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13 BACTERIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ERWINIA AMYLOVORA STRAINS ORIGINATING FROM POME FRUITS AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN MONTENGRO DRAGANA RADUNOVIĆ 1 , VELJKO GAVRILOVIĆ 2 , MARIJA KRSTIĆ 3 1 Biotechnical Faculty, Extension Service in Plant Production, Podgorica, Montenegro 2 Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, Serbia 3 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Podgorica, Montenegro SUMMARY SUMMARY Results of characterization of Erwinia amylovora strains originating from pear, quince and hawthorn were presented in this paper. First symptoms of disease were observed in June appeared as typical shoot blight. Isolations of bacteria were carried out on Nutrient agar enrichment with 5 % sucrose (SNA) and King medium B (KB). Bacteria on first medium formed typical levan type of colony, lacking fluorescence on KB. Investigated strains initiated HR in tobacco and necrosis on artificially inoculated immature pear fruits following with abundant oozing. Bacteria are Gram negative, non fluorescence, metabolism of glucose is both, aerobe and anaerobe (O/F). Positive results were recorded in gelatin hidrolyses, and catalase activity; negative results were recorded in aesculin and TWEEN 80 test, activity of oxidase, pectinase tests, ammonia production and nitrate reduction. Investigation strains are sensitive to streptomycin and chloramphenicol, grow in medium with 5 and 7 % NaCl as well as on 34 O C. Growth of bacteria was not recorded on 36 O C. On the basis of obtained results was concluded that population of E .amylovora strains in Montenegro appear high level of homogenity with check strains (CFBP 1430 and NCPPB 595). Key words: Erwinia amylovora, pome fruits, pathogenicity, biochemical characteristics, Montenegro (Received: 08. 04. 2013.) (Accepted: 13. 05. 2013.)

13<br />





1<br />

Biotechnical Faculty, Extension Service in Plant Production, Podgorica, Montenegro<br />

2<br />

Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, Serbia<br />

3<br />

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Podgorica, Montenegro<br />



Results of characterization of Erwinia amylovora strains originating from pear, quince and<br />

hawthorn were presented in this paper. First symptoms of disease were observed in June<br />

appeared as typical shoot blight. Isolations of bacteria were carried out on Nutrient agar<br />

enrichment with 5 % sucrose (SNA) and King medium B (KB). Bacteria on first medium formed<br />

typical levan type of colony, lacking fluorescence on KB. Investigated strains initiated<br />

HR in tobacco and necrosis on artificially inoculated immature pear fruits following with<br />

abundant oozing. Bacteria are Gram negative, non fluorescence, metabolism of glucose is<br />

both, aerobe and anaerobe (O/F). Positive results were recorded in gelatin hidrolyses, and<br />

catalase activity; negative results were recorded in aesculin and TWEEN 80 test, activity of<br />

oxidase, pectinase tests, ammonia production and nitrate reduction. Investigation strains<br />

are sensitive to streptomycin and chloramphenicol, grow in medium with 5 and 7 % NaCl<br />

as well as on 34 O C. Growth of bacteria was not recorded on 36 O C. On the basis of obtained<br />

results was concluded that population of E .amylovora strains in Montenegro appear high<br />

level of homogenity with check strains (CFBP 1430 and NCPPB 595).<br />

Key words: Erwinia amylovora, pome fruits, pathogenicity, biochemical characteristics,<br />

Montenegro<br />

(Received: 08. 04. 2013.)<br />

(Accepted: 13. 05. 2013.)

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