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160 ANCIENT AND<br />


fiotang.<br />

<strong>York</strong>shire is rich in botanical treasures. The Flora of<br />

the county,* contains a catalogue of 1002 flowering<br />

plants, of which three are peculiar to <strong>York</strong>shire, viz.<br />

Arabia hispida. Dryas octopetala. Juncus polycephalus.<br />

One, not peculiar to the county, flowers no where else in<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong>, viz.<br />

Cornus suecica.<br />

Twelve attain in <strong>York</strong>shire their southern limit, viz.<br />

Actsea spicata<br />

Saxifraga hirculus<br />

Potentilla fruticosa<br />

Gentiana verna<br />

Rosa sarmentacea<br />

Bartsia alpina<br />

Sedum villosum<br />

Rinanthus major<br />

Kibes petraeum<br />

Trientalis Europtea<br />

Saxiiraga umbrosa<br />

Toficldia palustris<br />

Thirty-seven attain in <strong>York</strong>shire their northern limit, viz.<br />

Anemone Pulsatilla<br />

Campanula rapunculoides<br />

Hutchinsia petrrea<br />

Scrophularia vernalis<br />

Dianthus Caryophyllns<br />

Galeobdolon luteum<br />

Silene Otites<br />

Stachys germanica<br />

Silene nutans<br />

Mentha acutifolia<br />

Arenaria tenuifolia<br />

Nepeta cataria<br />

Radiola Millegrana<br />

Teucrium Scordium<br />

Hypericum Androssemum<br />

Orobanche minor<br />

Trifolium ornithopodioides<br />

Hippophae rhamnoides<br />

Lathyrus latifolius<br />

Scheuchzeria palustris<br />

Rubus rhamnifolius<br />

Crocus nudiflorus<br />

Rubus leucostachys<br />

Ornithogalum umbellatum<br />

Rubus macrophyllus<br />

Typha angustifolia<br />

Rosa micrantha<br />

Acorus calamus<br />

Sedum dasyphyllum<br />

Lemna gibba<br />

Sedum sexangulare<br />

Lemna polyrrhiza<br />

Cotyledon umbilicus<br />

Cuscuta Epithymum<br />

Campanula patula<br />

Epipactis palustris<br />

Campanula hederacea<br />

<strong>York</strong>shire (observes Professor Philips, whose valuable<br />

<strong>and</strong> volumnious work, illustrative of the geology of this<br />

district, contains all the information a student can desire<br />

on the subject,) is one of the few counties of Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

which are defined by natural boundaries. On the west it<br />

* See the admirable work of Henry Raines.

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