
Vol.55 - Izbis Vol.55 - Izbis


94 Jelica Balaž, Aleksandra Smiljanić REFERENCES Arsenijević M. (1990): Identifikacija Erwinia amylovora. Savezni sekretarijat za poljoprivredu, Beograd, Obaveštenje br. 3 od 07.08.1990. Balaž Jelica (1998): Status of Erwinia amylovora in Yugoslavia: Distribution, identification and Control. Acta Horticulture, No. 489: 99-103. Balaž Jelica (2000): Epifitotična pojava bakteriozne plamenjače na jabuci. Biljni lekar, br. 4: 272-275. Balaž Jelica, Knežević Tatjana, Smiljanić Aaleksandra, Stojšin Vera (2004): Chaenomeles japonica and Cotoneaster horisontalis, new hosts of Erwinia amylovora in Serbia, 10 th International Workshop on Fire Blight, Bologna, Italy, 5-9 July: 22. Dulić-Marković Ivana, Ranković M., Jovanović T., Balaž Jelica (1999): Dijagnostika bakterije Erwinia amylovora primenom indirektnog ELISA testa. Četvrto jugoslovensko savetovanje o zaštiti bilja. Zbornik rezimea. Zlatibor, 6-10 decembra: 91. Gavrilović V., Arsenijević M. (1998): Vatreni trn – novi domaćin bakterije Erwinia amylovora za našu zemlju. Biljni lekar, br. 1, 52-55. Jarak M., Đurić S. (2004): Praktikum iz Mikrobiologije. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 2004: 146. Hartman J, Hershman D. (1996): Fire Blight. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. Online Publications (www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ppa/ppa34/ppa34. pdf) Klement Z. (1963): Rapid detection of pathogenicity of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas. Nature 199, 299-300. Lelliott R.A., Stead D., E. (1987): Methods for the Diagnosis of bacterial Diseases of Plants. Methods in Plant Pathology, Vol.2 (215), British Soc. for Plant Pathology, 216. Martinec T., Kocur M. (1964): A taxonomic study of Erwinia amylovora (Burill, 1882). Momol T., Aldwinckle H.,S. (2000): Genetic Diversity and Host range of Erwinia amylvora (in: Fire Blight – The Disease and its causative agent, Erwinia amylovora. ed. by J.L.Vanneste), CABI Publishing, 55 – 72 . Morgan B.S., Goodman R.N. (1955): In vitro sensitivity of plant bacterial pathogens to antibiotics and antibacterial substances. Plant Disease Reporer, 39: 487-490. Mulrooney B. (1999): Ornamental Hotline – Blossom Blight. Vol 6, Issue 8. Nemeth, J. (1998): Occurrence and spread of Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora) in Hungary (1996-1998). Management of the Disease. Acta Horticulture, No. 489: 177-185.

Chaenomeles japonica and Cotoneaster horizontalis 95 Panić M., Arsenijević M. (1996): Bakteriozna plamenjača voćaka i ukrasnih biljaka (403). Monografska studija. Zajednica za voće i povrće D. D. Beograd, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad: 403. Rudolph B. A. (1946): Attempts to control fire blight with penicillin. Phytopathology, 36:717-725. Schaad N.,W., Jones J., B., Chun W. (2001): Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (Third Edition) (373), APS Press, 373. Van der Zwet T., Keil H. L. (1979): Fire Blight – A Bacterial Disease of Rosaceous Plants. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture handbook, 510. Van der Zwet T., Beer S. V. (1999): Fire Blight – Its Nature, Prevention, and Control. USDA, 91. Winslow et al., 1920. International Bulletin of Bacteriological Nomenclature and T 14, Taxonomy, 14: 5-14. (Received: 20.06.07.) (Accepted: 08.08.2007)

94 Jelica Balaž, Aleksandra Smiljanić<br />


Arsenijević M. (1990): Identifikacija Erwinia amylovora. Savezni sekretarijat za poljoprivredu,<br />

Beograd, Obaveštenje br. 3 od 07.08.1990.<br />

Balaž Jelica (1998): Status of Erwinia amylovora in Yugoslavia: Distribution,<br />

identification and Control. Acta Horticulture, No. 489: 99-103.<br />

Balaž Jelica (2000): Epifitotična pojava bakteriozne plamenjače na jabuci. Biljni lekar,<br />

br. 4: 272-275.<br />

Balaž Jelica, Knežević Tatjana, Smiljanić Aaleksandra, Stojšin Vera (2004):<br />

Chaenomeles japonica and Cotoneaster horisontalis, new hosts of<br />

Erwinia amylovora in Serbia, 10 th International Workshop on Fire Blight,<br />

Bologna, Italy, 5-9 July: 22.<br />

Dulić-Marković Ivana, Ranković M., Jovanović T., Balaž Jelica (1999): Dijagnostika<br />

bakterije Erwinia amylovora primenom indirektnog ELISA testa. Četvrto jugoslovensko<br />

savetovanje o zaštiti bilja. Zbornik rezimea. Zlatibor, 6-10 decembra:<br />

91.<br />

Gavrilović V., Arsenijević M. (1998): Vatreni trn – novi domaćin bakterije Erwinia<br />

amylovora za našu zemlju. Biljni lekar, br. 1, 52-55.<br />

Jarak M., Đurić S. (2004): Praktikum iz Mikrobiologije. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu,<br />

2004: 146.<br />

Hartman J, Hershman D. (1996): Fire Blight. University of Kentucky, College of<br />

Agriculture. Online Publications (www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ppa/ppa34/ppa34.<br />

pdf)<br />

Klement Z. (1963): Rapid detection of pathogenicity of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas.<br />

Nature 199, 299-300.<br />

Lelliott R.A., Stead D., E. (1987): Methods for the Diagnosis of bacterial Diseases<br />

of Plants. Methods in Plant Pathology, Vol.2 (215), British Soc. for Plant<br />

Pathology, 216.<br />

Martinec T., Kocur M. (1964): A taxonomic study of Erwinia amylovora (Burill,<br />

1882).<br />

Momol T., Aldwinckle H.,S. (2000): Genetic Diversity and Host range of Erwinia<br />

amylvora (in: Fire Blight – The Disease and its causative agent, Erwinia<br />

amylovora. ed. by J.L.Vanneste), CABI Publishing, 55 – 72 .<br />

Morgan B.S., Goodman R.N. (1955): In vitro sensitivity of plant bacterial pathogens to<br />

antibiotics and antibacterial substances. Plant Disease Reporer, 39: 487-490.<br />

Mulrooney B. (1999): Ornamental Hotline – Blossom Blight. Vol 6, Issue 8.<br />

Nemeth, J. (1998): Occurrence and spread of Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora) in<br />

Hungary (1996-1998). Management of the Disease. Acta Horticulture, No. 489:<br />


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