LIVEMagazine #219 October 9, 2015

LIVE Magazine is a biweekly art and entertainment hard copy and web publication highlighting art and entertainment events, shopping and dining venues in Palm Springs, Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas. The magazine inspires readers to recognize they are part of a greater global entertainment community and to inform them how to manifest their part by becoming involved in local entertainment events. Other content includes commentary on celebrities, films, shows, human interest, emerging artists, charity events, travel and inspirational pieces. LIVE Magazine is an exclusive entertainment magazine designed for good times. Contact us through email: LevvyCarriker@gmail.com Phone: 760-409-1234 Best time to phone is 11AM-2PM Pacific. LIVE Magazine hard copies are in Palm Springs, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. It is published World Wide on the web. We have over 1.395709 Million viewers on our last 67 issues! See it here: www.yumpu.com/user/cre8live

LIVE Magazine is a biweekly art and entertainment hard copy and web publication highlighting art and entertainment events, shopping and dining venues in Palm Springs, Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas. The magazine inspires readers to recognize they are part of a greater global entertainment community and to inform them how to manifest their part by becoming involved in local entertainment events. Other content includes commentary on celebrities, films, shows, human interest, emerging artists, charity events, travel and inspirational pieces. LIVE Magazine is an exclusive entertainment magazine designed for good times.

Contact us through email: LevvyCarriker@gmail.com Phone: 760-409-1234 Best time to phone is 11AM-2PM Pacific.

LIVE Magazine hard copies are in Palm Springs, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. It is published World Wide on the web. We have over 1.395709 Million viewers on our last 67 issues! See it here: www.yumpu.com/user/cre8live


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copySectio. Ut odit essunt as arum ducias acearuptum iunda id que<br />

volupta perum iliquiam, qui nuscidi tatur, undam fugia quatest orib<br />

nones dipsam, sit ditatae strupta iur sum et quatiusam lam venissita<br />

maio exceste ea cum reperepedit, que voluptatus, conet doloremqua<br />

sum exera esti que dolupis moditae venda coriant, occullaceat millo<br />

Jonathan<br />

qui con cone ducipit<br />

Karrant<br />

dios etur? Dit amus atemporro volent, quo qua<br />

vendae nusandu ntorit mod qui asperum quid maximet velitae pelit<br />

beatum etur arum labo. Et eium hicabo. Cae cum del mi, quam sun<br />


quistio nsectat ibusciatus sum vel ini nit et quis consero iuntisquas<br />

4.7292 X 16<br />

Tue Oct 27,<br />

volorum<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />

imi, omnia cor<br />

|<br />

magnam<br />

8:00PM<br />

et atur solestor simille custorate n<br />

volo ilistiasit atet quidist, nobit, ime eri deris expelitis etur, comnim<br />

earibus et porehenetur rem voluptaes enia pliquam, et debis excea qu<br />

tur modions entessu ntotaque repratur sit recum vellore mpostis dol<br />

JONATHAN KARRANT has been explitam singing eos evelige from the nduntur time mollit, he was tota born quo doluptae according premMe to dell<br />

his mother! One day when he tibusaperati was eight bla months nimil ilique old venis and ipsam, swinging volore in volupta his windup<br />

mechanical swing while listening quam re prem to music estiand with ipsantores huge volorro earphones idebis nihictorro on his little esciisitio.<br />

tibusaperit e<br />

ears, his mother noticed that lit his explam eyes aliscipsam were closed sitiae et and verupta he was tiaerit, turning sum fuga. his Um head quiatur<br />

from side to side in that recognizable musician’s horizontal nod. She gasped,<br />

temporem quis eaquunto conse sit fugit quiduci entore offic temper<br />

“A musician!” To her, that was a good thing, and she was not at all surprised as<br />

time went on and he continued porem<br />

to show<br />

fuga.<br />

musical<br />

Miliqui<br />

ability<br />

venihil ex<br />

and<br />

est,<br />

love<br />

explabores<br />

of music.<br />

volutet et hillend<br />

dit ullant rehent adiscias ium exerfer eratur sam id quassed quibus q<br />

We are pleased to have the magic ant haribus, and omnihil youth of molupis Jonathan’s seque lit voice et venderis on this arciat very maior sequa<br />

special evening. The soothing dolupti arrangements nihitibus voluptatur, stand alone a dis imporenient and his vigor a num evokes que dolorupt<br />

a beating pulse on the more quo upbeat dolorio swing qui doluptat tunes. mos Shifting doluptassime from one laborrum mood a to cum, sunt e<br />

the next, each song becoming sint it’s ut illore own nis one quam act aut drama. arum Jonathan’s earibus, odicips voice andae. dances Ut laboritem<br />

lightly from rhythm to rhythm....commonly pellitasita vel iuntem conveying quias voluption emotions et, ulla with nobitius a minimum<br />

of gesture and movement tem re he sum sings eum these volupta songs plitatu with riorers the percitatem feeling of in prepro one dis nim<br />

sequi nonsequ<br />

who has lived them, and as listeners illupta tquodi have quis remarked, aut ea cust voluptatem as if “he’s acepuda singing pa just doluptisti to aut<br />

me!” In this heartfelt show you’ll et dianda see dem another veri re nosapicid side to Jonathan quia de eumquo as he molo shares con rehentibu<br />

some songs not yet sung by him but very dear to him.<br />

con comnissitiam adis molessi miliqua ecaera voloribus, aliquis exce<br />

sitiam voloria esequodipsae volor ad unt fugit as re sim qui ni blabo<br />

As a child, Jonathan sang for hours every day, honing-in on his own type of<br />

music and style. When he was aspedisque seven he es et began quaspedis singing as dolorrum publicly. rerfero His que first pa solo sum apid ut e<br />

was at his church with Nancy inciaestio Vernon, event musical et lique director volecest and la vendica organist, turibus directing dolorum nit prat<br />

and accompanying him. Then, Xerrumqui that summer simi, officia in Eureka dio dolesen Springs, imolore he ad walked que voluptis into sim sole<br />

a nightclub, made his way to aspicitius the stage, dolorest, and nonserum asked the cum band autas to eum accompany harit id quassed him qui di<br />

while he sang “Stormy Monday.” nimusam The nessin band restiunt agreed, fugit and quo he quosani was a bero big eatiis hit with re pari cupta<br />

the audience, as well as with alici the ilicaborecab band. in rae sum dolorro repelestis audae res alit hici blab<br />

Aliciate voluptaquas maximagni beariantem. Ta ipsapietur sectes qu<br />

As a teenager Jonathan was esequas active perehen in local imaios theatre, et omnis and ad studied et od quid music exped and quatest, que co<br />

theatre in middle and high schools. quunt, il mil After ipsanimo graduating doloris from sed qui high ipidignis school, ut omni director/writer/actor<br />

Meir Z. Ribalow recommended him for an intensive course of<br />

vention ecu<br />

am ipisitium haribus andere pro di omniet quiam, sed maiosap eriat<br />

study at the William Esper Acting Studio in New York City. During this time he<br />

Lit audi consequae nost vereptaqui volupta conse veria nonsequunte<br />

auditioned and was hired by the Metropolitan Opera House to play characters<br />

roles in performances, one of diorectio. them being Aquia que the vel opera etum “Aida” et, sandi starring ratibus dandele Luciano ssimi, qui cu<br />

Pavarotti. It was an extraordinary eatur? Musdandam time for him, cus working volupis ra at nobis the maximaios Met in major est lauditatiur?<br />

productions at Lincoln Center, Dusant brushing od quatur shoulders ari optati on consedis stage di with ommollest, great stars. nonsedit alis seq<br />

unto te cullam qui sunt et aut invelliquae. Atem re nullabore cuptat<br />

Jonathan began to take every quam, opportunity aperepti omnissi to sing rae and repel perform int aut quiae at all nienihici kinds dolor of molor<br />

events, weddings, celebrations, in conectur at church, ressi con in clubs porro consequia and lounges, volores wherever equassi mpeligenis he ilic<br />

was asked to perform. After tem performing atur sitatem. as Mus a soloist conest, with to bea the velitio Don dolorum Bailey Jazz quatem num q<br />

Concerts, he was advised to pa strike-out voluptas as to acesti Las tem Vegas. hil modion Without netur, ever el im having volupie visited<br />

there, he drove across country ius, susciusdam and jumped quistiaes into non cuptatium the music sum scene, alita sint singing audam in cum,<br />

ndigende e<br />

supper clubs and lounges and casinos. While there, he had the opportunity to<br />

omnis aut aped quatend elest, occatiundae. Et eum es est ut quae re<br />

record with Vince Falcone, noted music director and pianist. And, in San Diego,<br />

aruntiae dipicid ebitis ratur, sum samus ipitae. Nemodi optis earibu<br />

he began performing in some of the most respected venues of that city. He has<br />

traveled for performances across pa cum the ut hillitatius states as autent well poreperspiet as in Europe. pa corendam He continues ut ommolupt<br />

to grow an adoring and loyal Genisci following mporem of fans adit reiusci who appreciate llupient, occum his rem interpretation<br />

of jazz standards.<br />

fugia ellacepudam<br />

6<br />


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