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MODEBN YORK. 55 FIRST PARTITION 1, 2, and 3. Panes of Glass, St. John in the Caldron of Oil, banish'd by the Emperor Domitian, and sailing to the Island ol Patmos- Vid. Each. Eccl. Hist, vol ii, pag. 412. 4. An Angel coming unto St. John, as at his Devotion. 5. The Son of Man amidst the seven Candlesticks, Set. i. 13, 6. The Seven Churches of Asia, verse ult. 7, 8, and 9. The Elders worshipping God on the Throne, chap. iv. ver. 4. SECOND PARTITION.—1. Angel sounding a Trumpet, proclaiming, chap, v. 2. 2. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, ver. 5. 3. The Lamb, the Four Beasts and Elders, ver. 6. 4. A Multitude following the Lamb. 5. The Lamb opening first Seal, the white Horse and its Rider with a Bow, chap. vi. 1, 2. 6. Lamb opening the second Seal, the red Horse, and its Rider, ver. 3, 4. 7. The fourth Seal opened, the pale Horse and Death, chap. vi. 8. 8. The sixth Seal opened, Sun, Moon, &c. ver. 12. 9. The third Seal opened ; the Black Horse, its Rider having a Balance, ver. 5. (But these, as several others, have been misplaced since tlte restoration of the Windows by General Fairfax.J THIRD PARTITION.—1. Angels holding the four Winds, and another ascending, chap. vii. 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Angels and Elders about the Throne, ver. 9, 10, 11, 12, &c. 7. Opening the 7th Seal, chap, viii 1. 8. Givingthe seven Angels Trumpets, ver. 2. 9. The fifth Seal, Souls under the Altar, chap. vi. 9. FOURTH PARTITION— .1, 2, 3. Angels sounding, chap viii. ver. 7, to 12. 4. Locusts like Men, chap ix, 7, 8. 5. Our Saviour with a Lamb, the four Evan gelists, and a Book sealed with seven Seals. 6. Armies of Horse, chap. ix. 1(J 7. The Angel opening the Book, chap, x, 1, 2. John eating the Book, ver. 10 9. The Temple from whence the Voice came, chap xvi. 1. FIFTH PARTITION.—1, 2, 3. Two Witnesses slain in the City, and as cending up, chap, ii, ver. 3 to 12. 4. Elders worshipping, ver. 16. 5. Ark of the Testament, ver. 19. The Woman cloathed with the Sun in Travail, and the Dragon appearing to devour her Child, chap. xii. 1, 2, 3. 7. Michael warring against the Dragon, ver. 7. 8 The Woman flying into the Wilderness, and the Dragon casting out a Flood of Waters to overwhelm her, chap. xii. 6, 15. 9. Another Beast risen from the Earth, chap, xiii, ver. 11 to 16. SIXTH PARTITION.—1. Dragon sceptered, giving Power to the Beast with seven heads, and 10 horns, ver. 2. 2. The World worshipping the Monster, ver. 4. 3. An Angel pouring out a Vial on the afflicted People, chap. xxi. 2. 4. People worshipping the Beast, chap xiii. 4. 5. The third Angel pouring his Vial on the Rivers, chap. xvi. 4, 5, 6. (Our Blessed Saviour appearing above in Heavenly Glory.) 6. Another Angel with the Gospel, chap. xiv. 6, 7. t The Angel over Babylon pronouncing the fall thereof, chap, xviii. 1, 2, 3. 8. Christ with a Sickle, &c., chap, xiv, ver. 14 to 19. 9. Angel treading the Wine-Press to the Horses Bridles, ver. ult. SEVENTH PAETITION.— 1. Elders with their Harps on a Sea of Glass, chap. xv. 2, 3. 2. One of the four Beasts giving the Angels the seven Vials of Wrath, chap. xv. 7. 3. Beasts warring with the Saints, chap. xiii. 7. 4. Angel pouring a Vial on the Sea, chap. xvi. 3. 5. Victory of the Lamb, chap. xvii. 14. 6. Fourth Angel pouring a Vial on Sun, &c., chap. xvi. 8, 9. 7th Pane, is the fifth Angel pouring a Vial on the Seat of the Beast, ver. 10, II. 8. Unclean Spirits, &c., going to Battle, ver. 13, 14. 9. Angel pouring a Vial on the River Euphrates, which runs by Babylon, verse 12. Note, theprecedent two Panes of Glass are misplaced.) EIGHT PAETITION.— 1. The Whore sitting upon the Beast, chap. xvii. 3. 2. Babylon's fall, chap, xviii. 1, 2. 3. God praised in Heaven, chap. xix. 1, 2, 3, Sc. 4. St. John falling at the Angel's feet, ver. 10. 5. Heaven opened;, one on a white Horse, Armies, Sc., ver. 11 and 14. 6. Angel crying to the fowls.

56 ANCIENT AND ver. 17. 7. Beast, Kings and Annies, ver. 19. 8. Beast taken, ver. 20. 9. Angel casting him in the bottomless pit, chap. xx. 3. NINTH PARTITION—I. Saints on Thrones, ver. 4. 2. Satan loosed out of Prison, ver. 7. In the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Panes of Glass, are the Sea, Death and Hell delivering up their Dead, who stand before Christ as in Judg ment, (attended by Angelic Powers holding the Instruments of his Passion,while the Books are opened by other Angels) on his right hand are the Blessed, and on the left the Miserable, chap. xx. ver. 11 to the end. 7. New Heaven and new Earth, chap. xxi. 1. 8. New Jerusalem, over which is Christ enthroned, an Angel with a Vial and Golden Reed, St. John beholding, ver. 2, and the pure River of Water of Life, clear as Chrysial, proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, chap. xxii. ver. I. 9. Our Saviour appearing with a Book opened, on which is written, Ego, Alpha § Omega, ver, 13, and St. John writing the won derful Things he had seen. TENTH PARTITION.—1. Pope Gregory VII., and Archbishop Thomas I. 2, 3, and 4, are nine Kings, viz., Ethelbert, Lucius, Ceolwulph, Edwin, Oswald, Oswin, S. Edward the Confessor, Harold, and William the Conqueror. Abp.Aldred at Prayers. 6. Archbishop Zouch, with St. Augustine and St. Honorius, Arch bishops of Canterbury. 7, St. Paulinus, Pope Eleutherius, and St. Wilfrid. 8. St. John of Beverley, St. Calixtus Bishop of Rome and St. Egbert. 9. King Ebianos between two Flamines or Heathen Priests ; one of these High-Priests being dig nified with the Title of Proto-JIam or first flam, the other with Arch-flam only. Above the screen through which we pass into the choir, stands the organ, presented by the earl of Scarborough, after the conflagration of 1829; one of the largest and most powerful instruments in Europe. It contains three sets of keys, of six octaves each, from CCC to CCC in alt; two octaves of pedal keys, from CCCC to CC. There are 53 stops all through; i.e., 24 to the great organ, 9 to the choir organ, 12 to the swelling organ, and 8 to the pedals. There are 6 copula stops, and 7 composition pedals ; the number of pipes is upwards of 4200, and there are 57 complete ranks of pipes through the manuals. The names and dimensions of the stops in the Savile Organ, are as follow :— SWELLING oRGAN. Length of lowest pipe. Length of lowest pipe- Oboe feet Principal feet Horn ----- feet Dulcet (wood) - feet Trumpet feet Stopped diapason 4 feet Cremona 8 feet Dulciana (metal) feet Sesquialtra 5 ranks Metal open diapason feet Claribella (wood) - - - 4 feet Wood open diapason - - 8 feet CHOIE ORGAN. Clarionet 16 feet Stopped diapason 8 feet Trumpet - - - 16 feet Wood open diapason 16 feet Fifteenth feet Dulciana - - - 16 feet Flute (stopped) - 4 feet Metal principal - -8 feet Metal open diapason - * 16 feet

56 ANCIENT AND<br />

ver. 17. 7. Beast, Kings <strong>and</strong> Annies, ver. 19. 8. Beast taken, ver. 20. 9.<br />

Angel casting him in the bottomless pit, chap. xx. 3.<br />

NINTH PARTITION—I. Saints on Thrones, ver. 4. 2. Satan loosed out<br />

of Prison, ver. 7. In the 3rd, 4th, 5th <strong>and</strong> 6th Panes of Glass, are the Sea,<br />

Death <strong>and</strong> Hell delivering up their Dead, who st<strong>and</strong> before Christ as in Judg<br />

ment, (attended by Angelic Powers holding the Instruments of his Passion,while<br />

the Books are opened by other Angels) on his right h<strong>and</strong> are the Blessed, <strong>and</strong><br />

on the left the Miserable, chap. xx. ver. 11 to the end. 7. New Heaven <strong>and</strong><br />

new Earth, chap. xxi. 1. 8. New Jerusalem, over which is Christ enthroned, an<br />

Angel with a Vial <strong>and</strong> Golden Reed, St. John beholding, ver. 2, <strong>and</strong> the pure<br />

River of Water of Life, clear as Chrysial, proceeding out of the Throne of God <strong>and</strong><br />

of the Lamb, chap. xxii. ver. I. 9. Our Saviour appearing with a Book opened,<br />

on which is written, Ego, Alpha § Omega, ver, 13, <strong>and</strong> St. John writing the won<br />

derful Things he had seen.<br />

TENTH PARTITION.—1. Pope Gregory VII., <strong>and</strong> Archbishop Thomas I.<br />

2, 3, <strong>and</strong> 4, are nine Kings, viz., Ethelbert, Lucius, Ceolwulph, Edwin, Oswald,<br />

Oswin, S. Edward the Confessor, Harold, <strong>and</strong> William the Conqueror. Abp.Aldred<br />

at Prayers. 6. Archbishop Zouch, with St. Augustine <strong>and</strong> St. Honorius, Arch<br />

bishops of Canterbury. 7, St. Paulinus, Pope Eleutherius, <strong>and</strong> St. Wilfrid. 8. St.<br />

John of Beverley, St. Calixtus Bishop of Rome <strong>and</strong> St. Egbert. 9. King Ebianos<br />

between two Flamines or Heathen Priests ; one of these High-Priests being dig<br />

nified with the Title of Proto-JIam or first flam, the other with Arch-flam only.<br />

Above the screen through which we pass into the choir,<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s the organ, presented by the earl of Scarborough,<br />

after the conflagration of 1829; one of the largest <strong>and</strong><br />

most powerful instruments in Europe. It contains three<br />

sets of keys, of six octaves each, from CCC to CCC<br />

in alt; two octaves of pedal keys, from CCCC to CC.<br />

There are 53 stops all through; i.e., 24 to the great<br />

organ, 9 to the choir organ, 12 to the swelling organ,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 8 to the pedals. There are 6 copula stops, <strong>and</strong> 7<br />

composition pedals ; the number of pipes is upwards of<br />

4200, <strong>and</strong> there are 57 complete ranks of pipes through<br />

the manuals. The names <strong>and</strong> dimensions of the stops in<br />

the Savile Organ, are as follow :—<br />


Length of lowest pipe.<br />

Length of lowest pipe-<br />

Oboe<br />

feet Principal feet<br />

Horn ----- feet Dulcet (wood) - feet<br />

Trumpet feet Stopped diapason 4 feet<br />

Cremona 8 feet Dulciana (metal) feet<br />

Sesquialtra 5 ranks Metal open diapason feet<br />

Claribella (wood) - - - 4 feet Wood open diapason - - 8 feet<br />


Clarionet 16 feet Stopped diapason 8 feet<br />

Trumpet - - - 16 feet Wood open diapason 16 feet<br />

Fifteenth feet Dulciana - - - 16 feet<br />

Flute (stopped) - 4 feet<br />

Metal principal - -8 feet<br />

Metal open diapason - * 16 feet

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