
Vol.55 - Izbis Vol.55 - Izbis


88 Jelica Balaž, Aleksandra Smiljanić pressure of pathogen in that year, Fire Blight was occurred for the first time on ornamental plants C. japonica and C. horisontalis located nearby the infected apple plantations in Vojvodina District. C. horisontalis and C. japonica are already known as the hosts of E. amylovora (Van der Zwet and Keil, 1979; Panić i Arsenijević, 1996; Nemeth, 1998; van der Zwet and Beer, 1999; Momol and Aldwinckle, 2000). According to van der Zwet and Keil (1979), C. japonica could be infected only by artificial inoculations, while Hartman and Hershman (1996) considered it as less commonly host among different spontaneous and ornamental plants. There is a great similarity between simptoms of fireblight and blossom blight and twig dieback caused by Monilinia, which was pointed out by Mulrooney (1999). MATERIALS AND METHODS The samples of diseased C. japonica and C. horisontalis plants were collected in the few localities in Vojvodina. Isolations of pathogen from tissue close to dried blossoms on diseased branches of bouth hosts were made on nutrient sucrose agar (NSA). Of many strains obtained, the following were selected for detailed investigation: 8/1, 8/2, 8/3 and 8/4 (from C. japonica) and Kot I/1, Kot I/2, Kot 1 and Kot 2 (from C. horizontalis). Referent strain of E. amylovora (NCPPB 595) and our strain JK, isolated from apple in Vojvodina were also included. The pathogenicity of strains was confirmed by inoculations of C. japonica and C. horisontalisi shoots, immature fruits of Pyrus communis and Prunus cerasifera, as wel as tobacco leaves for HR in laboratory conditions. Young 15 cm long shoots were placed in bottles with water and several drops of bacterial suspension were inserted in wounds made by scalpel. Inoculated shoots were incubated in humid chamber for 48 hr at laboratory ambient temperature. Wounds of immature pear and P. cerasifera fruits were made by needle (Lelliott and Stead, 1987) and tobacco leaves by medical needle (Klement, 1963). Morphological, cultural, biochemical and physiological characteristics of pathogen were also studied (Lelliott and Stead, 1987; Schaad, 1980; Schaad et al., 2001). Identification was performed by indirect ELISA test using polyclonal antibodies of E. amylovora prepared from our strain JK and referent strain NCPPB 595 (Dulić-Marković et al., 1999) . Agar plates diffusion method (Jarak Mirjana i Đurić Simonida, 2004) was used for studing sensitivity of bacterial strains to different antibiotics (amykacin, eritromycin, vankomycin, neomycin, streptomycin, nitrofurantion i kanamycin obtained from Company “Torlak”, Belgrade). The antibacterial effect of antibiotics was evaluated by measuring the diameter of inhibition zones after 18 to 24 hr.

Chaenomeles japonica and Cotoneaster horizontalis 89 RESULTS Symptoms on diseased C. japonica and C. horisontalis in Serbia during the summer of 2000 were typical for fireblight. Infected blossoms necroted and turned brown as wel as the petals of diseased blossoms. Leaflets close to infected blossoms dried and falled down. Leafless branches also necroted and daied (Fig. 1 and 2). The disease severity increased on infected shrubs during the summer. Fig. 1 – Chaenomeles japonica. Natural infection folowed by blossoms necrosis and twigs leafless (Orig.). Chaenomeles japonica. Prirodna infekcija praćena sušenjem cvetova i ogoljavanjem grančica (Orig.). Fig. 2 – Cotoneaster horisontalis. Natural infection folowerd by leaves and twigs fireblight (Orig.). Cotoneaster horisontalis. Prirodna infekcija praćena sušenjem lišća i grana (Orig.).

Chaenomeles japonica and Cotoneaster horizontalis 89<br />


Symptoms on diseased C. japonica and C. horisontalis in Serbia during<br />

the summer of 2000 were typical for fireblight. Infected blossoms necroted and<br />

turned brown as wel as the petals of diseased blossoms. Leaflets close to infected<br />

blossoms dried and falled down. Leafless branches also necroted and daied (Fig.<br />

1 and 2). The disease severity increased on infected shrubs during the summer.<br />

Fig. 1 – Chaenomeles japonica. Natural infection folowed by blossoms necrosis<br />

and twigs leafless (Orig.).<br />

Chaenomeles japonica. Prirodna infekcija praćena sušenjem cvetova i<br />

ogoljavanjem grančica (Orig.).<br />

Fig. 2 – Cotoneaster horisontalis. Natural infection folowerd by leaves and<br />

twigs fireblight (Orig.).<br />

Cotoneaster horisontalis. Prirodna infekcija praćena sušenjem lišća i<br />

grana (Orig.).

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