
Vol.55 - Izbis Vol.55 - Izbis


46 Tatjana Popović, Jelica Balaž Biggs A. R., (1986): Wound age and infection of peach bark by Cytospora leucostoma. Can. J. Bot., Vol. 64: 2319-2321. Biggs A. R., (1989): Temporal Changes in the Infection Court After Wounding of Peach Bark and Their Association with Cultivar Variation in Infection by Leucostoma persoonii. Phytopathology, Vol. 79, No. 5: 627-630. Biggs A. R., (1992): A review of pruning techniques for peach trees in relation to the incidence of dieback and infection by Leucostoma spp. Acta Horticulturae, No. 322: 127-134. Biggs A. R., (1997): Leucostoma Canker of Stone Fruits, Leucostoma persoonii and L. cincta. Fruit Disease Focus. West Virginia University, Kearneysville Tree Fruit Research and Education Center. Buck J. W., Lachance M. A., Traquair J. A., (1998): Mycoflora of peach bark: population dynamics and composition. Canadian Journal of Botany, Vol. 76, No. 2: 345- 354. Gvritishvili M. N., (1982): Грибы Рода Cytospora Fr. в СССР. Tbilici: Izdatelstve «Sabchota Sakarstvelo». Gvritishvili M. N., (1983): On Ecology of Decline of Stone Fruits. P. Int. Conf. Integr. Plant Prot., 2: 61-63, Budapest. Hayova V. P., Minter D. W., (1998): Leucostoma cinctum. IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, No. 1361. Ivanović M., Ivanović Dragica (2001): Mikoze i pseudomikoze biljaka. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Zemun. Jerotijević H. (1980): Praktikum za mikrobiologiju. Privredni pregled, Beograd. Kable P. F., Fliegel P., Parker K. G., (1967): Cytospora Canker on Sweet Cherry in New York State: Association with Winter Injury and Pathogenicity to Other Species. Plant Disease Reporter, Vol. 51, No. 3: 155-157. Keserović Z.(1993): Korelacija između gametogeneze i embriogeneze u nekih sorti trešnje i višnje. Doktorska disertacija. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad Luepschen N. S., Rohrbach K. G., (1969): Cytospora Canker of Peach Trees: Spore Availability and Wound Susceptibility. Plant Disease Reporter, Vol. 53, No. 11: 869-872. Lukezic F. L., DeVay J. E., English H. (1965): Comparative Physiology and Pathogenicity of Leucostoma persoonii and Rhodosticta quercina. Phytopathology, Vol. 55, No. 5: 511-518. Marković S. (1970): Osnove fitopatoloških laboratorijskih metoda. Beograd Muntañola-Cvetković Marija (1987): Opšta mikologija. NIRO »Književne novine«, Beograd. Popović Tatjana (2004): Etiološka proučavanja sušenja grana breskve na području Fruške Gore. Magistarska teza. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad.

Anatomsko-histološke karakteristike Leucostoma cincta parazita breskve 47 Popović Tatjana, Balaž Jelica (2005): Identifikacija prouzrokovača prevremenog sušenja breskve. Sedmo savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Soko Banja, 15-18. novembar. Royse D. J., Ries S. M. (1978 a): The Influence of Fungi Isolated from Peach Twigs on the Pathogenicity of Cytospora cincta. Phytopathology, Vol. 68, No. 4: 603-607. Royse D. J., Ries S. M. (1978 b): Detection of Cytospora Species in Twig Elements of Peach and its Relation to the Incidence of Perennial Canker. Phytopathology, Vol. 68, No. 4: 663-667. Rozsnyay Z. D. (1977): Cytospora Canker and Dieback of Apricots. EPPO Bull, 7 (1): 69-80. Rozsnyay Z. D., Klement Z., (1973): Apoplexy of apricots. Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 8 (1-2): 57-69. Seljak G., (2000): Mass die-back of peach in 1999. SAD, Revija za Sadjarstvo, Vinogradnistvo in Vinarstvo, Vol. 11, No. 4: 12-13. Tisserat N. (2003): Perennial Canker of Peach. Kansas State University. College of Agriculture. Department of Plant Pathology. Vajna L. (1981): Gyümölcsfajokon Elöforduló Cytospora Fajok Magyarországon. Növényvédelem, XVII. Évfolyam, 12. szám: 521-526. Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet, Budapest. Vajna L. (1981): Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet, Budapest, Hungary. (Primljeno: 20.06.2007.) (Prihvaćeno: 8.08.2007.)

Anatomsko-histološke karakteristike Leucostoma cincta parazita breskve 47<br />

Popović Tatjana, Balaž Jelica (2005): Identifikacija prouzrokovača prevremenog sušenja<br />

breskve. Sedmo savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Soko Banja, 15-18. novembar.<br />

Royse D. J., Ries S. M. (1978 a): The Influence of Fungi Isolated from Peach Twigs on the<br />

Pathogenicity of Cytospora cincta. Phytopathology, Vol. 68, No. 4: 603-607.<br />

Royse D. J., Ries S. M. (1978 b): Detection of Cytospora Species in Twig Elements of<br />

Peach and its Relation to the Incidence of Perennial Canker. Phytopathology,<br />

Vol. 68, No. 4: 663-667.<br />

Rozsnyay Z. D. (1977): Cytospora Canker and Dieback of Apricots. EPPO Bull, 7 (1):<br />

69-80.<br />

Rozsnyay Z. D., Klement Z., (1973): Apoplexy of apricots. Acta Phytopathologica<br />

Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 8 (1-2): 57-69.<br />

Seljak G., (2000): Mass die-back of peach in 1999. SAD, Revija za Sadjarstvo,<br />

Vinogradnistvo in Vinarstvo, Vol. 11, No. 4: 12-13.<br />

Tisserat N. (2003): Perennial Canker of Peach. Kansas State University. College of<br />

Agriculture. Department of Plant Pathology.<br />

Vajna L. (1981): Gyümölcsfajokon Elöforduló Cytospora Fajok Magyarországon.<br />

Növényvédelem, XVII. Évfolyam, 12. szám: 521-526. Növényvédelmi Kutató<br />

Intézet, Budapest.<br />

Vajna L. (1981): Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet, Budapest, Hungary.<br />

(Primljeno: 20.06.2007.)<br />

(Prihvaćeno: 8.08.2007.)

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