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MODERN YORK. 143 tution, as well as to avoid the expense of rent and a librarian's salary, it was made a fundamental rule, that the hooks should be the property of the trustees of the hospital; the office of librarian being, with the consent of the governors of the hospital, annexed to that of housesurgeon. The library is under the exclusive management of the subscribers to the hospital; the medical officers enjoying no privileges distinct from the rest, with regard to the use or management of the library. Under these regulations the library has continued nearly thirty years, and now comprises many of the most valuable standard medical works, and some of the best and most expensive anatomical plates. This society was established in 1832. The meetings are held at the Dispensary on the evenings of every second Saturday, from the beginning of October to the end of April; a paper or some medical subject being read by a member, and discussed by the society. In connection with this body is a medical circulating library. fJorfe Jtunattc 2te»Iuirt. At the time that this institution was established, (1777) there were but two institutions for the treatment of the insane in London, and but two in the provinces of Eng land; one being at Manchester and the other at Newcastle. The York Lunatic Asylum was established by the private subscriptions of benevolent individuals ; and was intended for the reception of parochial and indigent lunatics ; in sane persons of the higher classes being likewise admis sible. The false principles upon which most of our insti tutions for the treatment of Lunatics were conducted at the beginning of the present century, appear to have prevailed here; and in 1813, when Mr. Tuke's description of the Retreat was published, a controversy was provoked by the Physician of the Asylum, which led to several

144 ANCIENT AND charges of mal-treatment being publicly made. An inves tigation took place, several of the gravest charges were made good, and the upshot of the whole was, the dis missal of every servant entrusted with the care of patients, the revision of the rules, and the complete re-organization of the establishment by the superintendent and matron of the Retreat.* In the year 1815, Godfrey Higgins, Esq., a magistrate of the west-riding, who took an active part in the investigation at the York Asylum, was examined before a committee of the House of Commons, and the facts then brought to light, have done much in favour of better and more humane principles of treatment. Che i£Ut«at. This celebrated institution for the cure and care of the insane members of the Society of Friends, stands on the road from the city to the village of Heslington, and com mands, from its elevation, a delightful prospect over the vale of York. It was established through the indefati gable exertions of our late venerable fellow citizen William Tuke. It was opened for the reception of patients, in the year 1706. Much of the success of this institution must, however, be attributed to the conscientious zeal and talents of G. Jepson, the first superintendent, who, for about thirty years, carried out the wishes of its founders, in the improved management of the insane, beyond their most sanguine expectations. Here was first practically demon strated in England, the extent to which kindness united with firmness, could be applied to the most effectual con trol of the irregular and violent tendencies of the insane. The results of these efforts have attracted universal at tention, and have had a very powerful influence in the improvement which has taken place in the treatment of deranged persons. * While the investigation to which we refer was proceeding, a fire occured In the Asylum, and four patients, who had been chained to the walls, perished in the flames.

MODERN YORK. 143<br />

tution, as well as to avoid the expense of rent <strong>and</strong> a<br />

librarian's salary, it was made a fundamental rule, that<br />

the hooks should be the property of the trustees of the<br />

hospital; the office of librarian being, with the consent<br />

of the governors of the hospital, annexed to that of housesurgeon.<br />

The library is under the exclusive management<br />

of the subscribers to the hospital; the medical officers<br />

enjoying no privileges distinct from the rest, with regard<br />

to the use or management of the library. Under these<br />

regulations the library has continued nearly thirty years,<br />

<strong>and</strong> now comprises many of the most valuable st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

medical works, <strong>and</strong> some of the best <strong>and</strong> most expensive<br />

anatomical plates.<br />

This society was established in 1832. The meetings are<br />

held at the Dispensary on the evenings of every second<br />

Saturday, from the beginning of October to the end of<br />

April; a paper or some medical subject being read by a<br />

member, <strong>and</strong> discussed by the society. In connection<br />

with this body is a medical circulating library.<br />

fJorfe Jtunattc 2te»Iuirt.<br />

At the time that this institution was established, (1777)<br />

there were but two institutions for the treatment of the<br />

insane in London, <strong>and</strong> but two in the provinces of Eng<br />

l<strong>and</strong>; one being at Manchester <strong>and</strong> the other at Newcastle.<br />

The <strong>York</strong> Lunatic Asylum was established by the private<br />

subscriptions of benevolent individuals ; <strong>and</strong> was intended<br />

for the reception of parochial <strong>and</strong> indigent lunatics ; in<br />

sane persons of the higher classes being likewise admis<br />

sible. The false principles upon which most of our insti<br />

tutions for the treatment of Lunatics were conducted at<br />

the beginning of the present century, appear to have<br />

prevailed here; <strong>and</strong> in 1813, when Mr. Tuke's description<br />

of the Retreat was published, a controversy was provoked<br />

by the Physician of the Asylum, which led to several

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