GÖRÜŞ / OPINION ASYA-PASİFİK / ASIA-PACIFIC ASYA-PASİFİK’TE YÜKSELEN REKABET: NAMLUNUN UCUNDAKİ ÜLKELER Pekin’de 12 bin askerin hazır bulunduğu geçit töreni, barışı temsil eden renkli balonlar ile tezat düşen kıtalararası nükleer füzeler eşliğinde gerçekleşti. Peki bu çelişkili durum dünyaya hangi mesajları verdi? ESCALATING COMPETITION IN ASIA-PACIFIC: COUNTRIES IN THE FIRING LINE The military parade of 12 thousand soldiers in Beijing was accompanied by colorful balloons representing peace, and –in contrast– intercontinental nuclear missiles. Well, what does this contrast mean for the world? PROF. DR. MESUT HAKKI CAŞIN HASEN DIŞ POLITIKA VE GÜVENLIK ARAŞTIRMALARI MERKEZI UZMANI SENIOR FELLOW, HASEN CENTER ON FOREIGN POLICY AND SECURITY Tiananmen Meydanı’nda gerçekleşen 3 Eylül Zafer Günü anma etkinliklerinde, Rusya, Kazakistan ve Kırgızistan’ın da aralarında bulunduğu 17 ülkeden bine yakın askeri tören birliği hazır bulunurken, Çin Ordusu’nun modernizasyon gücünü simgeleyen 12 bin September 3 “Victory Day” was commemorated in the Tiananmen Square with the participation of approximately one thousand escorts of honor from 17 countries including Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan while the China attended with 12 thousand 20 EKİM 2015 SAYI 35 - OCTOBER 2015 ISSUE 35

www.hazarworld.com soldiers representing the modernization power of its Army. It was the most crowded ceremony of recent times. Just like the Victory Day ceremony in Moscow, leaders of Western powers and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not participate in China’s show of military strength. In reply to Chinese Army which attended the World War II victory celebrations of the Russian Army in Red Square; Russian President Vladimir Putin was present in Beijing together with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. For the first time, China displayed 84% of its most modern weapons-equipment in its inventory during this huge military parade which reminds the arms race before the World War II. Well, who stands in the firing line? Most importantly, an anti-Western alliance is being formed by Russia and China, or does it mean that Russia keeps a close watch on China? In terms of international relations, it seems that China’s historic show of military power will actually continue to have a deep impact on USA-EU-China-Russia-Japan strategic relations as well as the tension in Syria and Ukraine crises. RUSSIAN FACTOR AGAINST US-JAPAN ALLIANCE This military parade, for which China spent months to get prepared, can be regarded as a crucial turning point in history. China previously had bad relations with the West and Japan and it was suppressed by the Boxer Rebellion. With this official ceremony, China announced that it left this status behind and became a new and different super power in the world. But what was the driving force -the security concern- behind Beijing’s decision to take so many soldiers out of their military posts? Why did people watch anti-Japan broadcasts? Beijing asker, yakın zamanların en kalabalık törenine katıldı. Moskova’da kutlanan Zafer Günü töreninde olduğu gibi Çin’in askeri gövde gösterisine Batılı ülkelerin liderleri ve Japonya Başbakanı Şinzo Abe katılmadı. Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin; Kızıl Meydan’da Rus Ordusu’nun II. Dünya 01 Pekin’de Tiananmen Meydanı’nda 3 Eylül 2015’te gerçekleştirilen askeri geçit. The military parade in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on September 3, 2015. 01 Boxer Rebellion or Boxer Movement was an uprising against the West’s economic and political influence on China in the 19 th century. The aim was to take all foreigners out of the country. It started in November 1899 and ended on September 7, 1901. Thousands of rebels, foreigners and low-class Chinese people lost their lives during the uprising and while repressing the events. HAZAR WORLD 21

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soldiers representing the modernization<br />

power of its Army. It was the most<br />

crowded ceremony of recent times.<br />

Just like the Victory Day ceremony in<br />

Moscow, leaders of Western powers<br />

and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe<br />

did not participate in China’s show of<br />

military strength. In reply to Chinese<br />

Army which attended the World War<br />

II victory celebrations of the Russian<br />

Army in Red Square; Russian President<br />

Vladimir Putin was present in Beijing<br />

together with United Nations Secretary<br />

General Ban Ki-moon. For the first time,<br />

China displayed 84% of its most modern<br />

weapons-equipment in its inventory<br />

during this huge military parade which<br />

reminds the arms race before the World<br />

War II. Well, who stands in the firing<br />

line? Most importantly, an anti-Western<br />

alliance is being formed by Russia and<br />

China, or does it mean that Russia<br />

keeps a close watch on China? In terms<br />

of international relations, it seems that<br />

China’s historic show of military power<br />

will actually continue to have a deep<br />

impact on USA-EU-China-Russia-Japan<br />

strategic relations as well as the tension<br />

in Syria and Ukraine crises.<br />



This military parade, for which China<br />

spent months to get prepared, can be regarded<br />

as a crucial turning point in history.<br />

China previously had bad relations<br />

with the West and Japan and it was suppressed<br />

by the Boxer Rebellion. With<br />

this official ceremony, China announced<br />

that it left this status behind and became<br />

a new and different super power in the<br />

world. But what was the driving force<br />

-the security concern- behind Beijing’s<br />

decision to take so many soldiers out<br />

of their military posts? Why did people<br />

watch anti-Japan broadcasts? Beijing<br />

asker, yakın zamanların en kalabalık törenine<br />

katıldı. Moskova’da kutlanan Zafer<br />

Günü töreninde olduğu gibi Çin’in askeri<br />

gövde gösterisine Batılı ülkelerin liderleri<br />

ve Japonya Başbakanı Şinzo Abe katılmadı.<br />

Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin;<br />

Kızıl Meydan’da Rus Ordusu’nun II. Dünya<br />

01<br />

Pekin’de Tiananmen<br />

Meydanı’nda 3 Eylül <strong>2015</strong>’te<br />

gerçekleştirilen askeri geçit.<br />

The military parade in<br />

Tiananmen Square in Beijing<br />

on September 3, <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

01<br />

Boxer Rebellion or Boxer Movement was<br />

an uprising against the West’s economic<br />

and political influence on China in the<br />

19 th century. The aim was to take all foreigners<br />

out of the country. It started in<br />

November 1899 and ended on September<br />

7, 1901. Thousands of rebels, foreigners<br />

and low-class Chinese people lost their<br />

lives during the uprising and while repressing<br />

the events.<br />

<strong>HAZAR</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong><br />


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