa prnjek umpamanya projek membuat papan berpaku yang kelak akan<br />

di gunakan sebagaikan alat mengajar dan juga menjadi satu alat penting bagi<br />

pelajar-pelajar menggunakannya untuk beberapa tajuk didalam pelajaran llmu<br />

Hisab Moden. Diharap persatuan ini akan bergiat lebih aktif lagi di<br />

yang akan datang.<br />

Sekian ‏,‏ahaja؟ terima kasih.<br />

Satiausaha.<br />



Guru Penasihat: Cikgu Johari bin Shamsudin.<br />

President:<br />

Abdul Movm bid Che’ Ngah.<br />

Penoiong Pengurusi: Wee Yoke Hoon.<br />

Setiausaha:<br />

Asari bin Abdullah.<br />

Penoiong Setiausaha: Jamilah bt. Salleh.<br />

Bendahari:<br />

Mazlan bin Mohd Zain.<br />

Penoiong Bendahari: A1 Arikah Raja E. bt. Ali.<br />

Ahli Jawatankuasa: ( 1 ) Ahmad R tdzi bin Ismail.<br />

( 2 ) Mohd Hizam bin Harun.<br />

( 3 ) Saodah bt. Abdullah.<br />

( 4 ) Wan Kamaliah bt. Wan Ibrahim.<br />

Sesuai dengan tempat pengajian Persatuan Sains ini telah ditububkan pada<br />

llhb., Cgos, pada tahun ini pagi haii Sabtu. Dimana ah،i-ahlinya telah dilantik<br />

dengan cara mesyuarat yang dihadiri beisama oleh guru penasihat persatuan ini.<br />

Persatuan ini ditubuhkan untuk menjalankan aktiviti aktiviti lerikut:<br />

( a ) kuiz<br />

( b ) perbipcangan<br />

( c ) kajian<br />

( d ) syarahan<br />

( e ) mengadakan lawatan ketempat-tempat yang berkaitan cengan Sains.<br />

Kebanyakan daripada aktiviti-aktiviti ini dijalankan diAsrama seperti:<br />

( a ) pertandingan kuiz antara pasukan Asrama Putri dengan pasukan Asrama<br />

Putra Sekolah Menengah Sains, Trengganu pada 15hb., September, tahun it،i.<br />

( b ) pertandingan bahath antara murid lelaki dengan murid perempuan pada 8hb.,<br />

September, pada tahun ini.<br />

Persatuan ini juga mengadakan lawatan sambil membuah kajian tentai.g<br />

binatang-binatang kecil dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang gangil di Ulu Jeram.<br />

Walaupun persatuan ini mengadakan banyak aktiviti, tetapi persatuan ini<br />

memerlukan lebih banyak lagi gerak-kerja gerak-kerja lain. Oleh itu pehak persatuan<br />

meminta agar murid-murid sekolah ini ؛member keija sama untuk memgatasi<br />

kelemahan yang ada pada persatuan ini.<br />

Setiausaha.<br />



-<br />

Teacher-ia-charge: Mr. Michael L،©w.<br />

President : Mohd Zahari bin Mohd Azahar.<br />

Secretary : Mohd Apni bin Hassan.<br />

Treasurer : Wee ¥oke Hoon.<br />

Committee Members: Wan Hamid bin Wan Nik.<br />

Wan Aishah l:t■; Wan Hamid.<br />

Mohd Salahuddin bin Abdul Rahmad.<br />

Rornainor bt. Sidek.<br />

Rosina bt. Mohd.<br />

١٧ ١١^Ahmad Azam bin Yusof.<br />

Cur society was formed during the First Term of this year. Since the<br />

society was formed, it had played an important role in the life of pupils in cur<br />

school. This society had had many competitions and prizes were given away at<br />

each competition.<br />

We had quizes and debates. The results were:<br />

( A ) Debate: Boys versus Girls- the boys won.<br />

( B ) Quiz: Boys versus Girls- the boys won.<br />

We hope the girls will try harder next year. We hope, too, to compete<br />

with other schools in 197A<br />


Secretary.<br />



From left to right-1 St row: Wee Yoke Hoon, Wan Aishah, bte Wan Hamid,<br />

Samsani bte Mohd, Romainor bte Sidek, Mr. Michael, Mohd Apni<br />

bin Hassan, p a ria h bte Othman, Azizah bte Abdullah, Maimon bte<br />

N. Alassan.<br />

From left to r؛ght-2nd row: Norani Muti bte Mohd, Maziah bte Yusuf, Maimunah<br />

bte Hassan, Rokiah bte Jaffar, Joeshna bte Teh, Wan Kamaliah bte<br />

Wan Hagang Norzahariah bte Zakaria, Ramlah bte Abdul Rahim,<br />

Maria Bernard Sinsoi, Norsiah bte Mat Ali, Nafisah bte Mahd,<br />

Mardziah bte Hj. Abdul Latiff, Jamilah bte Salim, Nik Norhayati<br />

bte Nik Razid.<br />

From left to right-3rd row: Abdul Aziz bin Mohd, Mohd Asbi bin Othman,<br />

Mazalan bin Ghe'ku Ahmad, Suhaimi bin Abdul Rahman, Ahmad<br />

Razid bin Ismail, Mohd Rosly bin Ismail, Asari bin Abdullah, Mohd<br />

Nor bin Ismail, Mohd Shariff bin Flmbong, Mohd Hizam bin Harun.<br />

The Sehool Choir was formed during the first term of this year. In the<br />

beginning some of us were not very good in singing but with a few praetiees we<br />

had, we were able to sing better.<br />

We sang at our Frize Giving Day. On the trip to Sekolah Menengah Sains<br />

Kelantan we sang in their ' Variety Show<br />

We take this opportunity to thank our teaehers for their keen interests in<br />

teaehing and training us in our songs.<br />

Wee Yoke Hoon.<br />



Presiden: Soadah bte Abdullah.<br />

Penoiong Presiden: Wan Nasiah bte Wan Abdul Majid.<br />

Setia usaha: Ahmad Radzi bin Ismail.<br />

Bendahari: Joeslina bte Teh.<br />

Ahli Ahli Jawatan Kuasa: Mazlan Mohd Zain.<br />

• Abdul Wahab Bin Othman.<br />

: Sukeri bin Mohd.<br />

• Salim bin Abdul Rahman.<br />

: Mohd Asipi bin Ismail.<br />

• Mohd Asari bin Abdullah.<br />

Guru Penasihat<br />

: Cik gu Azmy bin Abdul Aziz.<br />

Persatuan ini ditubuhkan pada 16hb. Ogos 1973.<br />

م<br />

Pada hari Khamis tanggal 6 hb. Sept. 1973. Sekolah kami telah mengadakan<br />

satu lawatan sambil berkenalandan juga untuk beradu bakat keSekolah Sains<br />

Kelantan. Jaguh jaguh dari persatuan ini juga tidak ketinggalan menunjukkan<br />

bakat mereka. Tapi malangnya telah dialahkan oleh pehak lawan.<br />

Walaupun persatuan eatur Sekolah Menengah Sains ini telah ditewaskan<br />

oleh Sekolah Menengah Sains Kelantan, namun demikian kami akan terus berusaha<br />

bersunggoh-sunggoh untuk memajukan permainan catur ini diSekolah kami dan<br />

diTrengganu amnya.<br />



Lapuran Sukan Sekolah Menengah Sains—1973<br />

Seperti mana yang kita sedia maklum, Sekolah Menengah Sains Trengganu<br />

telah ditubuhkan pada tahun ini dan buah sementara waktu sekolah ini hanya<br />

menumpang diSekolah Menengah Padang Midin.<br />

Dalam sukan tahunan Sekolah Menengah Padang Midin, murid-murid Sekolah<br />

Menengah Sains telah juga mengamhil b .hagian dan telah mendapat beberapa<br />

kejayaan. Ini membuktikan bahawa semangat sukan dikalangan murid-murid<br />

Sekolah Menengah Sains tidak tinggal negatif begitu sahaja.<br />

Selain dari itu, Sekolah Menengah s lins juga mempunyai pasukan-pasukan<br />

permainan nya sendiri seperti pasukan sep ikb .la, bola jaring, tennis ntf-ja, catur<br />

dan sepaktakraw dibawah pengawasan gur.j-guru yang berkenaan.<br />

Pada 6hb. Ogos, 1973, Sekolah Menengah Sains Trengganu telah membuat<br />

satu lawatan ke Sekolah Menengah Sains Kelantan untuk mengadakan beberapa<br />

acara permainan persahabatan dengan sekolah tersebut. Disamping itu juga, tujuan<br />

kami ialah untuk mengerat kan taki perhubungan antara murid-murid Sekolah<br />

Menengah Sains Trengganu dengan Sekolah Menengah Sains Kelantan. Soal kalah<br />

menang adalah soal yang kurang penting.<br />

Akhir sekali, ingin dinyatakan disini bahawa sungguh pun Sekolah Menengah<br />

Sains Trengganu tidak mempunyai alat kelengkapan sukan yang cukup dan<br />

sempurna namun begitu kami dapat memajukan taraf kesukanan sekolah ini kedarjat<br />

yang setaraf dengan sekolah-sekolah lain. Kami berharap semoga pada tahun<br />

hadapan sekolah iniakan dikurniakan alat kelengkapan sukan yang cukup untuk<br />

meninggikan lagi mutu sukan dan permainan murid murid sekolah ini am nya.<br />

Setiausaha Sukan SMS. Tr.<br />



ةحة؛أوء<br />

أ -- مم:‏<br />

Dari i؛iri ( duduk ) : Mohd. Zaki Ismail, Cikgu Azmy, Mohd. Abdullah.<br />

,, ( berdiri ) : ١٧. Nazari Ju؛oh, Mohd. Zahari Mohd. Azhar, Mohd. Radzi<br />

Ismail, Che Malek Hj. Mamat ( kepten ), Abd. Movin Che<br />

Ngah, Zuraidi Yusof, Mohd. Sulong.<br />


Duduk dari kiri : Mazalan Md. Zain ( kepten ), Cikgu Azmy, Mohd. Hizam Harun.<br />

Berdiri : Zuraidi Yusof, Mohd. Rosley Ismail, Abu Bakar Mohd. Nor,<br />

Mohd. Sabri Sarj'u.<br />



أسحأبمم<br />

ءءب-‏ 1<br />

س<br />

ء م ' ممء<br />

سج ;, س سم.‏<br />

~•<br />

سسدسب<br />

س<br />

Dari kiri ( barisan depan ) : Mohd. Hizam Harun dan Sidek Mohd.<br />

( duduk ) : Mohd. Salahuddin Abd. Rahman ( kepten ), Cikgu<br />

Azmy, Azam Taib.<br />

,, ( berdiri ) : Ibrahim Jusoh, Mohd. Suiong, Abdul Movin Che<br />

Ngah, Rosley Ismail, Mohd. Abdullah, Mohd. Zaki<br />

Ismail, Abu Bakar Mohd. Nor, Sukeri Mohd, w.<br />

Nazari Jusoh, Abd. Wahab ©thman, Asbi Cthman.<br />



Duduk dari kiri : Romainor bt. Sidek ( kepten ), Cikgu Rohani bt. Othman<br />

(jurulatih), dan Al-Arikah Raja E bt. Ali.<br />

Berdiri dari kil'i : Jismani bt. Mohd Amin, Wan Kamiliah bt. Wan Ibrahim,<br />

Ramiah bt. Rahim, Rosina bt. Mohd. Wan Nasiah bt. Wan<br />

Majid, Wan Kainiliah bt. Wan Dagang dan Pauziah bt, Abu<br />

Bakar.<br />

Pasukan ini telah ditubuhkan pada awal tahun ini dibawah latihan Cikgu<br />

Rohani bt. Othman. Walaupun pasukan kami masih muda lagi, tetapi ahli ahli<br />

nya telah menunjukkan kebolehan yang agak membanggakan.<br />

Kami menjalankan latihan pada tiap-tiap petang di padang Asrama Yayasan<br />

Trengganu di Batu Buruk, Kuala Trengganu. Pada tahun ini Pasukan kami telah<br />

mengwakili Sekolah Menengah Sains, Trengganu ؛bag menandingi Sekolah Menengah<br />

Sains, Kelantan. Tetapi kami telah dialahkan oleh Sekolah Menengah Sains, Ke~<br />

lantan. Walaubaga imanapun kami akan berusaha dengan lebih cemerlang lagi<br />

agar mendapat kejayaan.<br />

Kepten.<br />


T H [<br />

PRIDE<br />

nr<br />

٠ ٢ ا<br />

Kebangsaaii, rom‏.؛ Sekolah \•'";ftngah<br />

آه ،، ation the 5th N٥ a t<br />

م<br />

؛.•؛ ؛•••■•'؛ held<br />

٠ ٠<br />

N ovanber<br />

S J IS<br />

in poem<br />

؛deliver at District level. She of emotions while<br />

her poem before a iar : ،; ijdience. Had she tried hat<br />

K.T.<br />

ah Mstrong rneneah com nethor ؛'-;‏Kebarn'sa f om<br />

Seberarig Takir, K I engganu. She lost her sec<br />

place by a very 2-- narrow ‏،؛؛؛؛،,:;‏ points .<br />

٥ ٠<br />

؛ gteat, you Saodah? know that We you can o a<br />

Terim a kasih '<br />

ي<br />

‏.;؛،‏ ؛U

The English Language Campaign—1973<br />

Poetry Competition<br />

Tite audience applauded as she stepped up the stage<br />

to deliver her poem entitled " The Solitary Reaper ” by<br />

William Wordsworth. Everyone was tense and emvrapped<br />

by the manner she reeited the poem, she was all along<br />

very ealm, eonhdent, and poised and when the last word<br />

in the poem was uttered, there was yet another big hand<br />

for her.<br />

Yes, she was then competiting with other poem<br />

readers from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, Padang<br />

M idin; Sekolah Menengah Kebadgsaan, Seberang Takir;<br />

Sekolah Meneng h Rebangsaan, Tun Telanai; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,<br />

M aras and; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, Bukit Sawa. at Distriet Level The<br />

judges were unanimous in their verdict. She was given the first place.<br />

At State level she proved her salt again. She surpassed five other poem-readers<br />

from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, Besut; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,<br />

Kemaman; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, Dungun; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,<br />

Ulu Trengganu and; Sekolah Menengah K ebangsaan, K uala Trengganu Selatan).<br />

Cne of the judges was so taken with her pronunciation and was nearly stuck into<br />

believing that she was from the English Medium.<br />

Yes, truly you are great Romainor. Eventhough you did not achieve success<br />

at N ational level held on the 5th of November of this year in K uala Lum pur at<br />

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Aminuddin Baki, Sekolah Menengah Sains is always<br />

grateful to you.<br />


Saodah bt. Abdullah is her name She is from<br />

lSc.2. She is just as interested in poem as Rom ainor bt.<br />

Sidek. So she entered in the Recitation of poetry C om -<br />

petition with Rom a؛nor on 22nd August of this year.<br />

She recited the poem entitled " Death The Leveller”<br />

at District level. She was full of emotions while delivering<br />

her poem before a large audience. H ad she tried harder<br />

she might have swept off the second place given to her<br />

strong competitor from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,<br />

Seberang Takir, K uala Trengganu. She lost her second<br />

place by a very narrow margin -2 ب points.<br />

Do you know that you are great, Saodah? We can only say:<br />

' Terim a kasih ’.<br />


Singing C om petition<br />

Very serious, isn’t she? Weil, the ‘Saintis’<br />

has a few good words for her.<br />

She is A l-A rikah Raja E bt. Ali. She is<br />

from ا Sc. 2 and she had proven her voice at<br />

D istrict and State levels during the English Language<br />

Cam paign Week held on the 15th-22nd o f Septem ber<br />

o f this year.<br />

A t D istrict level she easily came out first leaving behind her<br />

strong opponents from Sekolah M enengah Kebangsaan Padang M idin;<br />

Sekolah M enengah Bukit Sawa; Sekolah M enengah K ebangsaan Tun Telanai;<br />

Sekolah M enengah Kebangsaan Seberang T akir and Sekolah M enengsaan<br />

M aras.<br />

At State level she came out second missing the first place to a<br />

com petitir from Sekolah M enengah Kebangsaan Batu Buruk, K uala Trengganu<br />

by 7 points.<br />

To you A rikah the school would to say: "Thank you. Let n o t<br />

defeat a t this stage clam p your hope-w e know w hat it is!”<br />

Essay C om petition<br />

She adm itted once th at she was never successful w ith her voiceeventhough<br />

it was not th at bad! So she proved herself at essay-w riting<br />

com petition held at D istrict level on the 18th o f August o f this year.<br />

Her essay "F ruit Seasons In T r e n g g a n u ” was placed th ird . Was she<br />

contented w ith the result? "Never!” was her reply. N ext year she would<br />

try to do better<br />

"T hat’s the spirit, fam ilah! We hope you<br />

keep your w ords. We know you can do it. We have<br />

only this to say: ‘?atience and ?erseverance overccmes<br />

M ountains.’ ”<br />

G ood Luck!


She looks serious but allow the 'Saintis’ to reveal<br />

it to you- she is also a subtle joker. Her favourite pastime<br />

is reading. Believe it or not she finishes a book a<br />

day!<br />

You ean eall her a ' bookworm ’ if you want to,<br />

but ' bookworm or no ' bookworm’ , she proved herself<br />

to be the Best Pupil of Sekolah Menengah Sains Kuala<br />

Trengganu!<br />

The table below shows her results in the M id-year<br />

and End-of-year examinations:<br />


English 86 - 89 Al<br />

Bahasa Malaysia 76 A1 77 A2<br />

Integrated Sci. 75 88 Al<br />

Domestie Sri- 77 . . 81 Al<br />

M athematics 82 . . 88 Al<br />

Geography 55 G5 80 Al<br />

History S3 A1 94 Al<br />

Art 68 C3 63 c:><br />

Total 602. 662.<br />

Percentage 75.25% Al 82.75% Al<br />

At the ' Penyam paian H adiah sempena H ari Guru ’ she swept off prizes for<br />

(a) Geography (b) History and (e) English Eanguage for seoring ’<br />

marks<br />

in the respeetive subjects.<br />

Her only aim as long as she is in the schcol is " Not to allow<br />

beat her Very good له , Wee, and you have all our prayers<br />

؛ ه<br />

anyone to<br />


Johan Anikaragam Kesatuan Pelajar Tingkatan Enatn (1973)<br />

Yes, he is none other than Mohd Apni bin H a؛san-a short and quiet boy.<br />

His hobby is singing whenever he finds the time.<br />

He is also religious-man at prayers at Asrama Futra, Asrama Yayasan, Batu<br />

Buruk, K uala Trengganu. Sekolah Menengah Sains, K uala Trengganu would like<br />

to thank him for having brought ^ ٨١، to the school. He came out first in the<br />

Singing Competition organized by the Kesatuan ?ela jar Tingkatan Enam. He<br />

excelled even the bigger boys with his voice.<br />

His performance was laudable for his age and<br />

everyone’s attention with his song entitled " W CRDS<br />

size. He was able to lure<br />

Undoubtedly with his words he even swayed the panel of judges to give him<br />

the first place in the competition. Everyone would net da; e say that he was m o-<br />

tionless, expressionless and dull when he sang.<br />

Once again the school would like to say ' Well done! ’ and more power<br />

to you in the near future!<br />


Ahad: 6hb. Mei. 1973.<br />

Pertandingan Pesta Drama Sekolafa-Sekolah Menengah<br />

Kawasan Kuala Trengganu Utara.<br />

Sekolah Menengah Sains telah memasuki pertandingan diatas dan telah<br />

mencapai kejayaan yarg tidak diduga sama sekali Sekolah ini telah mendapat<br />

tem pat kedua dalam pertandingan tersebut dengan m endapat m ata sebanyak 66.3,<br />

hanya 2.7 m ata dibelakang tem pat pertam a.<br />

Disamping itu Sekolah ini juga telah merebut hadiah untuk pelakun lelaki<br />

terbaik. D ram a yang bertajuk "Baginya tiada hari esok” karya En Alias Embong<br />

itu telah dilakunkan oleh murid-murid yang tersebut dibawah:-<br />

1. Rom ainor @> Aini Bte. Sidek ( 1 Sc. 3<br />

2. Wan Nazari B. Wan Jusoh ( 1 Sc. 1<br />

3. Mohd. Asbi B. O thm an ( 1 Sc. 1<br />

4. Jam ilah Bte. Salim ( 1 Sc. 3<br />

5. Mohd. Apni B. Hassan ( 1 Sc. 1<br />

sebagai<br />

Emak<br />

Bapa<br />

Anak Lelaki<br />

Anak Perempuan<br />

Guru<br />

Cikgu Azmy Aziz — Pengarah ba^agian teknik lakunan.<br />

Cikgu Michael Low — Pengarah bahagian gaya lakunan.<br />

Sementara itu diucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada gurubesar dan juga<br />

kepada Cikgu Jonari Shamsuddin kerana kerjasama yang telah diberikan yang<br />

m ana telah membawa kejayaan yang cermerlang kepada Sekolah Menengah Sains<br />

Trengganu.<br />

Pelakun Terbaik Bahagian Lelaki Dalam Pesta Drama<br />

1973.<br />



C ik Y a ^ sedang m enyusua surat k h ab ar m anakala ? a k D ahlan,<br />

suam -nya asyik m em baca surat khabar.<br />

Hey, Lela ! Sam pai begini petang baru kau balik !<br />

Engkau itu m asih anak gadis ta k manis di pandaug orang<br />

أ ! 40

C ikgu H assan: " Sekarang ini Zam an Sains dan teknoloji—tak kira<br />

lelaki atau perem puan — m asing — m asing m engejar<br />

kem ajuan. ”<br />

C ikgu H assan: " Inilah keputusan anak ? a k C hik. ”<br />

Pak D ahlan m engeluh ap ab ila m elihat sijil itu.<br />


ا<br />

iterant fa n t r ih ir t ir c r c

G em pa Bumi<br />

Gem pa butni ialah gerakan diperm ukaan bum ‏.؛ Beribu-ribu gempa<br />

bum i beriaku dalam setahun tetapi sedikit sahaja yang ’ kerosakan<br />

yang teruk. Biasanya gegaran yang kecil itu hanya<br />

tingkap dan cawan sahaja. K adang-kadang gempa bum ؛ !^ ru n tu h k a n bangunan-bangunan<br />

atau m erusakan seluruh bandaraya dan m engam bil nyaw a<br />

penduduk-penduduknya sekali.<br />

Gem pa bum i dibaw ah laut boleh m engakibatkan gelom bang gempa<br />

yang m encurah kepantai-pantai yang berdekatan.<br />

G em pa bum i terjadi akibat daripada gerakan bungkah-bungkah batu<br />

pada kerak bum ؛ yang m em bentuk dunia ini. D aya-daya m am pat yang tegang<br />

boleh m elakukan pecahan-pecahan yang dipanggii gelinciran. G erakan sem erta<br />

pada g e lin c ir a n itu m engakibatkan berlakunya gempa bum i. Gem pa bumi<br />

beriaku ditem pat yang m em punyai gunung-gunung berapi sam ada d idarat<br />

atau didasar lautan.<br />

Satu alatbyang panggil Seismograph, digunakan bagi m e r a k a m dan<br />

m engesan gegaran gempa bum i. A hli-ahli sains d apat m encari kaw asan yang<br />

akan m engalam i gem pa b'ami dengan m snggunakan alat ini.<br />

Hasil karya:<br />

Z urni M amat.<br />

Satu Sains Tiga.<br />

“U jian B ateri B ekal”<br />

Suatu hari, k ata guru Sainsku, buah lim au (lem on) ada ’<br />

letrik. A ku berpendapat, jika dim asokkan letrik kcdalam air lim au Itu. ia<br />

adan dapat m enyim pan letrik dan boleh digunakan sebagai b ateri bekal.<br />

Pada hari itu, aku tid ak study. A ku kebandar, kerana hendak membeli<br />

barang-barang u n to k m enjalankan ujian m em buat bateri bekal yang<br />

mudal^ dengan m enggunakan airlim au. Barang-baram gnya ialah 2 urat wire,<br />

sepanjang 1 kaki, 5 biji buah lim au (lem on), 5 buah b ateri sel kering, sebiji<br />

m entol dan sebuah soket.<br />

Pada petang itu aku m enyediakan sebotol air lim au setelah itu, aku<br />

pun m engam bil 2 keping zing lalu aku ik atk an kedua-dua hujong wire<br />

tadi kepada kedua-dua hujong zing tadi dan aku sam bongkan kepada keduadua<br />

hujong bateri sel kering (positib dan negative).<br />

Satelah itu aku m esokkan kedua-dua keping zing tadi kadalam air<br />

lim au te^sebut. A ku dapati buih-buih halus keluar daripada ’ ’<br />

keping zing tadi.<br />


Salepas satengah jam kem udian air lim au tadi telah bertukar w arna.<br />

Salepas sajam kem udian ^ku m em buat ujian dengan m entol sam ada air<br />

lim au itu boleh dijadikan bateri bekal atau tidak Berkali-kali aku m enjalankan<br />

ujian terscbut, nam un tetap m entul itu tidak m enyala.<br />

Ini m em buktikan yang percubaan aku itu telah tidak berjaya.<br />

A khirnya aku meng am bil k ep u tu an؛ yang aku akan tu n ju k k an percubaan<br />

itu kepada guru sainsku. K atanya, air lim au itu tidak boleh dijadikan<br />

bateri bekal kerana kuasanya tid ak kuat.<br />

Hasil C iptaan,<br />

M azlan bin Che Ku Ahm ad.<br />

Ting. I Sains II<br />

A Dream<br />

One night my father and I were sailing in a boat. The w eather was<br />

fine and the w ind calm and we were sailing peacefully. The m oon was<br />

shining brightly in the sky. It was very quiet and we could only hear the<br />

splashes our b oat m oving in the w a te r.<br />

Suddehly the w eather changed, black clouds started gathering, the<br />

w ind was blow ing strongly and our boat was m oving to and fro. The m oon<br />

then disappeared and we realised that a storm was com ing My fath er pulled<br />

dow n the sail. Big waves came rolling near our boat. Then a big wave<br />

came and tu rn over our boat. We were throw n in to the w ater. I held<br />

tightly to my father. He caught a floating plank from the boat which was<br />

broken in to pieces by the storm . We were carried by the waves to and fro.<br />

Then the rain started to fall and the w ind stopped blow ing. The tide<br />

carried us to shore.<br />

My father brought a w alkie-talkie but it was useless because we<br />

cnuld n o t use it as it was wet Then my father started a fire a^d<br />

we slept there, w hen we w oke up, we felt very hungry and we looked for<br />

some food We saw a fru it tree and I clim bed up the tree to pluck some<br />

fru it. We ate and drank some w ater which was taken from a stream near<br />

the fru it tree.<br />

My father asked me to cpllect a lo t o f wood because he was going<br />

to burn them as a signal. Then the sm oke rose in the air Leter we heard<br />

and saw a helicopter flying abov ‎٧‎؟ . We w ؟av d to them happily. But while<br />

I was clim bipg the ladder o f th e helicopter, I fell and broke my head. As<br />

I felt the pain on my head, I w oke up and saw th at I was lying on the<br />

flo o r. I realised th at I was only dream ing. But I felt very happy because<br />

my head was n o t broken although it h u rt me in my dreaih.<br />

؟<br />

By:<br />

Wee Yoke Hoon<br />

1 Science 1<br />


Pocked G opher<br />

Pocket Gopher is a vertebrate ( mammal ) which is ealled the 'burrowing rodent’.<br />

The Freneh word for this anim al is "Goupe” meaning honey comb. Poeket Gopher<br />

spends most of its time in the ground. It is usually found in the western parts of<br />

North Ameriea and the Mississippi Valley and as far south as the G ulf © f Mexico.<br />

The Pocket Gopher is usually ten inches in lenght having a thick fur covering<br />

on its body. It has a flattened head ar.d its neck is short. It has long, sharp front<br />

claws which are used for digging holes. It can dig holes 250 feet deep in a single<br />

night.<br />

The Pocket Gopher also has a special pocket which is used to supply food<br />

and building materials to be carried to its store-hou'e in the ground. It usually<br />

feeds on roots, bulbs, and tubers. Gopher, like the earthworm, benefits m an because<br />

it aerates and drains our soil by burrowing holes. Its enemies are the badges,<br />

weasels and snakes.<br />

By:<br />

M chd. Apni B. Hassan<br />

1 Science 1.<br />

The G arden Snail<br />

A garden snail is a mollusc th at lives on land. It is an invertebrate. It has a<br />

soft boby and is usually protected by a shell which is made up of calcium carbonate.<br />

Its body is not segmented and it has no legs.<br />

It moves with the helpof its mucles. ft moves only during at night• because<br />

it is safer and there is not much sunlight.<br />

It has two pairs of tentacles, ©ne pair is longer than the other. The longer<br />

ones have eyes such than they are called the eye tentacles or the secound tentacles.<br />

The two lower and shorter tentacles are called the sense tentacles or first tentacles.<br />

The mouth of the snail is very close to the tentacles. There are two lips, the upper<br />

and the lower lips. It likes to eat the soft part of the plants. These damages the<br />

crops and it is a pest to farmers.<br />

ft breathes through the breathing pore. The breathing pore is a small opening<br />

which is covered by a layer of tissue called the m antle, f t we study more about<br />

the garden snail, we will notice that its habit is almost like that of the earthworm<br />

By:<br />

M aria Bernard Sin Soi<br />

1 Science ft<br />


M engem bara K eplanet Pluto<br />

K apal angkasa kami. Falcon, bcrjalan terus menuju kcangka؟a iepas dan dengan<br />

dipandu oleh juruierb ng kami yang bernam a Mohd. Yusuf Abdullah. Kapal<br />

angkasa kami berjalan terus meredah angkasa yang luas terbentang itu. Fiba-tiba<br />

ketua kami memberitahu supaya kami bersiap sedia dengan pakaian khas untuk<br />

turun kesebuah planet. Kami diberitahu yang kami akan m endarat disebuah planet<br />

yang bernam a " Pluto Jurugam bar kami memberitahu yang kapalangkasa kam i<br />

itu semakin dekat dengan planet pluto.<br />

Kapalangkasa kami mengelilir.gi planet itu beberapa kali sebelum m endarat.<br />

Kam i diperintahkan turun daripada kapalangkasa kami itu. Planet itu sungguh<br />

gelap dan sejuk. Suhu diplanet itu adalah bawah d arip ada-10 darjah Centigrade.<br />

W alaupun kami memakai alat pemanas badan, tetapi kami masih juga merasa sejuk.<br />

Setelah beberapa lam a diplanet itu, kami diperintahkan naik kekapal semula.<br />

Setelah beberapa kali mengilingi planet itu, kapalangkasa kami m elancar semula<br />

ke bumi. Kam i telah selamat sampai dibumi dan telah dipungut oleh kapalperang<br />

" Repaulse Selepas itu kami telah dikerantinkan selama dua puluh satu hari<br />

sebagai langkat keselamatan.<br />

Hasil karya:<br />

M azlan Che Ku Ahmad<br />

Satu Sains Dua.<br />

Ilm u Pengetahuan<br />

Ilm u pepgetahun itu sangat berguna pada tiap-tiap orang. Dengan ada nya<br />

ilmu pengetahun orang itu akan dihorm ati dan disanjung ting^i oleh orangram ai.<br />

O rang yang banyak ilmu pengetahuan ini dikatakan orang yang bijak pandai.<br />

Pengetahuan yang ada pada dirinya itu akan digunakan untuk membaiki keadaan<br />

m asyarakatnya.<br />

U ntuk m endapat ilmu pengetahun itu, kita terpaksa bersusah payah dan<br />

berusaha. Semasa kecil kita dihantar oleh ibubapa kita kesekolah. Disekolah kita<br />

belajar berbagai-bagai pelajaran. G uru mengajar kita dengan bersungguh-sungguh<br />

supaya apa yang diajarnya itu akan kita fahami. D ari satu perengkat kesatu<br />

perengkat kita meningkat dalam persekolahan. Pengetahun yang kita pelajari itu<br />

semakin lam a semakin banyak dan susah. Sesiapa yang cergas otaknya akan m end<br />

apat pelajaran itu dengan m udahnya. Sesiapa yang lemah otaknya akan tertinggal<br />

dibela^ang.<br />

Bagaimana orang Amerika boleh nail ke^ulan Itu disebabkan oleh ’<br />

ta ra f pengetahuan sains mereka. Semua kesulitan akan dapat diatasi dengan m enggunakan<br />

ilmu pengetaliuan. Tidak ada gunanya seseorang itu m endapat Imu؟ pengetahuan<br />

yang tinggi jika segala yang pelajari itu tidak dipratikkan.<br />

Hasil karya:<br />

w. Zawiyah w. Ghazali<br />

Satu Sains Satu.<br />


Ib u<br />

Ikatan kasih d ian tara ibu dan aku<br />

Kini........hancur bercerai<br />

Ibu!<br />

Oh ibu! M engapa kau tinggalkan daku bu?<br />

Ibu............<br />

Kau tenguk lah anak mu yang m eratap duka.<br />

Ibu............<br />

U ntuk bertem u dengan kau kem bali am at lah jauh sekali<br />

Semacam, semacam kudung sikudung ingin beristerikan puteri raja<br />

Ibu............<br />

Hanya tangisan yang dapat diberi<br />

Thu.—<br />

M engapa bu, m engapa<br />

K au kegitu cepat sekali pergi<br />

Ya, kau pergi kerana panggilan Ilahi<br />

Ibu............oh ibu<br />

Hasil nukilan:<br />

Zuraidi Yusoff.<br />

1 Sains I.<br />

R iw ayat H idup Sebuah Bas<br />

A ku adalah sebuah bas jenis Ford. A ku telah dilahirkan diEngland,<br />

di sebuah syarikat bernam a F ord M otor Com pany, pada 16hb. Ogos, 1963.<br />

Dalam m ulut ku m em punyai em pat puluh kerusi penum pang. Pada kaki ku<br />

pula m em punyai enam biji tayar; em pat dibelakang dan dua dihadapan.<br />

^engurusku m erasa bangga dengan kecantikan ku. T etapi yang m erunsingkan<br />

aku ialah pengurusku ak an m enghantar k u keM alaysia<br />

Pada keesokan harinya aku telah d ihantar kesatu pelabuhan yang<br />

besar. A ku diletakkan diatas kapal yang besar dengan kaw an-kaw an ku<br />

yang sebaya dengan ku. Setelah belayar selam a lim a minggu. lim a hari dan<br />

lim a, akhirnya sam pai juga diPelabuhan Kelang, M alaysia. Sesampai sahaja<br />

aku di M alaysia, aku terus d ih an tar keSelangor Bus Com pany. Pada keesokan<br />

hari nya aku m ula bekerja u ntuk tu an ku. A ku dapat m em uatkan seratus<br />

lim ajjpuluh orang dalam perutku sehari.<br />

Sesudah sepuluh tahun ku berkhidm at kepada tuan ku, k in i aku<br />

telah tua dan tidak berdaya lagi u n tu k bekerja.<br />

Sekarang aku tidak digunakan lagi. Semua anggota tubuh ku telah<br />

dibuang oleh tuan ku, kesuatu tem pat yang jauh dari bandar. A khirnya aku<br />

terus m ati disitu.<br />

Hasil karya:<br />

Zuraidi Yusof.<br />

1 Sains 1<br />


K epentingan Sains D idalam Pem bangunan<br />

M em bina sebaah m asyarakat progresif yang akan m enggunakan Sains<br />

dan T eknoloji bukan nya satu perkara yang senang. K erajaan telah mem<br />

ainkan peranan yang penting u n tu k m em ajukan negara kita m elalui Sains<br />

dan Teknoloji.<br />

Dalam Rancangan M alaysia Kedua, negara k ita am at m em erlukan tenaga-tenaga<br />

Sains yang banyak u n tu k m em ajukan perusahaan pertanian dan<br />

perindastrian.<br />

M elalui pelajaran Sains, k ita dapat m enghindar dari berbagai m alapetaka<br />

alam seperti b an jir dan kem arau. Dengan adanya Pusat K aji Cuaca dan<br />

Pusat M encegah banjir, k ita dapat m engetahui kedatangan hujan lebat dan<br />

dapat m encegat berlaku nya b a n jir yang teruk.<br />

A khir kata, dari pelajaran sains k ita boleh juga m em buat jasa dan<br />

m enabur kan bakti kepada bangsa dan negara kita.<br />

Hasil Sumbangan:<br />

R ohana Omar<br />

Satu Sains Dua,<br />

Sedar<br />

Jam al, begitulah nam a seorang budak jah at dikam pung ku. Ia tidak<br />

bersekolah. K erjanya setiap hari ialah m enyakat dan m engkhianati b u d a t-<br />

budak kecil dikam pung ku. Setiap hari budak-budak kecil m erasa gelisah<br />

kerana tak u t diganggu oleh nya. Telah beberapa kali ku m enasihatkan nya<br />

supaya m em berhentikan perbuatan nya itu. Tetapi tidak dihiraukan nya.<br />

Pada suatu hari ku lihat Jam al datang m engganggu dan m eram pas bola<br />

dari tangan salah seorang dari sekum pulan budak-budak keeil yang sedang<br />

berm ain. Budak itu m enengis m em inta dipulangkan semula bola nya. Jam al<br />

tid^k m enghiraukan budak itu, m alah diejak-ejak nya budak itu. Tangisan<br />

budak itu m akin kuat.<br />

M elihatkan hal itu tim bul la'n perasaan belas kasihan ku terhadap budak<br />

kecil itu. D engan serta m erta aku pergi m e n y u r u h Jamal<br />

sem ula bola budak kecil itu. Jam al tidak menjawab. la hanya m enunjukkan<br />

penum buk nya kepada ku. K akinya m elangkah setapak dcmi setapak kearan<br />

ku. T iba-tiba aku lihat dia tersungkur sam bil m engaduh kesakitan. Dibelakang<br />

nya kelihatan bapa budak kecil tadi berdiri tercegak dengan memegang<br />

sebatang penyapu. Bapa budak itu m em ukul Jamal hingga Jam al m em ekikm<br />

e^i^ m em inta tolong.<br />

Setelah itu bapa budak itu pergj bersam a-sam a anak nya. Aku pun<br />

perlahan-lahan m erapatkan d iri kepada Jam al. Aku m enggosok-gosok belakang<br />

nya. D engan suara sedih ia m engatakan yang ia tidak akan m enyakat<br />

dan m engkhianati lagi budak-budah kecil, dan ia b erjan ji akan<br />

a k u sebagai sahabat nya yang karib. A ku senyum pada nya. Dalam hatiku,<br />

aku bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana Jam al telah sedar dan insaf. Dari harj<br />

itu Jam al bertukar m enjadi saorang budak yang baik dan suka berkaw an<br />

dengan budak-budak lain.<br />

Oleh : Sarif Em bong<br />

( 1 Sc. 3 )<br />


The M oon<br />

The m oon is about 50 tim es sm aller th an the earth. It is about<br />

235,000 miles away from the earth. The m oon is m ade o f solid rock. There<br />

are great plains, hills and m ountains. On the surface o f the m oon there<br />

are thousands o f craters from tiny depressions to great holes up to 150<br />

m ile across. It has been bom barded by num erous m eteorites.<br />

James Lovell’s stated th at the Langreurs crater o f the ٨١٥٥١١ bas a<br />

central cone, the walls o f the crater are terraced, about six to seven terraces<br />

on the way down. The A m erican astronauts o f A ppollo 8 found th at there<br />

was grey coloured spot on the m oon.<br />

The lunas sunrise is a sort o f a com plete w hite haze, it takes a fan<br />

shape. It’s C oncentrated on the exact spot where th e sun comes up and<br />

dim inishes as it goes away from the sun spot.<br />

Borm an believed th at the m oon was a vast forbiding expanse o f<br />

nothing. It is not a very interesting plase to live o f w ork. It is airless and<br />

waterless. On the sunny side it IS very hot whereas in the d ark side it is<br />

very cold. The surface tem peratures, range from 210° F to 240° F. There<br />

is no plant o f anim al life on the m oon.<br />

By:<br />

Joint Venture.<br />

1 Sc. 1<br />

The Strange M am m al<br />

One o f the strangest anim als in the w orld is the platypus. It is<br />

som etim es called ducks billed platypus or w ater mole. It is usually found<br />

near rivers in the East o f A ustralia and in Tasm ania.<br />

It has characteristics o f m am mals, birds, reptiles and others. It can<br />

swim, has short webbe^ feet, it also has scales, beak, lay eggs, has hair<br />

covering its body and feed in young w ith m ilk also it is a w arm -blooded<br />

anim al. But the platypus is grouped under the ١٨١١١٨^ ؛ ١٥ due to the hairs<br />

covering its body. Though م may thin k th at the platypus ought to be<br />

divided in the group o f birds ٠٢ reptijes. But this platypus has hair covering<br />

and feed its ^oung w ith m ilk and other groups o f vertebrates do n ot<br />

have such characteristics.<br />

The habitat o f the platypus is a t river banks in burrow s. It uses its<br />

sensitive beak (bill) to find fo r aquatic insects, crustaceans and worm s<br />

which it ed؛؟f on The m ale platypus processes a poison-spur at its hind<br />

؛fee fo r killing frogs. Sometimes it carries the food in the cheek pouches<br />

and ؟ha an enorm ous ؟app tite. The ؟^‏ bbed feet is u؟ed for w alking, digging<br />

and swimming. It usually lays tw o w hite eggs at a time.<br />

^ n o th e r anim؟،l which has sim ilar characteristics o f the platypus is<br />

the Echidna or the spiny an-eater.<br />

By:<br />

Wee Yoke Hoon<br />

١ Sc. 1<br />


A to m ic Bomb P ro d u c tio n<br />

The design ©٢ the b©mb, in eluding the basic research and the finai<br />

assembly, was undertaken at a lab© ratory esta blished at to s Alamos, New<br />

M exico, near Santa Fe. This w ork was carried on under the plan o f the<br />

university o f C alifornia w ith j. Robert. Oppen heim er as the director.<br />

There were m any other sm aller in Stallations and laboratories operated<br />

under the general direction at the D tstrict Engineer, first colonel M arshall<br />

and later colonel K enneth D. Nichols<br />

U nder Enrico Ferm i’s direction at the Chicago laboratory on Dicember<br />

second 1942 the first self sustaining chain reaction was in initiated,<br />

using an experim ental uranium and graphite atom ic pile. This opened the<br />

atom ic age.<br />

By:<br />

Joint Venture<br />

1 Sc. 1<br />

W ind<br />

W ind is the m otion o f air. Its speed may be expressed in miles per<br />

hour, m eters per second, o f knots. On k n o t is a speed o f one nautical mile<br />

per hour or 1.15 statute miles per hour. W ind direction is the "<br />

from which the wind is blowing. It may be expressed in compass points,<br />

so th at, for exam ple, a w ind blow ing from west tow ard east is called a<br />

west wind. It may also be given in degrees from 0“ for a n o rth wind<br />

clockw ise around to 90° for an east wind, 180° fo r a south w ind, and 270'<br />

fo r a west wind.<br />

W ind speed and direction may be estim ated by observing the effects<br />

o f the w ind on trees, Hags, sm oke plumes from chimneys, vegetation, or<br />

on ؟th sea surface. W ind is m easured by a w ind w ind vane, which points<br />

in to the w ind direction, and an anem om eter, which shows the speed. A<br />

com m on type o f anem om eter is the cup anem om eter, ‘ o f three<br />

o f four cups m ounted on arm s about a verfical axis so th at the w ind forces<br />

the cups to ro tate about the axis. The speed o f ro ta tio n is a m easure o f<br />

t^e wind speed. A nother com m on type has a propeller m ounted on a Vane.<br />

The ^ a n e ؟ke ps the propeller facing the w ind, thus giving the direction<br />

and the speed o f ro ta tio n o f the propeller gives the w ind speed.<br />

W inds above the earth ’s surface are observed principally w ith balloons<br />

which trav ؛e w ith the w ipd and are tracked by Various m ethods. The m otion<br />

o f a p ilo t اقثأ‎1‎ is pbserved through a theodojite, a telescope whose<br />

o rien tatio n is indicated by scales for vertical at and horizontal ahgles The<br />

height o f the pilot balloon is kpow n at any given because it rises a t a<br />

ه ؟ ه<br />

know n rate. Heence, by use o f trigonom etry, its horizo n tal position at<br />

suceessive tim es can be determ ined and its speed calculated. A m ore a<br />


accurate m ethud m ake use o f a balloon to which a suitable target is attached.<br />

The target is tracked w ith a rad ar instrum ent. In a third m ethod, a<br />

radio direction finding device tracks a small radio tran sm itter attached to<br />

a balloon. W inds at very high levels in the atm osphere are estim ated from<br />

obeervations o f the m otion o f m eteor trails<br />

By:<br />

Joint V enture<br />

A n A dventure<br />

Ahm ad, Ah Chong and Bam asam y were friends. All o f them lived<br />

in the same village. They w ent to the same school and were in the same<br />

class. They were very clever and intelligent.<br />

D uring the second term holidays they were cam ping by the river.<br />

Though they had heard people in their village talking about queer things<br />

happening there but they still w ould n o t change their m ind. They to o k the<br />

things they needed and w alked to the river, w h en they reached there, they<br />

p u t up th eir tents and arranged th eir things.<br />

L ater they fished in the river and cooked the fish they caught for<br />

dinner T hat night tl^ey slept very early because they were tired from walking.<br />

Then Ah Chong w oke up because he heard noises near the river. Lie looked<br />

a t his watch and it was tw ؟elv o ’clock m idnight. Quietly, he woke up his<br />

friends and they crept along the bushes. They saw a hoat ^nd heard splashes<br />

in the ^ a te r and saw light o ff and on as if som eone was signalling. Then they<br />

heard footsteps near them . They saw a figure com ing out o f the bushes<br />

heading for the boat. The men at the boat gave luggages to the m an. The boys<br />

thought about the smugglers th at were in the news papers and m ay be that<br />

was the place w here they brought in the goods. So Ah Chong asked Ahmad to<br />

phone the ?٥٣٠ and R^mas^my to follo،y the m an w ho was carrying the<br />

luggages while he w atched the men on the boat.<br />

A bout h a lf an hour later the police were a t the spot. A hm ad was<br />

leading them . The ؟polic surrounded the area and the smugglers had to<br />

surrender, ^hey were handcuffed and taken to the police station. The ?،dice<br />

Inspector thanked the boys for their help. He told them th at they w ould be<br />

rew arded.<br />

The next m orning they decided to go back to th eir village and told<br />

theit parents and villagers about their adventures. The people in the village<br />

praise^ them fo r th ‏•؛ei bravery A few days later the ?olice ihspector came and<br />

gave them the rewards.<br />

By:<br />

Wee Yoke Hoon<br />

1 Sc. 1<br />


K eBintang M arikh<br />

A ku bersam a-sarna dengan lim a orang rakan ku telah bercadang u ntuk<br />

m eneroka kebintang M arikh. Cadangan aku berlim a telah dipersetujui oleh<br />

K erajaan M alaysia. Setelah m endapat keputusan yang m uktam ad itu aku<br />

berserta dengan em pat orang lagi rakan ku akan dihantar kebintang M arikh<br />

u n tu k m eneroka keadaan alam nya. A ku bersam a-sam a R ohani, Salmah,<br />

^usm an dan A rm an akan bertolak kebintang M arikh pada pukul satu pagi,<br />

iaitu pada tanggal lhb. Januari, 2000 Kam i akan m enaiki piring terbang.<br />

Pada pagi itu aku berserta kaw an-kaw an ku telah berada didalam piring<br />

terbang buat pertam a kalinya. Saat yang kam i tunggu-tunggu itu telah tiba<br />

apabila piring terbang kam i dilancarkan dengan kederasan selaju 20,000<br />

batu sem init.<br />

Setelah kam i sam pai digarisan graviti ؛bum dengan garisan gravita bintang<br />

M arikh, piring terbang kam i itu telah tera؛u n g -ap u n g beberapa lama.<br />

Ini m em duatkan kam i berlim a m erasa gelisah gelisah. Tetapi dengan kecekapan<br />

pem andu kam i, A rm an, piringterbang kam i dapat dikaw al dan terus<br />

m enuju kebintang M arikh semula.<br />

" K apten إ Pusat kaw alan bum i dengan piringterbang kita telah terputus ! ”<br />

Salmah yang m enjaga alat-alat kaw al letrik Itu m em beritahu kapten. K apten<br />

kam i kelihatan resah tetapi ia tetap sabar. Kami juga tetap sabar, sabar<br />

m enem puh segala dugaan yang m ungkin akan terjad i pada kam i.<br />

T iba-tiba, R ohani pula m em beritahu kepten kam i, "K apten أ Lihat, nam -<br />

paknya k ita telah sam pai kekaw asan bintang M arikh. ”<br />

Bintang M arikh jelas kelihatan di T.V. kam i yang sem akin dekat dan<br />

sem akin m em besar itu.<br />

Tetapi dengan tiba-tiba T.V. kam i m enjadi gelap, tid ak nam pak apaapa,<br />

m elainkan hitam pekat. Kam i terk eju t apabila dengan tiba tiba sahaja<br />

gegaran yang k u at telah m elanda piringterbang ^am i. Ini m enyebabkan kam i<br />

berlim a, terhuyung-hayang didalam kapal itu. Sem uanya kelihatan cemas,<br />

masing-m asing bertanya. " Bagaimana kah ini, K apten ? ”<br />

K apten kam i, kelihatan tenang sahaja. T iba-tiba sahaja pem andu kam i<br />

m em beritahu kapten bahaw a piringterbang kam i telah rosak dan tak dapat<br />

dikaw al lagi. Kami sem ua sungguh cemas, m asing-m asing terpegun hairan.<br />

?ringterbang kam i telah tak ten tu tujuannya. Kam i didalam nya terhuyung-hayung<br />

kerana piringterbang kam i berpusing-pusing m enjadikan kam i<br />

bertam bah gelisah. Selang tak berapa lam a kem udian piringterbang kam i<br />

telah jatuh terhem pas. Kami semua pengsan didalam nya.<br />

A pabila kam i sedar kem bali, kam i dapati diri kam i telah berada didalam<br />

sebuah bilik yang cukup lengkap dengan alat-alat sain tifik yang modem<br />

Kam i semua kehairanan. Terpegun. B erpandangan a n ta ra satu sama lain.<br />

Tiba-tiba bilik yang kam i duduki itu terbuka dengan lebarnya dan dihadapan<br />

kam i terd iri beribu-ribu orang raksaksa yang berbulu-bulu dan bertanduk<br />

dikepala m ereka serta juga bertaring.<br />

Sungguh m enggerunkan kam i semua bila m elihatnya. "Inikah dia m akhluk<br />

bintang M arikh?” bisik hati kecil ku.<br />

K etika itu juga ؟؟se ang daripada raksaksa itu m em etik uatu؟ swis dinding<br />

bilik itu dan kam i berlim a dengan sem erta jatu h pengsan dan tidak sedarkan<br />

‏.؛lag diri<br />

A pakah yang akan berlaku keatas diri kam i berlim a ? ©h! T uhan saja yang<br />

‏......لس..............................‏<br />

Hasic Karya:<br />

W an N azari Wan Jusoh<br />

Satu Sain Satu.<br />


B atu Berat Jatu h K ebum i<br />

Loceng berbunyi m enedakan w aktu m akan tengahari. A ku terlan ta r dikatilku<br />

kerana letih setelah putang dari sekolah. Berduyun-duyun m urid-m urid<br />

lain telah sedia ditem pat beratur. A ku bangun dari katil dan terus bersam a-<br />

sama m ereka. M asing-masing m enunggu perintah kapten u n tu k be^'alan. K erana<br />

letih dan lapar aku berdiri pun ta ‏،؛ berapa lurus■ Oleh kerana itu aku dan<br />

kaw an-kaw an ku telah disergah nleh pengawas. Aku terserem pak oleh sergahan<br />

pengawas itu kerana sergahan pengawas itu aku terasa hilang segala lapar dan<br />

letih ku. A ku n aik berang. Aku rasa hendak m enelan pengawas-pengawas<br />

yang berada dihadapan m ata ku itu.<br />

" Samsing betul pengawas ni, ” bisik h ati kecil ku.<br />

A ku tid ak sedar yang aku sebenarnya bersalah. Jeritan dari kepten berbunyi.<br />

" Sekarang boleh jalan ” Begitu lah selalunya. M aka perlahan-lahan, orang<br />

dihadapan m elangkah m elalui tangga dan d itu ru ti oleh orang lain, term asuk<br />

juga aku Bila saja sam pai diam bang p in tu biiik m akan, orang yang dihadapan<br />

tadi berhenti pula dan d itu ru ti oleh orang-orang lain Budak-budak perem puan<br />

pun begitu juga, tetapi m ereka b eratur agak jauh sedikit sebab asram a m ereka<br />

juah sedikit daripada tem pat m akan.<br />

Sekali lagi suara kepten dengan nyarinnya berbunyi, " Sekarang boleh<br />

m asuk. ”<br />

Sesudah habis m urid lelaki m asuk d itu ru ti pula oleh m urid-m urid perem -<br />

puam M aka terdengarlah seretan kerusi dari seratus sem bilan orang m uridm<br />

urid. Nasi serta lauk sudah tersedia diatas m eja, Aku terus m enuju kem ejaku.<br />

Aku hem paskan punggungku keatas kerusi yang keras itu yang dibuah daripada<br />

plyw ood dan berkaki besi.<br />

Selama tiga puluh saat sahaja aku dapat duduk diatas kerusi tadi kerana<br />

terdengar k etukan seorang yang bergelar iinam. A ku bangun m enadah tangan,<br />

m engucap syukur kerana ؟terl}ida gnya m akanan yang selazat ini diatas meja.<br />

Sesudah im am m em baea doa kam i semua duduk semula. A ku m ula m enceduk<br />

nasi dari dalam bekas kebiru-biruan itudan m e^ a su k k a n kedalam pingganku<br />

yang selalu m em antikan nasi itu M urid-m urid lain pun berbuat dem ikian.<br />

M aka kedengaranlah bunyai sudu dan m angkuk berlaga K eadaan '<br />

m enjadi bising dengan ditam bah pula ^elak ketaw a dari m urid. ?engaw as<br />

disiplin Cuba m ententeram kan keadaan itu beberapa kali tetapi pekikan mereka<br />

tidak diendahkan langsung oleh m urid. K eadaan disekeling bbleh dikatakan<br />

seperti keadaan dipasar ikan.<br />

" Hei, tolong jangan bisipg. Tak reti bahsa kah ? ” bunyi teriak an seorang<br />

pengawas perem puan. K ata katanya itu penuh dengan sindiran tajam . Ada<br />

juga m urid yang kurang senang hati bila m endengat teriakan pengawas itu lulu<br />

salah seorang d ian tara m ereka m enjaw ab.<br />


" Kalau ya pun jangan kasar sangat bahasa mek ool, ” m urid-m urid lain<br />

pantas ketaw a. Pengawas tadi naik berang dan m erenung tajam kepada m urid<br />

yang m enjaw ab tadi.<br />

Dalam masa lim a belas m init sahaja aku dapat m enghabiskan nasi dalam<br />

pinggan ku. Sekali lagi orang yang bergelar im am tadi m engetuk m eja dan<br />

sekali ؛lag m u rid -m u rid . bangun serta m e n a d a h tangan u n tu k m engucapkan<br />

terim a kasih kepada Tuhan yang telah m em beri rezeki<br />

Selesai sahaja im am membaca doa m aka suara kepten pun kedengaran<br />

sekali lagi.<br />

" Sekarang boleh bersurai. ”<br />

Bunyi bising seretan kerusi kedengaran sekali lagi. M urid-m urid semua<br />

beratur u n tu k keluar dari dew an m akan itu satu persatu.<br />

Disebelah m alam nya pula, selepas m akan dan sembahyang Isha‘, semua<br />

m urid-m urid telah turun kem bali u n tuk m elancarkaji atau " study ” didew an<br />

m akan. Kali ini dew an m akan adalah sunyi sepi. M asing-masing m em buat<br />

kerja sendiri tanpa menggaugu k etenteram an orang lain. A ku Juga m em punpai<br />

banyak kerja-kerja rum ah yang telah diberi oleh guru-guru ku disekolah siang<br />

tadi. Aku m em bereskan nya satu per satu tanpa m engenal penat lelah. Selepas<br />

m em buat k erja-kerja ku itu, aku m em buka buku llisad M oden lalu menyelesai<br />

beberapa masalah.<br />

Tidak berapa lam a kem udian aku terasa kepala ku diketuk orang. A duh!<br />

Alang kah sakit nya ku rasa. Bagaikan buah kelapa m asak jatuh kebum i bunyinya<br />

A ku tersentak lalu memlinkani m uka ku kepada orang telah m engetuk<br />

kepala ku tadi. Rasa-rasa macam aku hendak m elepaskan sebuku penum buk ku<br />

kepadanya tetapi apakan daya. Orang yang m engetuk aku tadi Ialah seorang<br />

pengawas. ?engaw as itu telah m engetuk kepala ku kerana telah didapati tertidur.<br />

Nama ku telah dim asukkan kedalam buku rekod.<br />

Tidak lam a kem udiam kedengaran suara kapten m enyatakan m urid-m urid<br />

semua boleh bersurai. Jtu lah kali terak h ir kam i akan m endengar suara kapten<br />

pada hari itu sehingga m enunggukan hari esok pula. Semua ' *<br />

perem puan b eratur semua u n tu k naik keasram a masing. Lam pu-lam pu آ إل ب<br />

dikehendaki padam sebelum pukul sepuluh setengah malam.<br />

Dengan tidak m elengah-lengahkan m asa lagi aku m enukar pakaian ku kepada<br />

pakaian tid u r ku dan m enghaem paskan badan ku yang sekeping ini keatas<br />

tilam yang em puk itu. Wah إ Alang kah bebasnya rasa jiw a ku. Sejurus<br />

sahaja Ibadan ku m elekat pada tilam dium pam akan seperti b atu yang tehggelam<br />

kedalam air. Jatuh terus. H ilang dialam im pian tetapi u n tn k selama kirak<br />

ira tujuh jam setengah sahaja.<br />

Hasil Nukilan:<br />

Zuraidi Y usoff<br />

Satu Sains Satu<br />


W ater<br />

O f all the e a rth ’s treasures, w ater is the m ust fam iliar and yet the<br />

m ost unusual. Our neighbour planets m ercury. Mars and Venus have little<br />

o r m ore, undoubtedly they possessed a fair supply, but lost it, because<br />

their weak gravity allow ed w ater vapour and o th er gases to d rift away.<br />

R em nants o f w ater, if they exist, are m ostly buond up in the rocks.<br />

The earth too, during its creation w ater vapour along w ith other<br />

gasses. Some w ater, how ever, was preserved in the rocks, w h en the in te rio r<br />

grew h o t from radioactivity, m agnet form ed, and volcanoes belched out<br />

clouds o f steam. Rain drenched the face o f the planet. W ater flooded<br />

through rivers in to the great basins. The ocean form ed; in tim e it was to<br />

become the cradle o f life<br />

In passing through soil and overrock, w ater dissolved the subtances<br />

needed fo r plant grow th from plants, anim als o f the land and sea derive<br />

the precious m aterials o f life. Foods are carried in a w atery solution<br />

through the bodies o f all creatures and m deed the body tissues themselves<br />

are largely w ater. The liquid o f life is the first need o f any com m unity. To<br />

provide w ater in abundance, engineers have built great dams, cannals and<br />

pipe systems G overnm ent surveyors m easure snow in the m ountains in<br />

order to estim ate the w ater reserve and p ut its use. Only thruogh scientific<br />

m anggem ent and conservation and large cities be guaranteed their supply<br />

o f life giving water.<br />

(G roup H)<br />

M ars<br />

M ars is the fo u rth planet away from the sun in our solar system<br />

and the first beyond the earth. It is called ‘red p lan et’ because o f its<br />

characteristic light, brick colour. M ars is destined to be the first neighbouring<br />

planet to reveal its characteristics to m an. The U nited States m ariner<br />

4 Space Probe, flying by M ars on July 14, 1965, photographed '<br />

am ount o f surface detail.<br />

The m artian clim ate is very different from the earth's On the<br />

earth there is little difference betw een tem peratures on the ground and in<br />

the air im m ediately above it, b u t on M ars the ground may be as m uch as<br />

50’F h o tte r than the atm osphere just above. In consequence, a strong<br />

vertical ؟ urrents are generated on M ars and they subjact the planet to<br />

severe w indstorm .<br />

Surface tem perature are generally colder than those on earth. In the<br />

e؟ a t the south pole m ayoccasionally u؛ pe؟a piddle؛ o f sum m er, the noon tem<br />

rise to 32’F, though the average is about 20’F. In the south tem perate<br />

zone, the average noon tem ؟p rature rises to about 60’F, and at the equator<br />

at the average tem perature is about 85’F. N orth o f equator at the same<br />

tim e o f ؟y ar, O’F is the average tem perature in the '<br />

zone, and<br />

40’F in the polar region.<br />

(Gro^up E)<br />


M ercury<br />

M ercury is the smalJest pianet to the sun and the sm allest m ajor planet in<br />

the solar system. It is a solid spherical body 3,100 miles in diam eier M ercury<br />

has no satellite It revolves around the sun in an elliptical o rb it in a several<br />

p e rio d o f 88 days. The synodical period is 115.88 days. The average distance o f<br />

M ercury from the sun is 36,002 miles com pared w ith the e a rth ’s m ain distance<br />

o f 93,003 000 miles from the sun. When M ercury is betw een the earth and sun,<br />

on y the sides o f the planet turned aways from the earth is illum inated by the<br />

sun. When the >lanet is directly on the opposite side o f the sun from the earth<br />

its fully lighted disc i-tu rn e d tow ard the earth. In this case. M ercury is directly<br />

in line w ith the sun and is lost its glare The m axim un brightness actually<br />


A D ay W hen E verything Seemed To G o W rong F o r Me<br />

M ost people have experleneed m any Incidents during their life. Some in -<br />

cidents are happy and we will rem em ber them u n til the rest o f our life Some<br />

other incidents willalways be forggotten by us because if we rem em ber them ,<br />

they will rem ain us o f the sad events.<br />

There was an aw ful and very sad day for me.<br />

One m orning 1 w oke up late. I rushed through my breakfast and spilled<br />

the coffee all over my school uniform The cup rolled dow n and broke in to<br />

pieces. My m other started scolding W nile 1 was w earing my socks, one was<br />

sm aller than the other so 1 had to find my socks in a box o f socks. My younger<br />

bro th er laughed a t me and 1 slapped him He cried and my m other came rushing<br />

out to see w hat had happened, she scolded and tried to persuade my b ro -<br />

th er n o t to cry.<br />

W hen 1 reached school, lessons had already begun. The teacher in my class<br />

was Mr. Ramy. He was very strict and always gave heavy punishm ent for thouse<br />

who were late 1 knocked slow ly and wished him. As 1 to o k a step to my seat,<br />

the stern voice drew my legs back. He asked me why I was late. Meekly 1 told<br />

him th at 1 w oke up late th at m orning. But he w ould n o t have such excuses. He<br />

to o k the cane and gave tw o strokes on my back. 1 was told to stand in fro n t<br />

o f the class fo r the rest o f his lesson. Everybody was looking at me and 1 felt<br />

teardrops on my cheeks.<br />

D uring M athem atics lesson 1 did n o t know why 1 always made m istakes<br />

and Mrs. Loo scolded me. English was very boring for me th at day. أ could<br />

n o t even m ake sim ple sentences.<br />

D uring recess 1 w ent out to the school tuckshop. As I was carrying my<br />

d rin k , a p^pil knocked me and spilled over me. My uniform was dirty. 1 ^ e n t<br />

to to ilet to wash it and there was no w ater. So my u niform was sticky.<br />

A fter school, 1 w ent home and on my way I was nearly knocked by a car.<br />

1 d id n ’t looked left or right vvhen 1 crossed the road. As 1 was having my lunch,<br />

my ister؟ came and snatched my plate and the rice fell all over the floor. My<br />

m other very angry.<br />

My m other was baking a cake th at evening and she asked me to take it<br />

from the oven when it was ‏.!؛bake She w ent to visit a f r؛end w ith my sister.<br />

So 1 took a book and sat in the K itchen. The book was so intersting th at 1 forgot<br />

all about the cakes. Then 1 sm alled som ething burning and 1 ’<br />

the ca^es. 1 quickly opened the oven out w ithout the oven gloves In an insta<br />

n t I dropped the oven door. My hand was red and it was very painful. I took<br />

the cakes out and they were as black as coal.<br />

T hat night a few o f my fath er's friends came to visit us. My m other asked<br />

drinks. But I tripped over my brother's toy and all the drinks ؟th serve ءع ‏،ه!‏<br />

and cups were b؟oken. The guests looked at me and I felt so aw ful and clumsy.<br />

My fath er stared at me.<br />

I w ent to my room and cried; I wished th at it was only a dream . Every<br />

-thing I did seemed to go w rong and could n o t reason it out.<br />


I Sc. 1.<br />


A C onversation Between A h M oi and Tim ah<br />

One<br />

standing<br />

Tim ah<br />

Ah Moi :<br />

Tim ah<br />

Ah M oi:<br />

Timah<br />

Ah M o i:<br />

T im ah<br />

A h M o i:<br />

Tim ah<br />

Ah Moi<br />

Timah<br />

Ah Moi<br />

day, Ah M oi was reading a story book. H er friend, Tim ah was<br />

outside.<br />

Hello, Ah Moi w hat are ا،هءر doing ?<br />

Oh Tim ah ! 1 am reading a story book<br />

Y esterday I saw an accident. A car knocked dow n an old m an.<br />

W hat happened to the old m an ?<br />

His head was broken<br />

W ho took the m an to the hospital ?<br />

A n am bulance took the m an to the hospital.<br />

W hat happened to the driver and the passengers in the car.<br />

I d o n ‘t know because I d idn‘t see the driver. Oh, Ah M oi, it is<br />

five o'clock now . 1 m ust go hom e because my m other rem inded<br />

me n o t to retu rn late.<br />

A lright Timah.<br />

Good-bye, Ah Moi !<br />

G ood-bye, Tim ah !<br />


1 Science 111.<br />

A lone<br />

W alking along by myself; along a lonely path ,<br />

I got nobody to share a love that never dies,<br />

The rhythm o f waves can be heard so,<br />

G ently and the reflection o f the m oon shines brightly.<br />

The expressing voices o f birds can only be heard in the silent night.<br />

The m oon seems to approach,<br />

N earer behind the shadows o f the trees,<br />

The brightest night m akes me happy,<br />

N othing...........................................<br />

N othing a t all rem ains by.<br />

Mum and Dad, your sweet loving smiles.<br />

Can never be found.<br />

Only tears fall from my eyes.<br />

The day still rem ains in my m ind,<br />

We are always happy as the birds flies,<br />

But now ...........................................<br />

N othing can be found,<br />

Till the happiness gone by,<br />

Only the tears drop one by one,<br />

I just can’t live long as my life rem inds me to die.......................<br />


1 Science 1.<br />


M y F avourite Television Program m e<br />

All those who like to w atch televisipn will have their ow n favourite program<br />

m e. 1 have my o vn؛ favourite television program m e 'W a lt Disney Present ’<br />

........ In this special program m e there are no 'fix e d ’ characters. It ئ a variety<br />

program m e It is telecast on Sunday a t three o'clock in the afternoon. This<br />

program m e consists o f cartoons, cowboy stories, ghost stories, adventure stories<br />

and m any ^ o re . The characters in the cartopns are usually M jckey Mouse,<br />

D onald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, hooty and other funny characters. The cartoons<br />

are always funny.In the adventure sto r؛es؛the hero which I like the m ost is Zorro.<br />

Z orro is a m askad m an who helps people when they are in trouble w ith the<br />

police. The man who isin charge o f the police is a sergant. Z orro is always<br />

helped by his servant who is a m uta. The heros in the cowboy and ghost series<br />

are n ot always the same.<br />

This program m e always starts w ith the host W alt Disney him self telling<br />

us a b it o f the story which is going to be shown on th at day. W alt Desney will<br />

always stop telling us the story when he comes to and exciting part. Sometimes<br />

in the cartoon series such character as D onuld D uck will appear when W alt<br />

Disney is special program m es on C h ristm as These program m es will show us<br />

how Christm as is celebrated in the U nited States. It also shows us how Disneyland<br />

in the U nited States looks like.<br />

I choose this program m e as my favourite ^ p g ra m m e because beside giving<br />

us en tertain m en t it also gives us knowledge. It is a good program m e for pupils<br />

to w atch because it shows us th at there were Red Indians in Am erica a long<br />

tim e ago and how they were dressed. We can also get a lot o f oth er know ledge<br />

from the program m e.<br />


B ating Too M uch<br />

One day, my m other bought some durians from the m arket. She gave me<br />

all tire durians for me to eat them. I ate the durians w ithout giving some to<br />

other. A fter a hours, I felt very warm . Finally I realised th at I had eaten too<br />

m uch o f the durians-<br />

T hat night I felt th at I could n o t go to sleep because it was very w arm<br />

inside my body. I took some w ater and w et ا؛آلل body w ith it. T hat night I felt<br />

very fick unfil the next m orning.<br />

The next day I was lying on the bed. My m other bough some m edicine<br />

from the s^op. I took ^ome m edicine and felt asleep. I was very sick and my<br />

m other took me to the hospital.<br />

I was to stay fo r a few day in the hospital. I always to o k m edicine th at<br />

they gave. A t last I was up and about, and ؟th doctor told me th at I could go<br />

hom e. I was very pleased. I listened to my m other's advice n o t to eat too m uch<br />

o f the durians Only then I know th a t eating too much can cause sickness. I<br />

w ould n o t like to go through the experince again, n o t fo r the w orld !<br />



A n H onest Boy<br />

One day, Samad was w alking home from his fath er's orchard near the jungle.<br />

On his way he saw a purse on the grass near the road. He quickly picked it<br />

up and put it in his pocket Then he w ent hom e w ith the purse.<br />

When he reached home, he slowly open the purse to see its contents. He<br />

was very surprised when he saw three hundred dollars in it. He told his m other<br />

w hat he found. His m other asked him to retu rn it to its owner. But Samad d id ’t<br />

know w ho the ow ner o f the pursewas. So Samad to o k it to the police station.<br />

Three days later Samad saw a car stop near his house. A hand some m an<br />

came out from the car and walked tow ards Sam ad's house. The m an smiled<br />

and told Samad that he was the ow ner o f the purse. Samad was very pleased<br />

decause the m an praised him and rew arded him w ith thirty dollars. It paid for<br />

Samad to be an honest boy.<br />


W ind<br />

W ind is the m otion o f air. Its speed may be expressed in miles per hour,<br />

m etres per second, or knots. One k n o t is a speed o f one nautical m ile per hour<br />

or 1.15 statu te miles per hour. W ind direction is the d iretio n from which the<br />

wind is blowing. It may be expressed in compass points, so th at for example, a<br />

wind blow ing from west tow ard east is called a west wind. It may also be given<br />

in degrees from ‏’ه fo r a north w ind clockwise around to 90’ fo r an east wind,<br />

180’ fo r a south w ind and 270’ fo r a west wind<br />

W ind speed and direction may be estim ated by observing the effect o f the<br />

w ind on trees, flags, sm

A Village A t N ight<br />

The village a t night is so silent and peaceful. The wind blows<br />

gently especially when the village is situated near a seaside.<br />

F ar away can be seen the reflection o f the m oon which seems to<br />

approach nearer to the sea water. The scenery in the village a t ntght is so<br />

beautiful and lovely. The coconut trees can be seen m oving to and fro.<br />

In the darkness can be seen the flickerings o f light and sm ouldering<br />

o f fire from the houses and mosques. The night is silent because the<br />

people in the village are having their rest a fte r w orking the whole day.<br />

Somefitnes at night there is a heavy rain thus, the people can never be seen<br />

m oving anyw here.<br />

If there is any festival, the village will be noisy. Everyw here can<br />

be heard children playing and chattering am oung them selves but now it<br />

rem ains silent.<br />

M aim unah bt. Hassar،<br />

1 Sc. I<br />

H elp<br />

Alias was slowly w alking hom e from school. It was six in the evening.<br />

A cool breeze was blow ing slowly. Alias looked at his watch, 'It is still early,<br />

he said to him self. Then he found a small ball by the side o f the lane. He<br />

kicked it as he walked. As he was near a telephone booth, he unintentionally<br />

kicked the ball too hard. The ball rolled into some bushes by the lane. He<br />

w ent to search for it. A fter five m inutes, he found it W hen he was about to<br />

pick it up, he was frozen w ith fear. He saw a corpse in the bushes.<br />

Alias began staggering away from the bushes. W hen he was about<br />

fourty yards away, he ran tow ards the telephone booth. He rushed in to the<br />

telephone booth and began dialling 999 As Ire was about to speak, som ething<br />

touched his shoulder. He turned around and was a m an w earing m ittens. The<br />

m an spatch the receiv؟r and placed it back on the phone Then he pulled Alias<br />

o ut o f t^e phone jrooth. Alias bit the m an’s hands and ran. The m an gave<br />

chase. Alias ran about tw o hundred yards when he was caught by the man.<br />

He ؟struggl d as the m an began to tie him up. Then the m an lifted him up as if<br />

he was lifting a bag o f cotton. Alias was am azed by the strength o f the m an.<br />

Alias gave up struggling as he realised th at it was no use to struggle.<br />

The m an to o k Alias to an unusual old house. There he put Alias dow n<br />

and untied hipi. Then he asked Alias n o t to tell anyone about the corpse or<br />

else he would kill him. A l؛as just nodded because his m outh was gagged. Then<br />

the m an took the plaster from A lias’s m outh, ^ lia s ran away and the m an gave<br />

chase. Alias stopped when he came to a ta n k filled w ith boiling w ater. The<br />

m an laughed and pushed Alias in to the tan k 'Help! Help!’ shouted Alias while<br />

he was being throw n He closed his eyes and prayed. Then he felt th at he had<br />

landed on a solid surface. He realized th at he had just fallen from his bed. It<br />

was all a dream .<br />

Heng A ik Ban<br />

1 Sc. I.<br />


Learning To Swim<br />

Swimming is a healthy past tim e. It is exciting especially wh.'n one first<br />

learns to swim.<br />

My elder sister taught me to swim. She is a strong swim m er ©ne day<br />

she brought me to a nearby pool. She asked me to swin but I told her th at<br />

I could n o t even stroke She began to teach me. My first swim m ing lessons<br />

was very unpleasant. I d rank a lot o f w ater from the pool through my<br />

m outh and nose. I was nearly drow ned on m any occassiohs and it had n o t<br />

been for my sister, I would not have been w riting this article. My elder sister<br />

was very p atien t w ith her job. A lthough I knew th at I had caused her m any<br />

fru stratio n s, she just kept on coaching me.<br />

My subsequent days a t the pool found me w ith an in flated rubber tube.<br />

I enjoyed swimming w ith it. I flapped my legs and hands like a frog w ith<br />

the help o f the rubber tube. A fter a long, hard exercise, I got rath er bored<br />

interests becaus.-1 did not m ake m uch progress My elder sister forced هاسه<br />

٥١٠ to do it again. I had to try it on other days u n til after a week, I could<br />

m anage to swim w ithout having to depend on the rubber tube. I could<br />

flo a t m yself on the w ater taking in w ater through my nose and m outh.<br />

F rom th at day onw ards, 1 progressed gradually. Now 1 can swin well.<br />

Thanks to my sister. W henever 1 have the tim e, I w ould swin to my h eart’s<br />

content in the sea ٠٢ in the swim m ing pool.<br />

آ‎8‎<br />


” r M؟*‏ o th e<br />

A t the funeral 1 stand,<br />

Sheding tears drop by d ro p ’<br />

The coffin was laid down,<br />

In the ground six feet deep,<br />

Inside it was dead body,<br />

O f some I tru ly love,<br />

W hy........................Why........................Lord ?<br />

Why tak e her away from me ?<br />

Now she has gone, gone forever long,<br />

Leaving no trail for me to follow.<br />

Her grace and tender smile was gone,<br />

Oh ........................Motlrer....................<br />

W hat else should I d o ?<br />

I pray for your soul to rest in peace.<br />

As I walk slowly away from the grave,<br />

Until it is lost from my sight.<br />

أ أ أ أ أ<br />

W ££ YOKE HOON<br />

1 Sci. 1.<br />


A Day W hen Everything Seemed To G o W rong F or Me<br />

It was M onday, I suddenly wpke up and found th at it was already &<br />

7 o ' إءه 1 ء in the m orning I w ent to the bath room and wash m yself up and<br />

got read fo r school.<br />

A fter dressing up I w ent dow n stairs fo r my breakfast but when I<br />

opened the kitchen cupboard, I saw that there was not anything for '<br />

Outside, in the road there was a haw ker selling some bread and I called for<br />

him. A fter calling him Iran in to the kitchen to take a plate but when I came<br />

out again, I saw that he h id already gone far away. I tried to call for him but<br />

he did n o t tu rn back, so I w ent to school w ithout eating anything<br />

W hen I reached school, it was already too late. Lessons had started<br />

long before I reached the school. I w ent in to my class and the teacher stopped<br />

me an d asked my why 1 was late I could n o t answ er him and I was sent out o f<br />

the class for the whole period.<br />

It was tim e to go back hom e but I could n ot get a bus. Each tim e when<br />

the bus arrived, it did not stop at my place. A fter w aiting a long tim e a m ini<br />

bus came along and it was going to my place. I boarded it and after taking my<br />

ticked I w ent to sleep because 1was so tired. When it reached my place, I had<br />

n o t got up from my sleep so the bus continued to go. Suddenly I got up and<br />

opened my eyes I found th at the bus had already gone past my house and it<br />

was quite far 1quickly paessed the bell to stopped the bus. I got out o f it and<br />

started to walked home. W hen I reached home my m other had already gone ٠ ٧ ،<br />

w ith my sisters and brother so I had to prepare my lunch all by m yself and<br />

w aited fo r my m other to retu rn.<br />

T hat was the m ost unluckiest day which I had ever experinced, when<br />

all the things seemed to go w rong for me.<br />


1 Science I.<br />

Lim estone<br />

Lim estone is m ade by the chem istry o f the sea. One o f its elem ents,<br />

the m etal calcium , c o ^ es from rocks, w ater dissolved it from rocks o f every<br />

land, and rivers carry it to the sea The other ingredient is carbonate, made<br />

from ca؟bon dioxide gas. S o ^ e o f this gas is dissolved from air, ^ ؟‎٥‎ ٥ is given<br />

o ff by the respiration o f living things in the sea; and some is released from<br />

th eir dead bodies as a product o f decay.<br />

A fter several steps o f chem istry, carbonate is linked w ith calcium to<br />

from calcium carbonate or lime, Only a certain am ount o f calcium carbonate<br />

can rem ain dissolved, w h en m ore form , some o f it separates from the w ater.<br />

Living things play an im p o rtan t role in ٣ ؟cr ation o f *' M any<br />

kinds o f anim als and spme plants, m icroscopic and larger ones, m ake shells<br />

o f lime. As they die, their shalls in w ater cem ent them in to lim estone.<br />

Lim estone is quarried for use in m aking ? o rtlan d cem ent and other<br />

product.<br />

1 Science I<br />

( Group L )<br />


My F irst T rip To W est M alaysia<br />

It was the second weeks o f Febuary, I was inform ed by the Education<br />

Dept. K ota K inabalu th at I was chosen to be sent to one o f the schools,<br />

in W est M alaysia w ith th irteen others in the state on the Sabah Foundatio<br />

n Scholarship.<br />

For fu rth er in fo rm atio n I w ent to the E ducation D epartm ent where I<br />

was told to rep o rt a t Sekolalr M enengah Sains, Trengganu. I was also given<br />

a list o f books and things needed to be in this school. Next. I w ent to the<br />

Sabah F oundation. There I was told to m ake a passport, to have a m edical<br />

exam ination and to have my vaccination as soon as posible.<br />

Two week later, I recieved a letter from the Sabah Foundatin th a t I<br />

was to start my journey in a w eek’s tim e and to rep o rt there one day before<br />

our journey started. So I got ready w ith all my things. It was a busy week<br />

fo r me and my fam ily.<br />

A t last the big day came fo r me to depart from my fam ily. A small<br />

feast was celebrated and my cousins, aunts and uncles came to see m e fo r<br />

the last tim e. In the afte rn o o n I got ready w ith my luggages and packed<br />

them in ! ١١^ sister’s car. Soon we were on the way to the A irport. My parents,<br />

aunts, uncles and sisters also w ent there. A fter an hour w aiting, fourteen<br />

o f us were taken to the en trance o f a plane. Before going in to the<br />

plane we waved sadly to ours parents and friends. It v/as the first tim e I<br />

had my trip on a plane. Soon afterw ards the plane m oved. There were m any<br />

o th er passengers going to K uala Lum pur and Singapore. Inside the plane we<br />

w ere giving drinks and food. A fter we had been in the plane for some tim e<br />

we stoppep a t Singapore A irport for fcu rty five m inutes before we continued<br />

our journey to K uala Lum pur. It was nearly 5.00 p.m. When we<br />

landed a t Subang A irport. There, someone m et us and after taking our bags,<br />

we were taken in a bus to a Hotel for the night. The next m orning we<br />

departed from each other to our ow n school. Here I am in K uala Trengganu!<br />


I Science I.<br />

M ass<br />

Mass, in physics, is the q u an tity o f m atter in a body. The mass o f a<br />

boby is the same w henever the body may be in the universe. Two bodies<br />

have equal masses if the gravitating forces w ith another body acts upon<br />

them are ؟ x^ctly equal at equal distances. Hence, tw o bodies؛ h^ve e،jual<br />

masses if th eir heights are the same place on the earth, so th at if the m e-<br />

tallic 'w eight’ used by a grover is Carrie^ from place to place, the '•<br />

o f suga^• and tea balanced it in a good pair o f scales will always be the<br />

same, for the mass o f tea or sugar in equal to the mass o f the m etallic<br />

'weigh^’. It is to be clearly understood th at as the force o f gravity is differe<br />

n t places on the earth, the weight o f any body is d ifferen t a t different<br />

؟plac s. To distinguish between the mass ( or q u an tity o f m atter ) and the<br />

rce which tends tom ove it dow nw ard ) o f a body is very ؟f weight؛ ( o r<br />

im portant in the begining thestudy o f physics.<br />

( G r o u p s )<br />


* Good N ight ’<br />

The old clock strikes tw elve tim es,<br />

The m oon glides slowly through the clouds,<br />

D ark as it can be,<br />

Barks o f dogs can be heard miles away.<br />

Owls are busy looking fo r th eir preys,<br />

R a are f r i^ te n e d by the glows o f their eyes.<br />

Noises o f insects seem to be com ing from everyw here,<br />

Then voices o f 'G o o d n ig h t’ are being wished here and there,<br />

C hildren and adults lay on their soft beds,<br />

Snoring the hours away.<br />


١ Science 1.<br />

A Brave Boy<br />

؟her A hm ad is a poor boy. He is an orphan. At night Ahm ad sleeps anyw<br />

he likes A hm ad^ uncle is a rich m an ؛؛ ٠ has a big house, a big car and a lo t o f<br />

m oney. His nam e is Pak K adir. Pak K adir has a son. His son's nam e is Ramli.<br />

Pak ^ a d ir and his son hate A hm ad because Ahmad is an untidy boy.<br />

One day, Ram li and his friends we؟e w alking along a river. Ahm ad was<br />

w alking ne؛ir the river too Suddenly he heard shopts o f ' Help أ Help إ Help ! ’<br />

A hm ad saw the boy struggling in the river. A hm ad jum ped in to the river and<br />

swam tow ards the boy. He pulled the boy to the river bank. The boy was Ramil.<br />

Eive m inutes later Pak K adir w ith his friends came and took Ram li hom e Pak<br />

K adir thanked A hm ad for saving Ramli. Pak K adir welcomed Ahm ad to stay<br />

w ith him. A hm ad was very happy. Pak K adir sent A hm ad him to school.<br />


1 Science 111-<br />

M y K am pong<br />

The nam e o f my kam pong is kam pong Pasir A kar. It is in the district o f<br />

Besut. There are eight hundred people living here. M ost o f the people are padi<br />

planters, rubber tappers and there is a secondary school. M ost o f the people in<br />

m y kam pong are Malays and there are some Chinese.<br />

My kam pong has a shop where one can buy any food, there is a mosque<br />

and a clinic.<br />

In my kam pong there are m any people rearing chickens and ducks besides<br />

th eir hum ble housee.<br />


1 Science III.<br />


One Seience One<br />

Autobiography<br />

Nos:<br />

N am es<br />


One Science Two<br />

No:<br />

Nam es:<br />

Addresses:<br />

2<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

أ<br />


One Science Three<br />

No: Nam es: Addresses:

ic a e iu K Is n e n a e r a m a iu ، ٢،،<br />

TONG<br />



BERSEH<br />

ه CHEPAT ٠ ٠<br />

21652 & 21655.

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