By Disaster Drill Of Disputes - Local History Archives

By Disaster Drill Of Disputes - Local History Archives By Disaster Drill Of Disputes - Local History Archives
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RICYC~_~, CENTER lIIoi ... IiI,~ 5dlool IOf. '-.I A.... ".., 17 .., ~.... - _ ,_ . ..~ .-y 2. ~ ':10 .. 11)0 ,.m. ,CANS 90 I W.......... _ ... e-. AnI CIoM ............ _, _, ECO-UNE 879-1333 ......... ,. 10 ..... Ie J ',11I. Grosse Pointe Complete Neu. Coverage of AU the Pointe • ews BON 01'" NNI Vol. 35--No. 39 "Ie;::' ~.~~~: IIIe GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER.26, 1974 lie Per Cop, .,." Per Yeu 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADUNES ....,., 8epCember II PRE SID ENT FORD pledged Wednesday at the United NatiOllS General As. sembly that the United states will do its best to heip fill the world's Deeds for food, and challenged the Arab countries to cooperate in an. swering demands for oil. He proposed four guidelines for a global approach: 1) that all nations increase produce ..substlintially, " 2) that all countries seek a level of prices agreeable to both producer and consumer, 3) that aU nations avoid abusing fundamental needs for the sake of DarroW national ad. vantage,and 4) that all countries assure that tbe P90rest among them are not overwhelmed by rising prices of imports necessary for sur- vival. Test Resources To R~s~e NegotIatIons By Disaster Drill Of Disputes At Bon Secours Woods Council Alters Decision under Pressure from Concerned Cit. izens, Sc:hool Board Community Specialists ? f P• , er ormance: omte Participate in Th eater Actors Full-Scale d A d By Roger The Woo A. Waha d s Council Realistic: Aspect unanimousl)' agreed that Bon Secours Hospital's full.scale disaster drill the city should get back Thursdar, Septe~~r 19, brought together man)" into the school crossing community speclahsts to train and test their reo guard business at a spesources for. handling potential community disaster. cial meeting. attended by Grosse Pomte Theater ac. ------ an estimated 70 citizens tors, wearing intricate wound including many crossing make.up, createf station for making-up the Stolen Car Full of loot the fac~ that the Board of victims again this year. The Education has refused to ac. actors arrived wearing old Spotted in Ann Arbor cept the responsibility of the clothing which was soon rip- by Alert Washte- safety of school chUdren. the ped, dirtied' and spotted with C ty D solons requested City Admin- • • • imitation b 100 d as though naw oun ep' istrator Cbester E. Petersen Fricbly, 8eptember 21 they had been through a real uty Sheriffs to re.establish the crossing PRESIDENT FORD'S plan tornado, this year's pretend guard program previouslY to bold down iDflatioD by cut. "Victim" HARRY STUTT, an actor with the were participants in Bon Secours' disaster drill, disaster. Two Macomb County furnished by the city for the tiDg federal spending su!- Grosse Pointe Theater, is diagnosed by DR. ViN- held Thursday, September .19, to qain and test IA.structed by Nurse residents responsible for protection of the children. fered a stiDging sethack CENT ADAMS and tagged for emergency room the emergency'resources of The Pointe community. The actors had been in. the burglary of the home Mr. Petesen told the NEWS Thursday as the Senate re- treatment ,by PATRICIA GRADY, R.N. The three structed in make.up techni- of Dr. Froo.eric Watts. 7 Monday morning, September jec:ted his l'llQ.uo}St to delay ------------------------------------------ ques by Bon Secours Nursing Crestwood, on September 23, a letter would be mailed a governmeD\ pay raise by ~""ack Block TeDDl-s'Enthusl-asts Tell H C Coordinator J e a n WoeUel, 9, were detained in'The that day to Metropolltan 90 days. His Plan was beateD lU.' Ope to ut R.N., at a me~tiDg at the Shores local cell in lieu CouncU 23 AFse & ME.AFL. by a vote of ... to S5 in wbat hospital the prevIous week. A of -10000 bond each fol. CIO "requesting them to have he called "tbifirat test" of P bl G H f F t- f Set cballengeto even the best ~, .' the croulng guards report his ecollOm!c'IioUcy In Con. ro ems 0 opes or orma lon 0 ugar os S make.up artist, the partici. lowmg an arralgn.~ent back to work based upon their gress. Only eight Democrats _ _ pants created technical works before Sh('.re~ MUniCIpal current salary. ($1,00 per and 27 Jt~publicans support. Under Study' Commumty WIde League By Boycott of art simulating embedded Judge J. Patnck Denis on crossing. $7.60 a day), and ed him. As a, result of the ----. glass fragments compound Friday September 20. fringe be.nefits proposals while t th . _'1, tak ' • . ' we continue to negotiate or vo e, e pay r/USe WUl e I ------- --- . fract~es. cuts, third-degree Charged with committing mediate all un r e • 01 v e d effeet as scheduled on Qc:to.. Bui ding Permit Appeal Organizational Meeting Called for October Movement Started In St, electrIcal .bums and, in one the and looting of issues," bUJ:~~:1; ~:~~! ~, .. 't:t~~!;~~~~';~r~ation~~!~'li~k~~~i~:~.~t~i.: ....•. i~~ce.are'i_, ... , CQNSUMER P1UCES. rose A.n Complaints . By John T1D~~ .•. ' , " 'Housewives Join were ready to be transported ford J. SteggelJ, 22, of 14616 fits and sen1~rit one perceDt: In A~gust in O1e . ICE I him If" "..c..._ . t . to the hospital by City ~ Jacob, East Detroit. 'nle bur- 'r three-eOUllty Detroit metro- By Barbara B11lIlO . very man .lor se may IIC'-vme an ou - and police vebicles and a De. glary took place while Dr. others. Before furth poUtp area, .slower than the An appeal from a de- dated adage on Grosse Pointe tennis courts next ThBY ~_ger tAt' Wfab -od troit Emergency AIe d i c a I Wlitts and bis family were can be laken, he said, e city national averllge. Nationally pial ot a building permit y~ar if c~rtain tennis enthusiasts in the city accom. e 'uuyco 0 i0 S Service van. absent from home for sev. m~st hear from the union.. the Federal Bureau of Lbor to enlarge a Mack avenue plish theIr goal. I ---------- which con t a in sugar. The alarm sounded, hospi. eral weeks. ~e crossing guards WIll Statistics, (BLS). reported restaurant stirred up a Team tennis, the most reo "We want to give local S~~;:~ blou:ew~}~ C~:~~ tal. personnel responded to Loot IDcludes Car ~oo~~:el:~uf:~~~~~en~~ yesterday t hat consumer small storm of protest cent phenomenon i~ t~e youths a chance to compete k h d t Th theIr pretsslgned duties set. The enUre loot, including a In accordance with past sen. prices Increased 1.3 percent among close to 70 resi. during the month. The Dt... troit consumer price index dents who at~ended .the now stands at 151.3, a level Farms Council meetIng, Monday, September 23. 10.6 percent higbel' than August of last year. BLS said The residents' "rimary ob. that real spendable earnings jection was based on Insuffi- (take-home pay which ac- clent parking facilities for counts for inflation effects), the businesses in the Ma~k sport;s world, ma>: fmd Its way mto Grosse Pomte parks next summer if ellOugh supporters are rallied to an orgOM;.ational meeting .....t. 1. ~ "'" The meeting organized by Reese and Ed~a McFarlane of Hillcrest road has been scheduled to pla~ a tennis In tennis matches without wpOel~nt'e "~hseSrPereaarea hOouse~ ling up e. er,gency treatment parents driving them back.. centers fo~ sbock and ambu. and forth or supervising it," wives are refusing to buy latory pa~~nts. Those most she continued. "We hope that such goods for a 10-day severely lDJured w 0 u I d be each municipality will or- d h h F' t t d' th h ital' perio w ic began n- rea e !h e osp s ganize one 110 that matches day, September 20, and emergency ~oo.m. .. can be scheduled like the which will continue to Twenty vlc~ms arrived at Inter-City Swim Lea g u e Monday, September 30. the. hospital In a IS-minute schedule." ~er~od. They rec~ived a prelate model car, valued at a iority for the time being," total of approximately $17,- stated Mr. Petersen. 000, was recovered by Wash. But until the Ume "ome~ t C nt d t h iff hi.. • enaw ou y epu y s er s w en al guards are back on Randy Evans and Dan Cook, the 12.affected city school it was disclosed by Shores crossings, public safety om. Det. Sgts. Frank Mustazza cers, meter maids, volunteers and Charles Wenrich, who and the dog warden will cover credited the pair with clear. the locatioos. in August decreased 0.9 per. 8venue block between CalVID league and gather citizen in- Mrs. McFarlane forsees We have been calling our 1I.mmary diagnOSIS by physi. ing the Walts burglary. After the council announced cent from the July level. and Kerby roads. After an put regarding rules fcr such some type of "ongoing lad- friends and hope for a chain Clans, were transPOrted to According to Sgts. Musl81. its decision, which rescinded · · · :~~:~:~:so~::~~ss~o: a league. :re:mto'::e~:t::e th ::u~: ~::tcti~~ t~i~~e ;rc~ot~rf::;~ th~ ~ro~ ~r:tment area za and Wenrich Evans and its earlier action to pull out Sw1cIay. September 22 bate, however, 8 list of prob- Mrs. McFar~ne ~ent let. wJ1ich contain sligar, said an . ea en gan. Cook, while on r~utine patrol of the crossing guard business HURRICANE FIFI, which 1 m tern in f bu in ters to recreation directors, competing weekly, adhering Mary Lou Rowe, 01' Edmonton . WIthout t~e dis~stcr r 1an , passed a gas station in Ann Monday, Septembel' 9, ap- began Friday cutting through e ssm g rom s - city officials, club and Inter. to Lawn Tennis Association drive. Mrs. Rowe, who said It would be ImpoSSible to ade. Arbor, whcn they observed a plause fJlled tile council cham. El Salvador, Nicaragua. Be- :~~~sd.all along the block reo ested reslde:nts on ~ptember rules as closely as possible. Beverly Ribaudo of St. Clait quately handle so many lie- late model Cadillac parked in bers. lize {formerly British Hon- Pi r's AIle 18696 Mack 18 requestmg their atten. "It should probably be lim- Shores initiated the boycott (ContiDued 011 Page 6) the driveway of the station Reaction to the decision duras) and Guatemala. hit avc:e t a r~staurant and dan.ce at ~ meeting and ited to children from eight to action. stated Monday mom- ------ and stopped to investigate. obviously pleased most clli. Hond~U'as, the t,ardest. A cocktail loun e made the ~sking for J.!lformaUon ~n~ 16 years of age or a little ing. September 23, that City Purchases All Items Recovered zens and the school system, massIve mtema,tional eliort 'appeal to the ~~rms Council I~~as regardmg ~u1es, eh~l. older, but this is not an ar- around 20 Woods housewives . although, at that time, sev. was launched to aid Hondur- sitting as a Zoning Board of ~tl~ty. age gr~upmgs, offlc- bitrary limit," Mrs. McFar- haVe joined the protest. St. Clair Lot The burglal'Y m The Shorcs cral crossing guards ex. an. victims. Lt. Roger Val. A eals. The mana er of the lating, schedul~n? and meth. lane stated. "It depends on Hard to Cvunt took place about 10 p.m. on presscd confusion as to it they lecillo of the H 0 n d u ran .!sPtaurant Willi'am g Demor- od.s of determtnlhg seasonal the Input we get at the meet- SiJ~tember 9, find the accused would actuaUy be back on the t' ti 1 .~. mn ing." At this stage, it's impossi- The City Council, at Its pair were arrested at about job or if new guards would govern~n s na ona emer- est, said the proposed addi- w ers. The meeting will be held ble to obtain an accurate regular meeting Monday, 1:30 a.m. on September 10 take over. gency committee said, "Noth. tion would be for office "My husband and I have at 8 p.m. at SI. Paul Luther- count of Pointe women who September 16, gave City At- by the deputies. who not only Thc NEWS was nnable to ing is certain yet but we now space storage space und ad- organized this meeting be. an Church at Lothrop and are participating because torney Richard Hinks au. found all of the loot i.n the rcach School Su""'rintendent catculate 10,000 missing and dition~l lavatories cause we feel there Is more Cha1fonte in The Farms. those taking part are asked thorization to close a deal to car, but als.o two paus of Dr. James A. Adams per. fully half of those dead." In addition he' said the than enough interest to begin The City's Neff Park, to call five of their friends purchase the property at 708 gloves, stackmg masks and a sonallybut in a statemcnt The authorities' major fear seating capacity would be in. such a league," Mrs. McFar- wbich has no courts. could and urge them to avoid buy. S1. Clair avenue. The lot loaded revolv~r. The arrest. issued lrom his office Monday was the threat of outbreaks creased by 40 seats but I~ne said. "On~e we estab- pose a problem, but Mrs. ing sugar products during will ultimately be used to cd men are bemg c~~rged?y afternoon, he said. "I am of disease, such as cholera, stressed that this portion of hsn how much mterest there McFarlane suggested that a the lO-day span, provide off street parking Washte~aw authorltlcs ~Ith (ConHllued 00 Page 2) from polluted waters, ll'ck of the restaurant would not actually is, we can present solution might be the courts "I was appalled at the price for Elwor!.hy Field. possessIOn of stolen property food, and shortage of dry, open until 6 p.m. He said our information a!l~ plans to at the Neighborhood Club of candy," emphasized Mrs. Mr. Hinks said final nego, and carryinll a concealed warm clothes. this would leave parking all of the Grosse Pomte coun- could probably be used to al. Rowe, who added, "( couldn't tialions with estate executor weapon. • • • spaces for other area bus. eils for their approval." leviate the situation. believe wbat I was seeing." Hudson Mead call for a Young confessed to The HOlIday, September 23 inesses that close at 5:30 Mrs. McFarlane said a ten. Don Hallmann, director of She admitted this boycott has $17,000 purchase price, wil~ Shores burglary and car thcft RESCUE OFFICIALS or- p.m. tative schedule and a foll()w. (Continued OD Page 2) taken off and said housewives The City paying $5,000 down and Washtenaw officials reo dered mass Incineration of The Board of Appeals, by up meeting will probably be in Detroit, Plymouth, Pon. and six percent per annum in. layed the information to bodies Sunday to prevent epi. a vote of 6.(), denied the reo planned at the October 1 Wernet JOl"ns tiac, Waterford and Birmlng. terest. The mortgage will be demics in Honduras caused (CoD.tb..ed on Page f) session. ham, among other areas, are paid off m five years. (Continued on Page 6) by Huricane F Hi, Flood. H II f F participating. waters brought out poisonous B C Th. f a 0 .ame Mrs. Rowe stressed she snakes. The Honduran Army. Arrest of usy ar r.e wants this boycott to coninformation services sa i d Ed Wemet. athletic direc- tinue and noted there may mor'! than 2,700 bodies were Solves Total of 14 Cases tor at North High School, be several hundrerl women burned or buried at Choloma was formally inducted Into using foods without sugar. and 1,000 at La Ceiba. Au. the Michigan High School e.g., using fruit in place of thorities said the true death Two Detroit men were Marshall Edward Otis, 18, of Coaches Hall of Fpme Satur- candy snacks fol' their youngtotal from the storm might nearly run over by a rolling 1167 Ashland. A warrant ap- day, September 8. at Central sters. be do ubI e (he confirmed car when they jumped out of proved by the Wayne Coon. Michigan University, (CMU). Get Good Publicity 5,000. U.S. planes from the the vehlc:le. which was stol- ty Prosecutor's 0 f f Ice Mr, Wernet was one of 10 "We are getting a good reo Canal Zone brought water en, while they were being charged Otis with unlawfully coaches honored at a banquet sponse to the boycott," said purUication un Its to the pursued by a Park officer on driving away an automobile, at which over 200 were In Mrs. Ribaudo. "J guarantee coastal area to fight the most Tuesday. September 17, at it was disclosed by Lt. Gor" attendance at eMU, the you any woman who doesn't u!gent problem, water con. about 1:50 a.m. don Duncan. A warrant permanent site of the Michi. know of the boycott isn't tamlnation. The driver of the auto, against Otis' companion was gan High School Coaches aware of what's 4>een going • • • stolen In the Park, was ar- denied on the grounds of In. Hall of Fame. on." She was referring to the Tbelda,., september 24 rested by Sgt. Bobby McAI. sufficient evidence because Mr. Wernllt said he has heavy television and news. PRESIDENT FORD open. Ister. The passenger. whose of inability to establish in. had several honors as a paper coverage the l,ouse. cd the nlnlh World Energy name was withheld because tent. coach and player through the wives received ovcr last Conference ill Detroit yester. no charges were brought Lt. Duncan said that with years but this one "was a weekend. day during his first visit to ngainst him. was arrested by the arrest of Otis, four car nice way to cap a career." Mrs. Ribaudo said the Michigan since becoming Detroit police a short time thefts and about 10 attempt. He first came 10 South women aren't trying to boy. president August 9. The later, and released to Park ed car thefts were cleared. High School in 1946 and cot! markets In groups wav. speech was a blunt message authorities. The second man when the man confessed to coached footlxtll, basketball Ing placards nor are lhey to Arab leaders that they can was found hiding under a the crimes. Under Michlg8n and 'bueball through 1967- trying to hurt the markcts. expect serious trouble If they POrch a short distance away law, car theft Is a felony pun. 68 when he became athletic But she wants everyone. In. overprice 011 or use It as a from the SCllne of !.he driv. Ishable upon conviction, to a director for one year. cludlng all the markets. to political weapon. as hap- er's arrest. term of up 10 five years in A graduate of S'outh High, take note of prolils the sugar pened last year with the 011 The man arrested by Sgt. prison. Mr. Wernet has been athletic industry is making. embllrgo against the U.S. McAlister was Identified as (Continued 011 Page of) director at North since 1968. (CoDl1nued on Page 2) Pointe Symphony Slates Season's First Offering The Grosse Pointe sym-I concerl of thc season. phony Orchestra. under the Guest artists for the reo direction of Felix Resnick, mainlng thr:-e concerls will will present it's opf:ning con- be Halo Bablni, cellist. Jancert of the 1974-75 season. uary 19, 1975, Ara Berherian, Sunday, October 13, at 3:30 bass, Fcbruary 23, and on p,m. in the Performing Arts May I, the Grosse Pointe Center of North High School. Community Chorus, Richard Vernier road at Morningside Johos, director. drive. Rutn Burczyk has per. Highlighting the concert formed on numerous acca. will be the mother.daughter slons within The Pointe and duopiano tcam of Rut h has been the featured soloist Burc7.yk and Christine Bur. of numerous symphony 01'czyk Allen playlnll Mendels. chcstras throughout the mid. sohn's Concerto In E Major west and Can a d a. She for Two Ph:nos and Orches. ill an art 1st of great tra. technique. displaying all the Dedicated to the broad elements or musical senslUvscope of promoting perform. Ity included in the make.up lng arUsts of distinctive pro. or a superb keyboard artfessional caliber. thc Sym. 1st. . phony Is especially proud to Chrlstlne Burczyk Allen present this team in its first (Continued on Page 6) Hearing Slaled On Station Site The Woods Council unani. mously set the date of Mon. day. October 21, tor a public hearing to consider rezoning the Marter Road Pumping Station propcrty from Com. munity Facilltlcs District, (CF), to either R-IB or R.IC. single fatlily resldcntlal dls. lrict. This action was taken lit the regular meeting Monday September 16. ' In Its rec;;mmendatlon. the Planning Commission at their Tucsday, September 10, mcet. Ing noted that the surround. ing residential area is zoned R.IC and auggested thc prop. erty be rezoned to R.1B. However. tbe council felt an "either. or" specification should be includca In this case. The solons at the July 15 meeting accepted a Commit. tee of thc Whole recommendation to utilize the pumping station site for single family dwelling purposes. At a public hearing on June 17 the majority or cill. zens In attendance had reo que5ted such uNlle .

RICYC~_~, CENTER<br />

lIIoi ... IiI,~ 5dlool<br />

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,CANS<br />

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AnI CIoM ............ _, _,<br />

ECO-UNE 879-1333<br />

......... ,. 10 ..... Ie J ',11I. Grosse<br />

Pointe<br />

Complete Neu. Coverage of AU the Pointe •<br />

ews<br />

BON 01'" NNI<br />

Vol. 35--No. 39 "Ie;::' ~.~~~: IIIe GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER.26, 1974 lie Per Cop,<br />

.,." Per Yeu 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One<br />

HEADUNES ....<br />,., 8epCember II<br />


pledged Wednesday at the<br />

United NatiOllS General As.<br />

sembly that the United states<br />

will do its best to heip fill<br />

the world's Deeds for food,<br />

and challenged the Arab<br />

countries to cooperate in an.<br />

swering demands for oil. He<br />

proposed four guidelines for<br />

a global approach: 1) that<br />

all nations increase produce<br />

..substlintially, " 2) that all<br />

countries seek a level of<br />

prices agreeable to both producer<br />

and consumer, 3) that<br />

aU nations avoid abusing<br />

fundamental needs for the<br />

sake of DarroW national ad.<br />

vantage,and 4) that all<br />

countries assure that tbe<br />

P90rest among them are not<br />

overwhelmed by rising prices<br />

of imports necessary for sur-<br />

vival.<br />

Test Resources To R~s~e<br />

NegotIatIons<br />

<strong>By</strong> <strong>Disaster</strong> <strong>Drill</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Disputes</strong><br />

At Bon Secours<br />

Woods Council Alters<br />

Decision under Pressure<br />

from Concerned Cit.<br />

izens, Sc:hool Board<br />

Community Specialists<br />

? f P• , er ormance: omte<br />

Participate in<br />

Th<br />

eater Actors<br />

Full-Scale<br />

d<br />

A d<br />

<strong>By</strong> Roger<br />

The Woo<br />

A. Waha<br />

d s Council<br />

Realistic: Aspect unanimousl)' agreed that<br />

Bon Secours Hospital's full.scale disaster drill the city should get back<br />

Thursdar, Septe~~r 19, brought together man)" into the school crossing<br />

community speclahsts to train and test their reo guard business at a spesources<br />

for. handling potential community disaster. cial meeting. attended by<br />

Grosse Pomte Theater ac. ------ an estimated 70 citizens<br />

tors, wearing intricate wound including many crossing<br />

make.up, createf<br />

station for making-up the Stolen Car Full of loot the fac~ that the Board of<br />

victims again this year. The Education has refused to ac.<br />

actors arrived wearing old Spotted in Ann Arbor cept the responsibility of the<br />

clothing which was soon rip- by Alert Washte- safety of school chUdren. the<br />

ped, dirtied' and spotted with C ty D solons requested City Admin-<br />

• • • imitation b 100 d as though naw oun ep' istrator Cbester E. Petersen<br />

Fricbly, 8eptember 21 they had been through a real uty Sheriffs to re.establish the crossing<br />

PRESIDENT FORD'S plan tornado, this year's pretend guard program previouslY<br />

to bold down iDflatioD by cut. "Victim" HARRY STUTT, an actor with the were participants in Bon Secours' disaster drill, disaster. Two Macomb County furnished by the city for the<br />

tiDg federal spending su!- Grosse Pointe Theater, is diagnosed by DR. ViN- held Thursday, September .19, to qain and test IA.structed by Nurse residents responsible for protection of the children.<br />

fered a stiDging sethack CENT ADAMS and tagged for emergency room the emergency'resources of The Pointe community. The actors had been in. the burglary of the home Mr. Petesen told the NEWS<br />

Thursday as the Senate re- treatment ,by PATRICIA GRADY, R.N. The three structed in make.up techni- of Dr. Froo.eric Watts. 7 Monday morning, September<br />

jec:ted his l'llQ.uo}St to delay ------------------------------------------ ques by Bon Secours Nursing Crestwood, on September 23, a letter would be mailed<br />

a governmeD\ pay raise by ~""ack Block TeDDl-s'Enthusl-asts Tell H C Coordinator J e a n WoeUel, 9, were detained in'The that day to Metropolltan<br />

90 days. His Plan was beateD lU.' Ope to ut R.N., at a me~tiDg at the Shores local cell in lieu CouncU 23 AFse & ME.AFL.<br />

by a vote of ... to S5 in wbat hospital the prevIous week. A of -10000 bond each fol. CIO "requesting them to have<br />

he called "tbifirat test" of P bl G H f F t- f Set cballengeto even the best ~, .' the croulng guards report<br />

his ecollOm!c'IioUcy In Con. ro ems 0 opes or orma lon 0 ugar os S make.up artist, the partici. lowmg an arralgn.~ent back to work based upon their<br />

gress. Only eight Democrats _ _ pants created technical works before Sh('.re~ MUniCIpal current salary. ($1,00 per<br />

and 27 Jt~publicans support. Under Study' Commumty WIde League <strong>By</strong> Boycott of art simulating embedded Judge J. Patnck Denis on crossing. $7.60 a day), and<br />

ed him. As a, result of the ----. glass fragments compound Friday September 20. fringe be.nefits proposals while<br />

t th . _'1, tak ' • . ' we continue to negotiate or<br />

vo e, e pay r/USe WUl e I ------- --- . fract~es. cuts, third-degree Charged with committing mediate all un r e • 01 v e d<br />

effeet as scheduled on Qc:to.. Bui ding Permit Appeal Organizational Meeting Called for October Movement Started In St, electrIcal .bums and, in one the and looting of issues,"<br />

bUJ:~~:1; ~:~~!<br />

~, ..<br />

't:t~~!;~~~~';~r~ation~~!~'li~k~~~i~:~.~t~i.: ....•. i~~ce.are'i_, ... ,<br />

CQNSUMER P1UCES. rose A.n Complaints . <strong>By</strong> John T1D~~ .•. ' , " 'Housewives Join were ready to be transported ford J. SteggelJ, 22, of 14616 fits and sen1~rit<br />

one perceDt: In A~gust in O1e . ICE I him If" "..c..._ . t . to the hospital by City ~ Jacob, East Detroit. 'nle bur- 'r<br />

three-eOUllty Detroit metro- <strong>By</strong> Barbara B11lIlO . very man .lor se may IIC'-vme an ou - and police vebicles and a De. glary took place while Dr. others. Before furth<br />

poUtp area, .slower than the An appeal from a de- dated adage on Grosse Pointe tennis courts next ThBY ~_ger tAt' Wfab -od troit Emergency AIe d i c a I Wlitts and bis family were can be laken, he said, e city<br />

national averllge. Nationally pial ot a building permit y~ar if c~rtain tennis enthusiasts in the city accom. e 'uuyco 0 i0 S Service van. absent from home for sev. m~st hear from the union..<br />

the Federal Bureau of Lbor to enlarge a Mack avenue plish theIr goal. I ---------- which con t a in sugar. The alarm sounded, hospi. eral weeks. ~e crossing guards WIll<br />

Statistics, (BLS). reported restaurant stirred up a Team tennis, the most reo "We want to give local S~~;:~ blou:ew~}~ C~:~~ tal. personnel responded to Loot IDcludes Car ~oo~~:el:~uf:~~~~~en~~<br />

yesterday t hat consumer small storm of protest cent phenomenon i~ t~e youths a chance to compete k h d t Th theIr pretsslgned duties set. The enUre loot, including a In accordance with past sen.<br />

prices Increased 1.3 percent among close to 70 resi.<br />

during the month. The Dt...<br />

troit consumer price index dents who at~ended .the<br />

now stands at 151.3, a level Farms Council meetIng,<br />

Monday, September 23.<br />

10.6 percent higbel' than<br />

August of last year. BLS said The residents' "rimary ob.<br />

that real spendable earnings jection was based on Insuffi-<br />

(take-home pay which ac- clent parking facilities for<br />

counts for inflation effects), the businesses in the Ma~k<br />

sport;s world, ma>: fmd Its<br />

way mto Grosse Pomte parks<br />

next summer if ellOugh supporters<br />

are rallied to an orgOM;.ational<br />

meeting .....t. 1.<br />

~ "'"<br />

The meeting organized by<br />

Reese and Ed~a McFarlane<br />

of Hillcrest road has been<br />

scheduled to pla~ a tennis<br />

In tennis matches without wpOel~nt'e "~hseSrPereaarea hOouse~ ling up e. er,gency treatment<br />

parents driving them back.. centers fo~ sbock and ambu.<br />

and forth or supervising it," wives are refusing to buy latory pa~~nts. Those most<br />

she continued. "We hope that such goods for a 10-day severely lDJured w 0 u I d be<br />

each municipality will or- d h h F' t t d' th h ital'<br />

perio w ic began n- rea e !h e osp s<br />

ganize one 110 that matches day, September 20, and emergency ~oo.m. ..<br />

can be scheduled like the which will continue to Twenty vlc~ms arrived at<br />

Inter-City Swim Lea g u e Monday, September 30. the. hospital In a IS-minute<br />

schedule." ~er~od. They rec~ived a prelate<br />

model car, valued at a iority for the time being,"<br />

total of approximately $17,- stated Mr. Petersen.<br />

000, was recovered by Wash. But until the Ume "ome~<br />

t C nt d t h iff hi.. •<br />

enaw ou y epu y s er s w en al guards are back on<br />

Randy Evans and Dan Cook, the 12.affected city school<br />

it was disclosed by Shores crossings, public safety om.<br />

Det. Sgts. Frank Mustazza cers, meter maids, volunteers<br />

and Charles Wenrich, who and the dog warden will cover<br />

credited the pair with clear. the locatioos.<br />

in August decreased 0.9 per. 8venue block between CalVID league and gather citizen in- Mrs. McFarlane forsees We have been calling our 1I.mmary diagnOSIS by physi. ing the Walts burglary. After the council announced<br />

cent from the July level. and Kerby roads. After an put regarding rules fcr such some type of "ongoing lad- friends and hope for a chain Clans, were transPOrted to According to Sgts. Musl81. its decision, which rescinded<br />

· · · :~~:~:~:so~::~~ss~o: a league. :re:mto'::e~:t::e th ::u~: ~::tcti~~ t~i~~e ;rc~ot~rf::;~ th~ ~ro~ ~r:tment area za and Wenrich Evans and its earlier action to pull out<br />

Sw1cIay. September 22 bate, however, 8 list of prob- Mrs. McFar~ne ~ent let. wJ1ich contain sligar, said an . ea en gan. Cook, while on r~utine patrol of the crossing guard business<br />

HURRICANE FIFI, which 1 m tern in f bu in ters to recreation directors, competing weekly, adhering Mary Lou Rowe, 01' Edmonton . WIthout t~e dis~stcr r 1an , passed a gas station in Ann Monday, Septembel' 9, ap-<br />

began Friday cutting through e ssm g rom s - city officials, club and Inter. to Lawn Tennis Association drive. Mrs. Rowe, who said It would be ImpoSSible to ade. Arbor, whcn they observed a plause fJlled tile council cham.<br />

El Salvador, Nicaragua. Be- :~~~sd.all along the block reo ested reslde:nts on ~ptember rules as closely as possible. Beverly Ribaudo of St. Clait quately handle so many lie- late model Cadillac parked in bers.<br />

lize {formerly British Hon- Pi r's AIle 18696 Mack 18 requestmg their atten. "It should probably be lim- Shores initiated the boycott (ContiDued 011 Page 6) the driveway of the station Reaction to the decision<br />

duras) and Guatemala. hit avc:e<br />

t<br />

a r~staurant and dan.ce at ~ meeting and ited to children from eight to action. stated Monday mom- ------ and stopped to investigate. obviously pleased most clli.<br />

Hond~U'as, the t,ardest. A cocktail loun e made the ~sking for J.!lformaUon ~n~ 16 years of age or a little ing. September 23, that City Purchases All Items Recovered zens and the school system,<br />

massIve mtema,tional eliort 'appeal to the ~~rms Council I~~as regardmg ~u1es, eh~l. older, but this is not an ar- around 20 Woods housewives . although, at that time, sev.<br />

was launched to aid Hondur- sitting as a Zoning Board of ~tl~ty. age gr~upmgs, offlc- bitrary limit," Mrs. McFar- haVe joined the protest. St. Clair Lot The burglal'Y m The Shorcs cral crossing guards ex.<br />

an. victims. Lt. Roger Val. A eals. The mana er of the lating, schedul~n? and meth. lane stated. "It depends on Hard to Cvunt took place about 10 p.m. on presscd confusion as to it they<br />

lecillo of the H 0 n d u ran .!sPtaurant Willi'am g Demor- od.s of determtnlhg seasonal the Input we get at the meet- SiJ~tember 9, find the accused would actuaUy be back on the<br />

t' ti 1 .~. mn ing." At this stage, it's impossi- The City Council, at Its pair were arrested at about job or if new guards would<br />

govern~n s na ona emer- est, said the proposed addi- w ers. The meeting will be held ble to obtain an accurate regular meeting Monday, 1:30 a.m. on September 10 take over.<br />

gency committee said, "Noth. tion would be for office "My husband and I have at 8 p.m. at SI. Paul Luther- count of Pointe women who September 16, gave City At- by the deputies. who not only Thc NEWS was nnable to<br />

ing is certain yet but we now space storage space und ad- organized this meeting be. an Church at Lothrop and are participating because torney Richard Hinks au. found all of the loot i.n the rcach School Su""'rintendent<br />

catculate 10,000 missing and dition~l lavatories cause we feel there Is more Cha1fonte in The Farms. those taking part are asked thorization to close a deal to car, but als.o two paus of Dr. James A. Adams per.<br />

fully half of those dead." In addition he' said the than enough interest to begin The City's Neff Park, to call five of their friends purchase the property at 708 gloves, stackmg masks and a sonallybut in a statemcnt<br />

The authorities' major fear seating capacity would be in. such a league," Mrs. McFar- wbich has no courts. could and urge them to avoid buy. S1. Clair avenue. The lot loaded revolv~r. The arrest. issued lrom his office Monday<br />

was the threat of outbreaks creased by 40 seats but I~ne said. "On~e we estab- pose a problem, but Mrs. ing sugar products during will ultimately be used to cd men are bemg c~~rged?y afternoon, he said. "I am<br />

of disease, such as cholera, stressed that this portion of hsn how much mterest there McFarlane suggested that a the lO-day span, provide off street parking Washte~aw authorltlcs ~Ith (ConHllued 00 Page 2)<br />

from polluted waters, ll'ck of the restaurant would not actually is, we can present solution might be the courts "I was appalled at the price for Elwor!.hy Field. possessIOn of stolen property<br />

food, and shortage of dry, open until 6 p.m. He said our information a!l~ plans to at the Neighborhood Club of candy," emphasized Mrs. Mr. Hinks said final nego, and carryinll a concealed<br />

warm clothes. this would leave parking all of the Grosse Pomte coun- could probably be used to al. Rowe, who added, "( couldn't tialions with estate executor weapon.<br />

• • • spaces for other area bus. eils for their approval." leviate the situation. believe wbat I was seeing." Hudson Mead call for a Young confessed to The<br />

HOlIday, September 23 inesses that close at 5:30 Mrs. McFarlane said a ten. Don Hallmann, director of She admitted this boycott has $17,000 purchase price, wil~ Shores burglary and car thcft<br />

RESCUE OFFICIALS or- p.m. tative schedule and a foll()w. (Continued OD Page 2) taken off and said housewives The City paying $5,000 down and Washtenaw officials reo<br />

dered mass Incineration of The Board of Appeals, by up meeting will probably be in Detroit, Plymouth, Pon. and six percent per annum in. layed the information to<br />

bodies Sunday to prevent epi. a vote of 6.(), denied the reo planned at the October 1 Wernet JOl"ns tiac, Waterford and Birmlng. terest. The mortgage will be<br />

demics in Honduras caused (CoD.tb..ed on Page f) session. ham, among other areas, are paid off m five years. (Continued on Page 6)<br />

by Huricane F Hi, Flood. H II f F participating.<br />

waters brought out poisonous B C Th. f a 0 .ame Mrs. Rowe stressed she<br />

snakes. The Honduran Army. Arrest of usy ar r.e wants this boycott to coninformation<br />

services sa i d Ed Wemet. athletic direc- tinue and noted there may<br />

mor'! than 2,700 bodies were Solves Total of 14 Cases tor at North High School, be several hundrerl women<br />

burned or buried at Choloma was formally inducted Into using foods without sugar.<br />

and 1,000 at La Ceiba. Au. the Michigan High School e.g., using fruit in place of<br />

thorities said the true death Two Detroit men were Marshall Edward Otis, 18, of Coaches Hall of Fpme Satur- candy snacks fol' their youngtotal<br />

from the storm might nearly run over by a rolling 1167 Ashland. A warrant ap- day, September 8. at Central sters.<br />

be do ubI e (he confirmed car when they jumped out of proved by the Wayne Coon. Michigan University, (CMU). Get Good Publicity<br />

5,000. U.S. planes from the the vehlc:le. which was stol- ty Prosecutor's 0 f f Ice Mr, Wernet was one of 10 "We are getting a good reo<br />

Canal Zone brought water en, while they were being charged Otis with unlawfully coaches honored at a banquet sponse to the boycott," said<br />

purUication un Its to the pursued by a Park officer on driving away an automobile, at which over 200 were In Mrs. Ribaudo. "J guarantee<br />

coastal area to fight the most Tuesday. September 17, at it was disclosed by Lt. Gor" attendance at eMU, the you any woman who doesn't<br />

u!gent problem, water con. about 1:50 a.m. don Duncan. A warrant permanent site of the Michi. know of the boycott isn't<br />

tamlnation. The driver of the auto, against Otis' companion was gan High School Coaches aware of what's 4>een going<br />

• • • stolen In the Park, was ar- denied on the grounds of In. Hall of Fame. on." She was referring to the<br />

Tbelda,., september 24 rested by Sgt. Bobby McAI. sufficient evidence because Mr. Wernllt said he has heavy television and news.<br />

PRESIDENT FORD open. Ister. The passenger. whose of inability to establish in. had several honors as a paper coverage the l,ouse.<br />

cd the nlnlh World Energy name was withheld because tent. coach and player through the wives received ovcr last<br />

Conference ill Detroit yester. no charges were brought Lt. Duncan said that with years but this one "was a weekend.<br />

day during his first visit to ngainst him. was arrested by the arrest of Otis, four car nice way to cap a career." Mrs. Ribaudo said the<br />

Michigan since becoming Detroit police a short time thefts and about 10 attempt. He first came 10 South women aren't trying to boy.<br />

president August 9. The later, and released to Park ed car thefts were cleared. High School in 1946 and cot! markets In groups wav.<br />

speech was a blunt message authorities. The second man when the man confessed to coached footlxtll, basketball Ing placards nor are lhey<br />

to Arab leaders that they can was found hiding under a the crimes. Under Michlg8n and 'bueball through 1967- trying to hurt the markcts.<br />

expect serious trouble If they POrch a short distance away law, car theft Is a felony pun. 68 when he became athletic But she wants everyone. In.<br />

overprice 011 or use It as a from the SCllne of !.he driv. Ishable upon conviction, to a director for one year. cludlng all the markets. to<br />

political weapon. as hap- er's arrest. term of up 10 five years in A graduate of S'outh High, take note of prolils the sugar<br />

pened last year with the 011 The man arrested by Sgt. prison. Mr. Wernet has been athletic industry is making.<br />

embllrgo against the U.S. McAlister was Identified as (Continued 011 Page of) director at North since 1968. (CoDl1nued on Page 2)<br />

Pointe Symphony Slates<br />

Season's First <strong>Of</strong>fering<br />

The Grosse Pointe sym-I concerl of thc season.<br />

phony Orchestra. under the Guest artists for the reo<br />

direction of Felix Resnick, mainlng thr:-e concerls will<br />

will present it's opf:ning con- be Halo Bablni, cellist. Jancert<br />

of the 1974-75 season. uary 19, 1975, Ara Berherian,<br />

Sunday, October 13, at 3:30 bass, Fcbruary 23, and on<br />

p,m. in the Performing Arts May I, the Grosse Pointe<br />

Center of North High School. Community Chorus, Richard<br />

Vernier road at Morningside Johos, director.<br />

drive. Rutn Burczyk has per.<br />

Highlighting the concert formed on numerous acca.<br />

will be the mother.daughter slons within The Pointe and<br />

duopiano tcam of Rut h has been the featured soloist<br />

Burc7.yk and Christine Bur. of numerous symphony 01'czyk<br />

Allen playlnll Mendels. chcstras throughout the mid.<br />

sohn's Concerto In E Major west and Can a d a. She<br />

for Two Ph:nos and Orches. ill an art 1st of great<br />

tra. technique. displaying all the<br />

Dedicated to the broad elements or musical senslUvscope<br />

of promoting perform. Ity included in the make.up<br />

lng arUsts of distinctive pro. or a superb keyboard artfessional<br />

caliber. thc Sym. 1st. .<br />

phony Is especially proud to Chrlstlne Burczyk Allen<br />

present this team in its first (Continued on Page 6)<br />

Hearing Slaled<br />

On Station Site<br />

The Woods Council unani.<br />

mously set the date of Mon.<br />

day. October 21, tor a public<br />

hearing to consider rezoning<br />

the Marter Road Pumping<br />

Station propcrty from Com.<br />

munity Facilltlcs District,<br />

(CF), to either R-IB or R.IC.<br />

single fatlily resldcntlal dls.<br />

lrict.<br />

This action was taken lit<br />

the regular meeting Monday<br />

September 16. '<br />

In Its rec;;mmendatlon. the<br />

Planning Commission at their<br />

Tucsday, September 10, mcet.<br />

Ing noted that the surround.<br />

ing residential area is zoned<br />

R.IC and auggested thc prop.<br />

erty be rezoned to R.1B.<br />

However. tbe council felt an<br />

"either. or" specification<br />

should be includca In this<br />

case.<br />

The solons at the July 15<br />

meeting accepted a Commit.<br />

tee of thc Whole recommendation<br />

to utilize the pumping<br />

station site for single family<br />

dwelling purposes.<br />

At a public hearing on<br />

June 17 the majority or cill.<br />

zens In attendance had reo<br />

que5ted such uNlle .

\~<br />

Plge Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y, September 26, 1974<br />

To "cape aU eriticism aay I Live for todly-Iet yesternothiDl,<br />

do nothiDf, be coth. dlY be a liYiD.g memory of<br />

iDJ. the pall. .<br />

School Crossing Guards Reinstated in Woods<br />

(CcIII&Ia. In•• .,e l) the 101001 met in executive meeting wu ell1ecl for the "It hll bc!enour experience<br />

pleased to 1l!lm thlt GroIIe seuioD end decided that the 19th. thlit volunteers can function<br />

Pointe Woods will continue to city would discontinue pro- 8eMI Leuer in I limited way for short<br />

provide crossing gUlrd servo viding the crossing guard Previous to the C.W meet. periods of time, but over the<br />

ice for thousands of Ichool. service. ing, Mayor Benjamin W. long haul, it is unreasonable<br />

age youngsters. Trustees, However, at the regular<br />

parents and staff Ire de.<br />

meeting Monday, september<br />

ligbted ~t this fine spirit of 16, some 95-100 residents<br />

cooperation. ,jammed the council chambers<br />

"I WIS' h to take '''I'S<br />

..,<br />

oppor. and urged the solons, IOme.<br />

tunity to thank the volunteers timC!s angrily, to reconsider<br />

who served so .genero".ly .... and their action. At that time, the<br />

efficiently durlO'II ."e recent council unanimously decided IOU<br />

temporary breakdown 1ft ... servo to meet within a 4ll-hour per.<br />

ice." iod and reach a dec..ision.<br />

Pinkos received a letter from to expect volunteers day after<br />

Mrs. Hanpeter informing him day to cover.,major crossings.<br />

of the trustees' viewpoint "We realize from a legal<br />

Ifter their executive session poil/otof view that it may not<br />

meeting on the 16th. be d to f mum' .<br />

man a ry or a CI•<br />

She said the trlUtees had I' governm n.t to p vid<br />

"a full and open discussion" pa c OlSlO' g gUI ecis b t fro m" ea<br />

of the elimination of the city's responsl'bl'll'ty r . r, nn'fttu of ro .<br />

crossing guards. "We unani- and l'n -ns'deration ..~... ofvIew th<br />

~y I . C<br />

mously believe that the r~. hazards encountered b stu<br />

sponsibility for pedestrilin dents. crossing the y major.<br />

Pleuecl at DecllioD On Tuesday, September 17. safely rests with the local s t r e e t 5 in Grosse pointe<br />

Board President Mrs. Ed. several council members met municipal government. More. Woods, we believe it is abso.<br />

ward C. Hanpeter said she with some Board trustees to over, it is our unanimou~ lutely. imperative to provide<br />

was pleased lIt' the council's discuss the situation. The position t hat the public tbis significant service."<br />

decision and thO!continuation<br />

(If negotiations. "I know the<br />

city is as concerned as we are<br />

solons then met in executive<br />

session Wednesday morning<br />

and focused upon the scope<br />

schools could not through the<br />

use of vlllunteers provide for<br />

the safety of the students<br />

Explores AeUoas<br />

In commenting upon Mrs.<br />

over the safety of school cbil.<br />

dren."<br />

She noted the school system<br />

of the matter for around four going to and from school in<br />

bours. Finany, the s~p.cial The Woods area.<br />

----------------------<br />

Hanpeler's letter at the Sep.<br />

tember 19th meeting, Coun.<br />

cilman George S. Freeman<br />

said he was pleased to see<br />

does provide safety patrols Tenn:Q League Hope' the responsibility for safety<br />

but in no way could these &

• 4 _SQA44Aut aU4Q::WZC;:; 4U :em l:IoC::C ewc_ i.&X i,!::at_ _:;::;z~~.&i.~- -oh(i-~""- ..~' '""'."'.~ "'~ ~""~"'$ .~~I.~!''_.~~~".-.~ six percent grandmother. It will be used. •<br />

«\ ofE~~~~~:~~~~~~rl, arc ask. ~~te~~~s ~~~c~~:cSC~~ols~rt.<br />

ingforanincreaseo[O.5per. Othcr funds under the.. :<br />

j)t: ccnt in pension benefits. wilh Foundation's umbrella in.<br />

NORTHL ....ND CENTER. P....RKING ARE ...."E" ~ all er.npl~yes increasin~ their elude t~e Joanne P. Dokram<br />

~"'I';"W"..!"Il'r"W"..~I';"W"..!"Il'r"'AC!"I(,!"IW"..~rr.,W"..~r,~W"..~l'r"'IIL'-~(iJ~I'V~f.VJllO cont.r~bUl1?ns.Inform~tlOn ex- Memoml Ar~s Fund, t~e ••<br />

_=IIW':=..-'w;.....:;.rJ..,;;...;;.-'r;.....;.rJ~'--_'I/I'_rJ_~_lV_rJ~__ D JY_rJ_~_JY_rJ_~_JY_rJ IV_rJ plormg thIS proposal IS sched. Hazel McCaig Memorial<br />

rl"... ;,;.o;a. ;a. ~.~.:a. ...¥..;e;.. ;a;..¥..¥..:r;w.~.~ ..;t;••;t;..;e;.. ;e;••=..=..=..=..;e;.. iai'...... :t,;••;t;..;t;•• uled to be sent to all residents Fund, and lhe Jerry Gerich<br />

~~ ? ~.?.o.""'7..t7.u7. ..?...7.••~", ? :v.••7...7.••? 7. t';..~ ..7...7.••f~ by the clly at a laler date. Fund..<br />

~.,~ ~~II~ City Adminislrator Chesler The purpose of Ihe Founda. •<br />

Io'o;j :;0 ~ E. Pelersen already has scnl lion for Academic Enrich.<br />

.-<br />

.l\vn:=-;.<br />

::Iiiiiii<br />

_-<br />

:<br />

+<br />

ti SEYMOUR CADILLAC i::~~.I~tj~~k~n<br />

,j<br />

~~~~~~~~gW~:~iao~:~~;~~a~ l~f s~~~le~ern~st:: + 4. -; •<br />

~.~<br />

~.~<br />

~n~<br />

~en~<br />

W I /:I I /)IJ<br />

I 1975 -a i ac<br />

~ ~ fice to expeditiously review Poinle Public Schoois. Infor. •<br />

~n~Ihe proposed charter amend. malion may be obtained by<br />

~U~menls as required by Slale calling 885-4911 or 886.2854, • Caprice Classic Coupe<br />

Slalute, and approvc the bal. or by writing the Foundation •<br />

~U~lot proposition. at 32 Lakeshore road. •<br />

t:,II---'-,[.. :.;.~.' •.. i ''rtto'"<br />

MDnte Carlo Coupe •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

:;00;: ~. ~ :~:: :;;<br />

!It L. d. III ~,' • •<br />

i.<br />

",.W.go.<br />


~1 !~• --.....<br />

rj ~J~ ::~: '.-" K • ._~- .....<br />

~ _.--" -C:~.- •<br />

- •<br />


• ~." ~::: ;(: • Corvette ~upe •<br />

~ OF ALMOST ALL MODELS ~I i.: AT • • • :<br />

~, ~"~f save 10% k •<br />

~ ~L.j I<br />

~ ~t~ lJ by ordering your ~ • •<br />

om ~ OF PRE-OWNED CADILLACS \in:. ~It~ ~i ~< I': ;. • •<br />

~,!, ~..~ ~l J1~ __1 ~ l:'I'i .'.+ •<br />

~< a:v<br />

~. ~w:~<br />

g ESPECIALLY 1974'S ~ill~ Ch~:::af:Oc~rds I~Ii i<br />

•<br />

Page Four<br />

Even healthy<br />


need a check-upI<br />

w••• co eI • Pr •• WI.... r<br />

Fur c. S.rvlcl ...<br />

Fortunotely, your Ivrnoc. i. on. of Ih. mo.t dependoble<br />

in your home. Yearly inspe

Thursd.y, September.26, 1974 G R 055 E PO I N TEN E W S Page Five<br />

Park VieW8 Bus Shelter Falling Trend Continues Place Blaille O~l Love Spat I<br />

A sturdy sleel.framed and gotlate tbe purchase of three I C H dl d b YSD A Detroit driver who was because he had had a fight I<br />

aluminum aod glass siding Jots, including one owned by n uses on e y l. ticketed by both Woods and with his girl friend.<br />

bus stop shelter will be coo. tbe Park, to be developed lor Shores police on Friday, Sep. He was conveyed to the<br />

structed<br />

f<br />

at the southeast cor. its branch facility, lor cus. A decline in complaints<br />

ner bO JhefferSOnand Pember. tomer parking and expanLlion Pbrocehsaetlywas again noted<br />

t<br />

.<br />

on y t e Southeastern Mich. of its' teller service.<br />

.<br />

y t e<br />

(YSD'<br />

outh Service<br />

h<br />

Divi.<br />

b<br />

Igan Transportation Author. If and when the purchase is Slon, ), 10 amant . y.<br />

ity (SEMTA) at an e~timated .concluded. the bank will ded. month comparison with cases<br />

ment; tbe other girl is still<br />

missing; and the boy return.<br />

ed home voluntarily.<br />

Nine applications lor pet!.<br />

lion were filed with the<br />

reckless<br />

lember 13,<br />

driving<br />

for speeding<br />

blamed<br />

and<br />

his<br />

Sh<br />

ores s<br />

t<br />

a<br />

t'<br />

lon, were<br />

h h<br />

e was<br />

actl'on on a spal he had wI'th issued a violation ticket by<br />

hl's gl'rl friend.<br />

Pat<br />

.<br />

FOlule<br />

., r.<br />

f<br />

or spee<br />

d'<br />

109<br />

7-'<br />

"<br />

miles an hour on the Woods<br />

The motorist. James J. seclion of Vernier. Cpl. Paint.<br />

cost of $2.500,The Park Coun. icate a section of the pro. last year. Wayne County Juvenile Courl. Mair, 20. of 18435 Hoover. er gave the errant motorist II<br />

cil was<br />

Manager<br />

informed by City<br />

Robert A. Slone on<br />

posed acquired property for<br />

the bu~ shelter, Mr. Slone<br />

During August. the<br />

handled 59 complaints.<br />

YSD<br />

This<br />

One of these was repeated<br />

due to (he fact that Ju\'cnile<br />

was being pursued by Woods<br />

Public Safety <strong>Of</strong>ficer James<br />

ticket for reckless driving.<br />

In the Woods case, no bond I<br />

Monday, September 23.<br />

~aul Carter, the city's<br />

Neighborhood Conservation<br />

and Mr. Carter said. was .an increase of six over<br />

If the bank cannot acquire! July but a decrease of 15 in<br />

the' land then the sheller comparison to last August.<br />

Court denit'll the original ap.<br />

plication as tbe defendant<br />

had reached his 17,th birth-<br />

Fowler east on Vernier road<br />

at 7S miles per hour. Vernier<br />

is zoned for 3S miles per hour.<br />

was required, but the Shores I<br />

police said lIlair was required<br />

to put up a bond of $75.<br />

Coordinator, told the solons will be ~onstructed On the July's total of 53 cases was day before the court could The patrolman radioed th~ He is scheduled to appear in<br />

that the construction of the sidewalk. a drop of 27 in comparison act. ,I Shores &tation that he was in Shores Municipal Court on<br />

bus stop hinges on the hopes<br />

that SEMTA receives a Fed.<br />

eral Government grant for<br />

It is hoped that the grant<br />

will be approved so iliat<br />

SEMTA can start building<br />

to June and ,was 10 less than<br />

the total handled last July.<br />

The overall total of inci.<br />

"In instances where the of.<br />

lense is committed prior to<br />

the defendant's reaching his<br />

chase and that he had crossed<br />

the Woods.Sho:-cslimits. .<br />

Shores pubhc safety .offl'<br />

Wednesday, October 25.<br />

lIlair's troubles did nol end'<br />

the building of a number of the Park bus shelter and oth. dents handled through Au. 17th year, with the defend. cers. Cpl. Chester. Pamter there. While still in the<br />

such sbelters along its routes, er shelters sometime during gust is 490, all increase of ant reaching his 17th birth. and Patrolman Damel Healy. Shores station a teletype<br />

The Park is scheduled to<br />

have only the one at the bus<br />

stop located near the Park-<br />

Detroit city limits, just south<br />

the winter months, the city<br />

manager said.<br />

One stipulation required by<br />

SEMTA is that the Park<br />

34 over the ~ame perioo'last day before Juvenile Court<br />

year. action is taken, the judge<br />

"Again we note a drop in Ipresiding ov~r .th~ ~unicipal<br />

the case load for this month. court of ]UTlSdlcl1on can<br />

saw the approaching cars at<br />

8:59 p.m. They obSl'rved<br />

Mair turning north on Lake.<br />

shore. and gave chase.<br />

over the Law Enforcement<br />

III for mat ion Network, '<br />

(LEIN). machine brought i<br />

back the information that he I<br />

of the Michigan National council pass a resolution that cQmpared to the same month order the defendant returned Cpl. Painter and Pat. Healy was wanted ona traffic .,,:ar-<br />

Bank, the city will clean, wash and of last ~'ear," reports the di to t~e jurisdic~ion of the Ju.<br />

The bank is trying- to ne. maintain the shelter at the vision. "Except for the cate.1 venire Court In accordance<br />

---------- city'S expense. The council gory of larceny/theft and with Public Act 54 of 1961.<br />

SHIP'S WIlED. FOUL WEATH promised its full cooperation. related oUellses this drop "During August two such<br />

SAILING ----- was experienced in classiCi. cases were referred to Ju.<br />

LACKS ABILITY' I cations previously of much venile Com.t in this manner."<br />

SUIT The fellow who can't "ind higher incidence." says the Yf;D.<br />

with the • h k<br />

his niche in lIle certainly Isn't Larceny/theft was the T e 59 cases are bro en<br />

HIDDEN HOOD ti 1 d t r t I . t t . d n f 11 1 ceny/<br />

en t e 0 a promo Ion. op comp am ca egory ID t~~t :: 0 o;~~ ar.<br />

42.50 Value<br />

August, totJIlIing 16 cases. e. ; van a sm, nme;<br />

r:0 When considered with reo aggravated assault and pos.<br />

$ a I laled offense.\! such illS pos. session of stolen property,<br />

3 2 . I session of stolen tlroperty, five each; runawa.ys, :lour,<br />

• ror Mea and five incidents and burglary Burglary and mischievous<br />

Women three, the tob.l climbs to 24: children, three apiece;. viola.<br />

said lhey paced Mair at 65 Irant by J>:etrOilaut~onl1es,<br />

miles an hour as they, too, Bcfore bcmg pc:mlttcd to I<br />

took up pursuit. During the leave, h~ ~as required to post I<br />

ch:lse the Shores officers and additional $7 bond on the I<br />

said. 'they saw the Detroiter Detroit charge. 1<br />

tailgating two other vehicles, -------- '<br />

causing both motorists to<br />

swerve ofl the roadway and MISS ELLlO'IT HONORED<br />

almost colli-de another C I Ell' d<br />

aro yn lott. allghter<br />

aulo. .of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Elliott<br />

. The corporal and patrol. r S P I<br />

man sal'd that Mair cut to 0 t. au avenue. has been<br />

appointed Director of the<br />

the 'right and left and drove Center for Study of Womell<br />

do)VD the cenler line' in an in Higher Education and the<br />

effort to pass other vehicular Pr<strong>Of</strong>essions_ Miss Elliott, a<br />

• Waterproof<br />

: ~~~~p:::dr dtrt<br />

repellent<br />

• ::,~~: ~~t~n:d:e~~<br />

• ¥~~:r tor FOOT.<br />


MOBilE and'.ll<br />

. outdoor BPOn!.<br />

,.<br />

.. :,. IACKET ONLY<br />

Sl'lCIAL, $19.95<br />

This is 'a higher r8te of in. tion of weapons laws, cur. traffic. 'I<br />

cidence than both July and few/loitering, ,violation of Mair was frustrated in his<br />

last August. ' controlled substances and via. atteiupt to find openings in<br />

The division reports, "Due lalion of controlled sub. moving .traWc, ,wllen the<br />

to the apparently increasing stance~/al~hol, ~wo each; Shores officers ordered him<br />

combined abUlle of controlled and vlolat.lOn of liquor laws. to pull over to the curb in<br />

arson disorderly conduct front of 1000 Lakesl10re.<br />

substances<br />

offenses will<br />

and alcohol, these '.. 'Wilen ask';;" for a.'on<br />

be reported in threatenmg / nUisance . t~le. "'"<br />

a format .10•.follow the sus. phone calls, othe~. crlmmal for his illegal driving, Malr<br />

peeled trend." ' offenses and. SUSPICIOUSper. lold the Shores and Woods<br />

11155 graduate of G r ass e<br />

Pointe High School, member<br />

of Phi Beta Kappa'at Welles.<br />

ley College' and ,holder or'<br />

Doctor of Philosophy degree<br />

in Political Science from Hal"<br />

vard University, i~ an Assistallt<br />

Pro<br />

f<br />

essor of<br />

.<br />

Political<br />

Science at the Universily or<br />

California, S'a n t a C r u z<br />

Fo,,1 Weather C:o",fort' With that, th. e' YSD cites sons, one apiece. officers that he was upset Campus.<br />

With Style<br />

two marijuana cases with one<br />

'including the investigation<br />

a sale. These incidents<br />

of<br />

in.<br />

volved three male adults and<br />

four male juveniles. Two<br />

cases of marijuana and beer<br />


FREEOi<br />

1<br />

involving twa'male adults and<br />

two male juveniles were pro.<br />

cessed, while one drunk in<br />

public incident, involving<br />

one male juvenile, was<br />

handled.<br />

Four runaway cases were'<br />

reported Involving two girls,<br />

(one. being a habitual runaway<br />

and the subject of two<br />

separate runaway incidents<br />

in August), and one boy.<br />

The habitual runaway girl<br />

.was arrested and placed in a<br />

public, controlled environ.<br />

Montgomery Ward 1974 Christmas Catalog.<br />

Now you can have a complete departmentstore at your<br />

fingertips ... and do your shopping by pho~e or mail<br />

from the convenience of your own home. Hundreds of<br /> tel choose from •.• 'you'll find the perf~ gift-for<br />

everyone.<br />

For your fr8e Ward's Catllog - call the special Western<br />

Union number<br />

TOll FREE<br />

800/257.2231<br />

Do it today, .. pply of th_ cablOlII is limited.<br />

Ward's catalog ...<br />

helping Santa<br />

for over<br />

102 years<br />

-~<br />





Tired of drafty rooms and une..en heat? Ordar a<br />

new !iryantaultellne lurnace now before the cold<br />

weather comes. Bryant Comfort Systems are de.<br />

pendable. quiet. efficient and economicel. Instal.<br />

lation done by factory trained mecha'lics using<br />

custom ductwork.<br />

Arthur J. Maes<br />

NeWP9licemsn'<br />

Arthur J. Maes, 2:5, of Dc.<br />

troit, has been hired by the<br />

City of Grosse Pointe as a<br />

new police officer to begin<br />

work the week of September<br />

22. I<br />

A graduate of Denby High<br />

School, he served approximately<br />

two yea r s in the<br />

Army and completed basic<br />

police course training August<br />

5, 1974. He graduated from<br />

the Macomb County Com.<br />

munity C a II e g e Criminal<br />

Justice Training Center on<br />

September 20.<br />

The new officer is married<br />

and has two children.<br />

PHONE<br />

571.4610<br />


We Are A Participating<br />

Michigan Consolidated<br />

Gas Co. dealer<br />


p----~--------~-~--------------,<br />

I<br />

I P F II S I I " comp1

".<br />

,I<br /> Sia<br />

Mario "Mile." farm"<br />

\<br />

A Good Man<br />

To Know<br />

.ILL ••••••••<br />

DOWI!on<br />

'nv;t. You To See Mario "Mik~" Farmi.<br />

For Your N.xt N.w or Used Car<br />

• If you hove anef have a pric. In mind,<br />

male. us an ,<br />


Bon Secours <strong>Drill</strong> Successful<br />

(Coa&lnuecl from Pale 1)<br />

verely injured in such a short<br />

time period.<br />

Observen Present<br />

Community e mer g e n c y<br />

teams were invited to attend<br />

the drill as observers. Radio<br />

Amateur C i v i I Emergency<br />

Service and the American<br />

Red Cross were among those<br />

represented.<br />

And r e w Teetaert, City<br />

police chief, set up communi.<br />

• Chauffeur s.rnc. to Your Downtown <strong>Of</strong>fic • .,<br />

Downtown Sheppi", ArM<br />

1833 E. JEFFERSON<br />

cations with the hospital se.<br />

curity guards from' the "tor.<br />

nado site" using Bon Secours'<br />

.'two-way radios.<br />

.cc O"lU ... ' ficials and community parti.<br />

85 Woodland Shore Drive<br />

WO 3•4700 I After the drill, hospital of.<br />

Conte~porary home for the active family. Large living and Jining<br />

rooms with fireplaces. 33 fOot family room with fireplace and bar<br />

overlooking heated swimming pool. 6 bedrooms, 4~ baths plus<br />

apartment or guest room and bath with second family room.<br />

Central air condi~ioning, first ftaor laundry roomi. automatic<br />

green house, lawn sprinkler and attached garage. Excellent<br />

assumable 7~% mortgage.<br />

Call Owner 886-7686, aft.r 5 and weekend. 884-6843<br />

cipants and observers met<br />

for a critique of the disaster<br />

plan. Communications, traffic<br />

control, medications and supplies<br />

and patient records<br />

were discussed.<br />

The drill served two pur.<br />

poses. It was an excellent<br />

training practice for com.<br />

munity and hospital person.<br />

nel who would have to per.<br />

form th'ilir duties quickly and<br />

eUicient1y in the event of a<br />

real community disaster:<br />

Secondly, It t est e d the<br />

1I;~~z;'"!.,.~ ~-:' -,..;,p_" "'" ,.., .,;.. _,,~,<br />

MOIl.rdJ .Ch .... Fcr '15 !-inc:oln.Mercury inlroduces a new precisio? size I~.ury car. The Monarch 4.door is f}Verone fOOl shoner Ihan [ast year',<br />

a.v~ra,e mld.-51ZCcar. Yet1l has !"lore head!oom, front and re-ar, and Just 1.5 Inches less legroom. The idea behind the new precision<br />

SImple: des'an a moderalely pru:ed car Inm enoug~ to gel good gas mileage. Yel roomy enough 10 seal S adults in comfort.<br />

size Monarch is<br />

SEETHE NEW 1975<br />


FRlDA~ THE DAYOF ,THECAt<br /> (with Collo .. Optlon~. W1Io says IU economy<br />

comn only in plain lillIe cars? Comel is slincy "" po,<br />

Generous 6lI luxury. It's got • lillie Cougar in il.<br />

Orud M~ M<strong>Of</strong>ttc:ro MX 8rou.aJ'lim Ind Cougar XR.1 shown wi'" op«ionll while WdC"lo'.a1l1.<br />

lincoln Conlinfliial Coupi shown wil" oplPonal cOKhli,hh.<br />

SEEAl11l-E tEW 75SAT TH: SIGN OF 1HE CAt<br />


INC.<br />

"Leasing Specialists"<br />

fA>Up;u XR-7. As unique in ir. own class as Conljnenlal<br />

Mark IV. And Cougar solS a rare slandard in its class<br />

for being luxuriously equipped, Jl's like nobody else', car.<br />


881-5000<br />

writteo plao and uncovered<br />

flaws: no blanket~ were sent<br />

to the shock center and trans.<br />

porling per son 0 e I spenl<br />

precious t 1,n ~ relrieving<br />

stretchers rather than removing<br />

their vebictes from<br />

the emergency e n t ran c e<br />

driveway.<br />

Beaked by Dr. Day<br />

Francis T. Day, M.D.,<br />

disasler commitlee chairman;<br />

thanked the Grosse Pointe<br />

Theater members for their<br />

civic involvement and their<br />

excellent portrayal of disaster<br />

victims and the Grosse<br />

Pointe City Fire and Police<br />

Departments for their com.<br />

plete cooperation and valuable<br />

sU:~f)"t.<br />

"Most important," com.<br />

mented Dr. Day, "Bon Se.<br />

cours Hospital and suppl..rt.<br />

ing community agencies now<br />

feel confident of their ability<br />

to react to any community<br />

disaster with a !ife-saving<br />

plan tbat has been tried and<br />

tested."<br />

Jury Acquits Antonelli<br />

<strong>Of</strong> Second Sex Charge<br />

S3muel Antonelll, 30, was 1 expressed surprise about the<br />

found innocent of a second juror's remarks that he presex<br />

crime bya Wayne Cir- sellted the ca$e poorly. He<br />

cuit Court jury on Tuesday, said he felt that the evidence<br />

Septemher 17, althoullh sev- was enough.<br />

eral juors Eaid that the tes- After the verdict was in,<br />

timonv of a 15.year.old girl, Anlonelli said that he felt<br />

the alleged victim, was be- tbat Wayne County Organized<br />

lievable. Crime Task Force, which<br />

The decision clearly upset conducted an investigation<br />

Judge James N. Canham last year that led to his conwho<br />

after curtly dismissing vic~on of arson .. had been<br />

the jury refused to meet with trymg to harass hIm by try'<br />

them following the verdict ing him on the sex charges.<br />

when they stated they wanted H~ had bc~n disbarred atter<br />

to explain why the innocent bemg convIcted of the arson<br />

verdiet was reached of three vacant hOWies.<br />

Antoneni a disb 'rr d t- 'According to testimony, he<br />

" a e. a had purchased the three<br />

torney and ,a former reSIdent dwellings in 1971 for a total<br />

of.the Park, ~~d been char.;led of $10,000 and insurl.'iI them<br />

WIth commlting sodomy on for $34,OaO. In December<br />

I t~e person of the l11.year-o.ld 1971, the buildings were de.<br />

gIrl, a mentaU~, retarded 515- stroyed in a three-day period.<br />

ter of Ant?nelll. s present 16. Last June, Recorder's Court<br />

year.old g,:,1 frlen? Judge Thomas L. Poindex-'<br />

, Several Juors saId that the ter sentenced Antonelli to<br />

15'rear-old's testi!R0ny was 2J,2 to 10 years. Since that<br />

behevable, but cla~med there time, the ex-attorney has<br />

~as not el)ough eVidence and been free' on apPeal.<br />

mdicatfd t hat Assistant Attorney John Blanco. who<br />

Wayne County Prosecutor initiated the cases .against<br />

John J. Bums presented the Anlonelli said, "there is J10<br />

case poorly. truth" to tbe man's allega.<br />

Antonelli was acquitted on tion that the task force was<br />

August 28 of a charge of "hounding .. and harassing"<br />

takins ind-::"nt ll~rtles with Antonelli. "<br />

a 12-year-old sister of the The attomey said An.<br />

two girls. followIng a bear- toneill still. f'lces a federal<br />

ing on this charge before charge of conspiring to bring<br />

Circuit Court Judge Charles narcotics into the country.<br />

Kaufman. . The charge is unrelated to<br />

Judge Kaufman. at the the Task Force activities.<br />

time, "with the greatest re-<br />

luctance", ordered the jury<br />

to find Antonelli. not guilty<br />

because the prosecution<br />

failed to prove a crime.<br />

The judge noted that the<br />

12-year-old had changed her<br />

testimony between the time<br />

of the pretrial "xamination<br />

and the trial. The girl testi.<br />

fied at the examination that<br />

the disbarred attorney forced<br />

her. to commit a sex act, then<br />

she demedthis in Circuit<br />

Court.<br />

In the case of the 'I5oyearold,<br />

she testified that her<br />

older sister-Antonelli's girl<br />

friend-had taken her to An.<br />

tonelli's Park residence some.<br />

time in 1973, and while there<br />

Antonelli sodomized her and<br />

her older sIster while the<br />

three were in the same bed.<br />

On Monday. September 9,<br />

the 16.yeat-old testified that<br />

her younger sister had been<br />

in Antonelli's house, but<br />

denied that sodomy had<br />

taken place.<br />

In presenting his testimony<br />

on ¥onday, Antonelli also<br />

denied committing the acts<br />

and further stated that be<br />

was always a welcome guest<br />

in the Park home of the girls'<br />

parents 011 a number of occasions<br />

since the alleged inci.<br />

dent.<br />

Assistant Prosecutor Burns<br />

Pair Charged<br />

(CoatlDat!d from Page 1)<br />

Shores police, who went to<br />

the Watts residence, Sgts.<br />

Mustazza and Wenrich said.<br />

They discovered that the<br />

burglars bad- entered the<br />

house by breaking the glass<br />

of the basement window. The<br />

place bad been completely<br />

ransacked.<br />

other ThiDp Neil ":..<br />

Taken, besides the car, the<br />

Shores detectives said, were<br />

two reC(!rd players, a movie<br />

camera and projector, an<br />

electric ukelele and a black<br />

umbrella. Also a large num.<br />

ber of foreign currency and<br />

coins from a collection, and<br />

other valuable items.<br />

Dr. Watts identified his car<br />

and all the valuables taken<br />

from his home, the Shores<br />

detectives said.<br />

Judge Denis ordered that<br />

Evans and Steggell be held<br />

in the local jail until exam.<br />

ination date, which was<br />

scheduled for yesterday, September<br />

25.<br />

The Washtenaw County of.<br />

ficials have placed a hold on<br />

the pair on their charges.<br />

People who invite trouble<br />

find that it never sends regrets.<br />

Thursday, September 26. 1974<br />

SlatesFirst <strong>Of</strong>fering<br />

(~IIl:Dued from 'Pale 1) conducted the Detroit Sinbegan<br />

studying piano as a foniet!!, as' well as many<br />

child Wit:1 her mother. She small orcheslras and cham.<br />

has consistently' received ber groups, and on several<br />

ratings in the National Guild occasions has conducted the<br />

of Piano Teachers Auditions, D~troit Symphony Orchestra.<br />

and in June, 1973, was pre- }I'or the October 13 prosented<br />

in her solo recital de- gram, Mr. Resnick has probut<br />

while attending Macomb grammed orchestral works<br />

County Community College of Anton Dvorak, tbe "Slav.<br />

as a student of Daniel Olsen. ische Tanze, the "Suite from<br />

She is presently majoring in the Dramatic, Music of Henpiano<br />

while working on her ry Purcell" and Zoltan Ko.<br />

Bacheklr of Arts degree at daly's "Hary.Janos Suite."<br />

the University of Kansl!. Tickets for lhe concert are<br />

I In January of this year, I still available at $3 for adults<br />

the mother-daughter teal"" and $1.50 for students by<br />

made their duo.piano debut calling 884-6645. They may<br />

with the SClmdinavian SY~' be purcbased at the box ofphony<br />

Orchestra. The musI- fice lhe afternoon of the percal<br />

press lateI' reported, formance.<br />

"Tbe solo Si!quences proved<br />

the competence of the two<br />

soloists' technical abilities,<br />

their delicate sensilivity, and<br />

seemingly effortless com.<br />

mand of the eXQuisHearl of<br />

interaction. Their compati.<br />

bility was indeed beautiful<br />

jn tbe ears of the audience."<br />

Felix Resnick. conductor<br />

of the Symphony has consistently<br />

maintained a high<br />

standard' of artistic achievement.<br />

His interpretive gift,<br />

originality of sound, and abil.<br />

ity to program challenging<br />

works have provided inspiring<br />

concert performances.<br />

As a memtter of the Detroit<br />

Symphony Orchestra,<br />

he presently serves as assistant,to<br />

the principal second<br />

violin. He has successfully<br />


McMaster Associates Public<br />

Relations, second largest<br />

pub 1i c relations firm In<br />

Michigan, bas announced the<br />

appointment of S t u art T.<br />

Hanger, of Radnor Circle, as<br />

senior associate. He retired<br />

July 31 as bureau chief ol<br />

Fairchild Publications, pub.<br />

lisher of Women's We a r<br />

Daily: Supermarket News<br />

and olher national business<br />

publications, after 30 years<br />

in lhat position. He is a member<br />

of the Detroit Press Club.<br />

He and ,his wile, Sis, have<br />

two daughters, Mary Leah,<br />

who attends Grand Valley<br />

State College. and Laurie, a<br />

student at Soutll High.<br />

Leaf Removal<br />

Vacuum<br />

.Truck Loading<br />



,<br />

~(!~.<br />

II78xl3-39.22 plus 2.11 F.E.T.<br />

DR78x 14-40.28 plus 2.40 F.E.T.<br />

ER78xl4-41.25 plus 2.58 F.E.T.<br />

FR78114-46.61 plus 2.81 f.E.T.<br />

GR 78xl4-47.79 plus 2.95 F.E.T.<br />

88.-0292<br />

SEI THI<br />



Co UecII clippingl, reavel~ pin.<br />

"', straw, .tc. In Ihe exlter lerr~.<br />

, cenler mounled bag. Triml<br />

clo.. on eith.r lid •• A. JOY<br />

10 11II ••• )llCIr 'round.<br />

filii ADDnlOllAL BAG<br />

wilh purchase 01 any Snapper.<br />

HOU RS. Mon. Ih", Fri. 8 'Iii 6<br />

• Salurdoy 8 'Iii 4<br />

21" Hand propelled<br />

$17495 "rile La"," Mow., ~p""<br />

.19115.MACK AVE. - TU 1-6233<br />

t'l<br />

21" Sell.<br />

propelled<br />

249 95<br />

HR78xl4-5O.58plus 3.15 F.I.T.<br />

GR78xl5-48.39 plus 3,05 F.E.T.<br />

HR78x 15-50.93 plus 3.26 F.E.T.<br />

JR 78115-54.25 plus 3,44 F.E,T.<br />

LR78xl5-57.41 plus 3,60 F,(.T.

;, .. ;,1<br />

Thursday, September 26, 197.<br />


Schools Cite, Volunteers for Meritorious Service Cubs at Mason<br />

At the regular meeting ot tloo unanimou.s1y adopted the public libraries between July Mn. C. Tbomp$OA. Mrs. Ed. Plan Round-Up<br />

the BOard of Education Mon. followingl'elO1ution: 1, 1973, and June 30, 1914. ward Price, IIn. W. AmeDda, --<br />

A St. Clair &bores woman. day. September 9, the trust. "Whereas the U r 0 sse NomiDati01ll for an award Mrs. W. Boyae and Mn.R. Cub Scout P a e k 280 of 1<br />

Loses Handbag<br />

In Unusual Way<br />

while visiting a friend in 1be ees awarded 50 "eertificates Pointe Bos'rd of Edueation under the Board of Educa- Megargle. MalOn SclIooI will holt its<br />

Woods, lost her purse in the of meritorious 'achievement also authoriaes tile develop- tion.sponsored program were Others receiving awardS round'lIp this evening Sep.<br />

in reoognition of faithful and ment of a Volunteer Awards made by adult residents 01 were Mrs. A. Reeves, Mrs. Ki. tember 26, at the ~ehool<br />

area of Kenmore road 'and ded!cated volunteer serviee Program for implemeata- The Poi n t e ,~cbool district. Schmidt, Mrs. Klaus Motte, 1840 Vernier road beginnini<br />

Mack avenue. durmg 1973-74," tion in September, 1973... " NoDiinations were due in the Mrs. D, G. SChneider, Mrs. at 'J:SOp.m. '<br />

While that isn'tparticu. T h ~ ,Board of Education Consideration for awarns hands of the Secretary of the T. J. Maurer, IIrs. Gomer All h' ,<br />

larly news the "how" of it established t b e Volunteer was given Dot onl)' to the Board 01 Education by June Evans, Mrs. Robert Traey, t IJ'd grad.els.. who 3re<br />

Is different. Awards Program to recognize amount of time devoted b)' a 15, 11m. Mrs. John Controulls, Mrs. not scouts, are ~Vlted to. ~t.<br />

The woman told Woods <strong>Of</strong>. distingui9hed contributions by volunteer bllt also to the ex. Preliminary Dominations RJebardFox and Mrs. Wil. tend the gathermg and JOUI<br />

liceI' Robert Kwal....ow : she unpaid interested citizens to t t l ili.t hi h were screened by the Voluu. lism Ludwig. the pack .. Adults also are<br />

... • . eo 0 responsib y w'c a '~r Awa~ds r>--ml'tt4"', ~ore r~p.:ents were ~rs. n.eed.ed to fIll three pa~k po.<br />

believed the white purse, the varlOUS on.going pro, volunteer carried in the ful...... .............. lU ,,~~ ... t<br />

which contained $30 in eash gra~s and activities of the fillment ofbis 'dllties. final selection m,a d e by a T. K. Burnham, Mrs. Eleanor Sl IOns,<br />

and personal identification, ~ublli:. schools and public One qualified for an award citizens' committee. Davidson. Mrs. Anne Lock. Paek officers lneillde Fred<br />

was lost when she drove libranes. . The Board of Education hart, Mrs. Richard Ottens, Minturn, cubmasteri Helen<br />

away with the bag on her On June 4 1973 the trust :ou~:rlorma.nce ~ ~~. Volunteer Awards Advisory Mrs. Marilyn Pillsbury, Mrs. Minturn, chief den mother'<br />

car's bood. ees of the Board' of Educa' P ~~ ' s:lirVlcbooe 15 e Council for 1973.n consisted Mabel Hawltin.s, Mrs. Tbomas Diek Gross, steering com:<br />

___________________ .__ o_lO-=-e_s _p:-u_c=---.:s:.:.c::.:.:.=-_=or of Dr. Donald Briggs, Thomas Dimond, ,Mrs. Lorna Vroom, mittee chairman; Jim Plath<br />

75 75 75 75 75 75,'971 eN.V.OLD. 011 ..... LAY 75 75 75 75 75 75 ~. Candler. W~am D, Dahl. Mrs.. Celeste Welb!lf, Mrs. treasurer; R 0 g e r Leclerc:<br />

1ft mg, Mrs. MlI~hael Marrs, Sterling Be r r y and Mrs. membership chairman; Carl<br />

..... TED I:WALD ;:;l Mrs. Joseph Perry Ill, Mrs. Maurice DesRosiers. Berger, advanrements. and I<br />

l() ".-VROL .... William J. QuiM, Mrs. Perry Others being awarded were Ed Serwach, SEi:rlltar)':<br />

'~NOWOPEN •<br />




CURIO"'.NIGHI, Inc.<br />

19391 MACK at NEWCASTLE<br />

(In 8l1ilding Formerly OcclIpied by I'oin'. Dodg.}<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />


. - Alignment - Brakes - Tune-up.<br />

885-1700<br />

'18328 MACk AVENUE<br />

882-2530<br />

This Week's<br />

Bell Ringers<br />

Prices Effective Sept. 26, 27 and 28<br />

Closed All Day Sunday as Usual<br />

Closed Wed. 1 ~.M.<br />


.STRIP STEAKS $2.94 LB.<br />

$1 38<br />



.. i1icfl baC<strong>Of</strong>t, clicecl ~ "p, morjeram<br />

..... ion., chopped I pin' .... iry .... ' (.-om<br />

1 de" • .arlie, minced 2 11K.IMef .t.w meo', c.. t in 1 in. c..... ,<br />

2 "p. sal1 V, tip. peppe' chopped panley<br />

2/3 cup whit. table wi... ....pri ..a<br />

Cool! bac ... in heovy ... ",. or Dwt

p. ~ight<br />

Cinema League M.eets Tonight<br />

D!'. Walter W. Theurle, of Cinematographers for the<br />

Flint, will be the Grosse coming year. He is also a<br />

• Poi D t e Cinema League's member of the American<br />

Illest photographer and nar.Pbotographic So c i e,t y of<br />

rator at the Thursday, Sep- America.,<br />

tember 26, meeting. The League holds its meet.<br />

He will present two IS mm. ings the second and fourth<br />

fUms, "Big River"~ (refer. '1'bursday evenings of each<br />

ring to the Amazon), and month through May. The ob.<br />

"New Guinea," at 8 p,m. in jed of the-club is to improve<br />

the Fries Auditorium at the the members' knowledge and<br />

War Memorial. The meeting enjoyment of movie p!Jotog.<br />

will close with refreshments. raphy by showing films, con.<br />

Both movies show areas dueling contests. and listen:<br />

not visited by tourists. The ing to technical talks.<br />

trip to the AmuOll. was a Anyone interested in this<br />

privately.guided exploration type of photography or in<br />

of the upper reaches of the travel movies may want to<br />

river. become a member. Member.<br />

Dr. Theurle is chairman ship is $5 per person or $8<br />

of the Society of Amateur per family.<br />

(UNTil YOU TALK TO<br />


No. W. don't Ml1 InlUrlince. Which is why we<br />

ClIn be totally ~tive. and counSel you on all<br />

your ins!Jranc:en . . . your complete insurance<br />

program ... with total realism, Our unique service<br />

ClIneustom-deslgn your complete program, Save you<br />

money. give you new peace-of-mind.<br />

We can evaluate present policies. Explain the<br />

"fine print"' in layman's language. and give you<br />

an unbiBS~ personalized plan, Our experience and<br />

reputation ows from consulting work with some of<br />

the area's largest businesses.<br />

Every second you wait could be costing you money.<br />

and put your eSiate and .your family in jeopardy,<br />

Phone 885-0051 ... nowl<br />


20930 Medl, Grosse Ptint. WOlNh<br />

What Goes «to<br />

at<br />

Your Library<br />

<strong>By</strong> Arthur Woodford<br />

Cblef of Centnl Library<br />

The Woods Council unani.<br />

mously granted the issuance<br />

of three parking lot licenses<br />

at -the regular meeting Mon.<br />

day, September 9, These<br />

were to the Goodyear Tire<br />

and Rubber Co., 19391 Mack<br />

avenue; Landmark Restau.<br />

rant, 19299 Mack; and Pointe<br />

'Electronics, 19755 Mack.<br />



'ES5IER OLD5<br />

"IS THE PLACE"<br />



YOU A CAR!!!<br />






Vineyard growing, wine. wines in regional chapters in.<br />

making and wine drinking elude random lists of repu.<br />

are increasing throughout the table producers. Appended<br />

United States. Between the are a foreign language and<br />

years 1960 and 1973 table. technical gl(Jssary, a discus.<br />

wine consumption more than sion of Italian regulatory leg.<br />

trebled in this country. In islation and a note .on man.<br />

1972 Americans drank almost aslic rosolios and' elixers.<br />

340 million gallons of wine, This book is the most com.<br />

a rate of more than one-and- plete and up-to-~ate work<br />

a.half gallons per capita. T.hls available on a delightful, and<br />

is a record that many wme often neglected area 1)( inexperts<br />

believe will be lernational vinicu:ture.<br />

-:e.t::E:.y~~ doubled in the next 10 years. In addition to these tiUes<br />

--r.J our library has a number of<br />

~ Today. California and New excellent books '.lD the wines<br />

Eavestrougns ~.York wines, particularly, are of France, Snainand Ger.<br />

, ~ being compared favorab~y many, and. of course, a copy<br />

S" ALUMINUM - S COLORS k with.European wines. It IS of that fine one.volume en.<br />

n certamly acceptable now to cyclopedia WINES OF THE<br />

SEAMLESS ~ serve American wines at WORLD (McGraw.Hill) edi.<br />

~ home or in restaurants. when ted by Andre Simon.<br />

POINTE Ie REEN I SASH, lie • ~~ uJlOInnrn .<br />

i:":! once they were looked down<br />

~ With so many fine wine<br />

E WINES OF AMER. guides available, I would like<br />

~ to mention one that seems<br />

_7 lIAR TV1.6130MICA (Houghton), Leon D. Ad. particularly good. It is en-<br />

~ ~ ams has produced a compre. titled AN INSIDER'S GUIDE<br />

~ .......<br />

~......"..~<br />

.,.............-.. :tO";:;";a: ..a;.~ hensive compendium of Am.<br />

~~~ ..~~ ..~': erican wines, covering the<br />

history of winemaking, leg.<br />


h illi' M<br />

(Anc or) by W am assee.<br />

Pleasantly written and ..... ell.<br />

ends of the colorful wine.<br />

makers, the growing of<br />

grapes, and the production of<br />

wines in nearly every state.<br />

More space, of course, is giv.<br />

en to California wines than to<br />

those of any other region, but<br />

organized, the book starts<br />

ifi<br />

with the limplest of class 1-<br />

cations and gradually gets<br />

more particular by county<br />

and region. Kassee is non.<br />

snobbish enough to discuss<br />

there is an excelleJlt chapter<br />

on the wines of Michigan.<br />

the "pop wines" along with<br />

a more serious di~ussion of<br />

the traditioual wines. The<br />


Michigan<br />

among the<br />

,r a n Ii; s fourth<br />

states in grapebook<br />

concludes with a good<br />

appendix on stccking a small<br />

• GUNS<br />


growing and sixth in wine<br />

production. Our southwestern<br />

counties, behind the towering<br />

sand dunes of the Lake Mich.<br />

cellar, and a fine list of im.<br />

porters and where to contact<br />

them.<br />

This last book is not about<br />

0pefI T....... y and friday 9 a.m. to • p.m.<br />

Men.• WH., Thurs.. Sot. 9 D.m. to 6 p.m.<br />

15102 KERCHEVAL . VA 1.8200<br />

!gan shore and extending<br />

east and north to Kalama.,<br />

zoo, are one of the great<br />

fruit.producing sections of the<br />

earth. 'llle deep lake waters,<br />

how to select a good wine,<br />

but is one that should be en.,<br />

jyed by anyone who enjoys<br />

drinking a good glass of wine.<br />

The book Is D R INK IN G<br />

which rarely freeze over,<br />

yIeld warmth for the vine.<br />

yards and orc~ards in win.<br />

WITH PEPYS (St. Martin's)<br />

authored by Oscar A. Men.<br />

delsohn.<br />

ter, and the wmds from the<br />

lake in spring usuall.y reta~<br />

Mr. Mendelsohn is an Aus.<br />

tralian chemist" with a well.<br />

the buds from<br />

danger of ~g<br />

openmg until<br />

frosts bas<br />

developed penchant for good<br />

food and wine and for Pepys.<br />

passed. ThiI Is<br />

a~ple, blueberry,<br />

the grape"<br />

and pepper.<br />

These interests<br />

distillation from<br />

led to this<br />

the famous<br />

uunt county, and Paw Paw, PEPYS' DIARY of those en.<br />

the ~eat <strong>Of</strong> yan Buren Coun. tries which carefully rerord<br />

!y. 11 the vmeyard center. Pepys' imbibitional tastes<br />

One of the better stories and experiences. The .esult.<br />

Adams tells, is the origin of ing collection became the in.<br />

Cold Duck. He states, "Mich. spiration for Mendelsohn's j1.<br />

19an's chief contrIbution to<br />

tbe wine world is Cold Duck,<br />

the bubbly pink wine that ex.<br />

ploded from Detroit during<br />

lumiD.tIng commentary and<br />

discourse upon the drinking<br />

babits 'of Samuel Pepys and<br />

his time.<br />

the 1960, :s to reyolutionize fes.<br />

tJve 'drilJJdnlf'Jlalfway '.rouDd<br />

the world. ,lis story is as biz.<br />

ane as its name." I won't<br />

spoil it by telling you the<br />

whole story here, I'll let<br />

you read it for yourself when<br />

The), '@Yv,entee,nthcentury<br />

was. 'l'il;CI'd period to choose<br />

for a 'abcilssfoiJ of British<br />

drinking habits since !hey<br />

were soon. to be drastically<br />

modified when King William<br />

clapped a lethal tax 0ll<br />

you borrow this book from French wine. This forced the<br />

the library. British to turn to gin and<br />

From Michigan I would<br />

like to turn to Italy and Philport.<br />

Also at this time: tea<br />

and coffee were estabhshed<br />

ip Dallas' THE GREAT<br />

WINES OF ITALY (Double.<br />

as the n.ormal breakfast bev.<br />

erages 10 place of ale. But<br />

day). This book is addressed<br />

to the aspiring connoisseur<br />

, as an introduction to the dig.<br />

300 years ago, Pepys drank<br />

what. was probably a close<br />

COUSID to mode~ sherry,<br />

tinctive characteristics of<br />

fine Italian wines with ref.<br />

sweet and dry wlDe.s from<br />

France and the Rhmela~d,<br />

erences to the historical an.<br />

tecedants of Italian winecul.<br />

ture. Specific wines are<br />

and brandy. He also cert~ln.<br />

ly drank gallons of .ale (With.<br />

out the hops found m modern<br />

clearly identified for the pro. ~eer and ale), but probably<br />

spective purchaser and indio little. if any whisky,<br />

vi~ual descriptions of various s.tarting newcomer<br />

-.-_____ time.<br />

~ slo\y'<br />

m hiS<br />

---------- Mendelsohn's ellgaging es.<br />

LICENSES ISSUED says on Mr. Pepys and these<br />

beverage3 make this a splirk.<br />

ling book, dry,<br />

of fine vintage.<br />

spirited, and<br />

As a general rule doctors<br />

recommend Ihat teenagers<br />

have their e,'es tested al<br />

least every jwo or three<br />

years. Some young people<br />

need to have Iheir' vision<br />

tesls even more often than<br />

that - this is ..specially<br />

true if you wear glasses.<br />

If from a distance of twenty<br />

ffel you can read lellers<br />

one-fourth inch high on a<br />

chart such as the Snf'l1en<br />

chart, your vision in Ihe<br />

eye being tesled "'i11 he<br />

recorded as 20/20. If you<br />

have such vision in one eye,<br />

bul nol Ihe olher, you<br />

should han' a comrlete eye<br />

examination.<br />

If your doc lor recommends<br />

a rrescrirtion drUII;,<br />

bring the rrescrirtion to ,<br />

1>EVO:\'SII1RE 1>Rm;S al<br />

1603 7 ~Iack ("on the<br />

block"). ror personalized<br />

profes!\ional service. We<br />

hne a largc stock of health<br />

and beauty aids and ror<br />

your .'onvenience. we carry<br />

liquor, beer and wine. C..all<br />

us at 881-0-J 78 for rree<br />

prescription delivery. We<br />

are ')ren Monday throulI;h<br />

Saturday from 9 A.I\I unlil<br />

9 P.M.<br />

lIlU,PFVt IIIlVT:<br />

Nevt"r use ahrash'e cleaners<br />

on China and enamel<br />

surfares, tiny scratches will<br />

result rrom such aclion .<br />


Mon., Tu••. ,<br />

Wed., Thurl.,<br />

9 a.m. t07 p.m.<br />

Friday<br />

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.<br />

Saturday<br />

9 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br />

Price. Good Thru ,.,. ••• Ocl. hI.<br />

W. _ :he riP' to<br />

&!mit 4-tftIet.<br />

POTATO<br />


MIX<br />


1-0Z.<br />

BO)(<br />

79c<br />




:~~,MOUTHWASH<br />

¥5<br />

'1<br />

~.'<br />


I-LB. CTN.<br />

IN QTRS.<br />





Thursday, September 26, 1974<br />

OPEN<br />

SUNDAY<br />

10 A.M.<br />

TO<br />

5 P.M.<br />

LB.<br />

LB.$1.19 '<br />

LB. 99 C<br />

LB.<br />

LB.<br />

LB.$1.69<br />

LB.$1.79.<br />

GAL.$1.29<br />

20.0Z.38c:<br />

LOAF<br />

C \<br />

99<br />

C<br />

99<br />




100 CT. $1<br />

BOX 09 •<br />







24 I0.5-0Z.18 C<br />

c 4<br />

ON4 PleASE CAN<br />

SAVE<br />

32-02.$1 69<br />

60. Bn. •<br />

• ,......' •. 1" .....,.......... ,.:',d'"~",'",,,., ~•.• "" ........, ~ ',i,,~~..;..'.~ ...., ..~.... ,.. "' r<br />

5 LB. 79C<br />

BAG<br />

\, \<br />

\<br />

\<br />

\<br />

'I<br />


Thursday, September 26, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />



..-..... ~.~'....... "<br />

Paint<br />




We seH the finest paint money can buy,<br />

with our funy trained sales people there to<br />

advise and serve you.<br />

Save $3.00<br />

on our best Flat Interior Latex<br />

Reg. $9.99 ON SALE $6.99<br />

Save $3.00<br />

on our best Interior Latex Semi-Gloss<br />

Reg. S12.49<br />

ON SALE $9.49<br />

Save $2.00<br />

on every gallon of our 1400 custom mixed colors.<br />

This is Grosse Pointe's<br />

newest, most exciting home decorating center<br />

See Grosse Pointe's largest and finest selection of<br />

wallcoverings, Choose from more than 30,000 beautiful up<br />

to the minute patterns - Vinyls, rich foils, flocks, mylars,<br />

hand prints and grass cloths, in every pattern, color and<br />

texture imaginable.<br />

Save up to 20% ON ALL WALLCOVERINGS.<br />


. @mstrong<br />

floor fashion!<br />

Armstrong floors ~~<br />

Visit Fisher's Armstrong Floor<br />

Fashion Center. You'll find<br />

a complete line of all the<br />

floors Armstrong makes.<br />

Save 10%<br />


FLOORS.<br />



Reg. $ .44 sq. ft.<br />

ON SALE $ .34 sq. ft.<br />

FISHER<br />


& PAINT<br />

16847 Kercheval Grosse Pointe 4'ln the Village"-<br />

• 7 ••<br />

Crafts<br />


Whether you're already<br />

. into crafts or if you've<br />

just been thinking about<br />

it, NOW'S the time to<br />

visit Fisher's "Crafty<br />

Corner". This is one of the<br />

most extensive craft departments<br />

around. During our Grand Opening<br />

you'll see emonstrations of decoupage, quilling,<br />

paper tole and much more.<br />

Save 2096<br />



REGJST~R F()R FISH~~:$",PR.~_~r'H<br />

CLASSES. Sign up ll()W for<br />

Beginner and Advanced<br />

classes taugh t by<br />

recognized experts in<br />

the craft field.<br />



If you are looking for the perfect event<br />

for your church, club or community group.<br />

Fisher will be happy to put on their<br />

informative and interesting crafts lecture for you<br />


Window shades<br />

Choose from stripes,<br />

patterns, colors and white.<br />

(Bring in your old shades<br />

and we'll cu t new ones to fit.)<br />

Save 20% ON ALL WINDOW SHADES.<br />



SSOMst<br />

, ~.<br />

\i',<br />

, t:.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!!<br />

11<br />


Pig. Ten<br />

=-~~~~~~=,~ ..::._,~, ,.~, ,~<br />

Some people wear them. I Bid habits place a mort.<br />

selves out shirking respon. gage on the accomplishments<br />

slbllitles. of men.<br />

Two new worlels<br />

01 entertainment<br />

A•• ht' Shorian .\Iolor Inn: Uine aboard .he Julie<br />

Plan Ie in an a.",osphert! of l.akt, SI. Clair folklore.<br />

t'ort~-and-aft t'njo)' )'our fll\'(lrile t'ol'killil in<br />

Iht' eopper)', contelllporary' PeI\lhousl' lounge.<br />

~O~I.~~£.\~~<br />

1 penthouse<br />

. - Lounge<br />

Din'", Room 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.<br />

7 G."\". '0 11 p.m. Featuring BUDDY CLARK<br />

at the Piano<br />



20000Hine Mile Road<br />

5•. C'air Sho,..<br />

W. welcom, YOlir o't'erni(lht (lues's. Phon. 773.3700<br />

..-'-:'.=~...-__~ ~. ,~,. ,~ ~..,~..,:"~"..-: ~ --, .-. ,-, " ,-..,."•..<br />

Obituaries<br />

GROSSE<br />

and Saint Clare Church. She WILLIAM F. ARNOLDY<br />

died Sunday, September 22, Funeral services (or Mr.<br />

in fi>ntiac General Hospital. Arnoldy, of Lake San Marcos,<br />

A native of Poland. she is Calif., formerly of Grosse<br />

survived b)' two sons, Dr. Pointe, were held recently in<br />

Casimer Skowronski, of Sagi. California. He died Saturday,<br />

naw, and Zigmund Skowron. September 21, in California.<br />

ski. of Tampa, Fla.; one He is .survived by his wife,<br />

daughter, Mrs. Anna Chry. Amelia; one daughter, Mrs.<br />

pjnski;, eigbtgranc;lehildren, .Chafle~t;.BIl~er, of ,Ma.n.i1a.<br />

'and two great,graildchildren.' PbiUP~es;,,1l n (i.,.onll sQn,<br />

~~{litermeDt'w8S'ilf 'Our ,!-ady Wjlliam;, F. .\moldy, Jr.,. 'If<br />

of Hope Cemetery, Browns. Roches/er, N.Y.<br />

lown Township. Interment was in Calif.<br />



11&7_<br />


Your Remodell", "a"noel by Experts<br />

w. of CIISTOM c:aAn _ ............ _ ~ __ •<br />

.... - to I'M' ~III. iolt-oe .. Ita .......<br />

will .... 1_ to p!" 1Nl.w..t .....<br />

w. ...,.. ..W .-Ill..... la __ , • '"" WI."""<br />

.........-'Y l"'!' IeIo will .. ,<br />

You Know Compa COlt ,,,Advance<br />

v..... ', lIffW H-..l_" ..,_ ....000. priM It _.<br />

You!: Financing Help You NoecI<br />

~fc:.....~-:.:- Ie fe, '"" of ... 10- _<br />

Wo '0. Mil,... i. ...._ ,",,' Jol> will .. ""I...... • • • • '""<br />

- ....I. lift "If"'" it.<br />

You Get Top Quality Job, Finished On Time<br />

• FAMilY 1II000S .DD.IIERS • Ames F1NISHlD .. (c. 1001$ '1A1IIJOO1IS<br />

'1lITCMEIIS • 'ATIDS • CUSTDII WAlES AIID IODIS .III<strong>Of</strong>IIll<br />


ConJff'uciion COMl'an'l<br />

rEf'<br />


CWteU<br />

OF IDW<br />

FO'lInl<br />



:~~~ TU 1-1024<br />

11332 MACK Avt-GROSSE POIIIlI ZIP COOl 41236<br />

Simply beautiful.<br />

I.r<br />

Jaguar XJ6.<br />

7"h",.("" rrnll.,' nn ~1I1u,illIll' for (f p~r.'wnnl f'XnnriAfIfirm<br />

of ,h,.. Joplin,. .\}6. In npl""(lrnru f> nnd pl",flnnl<br />

nppoitUm(t'nu il ,~. n~ 1(''' ,Ilfl~'. '~.•;mp/~' hf'nrHiju(."<br />

II", h"n('nth if. ('x/f'rior Ihpr#' ;s fJ rich Imll' (~f<br />

f'n~;nf'prinll "Xt'~JJ('n,.p.<br />

'fhp Jnl(''''' XJ6 i. mmp/p/l' t

1'hursd.y, September 26, 197.<br />



f, 'I<br />

f,<br />

~<br />

I I,<br />

,<br />

I<br />

i I<br />

!<br />

.<br />

... tin n.n. IT ..... 12 p.lll.<br />

frio ... SIt. 11 UIl.-3 .....<br />

s- .... I ....<br />

;. "'~I.' f.',' ,', .' .<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

ROBERT B. EDGAR D/B/ A Anteebo Publishers<br />



Second Clasc POIIt.,e Plld • Detroit. )(Ich~ln<br />


,~tmber Mloh. Pt>eu As~lltlOII IIIi2 Nltionll Ec11lorlll Ancelallon<br />

Pboue TV 2-6900<br />

ROBERT B., EDGAR '"." ."."." EDITOR and PUBLISHER<br />



JAMES J. NJAIM ...... ... NEWS<br />

ROGER A. WAHA ". " f:,'PORTS,NEWS<br />


BARBARA BRUNO...." .... """' NEWS<br />

SALLY DUFF "' .."' NEWS<br />

LILLIAN KARR ".. . ..... ,.... ""' ADVERTISING<br />







" """""""""""'""' ,""'""'""""ACCOUNTS<br />


DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY "' CLASSII, September 26, t974<br />

From Anothel' Pointe<br />

of View<br />

<strong>By</strong> Janet Mueller<br />

Dr. and Mrs, Henry Domzalski are opening<br />

their Windmill Pointe drive home this Sunday from<br />

2 until 6 o'Clock for a Champagne Tea benefiting<br />

the Jesuit Seminary Association, SS. Peter and<br />

Paul Unit:<br />

Mrs. Brian J. Molloy,Jr., chairman of the Unit,<br />

has asked Mrs. Thomas J. O'Neill to chair the party<br />

which will establish a fund for retired Jesuits and<br />

provide continuing support for Scholastics studying<br />

in the Detroit Province.<br />

.Am 0 n g Pointers who've been involved for<br />

weeks ill elaborate 'plans to make this an outstand.<br />

ing day is Mrs. William Bavinger. She organized<br />

the committee that mailed the invitations.<br />

The Mesdames Emmet Tracy, Frank Weston,<br />

Burns Cody, Joseph Verhelle, Brian Molloy, Sr.,<br />

J. Addison Bartush, Michael J. O'Neill and Jos.eph<br />

Kristufek head other committees.<br />

Mrs. Ed,,:ard Shumaker, Mrs. Frank Couzens,<br />

Mrs. Daniel Tindall, Mrs. William P. Clark, Mrs.<br />

(Colltinued on Page 17)<br />

stA'llNG OCT. I SALONWIU 8E<br />

Open Mon. Ihru Fri. 'Iii 10 p.m.<br />

BA'T lOMOND - 21316 Mack - ru 6-6060<br />

STORE HOURS, Daily 9,30<br />

A.M. 'fil 5,30 P.M.<br />


Short and to<br />

The Pointe j<br />

DR. PAUL RUBLE, ofl<br />

East Jefferson ave'nul'. chief<br />

of Harper H09J)ital's Medical<br />

Oncology section, was one of<br />

tbe .main speakers at June 30<br />

dedication ceremonies {or the<br />

Solomon G. Meyers Study<br />

Center for Gastroenterology<br />

in the Web b e r Memorial<br />

Building at Harper Hospital<br />

in the Detroit Medical Center,<br />

. ~ .<br />

Member of the shovel brio<br />

gade whicb participated in<br />

groundbreaking ceremonies<br />

for a new $1 million central<br />

bookstore at Wayne State<br />


Celebrity Seri~,T o Open October 10<br />

Finalizing plans for -the October<br />

10 opening of the Grosse Pointe<br />

Celebrity S~ries at. Eastland 'lbeatre<br />

are,. (standing, left to right), MRS.<br />

RICHARD MOLITOR, ticket chair.<br />

man, MRS. DANIEL GAITLEY, program<br />

and advertising chainnan,and<br />

MRS. THOMAS CLARKE, patrons<br />

.. . ..<br />

chfjrman. MRS. S TAN LEY RE-<br />

NOUF, (seated), is general chairman<br />

of the Bon Secours Ass i s tan c e<br />

League-sponsored lecture programs<br />

presented Thursday mornings at 11<br />

o'c!ock. First of this year's five speak.<br />

ers .will be Jolie Gabor.<br />

University was WILBER M. __ . ~ __<br />

BRUCKER, JR., ot Merri. MARJORIE MAY ENG. atartiDi the academic Yf:8r at York.Nlssau c r u i s e were<br />

weatber road, vice-chairman S'flWH of Three Mile drive Lehigh University is MARK<br />

DR. and MRS. JOHN COL.<br />

of WSU's boar4 of .governors. baa ~eived a Bachelor of J. OE'ITING, SOD of MK<br />

OMBO, of South Duval road,<br />

.. -!.. c [SCienCe degree in Busme.. .nd MRS. 'MARTIN C. OET. and their children ANDRE,<br />

Grosse Pointe South Hjgh Administration from Ohio l'ING, of Kenwood road. PAUL and KATHLEEN.<br />

Scbool Instrumental Music Stlte University. .., • .. • .. ..<br />

Department. chairman RUS • .. • M:RS. FOREST H. SMITH, Among five studenl$ sched.<br />

SELL REED was invited to CLAUDE A. MAJESTER, of St. Clair avenue, enter. uled beginning their junior<br />

tea chat this summer's son of DR. and MRS. Aft. talned recently at her yearly year at Western Michigan<br />

Micbigan State University THUR MAJESTER, of Clo. diD.ner party for a group of University tbis faU who bave<br />

Summer Youth .Music . Pro- verly road, baa been named Pointe l r i end s including just CO'Jmpleted a Reserve<br />

gram and serVed, while OD to the See 0 n d Semester MRS. DEWEY J., DYSON, <strong>Of</strong>ficers Training Corps pro.<br />

the MSU campus, as a guest Dean's .Liat at Alfred UDiver. MRs. EDWARD PFEIFER, gram conducted this sum.<br />

lecturer for University wort. sity where be is a mshman MRS. KARL KNECIrI', M'RS. mer at Fort Knox, ~., is<br />

shops in instrumeqtal mUsic. in the College of Liberal Arts. CARL FUNKHOUSER and PATRICK M. MYRICK, .'lOn<br />

He directed high school stu. • • .. :mss ISAB'ELLE RONEY. of the JAMES MYRICKS, of<br />

.dents who form the pro. Named to the Sprlng Quar. Mrs. Smith leaves for her Rivard boulevard.<br />

gram's orchestra in the final ter Michigan Technological Florida bome in Oc:tober. • • ..<br />

concert of Youth MUsic~ul1 University Dean 'a Uat are .. • .. DUANE E. JOHNSON, of<br />

20, Pointers_ ,ROYT. WEIDIG, Enjoying. re'cent New Hidden lane, has been ap.<br />

• • • a junior Electrical Engineer.<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fensive tackle OD this ing major, Ind JANIS G.<br />

year's University of Wiseon. PETRICH, I junior Chemis.<br />

sin football team is Pointer try major.<br />


.... , ..<br />

Appearing as Prince Chu.<br />

lulongkorn in Dearborn Civic<br />

'11heatre's fall production of<br />

"The King and In is Poin';;;r<br />

~IKE SLAVKO.<br />

'.(}ttFde"tt"(Jlflb<br />

Meets Oct. 2<br />

Windmill Pointe Garden<br />

Club members gather for<br />

. their October meeting next<br />

Wednesday, October 2, at the<br />

Radnor elrcle home of Mrs.<br />

Glenn Carpenter. Mrs. Ur.<br />

ban Boresch will speak on<br />

Nature's Bounty.<br />

from our.<br />

cotfeclioll 01<br />

:ban'oll<br />

/ .. ,,(<br />

'.~t,'.~'<br />

... ' ;\,:,'<br />

./.,' The Special look of<br />

of hand stitching<br />

brightens this<br />

shirtdress<br />

3 Kercheval Ave,. at Fisher Road<br />

Punrh and ./udr Block<br />

TU 1.1505<br />

Named to the UDiversity of<br />

Dayton second Term Dean'a<br />

List are Pointers ROBERT<br />

A. ARENE, in.tIM! School of<br />

Business, and !MARY P.<br />

SHEA, in the Sd1oo1 of ~u.<br />

. caUon, both of wbO~atWMd<br />

P-erleet .4.0'H,~v~rale,t, 4nd<br />

\tftLtAIf ",..' ~1QI8. ope.<br />

Jege of Aria eJlCI ScleDc:a,<br />

and TERRENCE I. BUDA,<br />

School of BUline...<br />

• • •<br />

Pointer LUDMILA BAKU.<br />

NOvtCH served on the eom.<br />

mittee for Detroit's Captive<br />

Nations Ethnic Fe.tiva!.<br />

.. .. .<br />

JAMES D. TRACY, JR.,<br />

son of MR. and MRS. JAMES<br />

D. TRACY, of Lakeland ave.<br />

nul', is enrolled •• a fresb.<br />

man at .Middlebury College,<br />

Middlebury, Vt.<br />

....<br />

A m 0 n g 1,010 freshmen<br />

Book Detective<br />

Service <strong>Of</strong>fered<br />

,<br />

Are you in search of a<br />

special book that may be out<br />

o{ print ... hard to find •..<br />

by Ii certain author .•. about<br />

a particular subject?<br />

Members of the Grosse<br />

Pointe Branch of the Ameri.<br />

can Association of University<br />

Women will search for your<br />

request while organizing the<br />

thousands of books-InclUding<br />

rare and unusual volur,les as<br />

wen as paperbacks, textbooks,<br />

cook books, juvenile and adult<br />

fiction ,1nd nonfiction - that<br />

are b e i lJ g collected for<br />

AAUW's 12th Annual Used<br />

Book Sale to be held October<br />

15 througb 19 at Grosse<br />

Pointe Woods Pres1Jyterian<br />

Church .<br />

Arrangements for tbis ser .<br />

vice may be made by calling<br />

Mimi Krembel, 886.5091.A $I<br />

search fee will be chargedbut<br />

only if the book is found.<br />

Donations for the Sale are<br />

still being gratefully IIC'<br />

cepted. Home pick-up may<br />

be arranged by calling Paul.<br />

ine McNeill, 882-8600,or Em.<br />

ma Wright, 885-8619. Hope<br />

Peslar. 886.(1129,is general<br />

Sale chairman.<br />

1G1 0ROUM<br />

'l" NVRSING<br />

HOMt<br />

RO.ts EAST JHn:RS()!\<br />

DETHOIT. MIen.<br />

821-3525<br />

Quality Nfln',., fA,..<br />

\ '.,~_<br />

pointed executive director 01<br />

the Red Croll Southeutem<br />

Michigan Chapter. He bas<br />

s e r v e d on the Chapter's<br />

board of director. aDd as<br />

cbairman of It. Blood Pr0gram<br />

Advisory committee<br />

since 1971 and has beu a<br />

member of the balni's ueeu.<br />

tive committee .lnce1l7J.<br />

He is .a preceptor and vtalt.<br />

ing lecturer at Georre W.. h.<br />

ington University, Washlnr.<br />

ton, D.C., a member of the<br />

Was1lington Univentty, St.<br />

Louis, Mo., board of lover •<br />

Dors Ind the Greater De.<br />

troit Arel Ho.pltal Council<br />

and a reelplent of the Aaao.<br />

ciation of Amerlce Coller"<br />

One from our New Collection<br />

by<br />

rlJ1t1/"~~ •<br />

Jbt .sbop.. of<br />

W"ltol\.Pi~r,e<br />

tSl28 lIercM' •• erUM> , ...<br />

211t SHler .. t .... Tr.,<br />

.. ", ••• , Jw ".<br />

'. ThirNen<br />

Sale Set <strong>By</strong> Woods<br />

Presbyterian Ladies<br />

Doors Open .t 9 o'clock Fr~.YI Qctobet 4, on<br />

Area's L.rgest Rumm... Cohctlon: Donors<br />

May Request Truck Pick-Up<br />

Turning leaves heriid the droach of the<br />

annual Grosse Pointe Woods Pree6jterian Church<br />

Rummage Sale, oldest and larIest of Us kind in the<br />

area. The Sale, now in ita 8Srd year, is a major<br />

project of the Church Women's Ass6ciaUon.<br />

All proceeds are used<br />

for the Association's char. erick, 818-2'121, or Mn.<br />

ities and other related Robert GoOdbaDd, ~lJD,<br />

Church and mission proj' or by colltletina the Churda<br />

ects. OOic:e, aes.43oO. .<br />

Among a variety 01 item. Tbe Sale 9peD1 Frula)', Qe.<br />

to be <strong>Of</strong>fered are clothing, tober.. at • in the mOl'llfnt,<br />

books records app1iallCft' IDd will rUIl UJltll II that eve.<br />

toys, bousehold 'items, Unena: nlllJ. HOIII'I Saturday, ~to.<br />

furniture. shoes, Infanta' -and 5, are ,0 to 11 In t.'1ellIorlUDg.<br />

children's wear, jewelry, bata Headiq the Individual de.<br />

and purses. p~rtmellta are Mrs. Rlchani<br />

Rummage contributions are PIPer. Mrs. Thomas Clark.<br />

still being soliCited. TIley Mra. Al1eD WilIea, Mn. Earl<br />

may be brolUtht to tb e NellGD, Mr.. FraDt Komer.<br />

Church In MacklveDue be- tIla, Mra. WWiam &baUer,<br />

tween 9 in the mornin( and Mra.ArUaur Drummoocl, Mn.<br />

5 in the aitllrntlf)n /lpd 'I to t Iamea Fournier, Mn. Carl<br />

in the evening Monday, Tuell. Almua, II,.. Wllter Keuhael,<br />

day and Wednesday se,tem. MI'8. Bruce BeDard aDd Mn.<br />

ber 30 through oCtober 2, Donald Koch.<br />

and from 9 until 4 o'elock A Coffee and Donut Bar<br />

Tbursday, October 3. belor, aad durlnr the Sale<br />

Truck pict.up service II will be clinleled tl, Mn.<br />

available Mandl)' aDd. Tu... JOMph S"poll, while Jtn.<br />

day evenings, upon request, Rlohanl Pellow. aad Mn.<br />

by ca1ling general Sale co- George tIi1u keep the kiteb.<br />

chr.irmell Mrs. Willilm Fred~ en bW1lmlq .U week.<br />

A.ani of Mult. H. Is aeU"<br />

in the Grosh Pointe North<br />

H1Ih Sellool Parell.t Club.<br />

.. ..<br />

Enjo,1Jla • leC*ft caribbeaD<br />

cNlae vla1tln1 Haiti,<br />

Jamlici and NaI.u were<br />


TEts, of RotJ)'1l road, Gd<br />

their two children.<br />

• • •<br />

. "FJ1l1aI Stan," a 101II<br />

written by UNDA RADULO.<br />

VICH, 01 Hlmpton road, 11<br />

be1D& cOllaid'red for com.<br />

merclal reeordiJla IDd ...<br />

tIona1 releu. In an album<br />

entiUed ''The Now Souncb of<br />

Today."<br />

(CMtI D)<br />

i<br />

1' ': ....•'<br />

I<br />

!<br />

'i<br />

r<br />

" ,

"'-, '-----.. - -~.-~~~-' .... i ""';0 ... "" ........... ------ .......... ---- •• ,------------ ••• , ••••••••• _ .. _----- •• -- ••••••• 11.<br />


Thursday. September 26. 1914<br />

Society News Gatherefi. from the Pointes<br />

Fiesta Folklorico<br />

To Appear Oct. 4<br />

b4uinn Coml*'Y of Sb~gers, Dancers and Musi.<br />

CHins Wi. Open This Year"s lighter Side of<br />

Life Series at War Memorial<br />

The National Dance Company of Mexico pre.<br />

Hn" Fiesta Folklorico, first program in the Grosse<br />

Pointe War Memorial's 1974-75 Lighter Side of Life<br />

series on stage in Fries Theatre Friday evening,<br />

October ...<br />

TIle gala evening begins<br />

at the Lothrop road<br />

hODlf of HelU'jl C. Murray<br />

where complimentary<br />

c:octtaila will be' served.<br />

Guut. part m the War<br />

lIemorial'. loti wbere charter<br />

baHt 1riIl be waJtbJg to<br />

take them to the Murr.y<br />

bouae ai:d returll tJaem fOIl a<br />

Nick tie diIlJIer served III the<br />

center'. CrJatal Ballroom at<br />

7:30 o'cJoeJr.<br />

FoUowiDI dJJmer patrODI<br />

will •acfjouro to the 'I1leatre<br />

lmmeclia~ below for the<br />

.bow, featuriq 50 toIorfully.<br />

CGltwDecl daDeen, liDIen<br />

aDd mualeiaDa divided iDto<br />

Ifarladal, )( a rim ba aDd<br />

luoeho banda.<br />

Fiata FoWorieo iI under<br />

tile clIreeUoa of snvia. LolIDO,<br />

wboae famib' baa ".<br />

dueed "..t actors, directors<br />

and "era - ad D01f a<br />

daneer-dfNetor.<br />

A Il'llcb&ate of the Mutcd<br />

NatioDal IDItItute of F_<br />

AN aDd the BaD can.<br />

AcadelD1. aile 0QaDiIecl. the<br />

Natioaa1 CoaspaaJ' m eoI1abo-<br />

SAVE lO%<br />


CARDS<br />

You aft imIitIId to ..., )'OUr 1974 ....-~zed Chril_ •.<br />

....... from our colIectilon of 0.., 70 0""'..... For ....... than<br />

20 yMI'S the Sphere hoI ptO¥idIid our Miohbo~ cmd friend.<br />

wifh the bftt -'ection onll in the orfCI. To IIeIp<br />

ldance our orden. if you mok. your ~n on or Mfo ••<br />

Mondor, ~ 3Olfl.yOu will ...-; .. 0 I'"' dhcounl ..<br />

The Sphere (Our Old Heme)<br />




~@&~<br />

SALE.<br />

•..... n:<br />

.1Ry.Mft 1eDttter,<br />

NeI .... f1 ... trifn'<br />

.... $220<br />

$179<br />

.sultject Ie prieI' .. Ie.<br />

Every coat in<br />

atoell ia reduced!<br />

Reg. to . $98 PANTCOATS<br />

Reg. to $140 UNTRIMMED<br />

$39 to $79<br />

$49 to $119<br />

Reg. to $200 FUR TRIMMED .$69 to $169<br />

Reg, to $220 UATHIIS $59 to $179<br />

M.iny luedes eM leathe" Iovhhly fur trim,,"",.<br />

rhe Joseph P. Shocks<br />

ratioD with Jorge Escoto.<br />

The pl'OlP'lm will feature<br />

Dance 01 Michoacan. (Tarll.<br />

can Wedding), Dance 01<br />

Oauka, DaDee of SoZlOra,<br />

Daac:e of JalilCO, Dance Cli<br />

YucaUA aDd DallCe 01 Chia.'<br />

pas as wen a. the Pue~leJl<br />

and Fiesta III VerlCl'Ul.<br />

The CompaJIJ bas toured<br />

45 principk cities of Europe<br />

kl rave IIOUcu.<br />

Tbe IJgbter Side aeria<br />

continues Friday, November<br />

29, with c:ockt.,11I at the<br />

Grosse PolnteYaeht Club,<br />

diDDer ill the -Cr1stal BaD.<br />

room IDd a show featuriDI<br />

the Serendipity Sfqera.<br />

Jert'1 Jlurad'.IbrmODleata<br />

brill,; the .... 1OIl to a dole<br />

February 7 alter coektaJJa. et<br />

the Hunt Club alld a<br />

blla Ue dinner. In Saint Clare de Montefako Cburclt Friday<br />

5eIJOlltkkets lnc~ evening, August 9, DOROTHY HELENE lIST,<br />

three coektaU perU., tbne daUCh~ of Mr. and Mrs. AJMhony Silt, of South<br />

diJmen aDd three Ihow

.,"!<br />

Thursday, September 26, 191.<br />

19'14-1975<br />

Jaoobsorrs<br />

•<br />



ICIft«I"'l'k<br />


19299 MACK AVENUE<br />

Grosse Poinle Woods<br />

882.5990<br />

~UNPAY.A~":.'tJj({':"-'<br />

FIIIIUAu' nl-1M';;::;': >,Xit'i:r~r.j";{:f~:f' .<br />

AlA "'-IAN" ~<br />

--------------4-., 'J<br />

A So

. ~<br />

.. ft'.....~::;;; ..<br />

'~~<br />

,<br />

.'<br />

;iJ4-::~,.." ....'!~~71,"f~:~t~ ..':'K~~i.:;q',"'~,'_;R:~~~~:iI't~~:.4#.'---:'~"'''';~,--:,:'''''7''~''''-=''_::::. ,:;:: ..:;::":-::~"":::, '~,,:,::"'.:X:ll:~;:~vided.<br />

Workhorses of the Grosse Pointe Symphony Guest s~aker following<br />

Women's Committee gathered for their first meet. luncheon. will be The Rever.<br />

ing of the season last Thursday September 12 at end LeWISL. Redmond, ~as.<br />

th h f M W G d ) S b 'd "I tor of Cass Met hod 1St<br />

e orne 0 rs. . ar ner traw rl ge Wm) Ch h Devotions will be<br />

hostessed an early-bird breakfast in their honor. I ~iV~~cby Mrs. James Me-<br />

Guests were the new I~h~odore J. S\\:eeney, pub. r Namee.<br />

committee chairmen who lIClty;. lIfr~. LoUIS DUenWeg,/ Fellowship G.roup leaden<br />

'n d' t h . , receptions, lo~rs. Burt E. will be contacting members<br />

WI ,Iree t e .glOUP. S Taylor, co.chalrman of reo [or reservations or they may<br />

mulh.fac~ted projects m cep.tions; ~rs. Richard Kay, be made through Mrs. Wil.<br />

the commg year. They SOCIalafCalJ's; Mrs. Norman )jam Tetro 886.5868<br />

were introduced by Mrs. Bolz, co.chairman of social ' .<br />

William G. 8eU who is affairs; Mrs. Philip Skill.<br />

beginning her s e con d man,, Mrs. Floyd<br />

year as chairman of the Secrest, trIbute fund; Mrs.<br />

, . Elmer L. Barber, telephon-<br />

Women s CommIttee. ing; Mrs. Joseph J, Ml'.r-<br />

They include Mrs. John W. shall, Christmas tea; and<br />

Nelson, by.laws and revi- Mrs. William H. Bundeson,<br />

sions: Mrs. Sterling S. San- spring tea.<br />

ford, Symphony So c i e t y In charge of the group's<br />

memberships; Mrs. Robert J. one.and-only fund.raiser this<br />

Jay, Women's Committee year is Mrs. Walter Isley.<br />

memberships; Mrs. William Roberta devoted her sum.<br />

CoIwI, mailings; Mrs. Adrian mer months to putting to.<br />

V. Wallace, programs; Mrs. gether the machinery for a<br />

The exciting new hair styles that will positively curl yovr hair! Ultra feminine<br />

"A GIRL POWER lOOK" Super cut that adds thickness, ond CI new TRICHOPERM<br />

System con hold curl for weeks, Open 'till 0:00 p.m.<br />

Bart Edmond<br />

21316 Mack Ave. 886-6060<br />

Queen for all nights •••the QueenSI •• Beautyrest!<br />

Open Ellenings 'til 9 P.M. Mon., Thuri., Fri. Other days 'til 5,30 P.M.<br />

778.3500<br />


Planning Rosary Altar Society's Party<br />

" ' . ',,' ".",-;,..,..,,~,,\,,\,<br />


GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.g. Seventeen<br />

Society News Gathered from the Pointes<br />

Slowik-Vanderhoef Vows Exchanged<br />

William Vanderhoef Gives His Sister in Marriage:<br />

Pair Are at Home in Detroit after<br />

Pompano Beach Vacation<br />

A reception at Lochmoor Club followed the<br />

wedding of Janet Kay Vanderhoef and Christopher<br />

Allen Slowik Saturday evening, July 21, in First<br />

English Evangelical Lutheran Church.<br />

The newlyweds who --------vacationed<br />

at Po m pan 0 brother William Vanderhoef.<br />

Beach, Fla., are at bome She chose a white siUt or.<br />

in Edmore drive, Detroit. ganza gown, its tucked yoke<br />

The bride, daughter of accented with re-embroidered<br />

Mrs. William H. Vanderhoef. laee aDd seed pearls, for the<br />

of Blairmoor court, and the 6:30 o'clocll: rites at which<br />

late Mr. Vanderhoef, was The Reverend Paul F. Kep.<br />

given in marriage by her pier presided.<br />

just back from Europel<br />

~~~<br />


here in person<br />

WEDS., OCT. 2nd<br />

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

free consultation<br />

Ph. 881.6833<br />


next to Ihe Bronte Door Restaurant<br />

Anfie/~<br />




GROUPS<br />

OF<br />

FALL ,,~,.N '<br />


. :<br />

"<br />

Page Eighteen<br />

.'. "<br />

, - ........ ~, ...',<br />

,",,'_'JJI'._ ..<br />

Women's Page<br />

Miss Meathe Bride<br />

<strong>Of</strong> Timothy Mertz<br />

Pair Will Return from Hilton Head Vacation to<br />

Make Home in St. Clair Shores; Evenin9 Rites<br />

Are Followed by GPYC Reception<br />

Setting {or the wedding of Mary Christine<br />

Meathe and Timothy R. Mertz Friday evening, S,eptember<br />

20, was Saint Paul's-on-the-Lakeshore. Fath.<br />

ers Joseph Hartman, James Cronk and Thomas<br />

Sheets presided at the 6:30 o'cJock rites.<br />

After a reception at I . -<br />

the Grosse Pointe Yacht rangement of stephanotis, or.<br />

Club the newlyweds left chids and trailing ivy.<br />

to vacation at Hilton Honor attendants Susan<br />

H S Th 'u Tusa and Katb!een Messacar<br />

ead. .C. ey WI reo and bridesmaids Rebecca<br />

~urn to ~ake their home Mertz. of Cleveland, the<br />

In St. ClaIr Shores. bridegroom's sister, Carol<br />

The bride, daughter o{ Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Philip J. Meathe, 01.<br />

Grosse Pointe bvulevard,<br />

chose an ivory silk satin<br />

gown. Vertical French silk<br />

piping detailed her bodice,<br />

sleeves and cathedral train.<br />

Her yoke was fashioned of<br />

re-embroidered Alencon lace.<br />

Meathe. sisler of the bride,<br />

Blair Berendsohn,. of Washington,<br />

D.C.• and Janet Riley,<br />

who came from Spain for the<br />

ceremony, wore champagne<br />

silk jersey frocks styled with<br />

draped cummerbunds.<br />

Their Juliet caps were<br />

fashioned of mat chi n ,<br />

shirred jersey: They carried<br />

She wore a matching lace bouquets ot bittersweet and<br />

mantilla and carried an ar- wheat.<br />

ac&nhonn ·<br />


luscious lemon roll, delic;ate sponge cake,<br />

tangy lemon filling. rich whippechopping.<br />

Regularly $1.75 'Spec... ' •• 39<br />

.AII'IN PAST•••<br />

The real thing' - large assorlment.<br />

Regularly $2.40 dz. Ip.eW ".19 "alUlU<br />

loal.UE h.1f ;.Ity P....... ItO.uiAiE<br />

a(&;nbo;;,iiit"<br />

-' .......~, ....,. e:-. III _ ...............<br />

19487 ~ACK AVE. in 1M Wooch<br />

rH0NE 884;.4251 & 8a~-G067<br />

• Ages 3 to 6 • 2, 3 or 5 Sessions per week<br />


Transportation Availablel<br />

882-1151<br />

23401 JeHerson (Bet. 8 & 9 Mia. Ids.)<br />

DO ITlOla5B.FI<br />

"STEAM"QlAN lOla CARPETS•••<br />


Rent the fantastic new Up & Out Hydro-Mist Machine<br />

for superior carpet cleaning. LOosens and<br />

removes dirt, previous shanipoo residue,<br />

and up to 90% of the moisture in just<br />

one step. Lightweight machine and<br />

pop-up handle makt;!8this Model 625<br />

so easy to operate. Save money ...<br />

get results just like a professi~nal!<br />


24 O~ •• i•• - 220 tel. ft_<br />

With I.ntol of<br />

"Sream" Carper<br />

C.... n••, & this<br />

C_pon.<br />

E.pire. "/15/74<br />

':, :':i'":"':~.~ ;:-.;~.--, :' '~-~ .. "" ." .' •..<br />

Phase I Plans<br />

Talk and 'l'rip<br />

Ron Harmon w;U speak on<br />

the subject 01 TransactiMal<br />

Analysis at a meeting of<br />

Phase I, an all-singles group,<br />

at 7:30 o'clock Sunday, September<br />

29, at Grosse Pointe<br />

Memorial Church.<br />

Singles between the ages<br />

of 20 and 40 are invited to<br />

attend. A social hour will<br />

follow. the program.<br />

A trip &0 Stratford, Ont., is<br />

planned by Phase I {or this<br />

Friday. Septtlmber 27,<br />

through Su!iday, September<br />

29. Further details and reservations<br />

may be obtained<br />

by calling 526.5281.<br />

Phase I meel. every SlJJIday<br />

n i g h t at Memorial<br />

Church. Additiooal illlorma.<br />

tlon on the group's activities<br />

may be obtained by contacting<br />

Gust Jahnke at 882-5330_<br />

The bridegroom, SOIl of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Robert J. Mertz, of<br />

Defiance, 0., asked Michael<br />

Nolan, of Defiance, to act as<br />

best man.<br />

In the usher (,'Orps were<br />

Michael NieD1itedt, Gar y<br />

Powell and William Steffan,<br />

of Defiance, James and Larry<br />

Meathe, the bride's broth.<br />

ers, Eric Mem:, the bride.<br />

groom's brother. and Tom<br />

Non, of Dallas, Telt.<br />

The bride's mother ware a<br />

chocolate silk organza gown<br />

featuring soft ruffles at her<br />

sleeves, side drape and the<br />

hem 01. her skirt. The bridegroom's<br />

mother chose a pale<br />

green silk jersey gown with<br />

a matching long.sleeved<br />

jacket and jewelled neekline.<br />

Both mothers selected pale<br />

,reen eymbidium orchid corsages.<br />

Mr. Millenbach<br />

Claims Brid~<br />

, Edward David Millenbach,<br />

soli of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew<br />

K. Milfenbach, of Three Mile<br />

drive, claimed Patricia Eliz.<br />

abeth Greenmiller, daughter<br />

01. the Frank Greenmillers, of<br />

Edmunton drIve, St. Clair<br />

Shores, as his bride Friday<br />

evening, September 13, In<br />

Saint JOIn of Are Chuteh.<br />

The bride's Empire gown<br />

of embroidered cotton eye.<br />

'let'was'fashioned with puffed<br />

l'iteti'ft trbitme4~'witll:;lieUcovered<br />


'.J \ •<br />

,TIlursd.V, September 26, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />

Schubert chairmen.<br />

Nominatlng e Oltl m ittee<br />

ehalrman Is 1In. BuaaeU<br />

Hepaer. SC!boJarahlp dIa1rman<br />

Is Mrs. LeIUe Beam ...<br />

Mrs. Carl Lord ia in charge<br />

of publicity. .<br />

The ~ptlon dessert and<br />

entertainment were p1anDeci<br />

around a fall theme by ho,.<br />

tesses Mrs. ThOIQII Buyze,<br />

chaifman, Mr.. WlWam Arbaugh.<br />

Mrs. Paul JabloDlki,<br />

Mrs. PielTOD, Mrs. JOHph<br />

DeviDe, Mrs. WWlam Taylor,<br />

Mrs. Edwin Wendt and'<br />

Mrs. JOMph Spapol1.<br />

. ~ tBiS $<br />

..e£J~rolea'.i ~<br />

Beaut" Salon<br />

NOW: OPEN AT •••<br />

22520 MACK AVE. 't; 719-1220<br />


(DonIthy Formerly 01 Den .... )<br />

':J~eBranJL"Studio<br />

Reminds You That Po rtro its<br />

Ar,! A '{«!':Y.~~p"~ial<br />


Call Fo1TAI1 Appointment<br />

881-1336<br />


...... ' c&DnDetE; ~~~"Dr.aDd B.' T!lomas Weyhillg, Ill, AJ1Ie,Jecture wiD lIe.ja ,£~.<br />

XarenE. S1lIk ,uc1 Tere .. )Irs; A1laDA. zaUD, the Vrs. Bicbanl J. Martin. Jr., Usb, the liJm in Frencb with<br />

Gallaiher are in charge of Emmet E. Traq., Jr., the Mrs. Geor(e F. Ryclunan Eqlish sub-tiU... T1Jere it no<br />

l1Ihen. Ga'~ SJattet)'S, II". Jobn Mrs. Edgar Hahn, M r Ii: admission ebar,e fOl. Grosse<br />

Reservations chairman are M. Murphy and Mrs. Powell Robert o. Anner. Mrs. NOl'- Pointe AlliIDce members.<br />

Mr•. lIylu F. GriffIth, Il88- Peabody. man 1.. Parker, Mrs. Corne.<br />

8M2, and Mrs. Reginald T. Still others are Mr. and Dus G. Ego and Mrs.<br />

Murphy, 715-4fN9. Mrs. David S. Summer., Arthur H. Bacon.<br />

Amon, those. plalUliJl, to 111'1. Louis I. Cote, the Mrs. James D. Eastin,<br />

attend are Mr. and Mrs. A. Geor_e H. Zimmermans, the .tate regent, is the presiding<br />

Jerome BDSley,Jr., TIle Hon. Waltr.,:, L. Cialers; IIr. and officer.<br />

orable Vincent J Brennan Mrs. D. E. Eagles, of sarma, Representative Robert J.<br />

and Mrs. Brennan: Mrs. WO. Ont.. the John R. Sullivans, Huber spoke at the Defense<br />

. ber II. Brucker with repre- th-: ~esda~es Allce Roshak, Lunclleon yesterday, 8eptem.<br />

sentatives from the School of Philip J. Skillman, Donald J. ber 25. Mr. Huber, elected to<br />

Government the E T MacDonald, Beatrice S. wn. the 93r

~<br />

I<br />

'1 iI<br />

!<br />

i<br />

f<br />

I<br />

II<br />

!<br />

i<br />

,<br />


Women's Page-by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Open Bridge Group'. Year<br />

'!he G..... PlMDte W..... , bn1ted; tbeJ Deed DOt make<br />

Chab Bridle Group .adMln up &llelr 0WIl talllel but rei'<br />

for ita firIt _eetiq of..... ervatiou are ~.<br />

Chairman )In. aaJpII Uno,<br />

lIealOG Den Wed.DeIcIa,. ()e. ---. and eo-clIairman<br />

tober 2, in the JoeephiDe Mrs. Jack Merritt, 886-82m,<br />

GfeIOI'Y Room of the Groue are aceepting them through<br />

Polllte War Memorial ca. SltunSay, september 21.<br />

ter', A18er HOUle, AuiJti.1\1 Mrs. Uno and<br />

A ullchridl. buffet ,,",ed Ifn . .Merritt tbiJ seuoa will<br />

at DOOIl will be followed by be Mn. John Kelly, !lIn.<br />

an aftel'DOOll of eucII. All Harold Lee aDd !lira. John<br />

bridge-playjDI memben are SChDeider.<br />

Annual<br />

\'"ARN SALE<br />

S""'I Today<br />

BrUDswicks Windrush<br />

100% Orion Acrylic<br />

"-Oz ... Ply. Skeins<br />

Machine Washable<br />

$1.25<br />

.... 1.69<br />

lO~OnIy<br />

Good Afghan Ranges,<br />

and Fashion Colors<br />


Comple,. An Needle.od, Store<br />

7-Madt elr. Nex' to<br />

112-6670 fenlon's falHia<br />


GentIemo,,'s countrY estate on 160 acres with one mil.<br />

of road frontage, incomparable farm home completely<br />

restored with exquisite toste, wormfttand charm<br />

throughout interior. 4 Bedrooms, 2 battts, rustic beams<br />

CHtd fireptoee inspocious-Iiwing room. Beoutiful letting<br />

in many pine and fNit trees, 32 acr.s of woods, beau.<br />

tifu' ."ritt9'ted po;.d; 2 fal'fl* bom. wifft _ corral.<br />

Much more to Me. Call 796-2242. Land contract hrrms.<br />

S 1250 per acre. 13-102.<br />


This is one of those Yefy special fieldstone and frame<br />

farm Calonial which combines Ioc:ation and condition,<br />

inside and out. 3 8edrooms, 2.baths, 2 fireplaces, family<br />

room, beaunfvl secluded setting in trees and evergreens,<br />

7 acres of rolling countryside with large pond<br />

for your enjoyment. S57,000. Land contract ferms.<br />

11.100.<br />


Ultimate in country living in this beavtifulIy mointained<br />

fa"", home. Completely remodeled. 5 Bedrooms, family<br />

roam, plush carpeting. Truly a fine home on 20 acres<br />

with a 1200 sq. ft. barn and electric fencing for your<br />

horses. Must be seen. Land contract term •. #3-092.<br />

Mrs. Arthur L. Kirby, III<br />

Wedding vows were spoken in Grosse Pointe<br />

United Methodist Church Saturday, June 29, by<br />

MARY ELIZABETH CORDIER. daughter of the<br />

Carl Cordiers. of Moross road. and Mr. Kirby, son<br />

of Mrs. Gwendolyn Kirby, of Clawson.<br />

The Anthony Lapianas<br />

Married to Mr. Lapiana, son of the senior<br />

Lapianas. of Chicago, Sunday, August 25, at<br />

Raleigh House was PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE<br />

"fELl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. MeU,<br />

of Pear Tree lane.<br />

Miss Cordier Wed Miss Meli Speaks<br />

To Arthur Kirby, III Vows August 25<br />

Morning Ceremony Is Followed by Reception at<br />

$rosse Pointe War Memorial; Cluny Lace<br />

Accents Bridal Gown<br />

At home in Royal Oak are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur<br />

Lee Kirby, III, who vacationed in northern Canada<br />

and'theEastem States f()Howing their wedding Saturday.<br />

June 29, in Grosse Pointe United Methodi~t<br />

Church.<br />

The 11 o'clock rites at<br />

wmch The Reverend<br />

Perry Thomas presided<br />

were foUowe!l by a reception<br />

at the Grosse Pointe<br />

War Memorial. '"<br />

For her mornill; weddlng<br />

the former ElizabeUi Cordier.<br />

daugbter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Carl Cordier, of Moron road,<br />

chose a white organza gown<br />

panelled with Cluny lace.<br />

Matching lace trimmed her<br />

long Camelot sleeves and<br />

stand-up coUar and a laceaccented<br />

Camelot headpieee<br />

caught her illusion veil. She<br />

carried an arrangement of<br />

pink Sweetheart roses, white<br />

baby carnations, pur pIe<br />

s tat I s, baby's.breath and<br />

greens.<br />

In blue and white checked<br />

gingham frocks with white<br />

organu sleeves and bodices<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5<br />

1'62- S. IINAUD<br />

Spacious rancft .located on Q beautifully landsCaped lot in one of the most<br />

prestitious 0'"' of GrOIN Poin1lt Woods. There's a paneled library for Dad<br />

and 0 comfortable fan1ily roam for family fun. This well consfructed home<br />

alsa feoturft a roomy, modern "itchen, Iorge double bedroom closets. at.<br />

tached two cor garage wiffI an automatic door opener, cenfral air condi.<br />

tioning and a paneled recreation room complef. with wet bar. An oufstanding'<br />

.alue wftidl is a cWieht to Me and a pieawr. to own.<br />

,- ..~-., -',<br />

~..:" > ,:,.-.-(<br />

("'",. se'<br />

t<br />

I<br />

114 .... v...... the ..... - .. ~10<br />

".-<br />

.'~ ...:._"""<br />

Review Club to Open ¥ear<br />

man, Mrs. Lawrenee Holmes,<br />

Mrs. Charles Brundle Mrs.<br />

William Koerber and Mrs.<br />

C. D. Chapin. Mrs. Chapin<br />

is ta~g reservations for<br />

Pointe-area members.<br />

Mrs. Priestman, Review<br />

Club music chairmlln, has<br />

arranged for a program fea.<br />

turing mezzo soprano Chris.<br />

tine Lypeckyj, bom in Stan.<br />

yalaviv in the Ukraine. As a<br />

young girl she moved to Ger.<br />

eekend inrorontd<br />

most extraordinary<br />

new hotel<br />

This weekend you can lounge around a beautiful indoor<br />

outdoor pool ... rela:>t in a sauna bath ... stroll through<br />

an elegantly furnished lobby spotted wi(h ~~<br />

fountained pools and lush greenery. "". \ ~<br />

There's excep(ional dining at Zachary's<br />

and dancing to live entertainment<br />

at Dr. Livingstone's ... this weekend at<br />

The Eristol Place, Toronto's<br />

most extraordinary new hotel.<br />

Ttnnit & golf arrnllurmtnl. "pon rtquttl.<br />

NewfywedAnthony Lapianas. Jr., Cruise to Naples<br />

and V.cation in Rome before Retuming<br />

to Make Their Home in fraser<br />

Phyllis Antoinette MeIi, wearing her mother's<br />

wedding gown of ivory satin band-beaded with seed<br />

pearls and her mother's veil with its headpiece 'of<br />

Rosepoint lace, spoke her marriage vows to Anthony<br />

Lapiana, Jr., Sunday evening. August 25.<br />

'l'he 'Honorable Gus --------were<br />

honor maid Christine Cifelli 'of Oakland County from Chicago to serve as his<br />

AlleD and bridesmaids Mrs. presided at lbe 6 o'clock future's best<br />

Douglas Cordier, Mrs. rites at Raleigh House man. Usbers were Simon<br />

MJclIael Lozano. Mrs. Charles where a reception' fol. Thom.. and the bride's<br />

Re~rt .:.~.~=:s<br />

~~ lowed the 'cei-eDlOnY';I;'. ,~rothte.t!I,. Frut li 9.,r1, fin.<br />

bats were trimmed With blue The bride :ii:u.e:dauihter,,~~a~!r.a~Jl~' , '"<br />

ribbon. Their bouq~.s were' of Mr. and Mrs. VlIIceJIt A. .. i. 1fJ'I. KeJl,dwse a multi.<br />

fa s h j 0 II e d of SweetbeaJ1 Meli, of Pear Tree laDe, tIJe colored Iequi DDe d gown,<br />

roses. baby blue carnatiollS bridegroom the lOll of Ifr. orange and yellow the preand<br />

baby's.breath. and Mrs. Anth<strong>Of</strong>ty Lapiana, domillating eolors. for her<br />

Flower .girl 'Was Katherine of Chicago. daughter's wedding. The<br />

Sehmldt. White gar d e Di a s and bridegroom's mother wore a<br />

The bridegroom, son of baby's-breath formed thl! beige chiffon gown with a<br />

Mrs. Gwendolyn Kirby, of bridal bouquet while the short gold jacket.<br />

Clawson. asked Robert Dust. bride's attendants. Carmen T'.te newlyweds cruised<br />

er to act as best man. Ush. Meli, who served III her ail. from New York to Naples<br />

ers were Douglas Cordier, ter's honor maid. and brides. . ,<br />

brother of the bride, Michael mai~ Valdonna Lapiana, the then traveled b; car. to<br />

leuno, Charles Reinhart and bridegrooQl's sister, and An. Rome for a week s vacation<br />

Frank Keegan. tonia Bulalino, the bride'. before returning to the States<br />

The bride's mother wore a cousin, car r i e d arrange. to make their home in<br />

floor length shirtwaist of ments of gardenias with yel. Fraser<br />

pale yellow chiffon, the bride- low aDd orange Sweetheart . _<br />

groom's mother a long red roses.<br />

and white gingham dress Their silk jersey frocks<br />

trimmed in. white. Both moth. were floral-printed in yellow<br />

ers selected yellow orchid and orange on white.<br />

corsages. Anthony Borse11lDo came<br />

Mrs. Frank Scott Perkin,<br />

new president of the Detroit<br />

Review Club. will officially<br />

open the Club's 83rd year<br />

Tuesday, October 8, greeting<br />

members and guests at a subscription<br />

luncheon at the<br />

Women's City Club.<br />

Mrs. Charles U. Hauer<br />

heads the committee making<br />

luncheon arrangements.<br />

Among her Pointe assist.<br />

ants are Mrs. Bewley Priest-<br />

many where she studied Jan.<br />

guages, ballet and piano with<br />

private tutors.<br />

She has appeared as soloist<br />

with the Trembita Chorus,<br />

toured the United States and<br />

Canada as soloist with the<br />

Bandura Choral Society and<br />

organized a group of folk<br />

singers. She was the Grinnell<br />

AuditiollS regional finalist<br />

alld a Metropolitan Opera<br />

Auditions finalist and hasap.<br />

peared with the Michigan<br />

Opera Company's Overture<br />

to Opera. I<br />

Her program for the Re'<br />

view Club wi I I Include<br />

Ukrainian folk songs. She<br />

will appear in Ukrainian costume.<br />

introduced by Mrs. N.<br />

Conner Gunn, vice chairman<br />

of the Review Club's program<br />

committee. Program<br />

chairman is Mrs. Aaron E.<br />

Wilcox. Mrs. Priestman will<br />

accompany Miss Lypeckyj on<br />

the piano.<br />


daughter of the RICHARD<br />

SPli:ERS, of 'Moran road,<br />

b.. been selected as a head!<br />

resident of Skidmore CoUege<br />

where she is a senior. !<br />

Merry-Gl>Rounders to Danc. in 'Si.m'<br />

"'Ibe King and I" 11 the ver AnDivenary aan &Mur.<br />

theme for Merry.Go-Rowx1' day. Ma)' 3, at the Detroit<br />

ers' black tie diDner~lIICe Yacht Club.<br />

scheduled for Saturday, .oe. Merry. Go • Rounder. 11 a<br />

lober 5, .t the Graue Pomte socl.1 e 1u b limited to 100<br />

Vacht Club. ADn Rackey, of member.couple. who love lo<br />

Moorland drIve, is accepting dance.<br />

reservations for members<br />

and tlleir guests through this ... --------""'"1<br />

Saturday, September 28.<br />

Decor wtll be Siamese, of<br />

course, and each ~rty.goer<br />

will be designed a "king" or<br />

"queen" of several dif{erent<br />

countries, bid to change partners<br />

whenever he/slle sees<br />

his/her opposite n u m b e r<br />

"kine"I"queen" gliding by.<br />

Cocktails at 7 will be followed<br />

by dillDer at 8:30 at<br />

this first festivity of Merry.<br />

Go.Rounder,' 25th yeu.<br />

The 1974-75 season features<br />

thl'ee more black Ue dinnerdances.<br />

Lochmoor Club will<br />

be the setting for "Under the<br />

Vum-Yum Tree" F rid a y,<br />

December 6, the Grosse<br />

Pointe.Hunt Club for<br />

"Cabaret" Saturday, .March<br />

15. The year closes with a Sil.<br />

NlJR'iIr-;r: 'i! R~lrr

,',<br />

"'.!'".l;'.<br />

Thun4ey. ~ I'. 1.74<br />


Society News Gathered. from. the Pointes<br />

Church Circle, Slate Se"iom<br />

01'01II PlIUte MeJDOrill<br />

ClMareb Cirele m. mIt.rI<br />

.. ,. twr tint. Bible<br />

.UdII'" studi meetiqs<br />

Hat Tuelday, Oetober 1.<br />

TbeJr .ubJeet ia the Boot 01<br />

Matthew. Circle chairman<br />

1In. Peter J. KoeD1I, Jr.,<br />

-..em, win be happy ~<br />

1Mar from aDYoae who wiIbe.<br />

tQ I•.<br />

lIol'llial Cirdea meetln, at<br />

,: 10 o'clock laelllde CIl'eJe<br />

ODe at tbe Wanaer road bome<br />

Cfrdea .eeuq at 1lJ'doet<br />

are Kn. Jolul "IDa, of<br />

Cadieux road, Circle Five,<br />

Kn. GordOIl Lieaemer, of<br />

LeziDPoil road, Circle Six,<br />

Ud IIrs. Gust Jalmte, of<br />

Filher road, Cirele Seven.<br />

Clrele Elgbt will pther .t<br />

tbe WaahiDltoD rew.d bome of<br />

111'1. D.vid Kiever at •<br />

o'clock. Circle, Nine meetl .t<br />

the Church at 1:30 ill the<br />

momiD ••<br />

01 IIrs. !:ureDe Al1eII, Cire1e ~innesot. Women<br />

Two at Ifra. Jolla Me- LAunch Oct. 4<br />

CreiPt', IIclCillley ph ee<br />

'-olllt, CireJe Tbree at 111'1.<br />

UODanl Hot*JDa' reaideDee 1he Ullivenity of lliDne.<br />

1.11the Shore Club aDd Circle IOta Women'. Club will<br />

"our at tile Mowat V.rDOI1 launch its 19'74-'7G season<br />

Friday, Odober f, with •<br />

road boIDe ollln. Frederick 12:15 o'dock llllleheoa meet.<br />

EVIJlI. jqg at the Soulhfie1cl bome<br />

HoIteue, lor Atte1'llOOll 01 Mn. RaYJDODCi Boeb. Co-<br />

--------- boIteues .re the MueI'lDa<br />

BART EDMOND Everett Wright. Howard<br />

Ap'-'i"retl Dir«ro.r B.aer, Nichola, KItDjo,Ui aud<br />

...- Clareaee Humpllriea.<br />

Mr ..... £4 ........ Ioee. Guest apeaker Mrs. Edward<br />

..... IelII Ie .1Ie "UCIII of W. WU1iaml will dilcllU You<br />

. Direderel Vi .e "....... .- &be 8-J..<br />

~. n IriHte'" e _.<br />

Ie 11'- Ile IIe... eI Club members allo plan to<br />

w. 'ioa. Ma. Dee.... atteDd the IIIrmesota.lIieb1.<br />

M.. J.k. ... ....iMd Ia laD "LJttIe BrownJill" foot.<br />

............ lid. ~ Ia die lNIn,.me October 261.11AIm<br />

, C_ P.. te su... Arbor, cIepvtiq by bull .t<br />

"to__ ......... e.-Ies 10:SO o'doek from tJIe Dear.<br />

Ie • ..1leioI.., eI Gnenl bon CauBtry .Club aDd re-<br />

F...... turIlIq tIIere after the came<br />

f... ,_ ialelftlN i.. for a diJmer-daDee.<br />

...... ....-.11' .!left .. All :M'iJmeeota allUlUli are<br />

lie 1..-11. fee'.... ..Iy IDrited ~ partieipate 1.11either<br />

1606 .ia.. _ Iao.ealor)'. 01' both ...... l"IIrther iJa.<br />

t..jIIeIe IraiIIlJII .... _.<br />

..... W- at _ e-t. Iwmatioll ma, be obtaiDed<br />

f iew write Mr. H.... br ea1UIlt Jlra. a.,aI C. Bar.<br />

Ell 21316 Mile" 4.e.. cIeD, Jr., Chal prelideDt, at<br />

c... te ...... Mlell. __ , ar 1In. Jo1m lie.<br />

4&236,. .<br />

Daaae1l, ~.<br />

3~e Clot'eJ CloJef<br />


PRESeNTS ...<br />


• FUR TRIMS<br />


• VESTs.<br />


.,OR.FALL"", . ,<br />

". ~FAoSrHl()N::SH:A'f)ES<br />




elo/~eJ CloJel<br />

Mack at Nine Mile<br />

St. Clair Shores<br />

The Thomas Hartkops<br />

•<br />

YOUR<br />

~fio~aqo1t,<br />

. '-<br />


may not have the<br />

world on II string,<br />

but she knows<br />

your community<br />

inside oul.<br />

II you',. fill. in totm.<br />

~,".,..."<br />

.' .<br />

Newfyweds Ate et Home in Eest Lensing W"ere<br /> Working Toward e DU41Masters 0.9'"<br />

While Tuching in the Medical School<br />

Rogers City's Westminster Presbyterian Church<br />

wu setting for the !Saturday, September 7, cere.<br />

mony at which Thomas Henry Hartkop, son of Mrs.<br />

Henry H. Hartkop, of South Oxford .-oad, and the<br />

late Dr. Hartkop, claimed 'Michele Anita Davis as<br />

his bride. ---------- I<br />

The 1 o'clock rites at puffed sleeves, for her early<br />

w hie h The' Reverend afternoon wedding.<br />

Frederick Steen presided A C. m e 10 I headpiece<br />

were followed by a recep- caught her silk illusion veil.<br />

lion at the Ro-rs City She carried an elongated CiS-<br />

.... eade of dalsl .. , lavender<br />

home of her parents Mr. d pi t. .<br />

and .Mrs. R-&...rt N, Davl's. mum. an pur e s atice m.<br />

\11n: tertwined with h"j',<br />

After a Canadian vacation She was attended by her<br />

tbe aewlyweds aN * home sistet Suzanne Davis as maid<br />

iA Eaat LallaiDa where be is of bODOr aod the' bride.<br />

workiq on • dual Jlaaters ;room's sisters Elitabeth<br />

detree in neuro anatomy.1Id Ruth Hartkop as bridesmaid<br />

aeuro pathololY Wlder Dr. and Catherine AM. Hartkop<br />

Marpret Jooea at Itidlil'D as junior bridesmaid .<br />

. State Utlivenlty while Their puff.sleeved, scoop.<br />

iDJ both. 'allbjedl ill the :Kedi. necked green froeb were<br />

cal SChool. Iimllar 1.11style to tbe bridal<br />

The bride, 111 IISU Medic.l IOwn. T2ley wore floral caps<br />

TedUlolol)' graduate, aeleet. of white mums, stlttice Ind<br />

ed a wbite alUr: priDceu ;own, ivy matching their bouquets.<br />

Jaee.trimmllCl aDd fubioDed Be.t maD was Edward<br />

with a JeOOP Deek aDd Ibort, JobnlOll. Stephen H. HilIrtltop,<br />

Exchanging marriage vow. in Weltminlter<br />

Presbyterian Church, Rogers City, 81tunlay, sep. CUSTOM DRAPERIES<br />

tember 7, were MICHELE ANITA DAVIS, daughter<br />

of Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert N. Davis, of Roten B PAGlINA'S<br />

City, and Mr. Hartk~, son of Mn. Henry H. Y .<br />

~=:' of South 0 ord road, aDd the late Dr. 19435 MACK at PRESTWICK<br />

Legion Ladie, Seat <strong>Of</strong>ficer,<br />

(l.ocflNd ;,. "..<br />

• Cu.tom<br />

W...,../m-rio, 1IdrI.)<br />

wittI falNk Ie match<br />

01'OllH PoiDte ,UDlt JIll for tbJ.I ,ear lDdude c::Mu • w.... Centid .., ,,",utlH<br />

Amerie.- t..qioa AwdIiar:)t 10111I dY1Nd by G r ae. • . Wtlftft W...<br />

h.u iAstaUed ita 1974-75 om. Hoopes, attelllclaDee prius • W." Ceveri.,.a<br />

eetI iDeludillc ADelia Cable, beaded bJ Iiln. Eekal .. aDd • Cwtom Win4ew ShaHIn<br />

praJdeat. CllriItbIa. DriIIk. Spirit Gf '71 tbaJred bJ JIn. • lath Ace..... by Kinch<br />

.ater, vice.preaidel1to liable ADea. • Dtapety Hardwa .. ., Kinch" Graber<br />

Eckmaa, chaplain. I( ary Speaken at tbe Ullit'. f1rat • 1 inch Le""" "Inch in over .0 Dec.tatf.,.<br />

WIlIte, seeret&rr, Mat'laret fall meetlq were Ju1LPDe ..._._- .... - Gl. he Colors<br />

Goodmau. corresllClDdiDl dC- Pattenca aDd Cuot oJ.... ~, •• .-w ng '"<br />

retaly. 1lIl1'7 Del ._ - , Doerr, bJ.Ib _ _...._.~.-IA-. ,,__<br />

Sh1thi.,. by Kirsch<br />

. ,",<br />

. "<br />


For H~/p To Co"ti •• * Y.. r ",.",.,,~,<br />

CIIII812.}fJtJD<br />

Pregnancy Aid, Inc.<br />

-F~ ~nlmcy Tffi-<br />

:J~eBelle,..JJalf<br />




TO<br />

MIX '<br />

AND<br />

MATCH<br />

BY<br />


MR. ALEX<br />



treaaurer, ud Elva NeJlsen, wbo atteDcled GlrIa' State .... CUSTOM OUHRlfS MAHU'ACT&MID<br />

parUameatariu. .1esaioftI at _011... CoIleIe. - "n II 1,7<br />

Kn. Cable, JIlQIdiDI at 'l'bey weN iDtrod1Ieed by IN OUR OWN WOIKltOOM' 'he '.::>e"er ....HAl~<br />

her fil'It fan meetiDI, an- IIrs. Duller. SUMMH HOUII$, MONDAY. 'IHIIOUOH SA1'UIlDA't'0.5<br />

~eD.~~ ::u::.<br />


liveability is coupled with elegance in this spacious Colonial.<br />

AccommodQ~ons include foVl' large family bedrooms - all<br />

with boths, a 30' living room, big library, 2 first floor fireplaces,<br />

a guest-size dining room, great kitchen with pantry<br />

and breCllkfast room and additional bedrooms and bath on the<br />

third floor.<br />

r"''' ..~~ ~ ~ fer. ovtdoor Q(tivitie •• Th •<br />

"""....<br />

Not just a home, but a way of life for the family with a flair<br />

'k;r~-.ri;',OUitd pool and greenhouse overtook more than an<br />

acre of lush sprinklered grounds - and plenty of room for<br />

a tennis court, too!<br />

Coil todoy lor'd.foils on fhis or ony of our ofh., fine off.rings.<br />

3 GroIN Pointe<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fic ..<br />

881.4200<br />

Ok-.I'o-be-rl-e-. - 19435 MACK at P,estwick Jefferson at 10 Mile<br />

..u a. head of ailldreD aDd HI' 1ft GfOIM Point. Wood. "5-2420 St. Clair Shores<br />

Youtb. For Newcomer. ....... _<br />

JIra. Goodman wUl be re- '<br />

aPooa.ibJe Ioi EducaticHl, aad'.,... .•. ~' •.' '. ,<br />

ScholArlbl~"ua" POt~'Preal .. "To,Clelebrate ~~ u:eel.<br />

dub ParW1V JIn. DrIU. Jeat eropoi New".. m.m.<br />

water for LeIia1atioll, 1117. beI'I the Newcomers Club .,<br />

Del Barba lor Veteraa's Groue .Po~ ~. mdlq<br />

AlIaJrs aad J1ehabWtaUoD, fl.l1., _.pIaBa far .. Oktober.<br />

Mrs. White for. Poppy Salea feN,. l:iIturday, october. $.<br />

aDd lira. Eckman for Na- ,T2le evelliDc beaJu at .:10<br />

tioJllJ Seewity and Civil De- 0 clock with eoelrtai1a ~<br />

bon d'oeuvre. aened dl<br />

feDle. . variollJ members bom.. ,<br />

Othen chairln, commlttee.s' tben will Pl'Ogreli to a 'Uf.<br />

are. U1enna StaDbury, .AD!en. prise localion where party.<br />

calUlm and CommWUtatioDs goen will enjoy true German<br />

aad Pre., 1lelatiOlll, Hasel cuisine iDcJudiJigsauerbraten,<br />

Allor, Community Service, sausage and sauerkraut<br />

Doria Neilsen, CoDa~Mion German potato .1J1d .nd<br />

aDd <strong>By</strong>-La,,, aDel Fmaace, aermau chocolate cake-and<br />

Lucille JOin,er, ForeiCD Re- of course aU the Germu<br />

lationa, M.1'7 DlIJter, GirIJ' bier they ~D. drink.<br />

State, and Ruth ADen, mem. An authenUe GermaD Band<br />

besrabi~al' ctivitie heduled wiU. play for sln,illg aDd<br />

peCl a s sc daJJeJJ16.<br />

PlalllliJll the feat are IIr.<br />

and Mrs. Jolm Hortoa, chair.<br />

men, Dr. II!d Mrs. R1cl1arcl<br />

CbeITJ, IIr. and 111'1. Arthur<br />

Hesabur, Mr. aIId lira.<br />

Peter HOlman, Mr. and 1Irs.<br />

LaITJ LOpez, Mr. aJld Kn.<br />

Cbarlea )(eyer, Mr. and lira.<br />

Tom Nalls aI\d IIr. and Kn.<br />

Tom Sieber. Also opeD'<br />

their home for the party are<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dan HoDalJd.<br />

Couples who have recently<br />

moved to the Groue Pointe<br />

area from outaide Detroit<br />

are e1IIible for Newcomen<br />

membenhip. Intereated per.<br />

sons may cOlltad the Cll1b<br />

membership chairmen at<br />

8Il$-S705 or 886-7811 for fur.<br />

ther Inform.tion.<br />

Hartkop-Davis Rites Celebrated Sept. 7<br />

Tc)(fay's rising gasolh.e prices needn't drive room as the Rolli-Royce Silver Sh.ldow.<br />

you to distraction. Or even to an economy car. More tnud< space than .Contlnmtal Mark IV.<br />

Look what you get from the 1974 Audi looLS. Front-wheel drive Ilk. the Cadillac Eldorado.<br />

~:~~:s."=<br />

~~::t; ~:~~<br />

brother 01 the bridepoom, 'I'tle JIIOtber of tIae bride<br />

ushered .nd! c. D.vW, w(re • ~ ,lntt ~<br />

the bride'. brother, .&1 j\lll- lOW'" tlu bridepOOm',<br />

lor IJ'OOInsm.D. moUMr a IOWD fII U¥J ft.<br />

Special weddl.l1g muaie .a, embroklered Iaee. TIle ....<br />

pl.yed .nd suog by Jeffrey IfOOm'. ~tber, IIrs.<br />

W. HarUtop, .nother blGtber K. T. Crail, MIectecI a "Y)'<br />

of the bride&room, who ,110 aDd pearl 10ft. PirJr. ,....<br />

ushered, Donald Tapert .nd .ad white e.l'1l'U08s fermed<br />

Mr. Jobnaon. the best m.n. their COJ'IICeJ •.<br />

AudrJOOLS,~r.~~~l:~ ..ry.<br />

A lot of cars lor the naoney. .<br />

A lot of miles tothe pIIoit.<br />

, '.

\<br />

~<br />

t<br />

i<br />

I I1 I<br />

1 II<br />


1 Lega I Notice<br />

lA Personals<br />

II Death Nolice<br />

Ie Public Sole<br />

2 Entertainment<br />

2.... Music Education<br />

21 Tutoring and EdUC4tion<br />

2C Hobby Instruction<br />

2D Com;>s<br />

2E Athletic Instruction<br />

2F Schools<br />

2G COMole.cenl Care , ,<br />

3 Lost and Found<br />

4 Help Wonted General<br />

4A h'4lp Wonll'd Domestic<br />

48 Services to Exchange<br />

4C House Silting Services<br />

5 Situation Wonted<br />

5.... Situation Domestic<br />

58 Employment Agency<br />

5C Catering<br />

6 For Rent Unfurnished<br />

6A For Rent Furnished<br />

68 ,Rooms for Rent<br />

6C <strong>Of</strong>fice tor Rent<br />

6D Vocation Rentals<br />

6E Garage for Rent<br />

6F Shore Living Quarters<br />

6G Store or OHice Rental<br />

6H For Rent or Sole<br />

7 Wonted to Rent<br />

711. Room Wonted<br />

78 RO" ..l and Board Wont!!!<br />

7C Gorage Wanted<br />

7D Storage Space Wonted<br />

8 Art ieles for SoIe<br />

8A. Musical Instruments,<br />

88 Antiques for Sale<br />

8C <strong>Of</strong>fice Equipment<br />

9 Articles Wonted<br />

10 Snowmobiles for Sole<br />

10.... Motorcy<br />

.~~ .<br />

3-LOST J.ND'FOUN6<br />

LOST gold cross, Tuesday,<br />

september 17th, front of<br />

Jaeobson'js Home Sbop. Reward<br />

•. 88«),8866.<br />


• GENERAL<br />


PEOPLE; Bruce N. Tappan<br />

&. Associates has. ~peninglJ<br />

for real estate salespeople.<br />

Prefer perlOlIll with<br />

previous sales experience.<br />

Ho:.vever, if you have am.<br />

bition and wet to make<br />

more moaey and are wiD.<br />

ing to work for n, we can<br />

offer you the bestoppor.<br />

tunity in Grosse Pointe.<br />

Call John llou for perlODal<br />

interview.<br />

TAPPAN<br />

SECRETARY for offices in<br />

Grosse Pointe, must poss.<br />

ess charm, character aDd<br />

fine appearance, ,uitable<br />

forprestJge office. Typing<br />

and shorthand skills reo<br />

quired, lmowledge of bookkeeping<br />

desirable but not<br />

requin!d l'lene can Char.<br />

terHouse and Company at<br />

643-60S5.<br />

MIDNIGHT-Col1ege student,<br />

Thund'Y. september 26. 1974 6 R 0 SSE POI NT E NEW S' '. Twenty.Thr ..<br />


• -<br />


BEAUTIFUL Z bedroom 11at.<br />

fl30 moathly, vWlUes<br />

paid, .pPliances, c.r"rted,<br />

tJdI, pea. ok. &e1J'l Rent-<br />

• la, 388-3800.<br />

CHANDLER Park Drive<br />

.rea, '180 JIIClDtbIy, 2 bed.<br />

room britt home, ba ...<br />

ment, ,.rage. near scbool<br />

.Dd shoppin,. kids, pea.<br />

ok. &elrs R.eDtaJa,. 3tJ8.<br />

3600.<br />

lI'URNISHED offlee with an. IlIMTAU 'STARTING PIJebo. Cyber.. MOD ERN Daveaport, I 4 FAJlILY Garlge Sale, liar- ~ OFF Christmu C.rds!<br />

Iftriq aervice, $75. 17801 FORT MYERS BE A C H, ueties WorUbopa ill NJI- mODtba old, anUque d1nln, Diture, cJothiDJ, reeordl, unW Ottober 1.• clt.10Is.<br />

Ealt Warren. 885-1900. Florid •. View Gulf, Olym. im.p pIJ)'cholOty, from room table, Ubr• .., table, boob, 'ppllabCU, mileel. The Quill (see our dilpl.y<br />

DENTAL SUITE (2 cuil'l-- fpiC,size pool, Colf ..~ ~ ~lIrwn!WtI. mlllY other Items. TV" U1DtoU1.Tblll'ldayand Fri. Id). at HlmptOlJ,<br />

' .. l1u equipped) •••_ Z _ .. rom our comer, .. --..' p.m .... p.m. U'llI. d.y 11).$.1882Country Club GroSSI Polllte Woods.<br />

......, ..... ... ~ room Condominium. Golf, for nen da.. starting I Drive.<br />

room office. Heated and 500 yarda to flnt tee, prl; date, special &roup r.tes. ELECTRIC deluxe stove, -_________ EXCELLENT ::ollaition, lIa,.<br />

• Ir cOllditioDed. 1141'1 E. te i d A."l .... --------- Geueral Electric self de- HOOVER spin ~ry portable n.vox Stereo cOllsole, $150.<br /> near Outer Drive. v. per, eep se • ......-.. ALFREDO'S froel refrigerator, Frencb washer. Extellelll tOndl. II" bl.ek NaUJalJyde sofl<br />

Can 1lJ5.Ot5'1. EveDin,. JhellilJg. LinenJ, c.ble TV, September Sale Provinelal ch.i&e IOIUJ,e, liOlJ. $76. 839.7006. $100. $tO. Two<br />

88f.IIe9O. weekly or selSOllll Eve. 15% off ODcllltom fr.miDI, plDt clIest OIl cbest, pair I decorltor lampa $2S each.<br />

Z SMALL OFFICES, 1..<br />

Harper, 1 .t $80, 1 at $75.<br />

Includes utilities aad lit<br />

conditiOlJing. 884-6320days,<br />

886.1T11 nights.<br />

nia,s. 53a~l2t. 20 to 30DAIoff OIl oils,.nd of. very tan Adlm .nd Eve IBIi Selectric typewriter, W.lnut chtir $1.!. saturday<br />

FALL COLOR or wlDifr va. wall mirrors. 22d5 SchoeD. lamps. 882.2108. good condition, coUel~ stu. and Sunday 9-8. 23106North<br />

cation, Boyne .rea chalet, herr, Warren, betweea 8 ---.------- dent's, $350. 527-8118.' ROIed.!. Court oU M.rter<br />

fireplace, "11 heat. '178- aad 9 IIDe. m-lllO. TRADITIONAL sofa and 2 BASEMENT d I Road.<br />

.. I ch.irs, exceDellt condition. an larale SI e<br />

4824. OLD GOLD, old jewelry. re.son.ble. can .fter 6 -Tbursday, Frid.y, 26th, SOLEX motor bieyde iD ex.<br />

FORT LAUDERDALE, lovely BlIY-8eU.Or Repair. Jewel. p.m. 882-a.78. 27, 9:30.5. 2167 Be.llfeit. cellent condition, $190. 886-<br />

SIles. A brow$iD1 assort.<br />

FLORIDA, Marco 1$~.llId.<br />

ment of old and iDtereating<br />

Renting bc.utifu1 water.<br />

pieceli. TiDs, crotb, jUls.<br />

front condominium vill.,<br />

pine servin, table, pine<br />

bi.weekly, monthly, fiIh.<br />

truw .nd more. S.turday,<br />

ing. boating , pool, etc.<br />

September 28th 601 LIncoln<br />

Sleeps 4 adults, new com.<br />

corner Waterloo. II '.m ..3<br />

pletely furnished. TU<br />

p.m.<br />

1-4982.<br />

MOVlNG - Must leU. White<br />

MARATHON KEY, 1:215 miles<br />

bedroom set. deat.~utcb,<br />

South of Miami, on the<br />

chair, 5 dr.wer chest, nIte<br />

water overlooking i 0 I f<br />

mnd, be a d bo • r d aDd<br />

course. DlviDg, fishinf, ten. frame. Bo\liht 1-17.74,paid<br />

nis, uew 2 bedroom, 2, $Ufo, sell 25DA1off. Miscel.<br />

fully furnished Condomlni.<br />

laneous. 1653 Newcastl~,<br />

ums. Pool and maid. '131- Woods. FridlY, Saturd.y,<br />

6248. 9-6. 889.0811.<br />

FOR LEASE, So. P.lm<br />

Beaeb, dell1le apartment<br />


Until February 1st, Com-<br />

dinInI table. B22-5981.<br />

pletely equipped, pool, 011 GIRL'S SCHWJNN Fair<br />

AlA. Few yards from Lally. Excenent '!OudltiOD,<br />

.ocean IJId L. It e WDrth, $35. Professlon.1 exereycle,<br />

reduced rental llDW Dec. new, $350. Gra)' suede<br />

1st. Pictures ..vailable. skirt, size 10, $25. 885-1734.<br />

Adults. Owner. 'l75-40t9.<br />


USED VW'S<br />




100% Warranty<br />

Available<br />



STOP AND<br />


WE BUY<br />

USED VW'S<br />

WOOD<br />

MOTORS, INC.<br />

J5351 Gr.tiot It 8 ,Mile<br />

372.2600<br />

BUT<br />

BEFORE<br />

YOU BUY<br />

BE SURE<br />

TO VISIT<br />



J2 month •• 11.000 mile. V.lue<br />

Protection PI.n optional on<br />

mo.t Cldlll.e.<br />

964-6811<br />

3' 80 E. JEFFERSON<br />

'74 Monle Carlo. Low miles.<br />

'73 Pinto Squire Wagon. Auto,<br />

'72 Monte Carlo. Mint.<br />

'71 Capri. A Stull<br />

'70 Chevrolet Impala 2 Dr. H.T.<br />

'6$ Chevrolet Impal. 2 Dr. n. T.<br />

'68 Chcvrolet C.prlce 4 Dr. H,T.<br />

'67 Chevrolet 2 Dr. l)lick.<br />

VA 121•.<br />

th ,<br />

Roll.<br />

MACK aDd Cadieux - Ap. 1 bedroom garden apart. ry appraisal serviee (with I WASHING M.chine, 3 years 3369.<br />

proxim.tely 1,800 &quare meut, elellln +1u f"~;shed photograpba), Ed w s r d YOU Name It we probably ld tl b led<br />

...,...... 11'1." J I 63 K . '1 f 'A 1. d n il 0, recen y over.u , GARAGE SALE-I0 a.m .• 4<br />

feet of office space - all and decorated. Quiet. Over. ~. ewe er, erche. go~ 1, rom ...,).... an a s $50, se'rs humidifier less<br />

or p.rt. <strong>Of</strong>fices aud layout lookm'g pool a~" waterw.... VII, lower level Colonial to lace table t1oths. 436 .. 1 old _.. p.m .• Saturday only. Toys,<br />

- ... F.... al B UAIR~ 7.... B I' R d G r 0 sse han year "~ ..rie...., bicycle, sUl'\4r wheel, chilo<br />

rooms - good for almost '177 """7 ev-mn'gs. u '""'6, iN. arc ay 01, , Phil ....<br />

..... .' I Pointe Farms, saturd.y 9 c.un . co dectric stove, dren's clothes, decoupage<br />

any type of business. All<br />

LAKEWORTH, F lor 1d a, 2 FLEA MARKET every Wed. to 4. $2:;, Philco refrigerator, purses, fur jacket, orglD,<br />

utilities are included.<br />

bedroom furnished home, nesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For ---------- ~. Stereop,'lonic recoro dishes, miscellaneou.s. 3U<br />


$300 month. A d \II ts, no table iafotlll'tlon caU 772. GARAGE SALE - S.turoay /lllyt;-. $20. 886-5825. Rid.e ROld, Grosse Pointe<br />

889-0500<br />

t 791 """"" 0450, AJumo 8 Mile Road 28th, 12 noon'" p.m., nice PAIR FR • Farms (near Moron).<br />

PI s. ........... between Harper aDd Mack, baby and toddler clothes, EI"CH Provincial<br />

2.3 OR 4 OFFICE suites, pri.<br />

Lo ly t swlngomatic bottle sterll. off white down cushion PIANO sheet music, Teen<br />

vate rest room. deluxe MARAT HONbKEd panening. carpetee, air con. te 2<br />

dilioDed. 8 Mile, 2055l} Ver.<br />

nier near 1.94 x.way. 1m.<br />

mediate occupancy. Mrs.<br />

Roberts, 776-6660.<br />

EAST WAf..1EN near Grosse<br />

PfJDte. Store new]:, decor.<br />

.ied, he.ted with base.<br />

meZlt. $1111. 882.3046.<br />

EAST WARREN near Grosse<br />

Pointe. BeacoJ1Sfielden.<br />

trance. Small store, was<br />

beauty for many years. $60<br />

per month, gas heat. 882.<br />

3048.<br />


22811 .Avenue<br />

Various size suites available.<br />

Optional secretarial service.<br />

88f.4516<br />

c5~VACATIOH<br />


VERO BEACH, Florida. New<br />

oceaJJfruJt, '2 bedroom, 2<br />

blth. Condominium. Eleg.ntly<br />

turnished by decorstor.<br />

Beautiful beach,exercin<br />

roouu, &aWII, tennis<br />

courts. 8lIU'129.<br />

FORT MYEBS Beldl,' Flor-<br />

Ida, completely furnished<br />

Z bedroom, 2 bath, air «:011.<br />

ditloned CGIIdomlnium on<br />

Gulf over]ookillg pool, G.E.<br />

kitchen .114 laundry, c.ble<br />

RESERVE now for fall colora .wa)" bed,<br />

colC( TV•.822.fd72.<br />

areen antique<br />

.nd ski season. New" bed. satin dr.pes, broller-oven,<br />


room chalet withflr1!place. houlehold Items, clothing,<br />

ida, on lDtelcoutal, 1 bed. Petosky are.. 882-5749 or booka. ~01 Kenosba, Bar.<br />

room, second floor apart. 421.1762. per.Woods. FrIday.<br />

ment, fully furnished, $800<br />

per month, 3 month mini. 7-WANTED TO RENT GARAGE SALE. Charc:oal<br />

mum. Call 306-399-3515.<br />

Irill, adding machine, dog<br />

WIDOW OD small income bed&, sun lamp, yard fur.<br />

wishes to rent llllfunJished<br />

JrQR, ~"O~, SALE, ..27<br />

Ditqre,. odds, and ends. 11<br />

~ room ap.rtment MIIIt<br />

:'i100t cWJi:lJ'ne~a,g or. mo\Or<br />

,;;,~t?~~,.~p,~)'.~p.<br />

!five 'sllow,r~~=. retriI. " m I' 28th;' 9:30-3 p,m.<br />

O. home, sleeps 6, 'self c:clIJ.<br />

talDed, &ir conditioning,<br />

eratori Groa. e oaly.<br />

No more than $80 month. TEBR,\R:IUM IJimp, make<br />

full power. 779-0348.<br />

18MO Mack, P.O. Box 6888, n.ture • light in )'our life.<br />

GrossEi Pointe, Michigan, White ac:cordion pleated<br />


Ocean front 2 bedroom IlIX. 48238.<br />

shade. Demijohn bottle, 31"<br />

ury toWDbouse. P.r iv • t e<br />

WI. 882-4603.<br />

RENT OR Lease, furnished .<br />

beacb, ~loseto everything. Mature couple, no pets, HESPELER W.lnut dining<br />

963.3123 evenlDg~. '1!M4.<br />

no children, have sold table, buffet, 6 chlirs. 4911.<br />

Farms home. Need place 0472.<br />

STUART Florida, Pierpointe<br />

Yacht Club. New condo-<br />

to hang hat from October<br />

GARAGE SALE ~ Clothing,<br />

minium. 2 bedroom, 2 bath,<br />

15 to February, give or<br />

ladies 7, 8 Ind 9, cblldrens<br />

all complex facilities and take few d.ys. Retirement<br />

6x to 12, coats, snow sulu,<br />

sports lDcluded monthly home not a'lailable yet.<br />

men's loafers 9M. B, ply.<br />

untn early January. 823. References. Phone 881.3936.<br />

wood .aud box, toys,<br />

9629.<br />

HAVE FALLEN in love with frames. Miscellaneous. Sat.<br />

your beautiful Grosse urday 10-4 only. US Kemy.<br />

ST. MAARTEN West IJldies,<br />

Pointe area. Do you have a<br />

3 bedroom, 2M.baths, beau.<br />

A'ITIC SALE-Bedroom, din.<br />

two bedroom rental for 50<br />

tiful locaawn, completely<br />

ing, breakfast furniture.<br />

year oid "empty nestel"<br />

equipped for sale or rent.<br />

Miscellaneous. Friday .nd<br />

couple traDSferrOO from<br />

823.9629.<br />

Saturday 12-4. tKS Neff.<br />

small town to Detroit?<br />

FLORIDA, Longboat Har. Please c a II Mr. Rowlee GIRLS clotbiDl, .ges 10.11.<br />

bour, 111ll:ur)' apartment, 964-6680, ExteuUoD 32. 12. 881-9133.<br />

.vailable for season, or will FURNISHED 1 bedroom GARAGE SALE -F«rniture,<br />

consider monthly rental. bachelor apartment needed J'II(, clothes, stroller, an-<br />

car optional. 885-2861after by retired naval officer tlque rifle, t run k. 409<br />

1.<br />

after October 1st. Box T.? Manor. Saturday only.<br />

Grosse Pointe News.<br />

STUART FLORIDA - Beau'<br />

GARAGE SALE - Household<br />

tIful furnished 2 bedroom,<br />

7C--GARAGE WANTED furniture, kitchen wsre,<br />

2, condomin.lum on<br />

auto tires. Saturday, Sun.<br />

golf course. TU 2'()510. 3 CAR OR 1 long for boat day only. 4S9-3778,613 Bar'<br />

stqrage. 881-9401. r1ngton.<br />

FLORIDA STUART, lovely<br />

uDlurnished waterfront, 2 8-ARnCLES FOR SALE GIRLS Schwinn, lite new.<br />

bedrooms, 2 bath, condo- , Only 2 4/5 miles. $65. Call<br />

minium. Yearly rental. EFFECTIVE September 18, 823-3365after 10 a.m.<br />

TU 2'()510.<br />

Flea Market every Wednes.<br />

day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For BOYS brown 24", 5 speed,<br />

N'APLES-A beautiful new ~ table information call 772. Schwinn bicycle, good<br />

bedroom, 2 bath country 0450, 9 Mile Road between shape, $80. 886.1337.<br />

dub apartment. Golf, tenni~ , Ha'per .nd Mack.<br />

SMALL Refrigerltor, 2 door,<br />

.nd swimming. Month 0<br />

3WORDS wanted, Japanese, top freezer, frost free. 8<br />

.sealiOn. 773-S199.<br />

German, also helmets, med. months old. 885-8214.<br />

also 885-94031.<br />

FLORIDA, Boynton Beach, I<br />

ELABORATE flrepl.ce man.<br />

for rent furnished or unfur- ':lARDWOOD, $25 and $28. tel. Opening 51" x 31M.".<br />

nished, new two bedroom' White Birch, $31. Fruit. 88Z-tI404.<br />

borne, 2 baths, family room. wood, $33. Kindling wood,<br />

garage, club house, free $4. 24' available. $3 stack.<br />

GARAGE SALE. M.ny, many<br />

golf, selSon ing. Any c.rrying extr ...<br />

interesting items. Trunks,<br />

01' yearly. KE<br />

8.0550.<br />

1-!l49-0995.<br />

furniture, etc. Everything<br />

must go. 1457 Lochmoor,<br />

NORTH NAPLES Florida, ~ 'AJ,MOST-NEW" APPAREL 9-4, Friday ONLY.<br />

bedroom, 2 bath Condomln Carefully selected current<br />

styles of designer end bet-<br />

ESTATE SALE, everything<br />

jum on Gulf 01 Mexico.<br />

ter .pparel, .cCe!lOrie.,<br />

must go. Furniture, an.<br />

completely furnished, pool,<br />

furs, j e W' e 1r 1 .Dd "old.<br />

t:quea, glassware, chiDa .Dd<br />

by week, month or 8IIIOn<br />

tlques".<br />

tools. 2OZl7 -HlaItiDgton,<br />

Call owner 363-6850.<br />

Consignments Welcome<br />

H.rper Woods, 10 to 5, SIptember<br />

28 and 28.<br />

CLEARWATER, furnished ~ LEE'S<br />

bedroom. 2 bath Condomln ~9 Mack (ne.r 8 Mile)<br />

lum on Tampa B.y, Avail<br />

881-8002<br />


able. 264.00t2.<br />

lARN SIDING - Authentic HOME SALE<br />

FLORIDA, 11th floor studic 1" we.thered, hsnd beW'Il, 1487 GUNNINGDALE DR.<br />

apt. in exclusive .nd prl n.tural timber. 1-463.21'11. The private home slle, clos.<br />

vale Sla Towers condo<br />

WEDDlNG INVITATIONS Ing out Eatate, announced<br />

mlnlum complex on Boc<br />

Discount with this Id. In last week', p.per is on<br />

C leg 0 Bay, overlookin<br />

INSTANT COPIES IOc for Friday, SIturd.y Ind<br />

Gulf Mexico. Siuna. bridgl<br />

Low price Instant printing. Sund.y september 27, 28,<br />

tennis, swimming pOOlset<<br />

SCRATCH PADS 3k LB. 211, It 148'1 Sunnlngdale<br />

AVlilable Nov. 1 for aet<br />

3 Ibs.<br />

Drive, Grosse Pointe Woodl<br />

'1.00<br />

sonal occupancy. 884.1020<br />

ECONOMEE SERVICE overlooking LOchmoor Golf<br />


Course, t~.•..e p.m. Fur.<br />

HILLSBORO BEACH, FJorl 15201XefflJul .t IAIrep>fJlt.<br />

nlhlre for ill reGlIIS .In.<br />

da. Villa loc.ted on Inter Grosle Pointe VA 2-7100 c1udlng a breakfront With<br />

to.. tal wlterway. Priv.te<br />

drop delli:, erJetal, IUver,<br />

pool aad beach. Av.llabl, 'AKE NEW-8pfrtl sunlamp .Dtlquea, app11Dcea lnd<br />

__ Deeember 1. .Dd, JlllUary 00 ItalJd, $28. VA I-tlUll, I.n eqUlpmeal E.. I')"<br />

, In m<br />

Y AT'l"RACTIVE 3 bedroom,<br />

$190 monthly, Late privi.<br />

leges, g'rage. appliances,<br />

tlds. pets ok. sear. Rent.<br />

lis, 368-3600.<br />

LARGE 2 bedroom, $160<br />

monthly, utiliU..,<br />

carpeted. appliances, base.<br />

m~nt. Kid., pets ok. Sears<br />

Rentals, 368.36ro.<br />

3 ROOMS, $95 mouth, uW.<br />

ltiel Included. Also 2 rooms<br />

furnished, $8t) month util•.<br />

itles included. 821.7492.<br />

' ve" MOVING SALE: Refri&era. ber w.rmer, 2 infant love seats. Excellent con. and Petite size 7 clothing:<br />

carpe d e ro 0 m,... tor, GE washer, Hamilton se.tS, Jeri.urrier, b.sket- dition, $400. 77'.2038 morn. 881.5914. .<br />

ST. CLAIR SHORES, Maso-<br />

bat b unfurnished .part. gas dryer, snow tires 78x15. ball hoop with backboard, tugs.<br />

nic .nd Harper area .. 3<br />

ment. Drapes, stove, reo chrome d1nette set, bed- mIscell.neous household I MASON JARS. piDli and<br />

bedroom brick ranch,. util.<br />

frigerltor, air conditioning, room set, l.dy's figure 1 RUMMAGE SALE - SI. qu.rts, after • p.m. 881.<br />

ity room. $%50 month. 293-<br />

heat, dishwasher, pool, doo r skates liize 10" throme bird items. La 8tl8-9llM,20728To es Jam es LuIher.n Cburc, b 4837.<br />

..<br />

UU between 10:30 a.m .•<br />

dOCkage, ocean and Gulf c'ge, roU.. w.y bed, Sim. ne. . I McMillan at Kercheval,<br />

2:30 p.m.<br />

access. near shoppiDg cen. moDScouch, T.ppan rang" RUMMAGE SALE WedneS1Jay, 0 c t 0 b e r 2 20% OFF Christmas Cards!<br />

2 BEDROOM Ranch; carpet.,<br />

ters. Adults. $250 month, 886-3838. Clothln" Houaehold. Frid.y from 4 to 8 p.m. and unUl O~tober 1.• tlt.IOls.<br />

1 year lease minimum. . PON I October 4th, 4-8 p.m. ThursdlY, October 3 from The Quill (see our dlIpJ.y<br />

ed, central air, paneled<br />

Write R. Langlands, Gen. P~G G t.ble, good con- ,GR.OSSE POINTE SOROP. 9 to 1 p.m. ad). Mack It Hampton,<br />

den. Florida room, large<br />

eral Delivery, Carswell Air I. dlUon. 88...,253. TIMIST CLUB, Ameri"an I lot in the Woods, 2 blocks<br />

ANTIQUE French Provincial Grosse Pointe Woods.<br />

from water, .ttaehed ga.<br />

Force Dase, Tens '18~Z7. ILAS'l' OF THE Bed Hot Legion Hall, 20&16 Mack sofa. In need of reupbol. KITCHEN TABLE .Dd 2<br />

rage. $550 month plus se-<br />

AveDue, Grosse Pointe sterlng. Best oUer. 294.3153. eIlalrs. Dlnlnl room set, 9<br />

curity deposit. 882.7278.<br />

Woods. SA-L-E-S-M-AN--'S-s-a-m-p-Ie-s-al-e. ple~e Dunc.n Phyfe. 886-<br />

1116 LAKEWOOD•• t Jeffer.<br />

FABULOUS Garage Sale. Au. M.,oH and more. Candles, 0514.<br />

son. 2 .nd 3 room .part.<br />

t!que ,lass, silver, lamps, Co I u m ns , Candelabru, GARAGE SALE-Friday and<br />

menta, from $8lI a month.<br />

lenellS, bedding, new items, Holders, Rings, Novelties Saturday September n, 28.<br />

Senior .dults only. Secur.<br />

ment IlLlits, shirts, vac. and m'IlY Christmas Items. 88 Handy Road, 10 a.m ....<br />

ity deposit required. 331.<br />

uums, sm.U ubles, Mink Tbursday and F rid a y. p.m. Antiques, cbildren's<br />

4265.<br />

coat. Saturday, Sunday, 1~ Holiday. odds and ends, some furni.<br />

U2'1 Somersd, G ro sse I t<br />

NEW duplex, Trombley, 2<br />

Pointe P.rk; DINING ROOM Dun can ute.<br />

bedrOom. 1~ bathl, g••<br />

Pbyfe. t.ble, buffet, 6 GARAGE SALE - Furniture<br /> ReaSonable. 777-4096<br />

~HEST Freeler, '18 cubic chairs, 3 leaves. $SO. 886. clothes, ml.lJcellaneous. Frl:<br />

after 8 p.m.<br />

teet, looks liIte Ilew, $150. 8818. day and Saturd&y 10.... 597<br />

6A-F01 RENT<br />

774-M28. U.S. DIVERS Scuba ,ear. Fisher Road.<br />


GAUGE SALE, Tbursday, TU 1'()322. M.ry after 2 FLEA MARKET; Saturday,<br />

FrIday, Sept. 26.27. 10 a.m. p.m. \ Sunday, September 28, 29.<br />

ALTER ROAD - North of<br />

to 5 p.m., ~70 Sbelbourne 9 a.m. unUl 6 p.m., G28<br />

East Jefferaon near Grosse<br />

Court off Shelbourne Road. MINOLTA SRT 101 with Cad1eux .tEast W.rren.<br />

Pointe are.. NJcely film.<br />

FurnIture, bike; crocks, case, Vivltar 85 to 205 Antiques and JunJt! Rental<br />

iJhecl .studio apartments.<br />

tIres, power mower, tents, zoom, bipod plus other .c- space ,vllI.ble. 882-4396.<br />

$130-$140per moatho Elet-<br />

tlothlDg, odds and ends. Cl8lories, Call TU 5-6502 DON'T MISS THIS ONE!<br />

trlcity included. CoUege<br />

after 3 p.m.<br />

gr.duato preferred, a1IlO<br />

BEl._UTY Canter, 3S SSF1.9 BEDROOM Sw'te S I<br />

responsible .dults. NIce for<br />

camerl, $40. Gossen el". PORTABLE Dog -'n ... French P ......I-cl.1 ' .nt! P ece,<br />

OIIe petlOD. GoOd transpor.<br />

....sure meter, $35. Harvex gate 140' long x 6' higb, avnu , que<br />

..- metal post wUh .v'-yl ftov. white, $500. Five piece m•.<br />

tadou. Four Bus lines. No<br />

ll"bt meter, $10. Tilt.a.Mlte w ~ pie dluette set $125 ..pets.<br />

Quiet buildinI. Tele-<br />

...<br />

flasll unit, $5. Leather earverecl<br />

ft<br />

cyclone fenciDg. C.ll<br />

2076.<br />

,. •....<br />

phone 331-3110Ior 8Zl.Z818<br />

ryiDg case, $15. 881.7790. • er 6 p.m. lIlJ5.1593.<br />

or 821-8185.<br />

FAMILY home, 2 4'pOster<br />

SUPER Garlle Sale; Com. CHRISTMAS CARDS beds and chest, love seat<br />

BASEMENT .partment, Gra.<br />

blnib, 2 hOlllebolds, tons of 20% discount with .d .nd cb.1r 'a'~' ha- Ir<br />

tiot-a Mile-. for employed<br />

WEDDING INVITATIONS ' c.p ...... c ,<br />

stuff, ADtiquel, .ppllancel, wubing machine, misc.<br />

young man, $US month.<br />

boon, tent. clothes, ruls, Discount with this Id. items and furniture. 822 E.<br />

77U133.<br />

collectables. Ne. .pre.sales. INSTANT COPIES lOt GraDd Blvd. I()'S.<br />

SlturdlY, September 28. Low price instant printing.<br />


21m lIorouDe.r st. Johns SCRATCH PADS 35c: LB. l' BRUNSWICK pool table,<br />

bedroom apartment. cad.<br />

Ha.spltat 3 Ibs. $1.00 $400. Schwinn tandem, $60<br /> .... a. 1lII6-3ll2l.<br />

ECONOMEE '.SERVICE '! Girl'. 'Schwinn, $SO. 2 boy'i<br />

RESPONSlDLE leJit1eman.<br />

21"AIR DraPea; 'dart "olive PRINTING ! ',bikes, $5. each,:KeJvJalItoJ'.<br />

references •. F II I'.n I I he d<br />

J!'~ 1~ width, .. 1lDed. 15201Kerch"al .t Lakepointe door refrigerator, $50. 28'<br />

apartment, utilities, garage.<br />

never uaed. '$4$ 'pm. IJ86. G~ PolDte VA '2-noo Sears aluminum exteDSion<br />

Beaconsfield.Harper area.<br />

5815. I MAMMOU'I'IJ ,ara,e and l.dder., $30. 822.1281.<br />

lI63-7670.<br />

MOTOBIEANE Mlrale 4.27" yard lale. Tools, plumblu"<br />

CARRIAGE house, 2 bed-<br />

10 speed, be.utiful bicycle houlehold, electric, fUl'll1.<br />

rooms, •ttractively ap-<br />

in mint condition, $100. ture, clothing and more.<br />

pointed, adults 0D1y, no<br />

alter 2 p.m. 884-4234. Bargain priced. Friday,<br />

pets. Securitl and refer-<br />

.S.turday, Sunday, Septem.<br />

ences required. $200<br />

STERLING Silver, flit ware, ber n, 28, 29. 868 Rivard<br />

month. After Monday 6<br />

excellent condition. Open Boulevard, Grolse Pointe.<br />

p.m. &21-6988.<br />

litock, 12.5 piece place set. '<br />

tin.. and several extra 5 SPEED Schwinn boYI bl.<br />

3 ROOM: apArtment, fur-<br />

pieces. Reuonable. 773- cycle, excellent condition,<br />

nished, including utilities,<br />

2630. . $50. 886-8Il53.<br />

$130 per month, Grosse<br />

PoltJte are •. 822.1991.<br />

MAGNAVOX Color TV. 23 REMINGTON 870 12 gauge<br />

. 3" MaiDum, vent rib,<br />

Inch. 882.7M2. Ch.rles Dal)', O/U,. 12<br />

EAST WARREN.()uter Drive<br />

sec:tlOD.Cle.n, nIcely fur.<br />

NORTHLAND Metal ski's, gauge, vent rib, botb like<br />

nlshec1 15 room upper ltJ.<br />

with Cubco bindings, $50. new. 881.5835.<br />

come. J\1I utilities, mar.<br />

Grosse Pointe. 885.908S. I'HOCKEY .nd some goaUe<br />

ried worldDg couple, no<br />

WILD BOARS head with sale equipment, Peewee, blln-<br />

children or pets. $200<br />

deposit box in back. $llO. tam and midget sizes. Can<br />

month. 885-'1472.<br />

526-8835. I evenings. TU 4o.796t.<br />

INDIAN VIlLAGE area.<br />

FULL SIZED bed with box 7 PIECE Traditiolllll dining<br />

Very attractive studio<br />

sPriDls, mattress .nd night room set. Good condition.<br />

apartment. Available to<br />

stand. Dluette set with 4 Asking $150.Call weekends.<br />

'Working couple or a siDgle<br />

chaIrs. Alarm clock rad- 889'()lI69. .<br />

Ipe1'IOn. Priv.te entrance,<br />

ios. S e. r I Humidifier.<br />

utilities furnished. 822-8927.<br />

Ch.ndeller. All like new. 9 PIECE walnut dining room<br />


Antique dressers and or- suite. '200. 824.3426.<br />

lental rugs. 882.7617 Ifter GAJlAGE SALE _ 1 day<br />

GROSSE POINTE vicinity.<br />

5 p.m. , only. Saturday, 10.5. 1173<br />

Gentlem.n, room, private<br /> 822-n09.<br />

WHEEL CHAIR, Rolls. $35. NoalnglJam.<br />

1118Manchester. TU H417. ------------<br />

ROOM for gentlem.n In pri-<br />

LIMnD OAK double bed,<br />

vate home. References. TU<br />

DOUBLE OVEN, seU clean conlplete, double dresser,<br />

4-6898.<br />

electric stove, like new night stand, also Feddera<br />

$150. Refrigerator 170 lb. air conditioner, map I e<br />

COIIFORTABLE homelike<br />

freeler space, no.frost $15. dreS3~r. 884-4437.<br />

room in Grosse PoiDt\!.882-<br />

Dishwasher, double spray,<br />

1262.<br />

$75. 882.3054. 9 PIECE dining room auite,<br />

very old oak refectory<br />

ROOM with cooking privi-<br />

SOMETHING FOR everyone table. Excellent condition,<br />

leges {or middle age<br />

Sale! Selllng everything In $SOO or best offer. 372.1356.<br />

woman in Grosse Pointe.<br />

our large home. Antiques! I,<br />

VA 1-48'10.<br />

Silver! Furniture! Books! 80 WATI amplifier, $30, 6<br />

Jewelry! Furs! Clothing! station Inter.Com (Rollnd)<br />

SINGLE<br />

room for gentleman.<br />

Bric.a.brac! Tools! It's all $100, public address ays.<br />

8Z2-M81.<br />

[lere _ 740 Anita, Friday, tem, $175. 35 MM Mlnolta<br />

Siturday, Sunday, 886.3915, . SLR 7 $150. 886.3615.<br />


886-3928. MAHOGANY dining room<br />


SUITE, 3 of.<br />

fices, private rest room,<br />

'W' SCHWINN boys bicycle, china, buffet, table, .;<br />

deluxe panelling, carpeted,<br />

3 speed, excellent condi. chairs. Cal] after 4. 773.<br />

Ilr conditioned. 8 Mile,<br />

tion, $25. Schwinn Bantam 3938.<br />

20550 Vernier Ileai' 1.94<br />

convertible $10, Swing Ind AIR CONDIT<br />

x.way. Avanable June 1.<br />

slide Eet $10. Big Wheel lONER, like<br />

new, very quiet. B,OilO BTU<br />

Mrs. Roberti, 776-e660.<br />

$5. 886.3879. 4 recre.tlon room lounge<br />


GARAGE SALE, Saturd.y, chairs. 885~220.<br />

FISHER ROAD. Brand<br />

12 to •. 709 Brl.rdlff, kit- TW.IN BED .nd dresser,<br />

New. Up to 1,!lOOsq. ft.<br />

chen carpet, lldy's .nd wing chair, Rlttan fuml.<br />

Private entrallce, parking,<br />

girl's clothln!" toys and ture. Magllivox stereo.<br />

re.dy 60 days.<br />

miscellaneous. Must sell. 882.8738.<br />

19950 VERNIER, nr. East.<br />

BLACK WROUGHT Iron fur. 'PARKER power sweeper,<br />

l.nd. 3, 4 room suites, car.<br />

niture with cusbions, In very good condition, 821.<br />

peted, dilly janitor.<br />

colors of blue, yellow, 3437<br />

orange. 1 1ar,e S<strong>Of</strong>l, love. .<br />

KELLY, nr. t Mile.<br />

selt. chlir, otto1l1ln, cof. COUCH, 2 occasional chairs,<br />

Approll:. 800 sq. ft., prlv.te<br />

t.y. Bnnd New.<br />

fee table. 2 end t.bles, likl! table •• dolhln" draperle.,<br />

new condition, $200. TU 6. and miscellaneous hous•.<br />

371<br />

FISHER ROAD. Single<br />

0293. hold items, Friday from 10<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fice, carpeted, d.Uy ,.nI.<br />

BLACK wrought iron glass fo 5. 821.9306, 976 NotUng.<br />

tor.<br />

table, 4 ch.trs, ax28, $50. . bam.<br />

UUE, tor1leJ' .FI.her<br />

Kltcben ta.... oVl1, 1IPt S M' ALL WESTINGHOUSE<br />

Rd., Newly d~rated 2<br />

green, 4 chairs, ~d6, "'5. bar afr/gerator, .ub zero<br />

roo," ... I~e. l.nltor senice.<br />

Grey Perli" Lamb jacket, Ice miter, fila under a<br />

Alsi~ 1IUtdJl1.<br />

.LIe 18, aewl) re1iIIeII. •• bIIr, firepl.ce equIpment<br />

.Mrs. Jeftrtes, "or<br />

Sll6 H.mptOa, M'r' tAn. a04 oUler mlaeellaDeOIV<br />

shol'e. TU 1"'. !tem •. 881....<br />

,I<br />

un 10.<br />

AtrroMOBILE oners! At<br />

low as $2'l.34 qu.rterly<br />

bup fGO,OQO.$I00,OOO LtabUltJ,<br />

Property Damale.<br />

TU 1-2376 •<br />

WASHER Ind electric dryer,<br />

$20 each. 882.9362.<br />

9 PIECE Jacc;bean o.k din.<br />

ing room set. Excellent<br />

condition. For more info,<br />

call after 5, 1-949~186.<br />

7 PIECE dinette set, .vocado,<br />

[ormitl, wainut finish, up.<br />

holstered vinyl chairs. Rea.<br />

sonlble. 821.1652.<br />

RETIRED executive, 2 same<br />

.s new expensive winter<br />

coats sile .e. 33 white<br />

shirts sile 16\o'a.;Wsleeves,<br />

.11 in .Il00d condition. 1-12<br />

gauge Remington automa.<br />

tic deluxe with extra bar.<br />

rei and custom' genuine<br />

leather clse. TU HI092.<br />

HEAVV Plastic, 40 It. x 50<br />

ft. Excellent for swimming<br />

pool covers, boat cover,<br />

ice skating rinks, etc, Call<br />

885-1424after 6 p,m.<br />

GARAGE SALE, Saturday<br />

9.5 only. Clothing, appli.<br />

.nces. Miscellaneous items.<br />

Prl~s "lashed 1819 Wttle.<br />

stone.<br />

BASEMENT SALE, 19756<br />

Kenoshl, Harper Woods,<br />

Thursday, Friday; dothing,<br />

toys Ind furniture.<br />

SACRIFICE Avocado 20.6<br />

cubic foot Frigidaire. Pur.<br /> July 1973. Remodel.<br />

ing kitchen. Best offer over<br />

$260. 881~.<br />

GIGANTIC SIviDgs! Furni.<br />

ture, clothes, siP 0 r tin g<br />

,oods. MIscl!ll.neollS items.<br />

Septembllr 28th only, 10.4.<br />

1006 Kensin,ton.<br />

BOY'S Dress clothes, size 12<br />

men's, women's clothes,<br />

and equipment. Miscell •.<br />

neous. September 28th, 29th<br />

10-4. 137 Muir Road.<br />

4 FAMILY Yard S.le-Fri.<br />

day, S.turd.y, September<br />

27th, 28th 10-4 p.m. 298 Ri.<br />

v.rd Blvd. dlte October<br />

1st, 2nd.<br />

GIRL'S white Ind gold bed.<br />

room suite, Ironrlte man.<br />

gle. 886-6098.<br />

ANTIQUE typewriter, Uquot<br />

c.blnet, slemwlre, wine,<br />

cordial glasses. Chest of<br />

d rawer I, miscellaneous.<br />

882.2tI79.<br />


cream 'parlor, wire chairs,<br />

twiA uoaJal,lc:lboards, .lso<br />

wIde reel Brigs and Strat.<br />

ton powered mower, 1~<br />

D.N. iceboats. 882'()()28.<br />



'69 PonUac LeMans.<br />

'74 Cpe. de Ville. Stereo,<br />

'73 Cpe. de Ville. Clean,<br />

'73 &in. de Ville, Stereo.<br />

'72 Cpe. de Ville. Clean.<br />

'72 Eldo. Cpe. Stereo.<br />

'74 Brougham D'Elegance<br />

''11 Calais Cpe. Air.<br />

McGLONE<br />


2Ot03 HARPER<br />

2 blocks north of VerDier<br />

881-6600<br />






AND MOST<br />

MODERN<br />



ROGER<br />

RINKE<br />


11 MILE RD.<br />

East of Van Dyke<br />

Warren<br />

536-6260<br />

OR<br />

757-0767<br />



$3.995<br />

$2.345<br />

$2,295<br />

$895<br />

$1.195<br />

$995<br />

$79~<br />

$245<br />


16700 HARPER 881-7600

~,<br />

. ~<br />

Page Twenty.Four<br />





Renta1l 'IUO per month.<br />

Drum outf.ltl, .mpUfiers,<br />

guitar" Outes, .allOphone.,<br />

eledric buses, clallical<br />

guitan, viollDJ, trumpetl,<br />

organs, banjos, c 0 Dg 0<br />

drums. clarinets. Others.<br />

All rental fees appli~ ro<br />

purehase price. studio,<br />

861.2682.<br />


GRANDS, Spinets, Consoles<br />

and Small Uprights. Cash.<br />

VE 7-0506<br />

UPRIGHT plano, good condi.<br />

tion, $100. 824.3626.<br />

CONN coronet, excellent con.<br />

dltion. $150. 884-4955.<br />

GUITAR, case, stand, excel.<br />

lent tone. 888.5825. --~._.---.---<br />

ELECTRIC Chord organ. 40<br />

chords, foot volume control.<br />

$85. 884.0lM7.<br />

TROMBONE, $25. Good for<br />

beginner. 881-1100.<br />

STELNWAY, 5'10\-2" grand<br />

piano, ebony. Excellent condition.<br />

'156.7732.<br />


FOR. SALE<br />

FURNITURE relinished, reo<br />

paired, stripped, any type<br />

of caning. Free estimates,<br />

474-8953.<br />

WANTED<br />

Collector gives cash for<br />

old large size<br />


USED bed. 6: mattrelleS, 66 DODGE Coronet 500, air,<br />

bolt .pring., bu.o.k beds, 383, 4 barrell, power .teer.<br />

sofa couches and other ing, power brake.. A<br />

furniture. Pay your price. beauty. $500. 777.1590.<br />

Peace EvaDgellltlc Church 69 TEMPEST custom S. 4<br />

From 9 to 5 door hardtop. Power steer.<br />

821.0330 or 821.16al ing, air, $750.822.12S7.<br />

JEWELRY, Diamonds, Pre. 1973PORSCHE 914,2.0 Litre.<br />

cious stones, Old Gold. Appearance group, aUoy<br />

Antique Jewelry, Silver, wbeels, AM/FM stereo cas.<br />

Estates, Art Obects, Qual. set/e. 15,000miles. 775-6{)17.<br />

ity Antiques, etc. Bought<br />

or tal!en on consignment. 1973 MARK IV, white on<br />

Our profit is small so you white, excellent condition.<br />

get more. Low mileage. Loaded. $6,'<br />

LEES 695. 885.0544.<br />

20339Mack 1973 DATSUN 24OZ.4 speed.<br />

Grosse Pointe, Mich. 10,000 miles, rally wbeels,<br />

881-8082 Ziebarted, canvas cover.<br />

RECYCLE your used books. While with red interior.<br />

games, encyclopedias, bob. Like new. $4,700. Can 886.<br />

by magazines. A.A.U.W. 3767 after 6 p.m.<br />

members will pick up your 73 OLDS Cutlass Supreme,<br />

donation for their 12th an. power steering, brakes,<br />

nual book sale. Call Mrs. windows, Ziebarted, rear<br />

McNeill, 882.8600 or Mrs. defogger, AM/FM, 10,000<br />

Wright. 885.8619. miles. $3,351J. 882-3458.<br />

DEHUMIDIFIER for aver. 1973 MARK IV, one owner,<br />

age basement. 881-7073. yellow with white vinyl in.<br />

MIKAS.\ place settings in terior. Beautiful condition.<br />

Harrow pattern. 884-$43 Under 12,000 miles. Must<br />

after 4 p.m. sell. Call 822.1615.<br />

WANTED - Girls clotbing, 1971TORINO 2 door hardtop.<br />

size 3. also boys, size 2. air conditioning, etc. Excel.<br />

TU 2.7071. lent condition. 777-6874.,<br />

886-4634.<br />

WANTED - Chaise Lounge.<br />

Traditional, to re.upbolster.<br />

886-4m14.<br />

WANTED-Trumpet or Cor.<br />

net. 884-4589.<br />

10A-MOTOR.CYCL£S<br />

FOR. SALE<br />

1973~ HONDA 350, disc<br />

brakes. Excellent condition.<br />

884-9279.<br />

'73 YAMAHA DT 3-250, 325<br />

miles. Excellent condition.<br />

775.0060.<br />

YAMAHA 250, Enduro 1973,<br />

low mileage, good condition.<br />

DT 3. 881.9387.<br />

ELECTRIC Train: Lionel or<br />

American Flyer, modern l1-CARS FOR SALE<br />

or old. 886-4065or 237.5617.<br />


RUGS<br />

WANTED<br />

AUTOMOBILE Insurance as<br />

low as $56 per year. Call<br />

Chesney Insurance i\gency<br />

for your over the phone<br />

quotation. 884-5337.<br />

1970 FORD Falcon 6, very<br />

clean $825. 886-8706 be.<br />

tween 9-11 a.m.<br />

1970 TOYOTA Corona, automatic,<br />

new tires. 25 miles<br />

per gallon, radio, $1,150or<br />

best offer. 774-2614 after<br />

6 or weekends.<br />

FALCON 1964 convertible,<br />

white with black top. Good<br />

conditio;,. 613 Barrington,<br />

499-3778.<br />

1972DART Demon, V.8, AM-<br />

FM, Rally wheels. Excel.<br />

lent condition. $1,750. 881.<br />

1743.<br />

1968CHRYSLER. 2 door, no<br />

,rust, radio, heater, new<br />

battery. 882-5666.<br />

1968 AUSTIN.HEAJJY racer.<br />

Excellent condition, 4 new<br />

tires, rims. Call after 7<br />

p.m. 779-6971, Days, 881.<br />

7818.<br />

1973 RX2, 4 door Mazda,<br />

yellow with black interior.<br />

air conditioning, AM radiu<br />

with power antenna. excellent<br />

condition, reclining<br />

seats. 19,000miles, Ziebart.<br />

$2,900. 886,4024<br />

1971 MUSTANG Mach I,<br />

white, low mileage. power<br />

sleering, power brakes,<br />

aulomatic, very clean. 527-<br />

3443.<br />

No Condominium In<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />

Compares<br />

SUZUKI 11173, TSI8S, low<br />

mileage, good condition,<br />

ELECTRIC TRAI NS $5SO. 331--8237.<br />

made before 1942. 1972 HONDA CL 175, low<br />

Any condition. mileage, good condition.<br />

Doug Nash 721-5580 Grosse Pointe owner. 886-<br />

ROUND oak tables, spindle 5128.<br />

back cbairs, 474-8953. '72 KAWASAKI 500, 4,000<br />

USED Sleigb, good condition. miles, front disc trake, 2<br />

Best offer. 884-1674. Helmets. Make offer. 884.<br />

8986.<br />

BLOOMFIELD ANT I QUE HONDA50, 2 gears, $16D,Go.<br />

SHOW October I, 2, 3.<br />

Daily 11:00 ,a.m. to 10;00 Kll't, 3~ oorsepower. 882.<br />

p.m. Last day to 6:00 p.m. 6674.<br />

Luncbeon &. light refresh. SPORTSTER 1974, electric<br />

ments-Boutique. Cross of start, full custom, rigid<br />

CbristLutheran Cbureh, frame sam paint will<br />

Lone Pine &. Telegraph trade 'for new stock' Sport.<br />

Roads, Bloomfield Hills. ster or sell. 372.5124.<br />

Donation $1.50.<br />

ANTIQUE Secretary (1890's),<br />

antique chair, coucb, lamp<br />

table, chest, bedspread and<br />

drapes, wicker stool, brass<br />

and pewter items. Many<br />

miscellaneous. 1156 Nottingham<br />

(oIf Kercheval).<br />


All sizes - best prices.<br />

399.1179 547.5145<br />

USED furniture and antiques.<br />

Pewabic pottery, indian<br />

rugs and jewelry, coins,<br />

cut glass, Tiffany lamps,<br />

marble top tables, hand.<br />

made quilts, oriental rugs,<br />

anything of value in furni.<br />

ture or glass. 8233223 or<br />

885-6380.<br />

BOOKS, Art Objects Sought.<br />

Browsers always welcome.<br />

B. C Claes Book Shop.<br />

Miss Ethel Claes, 1670 Le.<br />

verette' (48216). WO 3-<br />

4267.<br />

SAFES WANTED. Almost<br />

any condition. Woods Lock<br />

and S'afe. TU 1.9247.<br />

WANTED, last 2 weeks to<br />

donate, used oooks, games,<br />

encyclopedias, hobby magazines.<br />

AAUW members<br />

will pick up your donations<br />

for their 12th Annual Used<br />

Book Sale. Can Mrs. Mc-<br />

Neill, 882-8600, or Mrs.<br />

Wright, 885-8619.<br />

WANTED TO BUY, dolls,<br />

dishes. bric-a.brac, pewter,<br />

clocks, jewelry, furniture,<br />

brass, copper, silver, war<br />

Items, old toys, old books<br />

and old magazines, etc. 779-<br />

3416.<br />


New Luxury, Large<br />

2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths<br />

I<br />

Natural' Fireploce in living room, spacious<br />

dining room, wet bar in the den. Top of the<br />

line G-E appliances including washer.dryer and<br />

ice maker in the kitchen. A network of security<br />

systems, garage.<br />

$73,394<br />

The .Jefferson Apartments<br />

17111 E. Jefferson Ave. 882-7708<br />

Sales and Management by<br />


886-4880<br />

CUTLASS SU!-,l'eme, 1972. 4<br />

door, green with vinyl top.<br />

18,000 miles. 1 driver own.<br />

er. Good condition. Under.<br />

coating, air, radio. 885-2791<br />

alter 5:3D p.m.<br />

._--<br />

CAMARO 1968,SS 350, excel.<br />

lent shape, many extras.<br />

$800. 886.5634.<br />

1968FIRtBIRD, V8, 4 speed,<br />

power steering, Rail y<br />

wheels. $800. 884.2752.,<br />

1968PONTIAC Firebird, con.<br />

vertible, 400 cubic inches,<br />

3 speed automatic on con.<br />

sole, full power, new tires,<br />

asking $800. Must sell. 886.<br />

2139.<br />

1969 DODGE Polara, 4 door,<br />

V-8, automatic,' air. power<br />

steering, $850. TU 6-1587.<br />

1973 PINTO slation wagon,<br />

air conditioned, 4 speed,<br />

excellent condi1.loD. 886.<br />

0186.<br />

1973 MERCURY Montego, 2<br />

door MX, 2 tone blue, vinyl<br />

top, air, stereo FM, 351 V8,<br />

sharp. $3,100 or offer. 882.<br />

9847.<br />

JEEP TyP2 International<br />

Scout, 29,000 miles. $875.<br />

Dodge 2 door, 48,000 miles,<br />

$295. 821.7430.<br />

1972 MG Midget, looks ,and<br />

runs excellent. $1,975 or<br />

offer. Also rare 1959 Elva<br />

Sport Roadster. 885.7839.<br />

1969 KARMANN.GHlA, dam.<br />

aged, driveable. TU 5~194<br />

after 6 p.m.<br />

1973 CHEVELLE deluxe 4<br />

door bard top sedan. V-8,<br />

Hydromatic, air conditioning,<br />

power brakes, power<br />

steeri,ng, AM/FM radio,<br />

12,000 miles, very clean.<br />

$2,900. 884.5711.<br />

1971 MERCURY C 0 Ion y<br />

Park station wagon, load.<br />

ed, air, steel radials, 8<br />

track, $1,995. 882-2305.<br />

1967 PLYMOUTH Fury III.<br />

all power, air, $400. Good<br />

condition. 885-6212.<br />

1972PINTO wagon, exceUent<br />

condition, take over pay.<br />

ments. 526-6541.<br />

1971 V.W. Sports mobile cam.<br />

per. Penthouse top, roof<br />

rack, map shelf, AM/FM<br />

radio, need tires, 2iebart,<br />

43,000 miles. $3,000. Call<br />

after 6 p.m. 882-7057.<br />

VOLKSWAGON Bug 1970,<br />

nice, $1,500. 882.8944.<br />

1970 MERCURY Cougar,<br />

power steering, vinyl roof,<br />

AMIFM stereo tape deck,<br />

good condition, $1,400. 822-<br />

9244.<br />

1969 PONTIAC Catalina, 4<br />

door h a r d top, power<br />

brakes, power steering,<br />

vinyl toP. air, new transmission,<br />

new exhaust. TU<br />

6-0495.<br />

1970 CORTINA, good condi.<br />

tion, no rust, 25 M.P.G.<br />

New tires. low mileage.<br />

$750. 882-0747evenings.<br />

1973 NOVl, excellent condition,<br />

wife's car, low mile.<br />

age, new tires, must sell.<br />

Power steering, FM, 3<br />

speed manual. Call 885'()725<br />

days, evenings. 882-3496.<br />

1974 VEGA, metallic gray,<br />

AM/FM, 4 speed, und~rcoated,<br />

under warranty,<br />

$2,250. 885.9167.<br />

1965 THUNDERBIRD, very<br />

good condition, complete<br />

power accessories. $400.<br />

881.7066.<br />


III, triple brown, 36,000<br />

miles, perfect condition,<br />

Call after 4 p.m. 773.2826.<br />

1974 VEGA Hatchback, man.<br />

ual transmission. 10,500<br />

miles, $2250. TU 5.8798.<br />

'74 CHEVY Nova, 2 door,<br />

compact with bigger car<br />

feel and roominess, 350 V8,<br />

hydramatic, IpOwer steer.<br />

lng, 11,000 miles. Extra<br />

clean. $2,595. 884-3&51.<br />

GROSSE<br />

l-1-CARS FOR SALE<br />

1965 MERCURY Monterey,<br />

one owner, .ood transpor.<br />

tation, $295. lI8S-8101.<br />

1966 LEMANS convertible,<br />

power stHrlnf, power<br />

brakes, clean, good condi.<br />

tion. $200. 886.9664.<br />

1972MARK IV, Ginger Brown<br />

with white top, brown lea.<br />

ther Interior, all options.<br />

Immaculate. $5500. TU 6.<br />

3634 or 962.3005.<br />

'73 FORD LTD Brougbam, 2<br />

door, air. Excellent condi.<br />

tion. $2949 or best offer.<br />

711-7019.<br />


Thursday, September 19, 1974<br />



BEDFORD 870 - English home for large famity with<br />

G.bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lavs, family room large<br />

ktlchen with built'ins. Slate roof. 2 car garage.<br />

KENSIN~TON 1217 - C.H. 4 bedroom Georgian<br />

ColomaI. Den, 1st floor lav, large kitchen. Excel.<br />

lent floo.r plan. New carpeting. 4 car brick ga.<br />

rage. Near Village. Lower 50's.<br />

YORKSHIRE 1266 -Architects home, Erlllish with<br />

contemJ;lOrary decor. Beautiful new carpeting.<br />

large kllchen. 2 car attached garage. Slate roof.<br />


YORKSHIRE 3939 - C.H. Semi.Ranch, 2 good bed<br />

. rooms, formlll dining room. Beautiful carpeting<br />

and draperi('s. 2 car garage,<br />


E. WARREN NEAR YORKSHIRE - 1200 square<br />

feet office building, air conditioned 4 car parking<br />

priced to sell. ' ,<br />

SILLOWA Y & CO.<br />

16825 Kercheval<br />


In The Village<br />

884.7000<br />

14.28BUCKINGHAM~First offering. 4 bedroom cen.<br />

ter entrance colonial. Paneled den, i bath, 2 half<br />

lavatories, new carpeting throughout, gas heat,<br />

2 car garage and patio. New exterior aluminum<br />

trim, plus storms and screens. Assume 5~%<br />

interest. Don't let this one get away.<br />

1324 BUCKINGHAM. Stately and elegant describes<br />

" . this rare beauty located in the heali of the park.<br />

"'It offers 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths 2 hair baths<br />

carpeting and drapes. Kitchen ~. homemaker~<br />

., Original owner. hilS given Illtg of<br />

lov1llg care. New gas boiler. Lot 75'xI67'. Home<br />

awaits your inspection. Call fo!" appointment and<br />

further details.<br />

1050 YORKSHIRE - 6 bedroom, 31k bath colonial<br />

featuring sunroom music room. Oak panelled library,<br />

3 natural fireplaces. Super large kitchen,<br />

screened enclosed terrace, 2nd floor study. Home<br />

has very impressive' entrance and stairCase. A lot<br />

of house located on extra large lot;Pel1ect for<br />

large family or professional man with entertain.<br />

ment in mind. This value is irreplacable.<br />

FIKANY<br />


886-5051<br />


FOR SALE<br />


--------------------------------------_._._-<br />

13-IEAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />

OPEN SATURDAY, 2.5<br />

Desirable 2 bedroom brick ranch on large lot. Price<br />

reduced. Only $33,900. 849 Rivard.<br />


S,barp 4 flat in Grosse Pointe Park. Individual furnaces.<br />

$515 per month income. Reasonably priced<br />

at $44.000. Land contract terms.<br />

Builders - City Lot zoned 2 family including adja.<br />

cent 3 family flat. Property could return $20,000<br />

per year less expenses on investment. Terms<br />

available to qualified buyer.<br />

,Alter Near Lake - 3 bedroom colonial, 'h dupleK,<br />

Hi baths, $18,500.<br />


886.4444<br />

A Family Business For Over A Century<br />

Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board<br />

17646 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe<br />


557 FISHER ROAD - Four bedroom English in 10'<br />

cation handy to everything. Spacious liying room,<br />

dining room. library and fully equipped kitchen.<br />

Nice family house.<br />

PRICE REDUCED - 1789 Vernier - Elegant town-<br />

I house in the Berkshires. Living room, dining<br />

room, paneled den, kitchen with all top quality<br />

appliances and eating area. Three bedrooms, two<br />

baths and powder room. Two car attached garage.<br />

Immediate Occupancy. $60,000.<br />

LAND CONTRACT available with a small down payment<br />

on this one owner, 2 bedroom Ranch with<br />

family room overlooking a charming yard. Good<br />

investment property or a perfect conveniently located,<br />

low maintenance home for a couple or<br />

single II')rson.<br />

CrlAMPION<br />

Realtor<br />

TU.4-5700<br />

Catherine W. Champion, Broker Associates<br />

June Anderman Shirley Kennedy<br />

Sally Clarke Lorraine Kirchner<br />

Ann Dingeman Evelyne Rupp<br />

Dorothy Healy Rachel Clark<br />

102Kercheval "On the Hill"<br />

Why more and mor~,ReaJ Estate buyers and sellers<br />




Our All-Pointes Relocation Service finds homes for<br />

relocated executives, across the nation.<br />

18780 MACK<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

886-5800<br />

are turning to<br />


;';"~' p,tf GUARA~TEEqi SAbE sPLA~,:,!';,:. ,.';,<br />

, . Four, Multi.List boards, inclUding Grosse Pointe '- .Why waif? e~ltk YOUl'! new home and buy it<br />

over 2,000 sales agents working for you for fast, Schweitzer can offer you a guaranteed sales price<br />

top-dollar action. for your present home.<br />


Our specialized departments professionally handle<br />

all phases of buying, selling, leasing and renting of<br />

residential, commercial .and industrial properties.<br />


CHARMING describes this home. A two bedroom brick bungalow built in 1941. The upstairs is open and<br />

unfinished. Natural fireplace in the living room. One bath and Ilk car garage. Nice view of golf course.<br />

Loving care is'reflected throughout. Open Sunday 1380 Vernier. G-453. SCHWEITZER 886.4200<br />

GROSSE POINTE WOODS--Three bedroom brick bungalow with a family rOom. Fireplace with fixtures.<br />

Nice basement recreation room. Carpeting and drapes. G-462. £CHWEITZER 886.4200<br />

GROSSE POINTE WOOnS--A freshly decorated three bedroom bungalow with a screened terrace. Base<br />

ment and garage. Range, refrigerator and dryer included. $27,900. G-446 SCHWEITZER f86-42oo<br />

IMMACULATE-A very well landscaped three bedroom brick bungalow newly decorated. Modern kitchen<br />

with a built in Kitchen Aide dishwasher. Beautiful finished basement with an extra full bath. Large 2'>2<br />

car garage. The lot is 60x150 feet. G.459. SCHWEITZER 686-4200<br />

IN THE WOODS-Well kept Ihree bedroom brick bungalJw with 11k baths. Fireplace. carpeting, drapes,<br />

paneled recreation room, screened porch, 2 car garage. Near school, transportation and park. Price<br />

reduced. G-363. SCHWEITZER 886-4200<br />

GRACIOUS-Six bedroom English Tudor home. 2 car garage. NatUral fireplace in the living room.<br />

Leaded paned and doors and windows accent this gracious home. Two bedrooms and full bath on<br />

third floor. Recreation room in basement. Under $SO,OOO. G-474. SCHWEITZER 866.4200<br />

ST. CLAIR S'HORES--Good sized three bedroom face brick ranch with cent rill air conditioning. Built in<br />

range. Raised hearth fireplace, Recreation room. The lot is 60xl20 feet. G.454. SCHWEITZER 8864200<br />

FOR A LARGE FAMILY. A four bedroom custom house in tpe prime area of Grosse Pointe Woods.<br />

Large breakfast room plus a formal dining room. A~so air conditioned. family room wilh a natural<br />

fireplace. Walking distance to schools. Save by assummg the 6% annual !Dterest rate mortgage. F 230.<br />

886-5800<br />

MODEST PRICE-Three bedroom colonial with a garage. New roof, new wiring. reconditioned furnace.<br />

Basement with 'h bath. Very low interest rate mortgage to assume. F 185. 885-5800<br />

MAST BUILT HOME-Bcautiful three bedroom 2'h bath face brick I'ancn home on a Jarg~ deep lot. Car.<br />

peted th.oughout. Air condiLioned family roon:t. Mutschler kitchen with self cleaning oven. Finished<br />

recreation room, Sprinkling system. ElectriC doors on the 2 car atlached garage. F 132. 88B-n800<br />

LAKEFRONT-A tremendou; 10,000 square foOl mansion on a ~50x4(}(}foot lakefront lot. Everything<br />

neelled for gracious living and spectacular entertaining. Six fireplaces. Huge connected gara!,'e with<br />

five room apartment upstairs. F 155. 886.58W<br />

NEAR LOCHMOOR CLUB-Attractive brick ranch featuring four bedrooms and 3'12 baths. gracious<br />

dining room. charming family room with a large terrace. Like new carpeting and drapes, Attached<br />

three car garage. Large beautifully landscaped lot. F 153. 886.5800<br />

GROSSE POINTE INCOME-Good sizcd two family home wilh basemcnt and 2 1 12 car garage, $19,900. Land<br />

contract 'terms available, F 97. 8&6-5800 .<br />

DUPLEX-DuplcK with six room, three bedrooms in each unit. Deep 55x178 fcot Jot. Block lhree car<br />

garage. One units rents for $325.00. j,' 94. B86.5800<br />

INVESr HERE-PRICE REDUCED on this large parcel of land in Grosse Pl'inte Woods with a face<br />

brick ranch home. Can be divided into 3 lots. Nearby proferly recently rezoned two Camily residential.<br />

F 93.<br />

INCOME-An excellent noor plan and generous size rooms. Well maintained 6 'and 6 income. Separate<br />

basements and gas furnaces, Meets all city occupancy requirements. F 214. 88fl.5800<br />

GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Enjoy gracious living in Grosse Poinle Woods. This home features a lormal<br />

dining room. family room, large kitchen plU! II finished basement and plenty of gardcn to rclax ill<br />

and enjoy. F 210. 886.5800<br />

Schweitzer<br />

~\ .,<br />

21300 MACK<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

886-4200<br />

Purdy and<br />


Associates<br />

A FIRST OFFERING: Overlooks Lake SI. Clair -<br />

A charming house with lots of room and privacy.<br />

Grand entrance hall with double stairway to the<br />

second floor. Large sitting room and library, 4<br />

fa mily bedrooms plus giant sleeping quarters.<br />

Fantastic grounds! Call {or more details.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00<br />

75 KENWOOD - Authentic Williamsburg Colonial.<br />

Magnificent kitchen - step down library with<br />

fireplace. 4 bedrooms. 3 Ii! baths plus family<br />

bedroom and maid's quarters on the 3rd floor.<br />

Ideal location - rcady for occupanc)'.<br />

17845 EAST JEFFERSON - Seeing is beliel'ingl De'<br />

signed by Hugh Kc)'cs, we oficr one of the most<br />

outstanding homes in Grosse Pointe, 3 family<br />

hedrooms plus maid's quarters - garden room<br />

and library on the first floor. The kitchen is ultra<br />

modern. Oh! There's a greenhouse and heated<br />

pool.<br />


An ususual buy. 2 family on Somerset. Good location<br />

-the upper has living room, dining room. kitch.<br />

en, 2 bedrooms and bath. The lower has the<br />

same. Full basement with 2 storage rooms and 2<br />

furnaces - really good? Only $39.500.<br />

Purdy and Associates<br />

889-0500<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5<br />

199C4ANITA, HARPER WOODS. Grosse Pointe<br />

schools go with this' very desirable four<br />

bedroom, two and one half bath brick co.<br />

lonial home. There is a first floor den and a<br />

modern kitchen with eating space. The home<br />

is in immaculate condition and is ready for<br />

quick occupancy.<br />

431 McKINLEY. Become a part of a very small<br />

and select grc>up of people who can move<br />

in,o a new house in Grosse Pointe. Decorate<br />

as a first owner 'and make this home<br />

uniquely yours. Located in the Farms, this<br />

spanking new infant features a family room<br />

with fireplace and sliding door to patio,<br />

three bedrooms, one and a half baths, fully<br />

carpeted and custom cabinet treatment.<br />

All this can be yours for $46,000.<br />

Picture ad on the following on page 20.<br />

762 S. RENAUD. Spacious ranch located on a<br />

beautifully land'lcaped lot in one of the most<br />

prestigious areas of Grosse Pointe WO(;ds.<br />

A paneled library for the executive of the<br />

house and a comfortable family room {or<br />

the entire family are desirable plusses which<br />

complement the formal living and dining<br />

roorns. This well constructed home -also features<br />

a roomy, modem kitchen, large double<br />

bedroom closets, att!lched two' car garage<br />

with an automatic door opener. central air<br />

conditioning and paneled recreation room<br />

complete with wet bar. An outstandIng<br />

value which isa delight to see and. pleasure<br />

to own.<br />

ON ONE OF THE GREAT streets in the<br />

Farms we want to show you this. larger<br />

.. colonial with four family bedJ'1lOms. and.<br />

. ";0 'three bathS' on Ule';secoii~ rlooi':"'O!!,'lhe"<br />

kitchen Is.a maid's room with another bath.<br />

With formal tiving room and dining room,<br />

this house also has places in which to entertain<br />

or escape. There is a large library<br />

with fireplace. There is a family room with<br />

fireplace. We can even offer a brick f1oqr,<br />

glassed in and heated garden room. The<br />

magnificently landscaped yard boasts a<br />

swimming pool. Come to 100 Lothrop and<br />

!\Iarty Owens will help you take the plunge.<br />


LARGE, THREE BEDROOM ranch in excellent 10.<br />

cation. This property in addition to a full dining<br />

room has a family room, one and one-half baths,<br />

cenlral air conditioning and a fenced yard provid.<br />

ing great privacy. The price is $53,000 and the<br />

occupancy is immediate.<br />

A SPACIOUS FOUR BEDROOM colonial in the City<br />

or Grosse Pointe, just a short walk to Village<br />

shopping, First floor plan has good traffic pattern<br />

willI "flow" between the Jiving room, family<br />

rOom and dining room. There is also a paneled<br />

den with access to the largc entrance hall. The<br />

garage is attached and the backyard is domino<br />

ated by a heated swimming pool. with a hydrau.<br />

lically operated cover.<br />

OUR HOME AT 40 MOROSS is located a block off<br />

Lakeshore near Grosse Pointe Boulevard. This<br />

single story, two bedroom house is perfect for a<br />

single person or couple. The garage is attached<br />

and backyard is large cnough for a tennis court.<br />


everylhing. This French country house begins<br />

wit!1 a IlCautiful Farms setting. Inside are four<br />

family hedrooms plus two more bedrooms over<br />

the attached garage, Both interior and exterior<br />

details arc exquisite, anll the hardware and slate<br />

roof was remol'cd from one of the Pointe's fine<br />

mansions.<br />

ONE OF THE MOST beautiful designed and best<br />

constructed homes in lhe Windmill Pointe area.<br />

All the. n)oms arc oversizl'd and the home i3<br />

llI~inlained in l'xcellenl condition. There arc<br />

many ('xtras in Ihis four hcdroom two and one<br />

half balh home. The extremely large foyer, high<br />

ceilings, lar::c rooms, make this a comfortable,<br />

spacious homc,<br />

DOESN'T SOUND LIKE Grosse Pointe. however<br />

this mini estate is in Ihe heart of the j,'arms<br />

and tucked away al the end of a private drive.<br />

The acre plus lot is densely wooded with enough<br />

room for tennis court and pool. Designed by<br />

Girard an'! Yamasaki, this contemporary home<br />

"opens up" to the ouldoors, yet is completely<br />

priva!c. There arc four hedrooms and four baths<br />

in fhc owncr's wing. Two more hedrooms and<br />

i::lothcr bath are in the scrvice wing. Living<br />

here ~'ou'll enjoy thc best of two worlds . . .<br />

both inside and oul.<br />


...I<br />

'<br />

!;<br />

7. t<br />

Peg. Twenty-Six<br />

TI1ursdey,,September 26, 197..<br />

16-PETS fOR SALE 21F-HOME<br />

21-- I PAINTING,<br />


KEESHOND puppies. AKC.<br />


8 weeks. Champion stoc k. YOUR doUar buys more Alu.<br />

INTERIOR-ezterlor paiDtiDg,<br />

773-7469 or 775.3106. minum . Siding installed 15 yeal'l experieace. Win<br />

now. Sudro Insulation Con.<br />

dow<br />

FREE TO loving borne, ado<br />

WIshing.<br />

r-<br />

CaU Ron<br />

struction. 881-3515.<br />

able kittens. 882.0747.<br />

777-2139.<br />

FREE DOG, part Terrier, 3 ALUMINUM<br />


years old, loves childre n. SIDING - TRIM<br />

CUSTOM Painting and D<br />

Call after 4:30 or evening s, IN COLORS<br />

orating. Wall paperUlg<br />

521.0509.<br />


WINDOWS AND DOORS Guaranteed. Free esti<br />

YOUR "6 TOED" cat had<br />

GUTTERS AND mates. LA 1.5'716.<br />

kittens in my garag e. DOWNSPOUTS COMPLETE decorating. Pa.<br />

Mother is mostly Tlger<br />

PORCH AND PATIO perhang1ng. Insured, gua r.<br />

mix. 5.6 kitten and moth er ENCLOSURES anteed. AI Schneider, TU<br />

need home! Moiller very<br />


1-Q565.<br />

loving, please help her.<br />

882.8959.<br />


-<br />

884-9512<br />



PAIN'l"ING<br />


COMPLETE De cora ti n g<br />

CHARLIE'S WO!)DCHUCK service, Paper hanging an d<br />

20% OFF Christmas Card s<br />

removing. Material, work<br />

until October 1. 4(} cat a- General Home Improvemen t, manship guaranteed. Fo<br />

,<br />

r<br />

logs. The Quill (see our<br />

Remodeling, Renovating<br />

estimates call<br />

display ad.) Mack at<br />

all phases. of rnodernizatio n WILLIAM FORSYTHE<br />

Hampton.. Grosse Poin te and repair. Free estimates<br />

VAlley 2-9108<br />

Woods.<br />

881.8978-after 6, 886.9214<br />

R. & T.<br />



2tG-ROOFING<br />

painting, ,interior and ex<br />


tedor. Free estimates. ~ 62<br />

1<br />

Roland. Grosse Point e<br />

- LOWEST PRICES on Dew<br />

Farms, 882-4586.<br />

7. gutters. Gutters repaire d<br />

ond cleaned. No job too big<br />

PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand<br />

d or too small. Work done<br />

ing and finishing. Special<br />

personally. Serving Gross e<br />

izing in dark staining.<br />

k Pointe for 25 years. Rich "Supply own power." Cal<br />

ard Willertz. 50 Roslyn Rd for free estimate. W<br />

. Free estimates, call TU Abraham, 979-3502.<br />

1.8170.<br />


nuftd'Y, September 26, 1974 6 R 0 S S ~ PO f N TEN E W S<br />




S~~IALTY . .!~on you All tneI of brick. bJoet, ~ roo&. ..... ,' ,ervlee, eall ~"'T LAND6CAPlNG CO. ae.pIa(. ~m:::o.4 sea.<br />

c_ )'Q,IQ' _ter caD .tepI. JloDea. elaImDe1. dI.lIaae1.,'JlOI'daa. IJ..":PLUKBING &Dd RAft • LAwN AND OAJlDEN lIODI Ief\'. .,<br />

me for a FREE estimate. driveway IDCl patiol New eeDIed.'" lNG, PiwDbiDI L1eeD1e SERWCB LAWN ctJTnNG. w~,<br />

neal •• bl, Priced.: Rf4er. aDd repaJn.' .• #Ot55I. TUqdo 4-411I2. eultivati.Dl, t.hrub ud evereaCH.<br />

Call 1S8-4127. Ask "1201 ,ANYl'DUC • AWea • Pon:b EDeloaureI 21v C!II VIIPLATING 881-0292 II'MIl triawiDl. Tree trim.<br />

for Dave. BRICK: RE • AddiUoaI'.lQtdieu 't'_ '" miq.<br />

2U-WAU WASHING ai..___ PAIRS-Parehel. • CoDUlletda1 Ja,n.llnl. • Silver aDd Gold PlitiDI ...._. SHOREWOOD &<br />

--....-yl8PU'., etc. FREE .• n..'" aDd Reftat.ho" LAWN AND OA2lDBN -or.<br />

ESTIMATES. Wort &\W'. J 1M SUTTON v...~ ........ lee. I'ree estimate. B. SUo ASSOCIlt. 'TES<br />

WALL WASHING .ft'--a --"7 1m 11_ • BrassPoliIhiDa. ••__ .'''1'' I"\.<br />

PAINTING. DECORATING -. ".--. . -, ,. Lacqueriq ..,....... .." • m«sa<br />

ELJD:R T. LABADIE PORCHES, paUol, DeW or TU •.2M2 TU Z.zaI • J'ireplace fi&t1IreI JOHN C. CARIJSI.E<br />

TU 2-aoM rebu.Ut, tuck pe.iDUDl, brick refin1ebed Complete 1aDdIcape aervice.<br />

YORKSHIRE WiDdow Clean- ::~:e:::tH!:='c=~ •=~ Modernization &DCl m-::ditJoJl SiDc:e ~<br />

inI. fte.SOGIb1e. J'Ne taU. Iley repair, alld rebuilt. MORE VALUE tor Youl LE~BERT<br />

mates. lDsllled. ..... 8aBement - waterproofiDg moeey. AddiliOlll, kltcheD., SILVERSMITHS<br />

CALLEBS • SON aDd carpe.ater wort. 25 dotmers, buemeJIt5, Nth.<br />

Winclow c1elDiq. FuJ4r iD- ye.... experience. All work roolllJ, 'Wall removall. 1tll0 CHARLEVOIX<br />

ured .. a....... bIe --..-' lUUauteed. Donald Me. BIDIGARE BD.OS. a blocu Welt of Chalmers<br />

• • -- ...... _. Ea-"-rD, ".....CA..... I': VA 2.7a18<br />

Free estimates. 77N55II. ...... --- INC<br />

A'()K: WiDdow Clemen. 8er. 21'-WATUPlOOFING <strong>Of</strong>fice 17i.:m5 21W-DIE$$MAKING<br />

vice 011storma aDd eereeu. A F.veJliqs, SUDd.y. 'l'V 1... AHDTAILOIING<br />

Free e.timate.. MOlltblJ C PIZZO CONSTRUCTION<br />

tes 5212U8 All 1)pes of Waterproof1Dl HARRY SMITH ALTEFATIONS aDd repair.,<br />

ra . - • Guarlllteed ReaSOl1lble BUILDING CO. 1152 Marylud, G r 0 sse<br />

EXCELLENT wiodow wash. IJeeJlled and Insured E.tabUslled fa Pointe Park. VA 1-26,'U.<br />

lng, Interior-exterior. Guar. 885-OS12 Grosse Pointe Area Since 037 PROFESSIONAL alterations,<br />

anteed reaulta. Call illY. ftuklential IDCl Commercia! 20828 ADita Harper Woo4a<br />

time, 341.7403 - 871.2383. J. W. KLEINER Remocle11q chIg iN.. .,<br />

21K WINDOW All type, or basement AlteratioDa aDd Ma1IItenanee 11.I aD. .'<br />

- waterproofblJ New COastruction ALTERATIONS &: Repain-<br />

WASHING All wotk -,uaranteed II85-3llOO 885-'lOlJ i>reuea, pailltllUitl,. coata<br />

G. oUliN IJeelllled lnIured . aDd aD,)' otber DewthiDp.<br />

WINDOW CLEANING TU 2~071Z ALL PHASES, C.A. Patter. ', ....<br />

SERVICE BOD. lDsured. Equipped to _ "<br />



372-3022 ~~~. '::=:~: FORMICA WORK TBIlUIING, removal, .pr.,.<br />

21M-SEWlI SEIVICE l'OPS - SINK: CABINETS tq feedinJ aad ItWDp<br />

CODDENS BASEMENTS removal. Free atimaw,<br />


Electric: Sewer ClelDiDg , CALL PAUL - '1'14-2N9 FlemlU Tree Servlee.<br />

ESTABL.lSBJm JJ24 TU edo 1~<br />

i:= Alllypes of balement 'Water- F. DEWINDT , x •<br />

, All Work Guarau~ proofInJ. 7 year IUll'aDtee. BUILDING c\ Now. 11 the time for lIwn<br />

8M-9512 References. 331-10"., REMODELING RElUVINATION.,<br />

FFBE Add1tioD1. Kitehel1l, B.albl; SUPERIOREXTERIORS<br />

SEWERS CLEANED, broken CHAS. !.:. 18OO J'£ Y Co{ian, formic. cllWlter "'nle Heiaht of<br />

~ ••-- G -- to....; Free estimatel. 1-781- Landscape Quality"<br />

~en ":~;b •..;,=..Buemellt WaterprOoijq... '17MlIM 'l7W338<br />

........ -... • • UllderpiD footIDp _ 6780.<br />

B81-G083 or 779-1225. • CncbcI or c:aved-ln wana<br />

ELECTRIC sewer aDd dra1Il ' WereDea '<br />

cleanlDl. Free pboDe atI.. Llceued 'willed "<br />

m.tes. 88U8eOor .~. '21Q-I'LASTEI, WOlk<br />

ELEc:rRIC SEWER clean. SPECIALiZING in repairS<br />

iDI. No footale ehaqe. . .. . ~<br />

TelephOlleprice. 20YeaN for 18 Je'.rI. Craw ~.<br />

experience. can e.l Roe- nated. Clean. .Jim 1:1Ickmer,<br />

Plumbm,. TU uuo. weD. VA 1.7051•.<br />


R. COODENS<br />


Asphalt seal Coatiq protedll,<br />

preserves ad beautlfies.<br />

ED 1.1044<br />

21-O-CEMENT AND<br />

BliCK WOIK<br />

),<br />

NEW and repair work. Neat,<br />

cleID aervlce. JlI ye.... ' ex.<br />

perience. Free eatimatel.<br />

Albert Verstr.ete. lI82~.<br />

SPRIET<br />


New and repair 'WOrk. serving<br />

the Pointel 25 years.<br />

Free estimatta. C 1 e a n<br />

workmllllhip.<br />

8lI8-M21 or ~<br />

• BRICK: WORK:<br />





AdvlDce MaiDtenanc:e uphOlIterer, good work, re.llM-lI512<br />

8Onable. VA 1-4900 •.<br />

ALDO:IfUGLIA CHAIR SEATS re.r.abed rea-<br />

CEMENT CONTBAC1'ING 8Onably. 886-708ll.<br />

Licensed and bonded.<br />

Specializing fa drivew.,., 21S-CAIPENTEl<br />

sidewalb, gange I1oon, WORK<br />

aDd ~~W~ates BARKER<br />

288-3476 LA 1-3662 COl'fi'BACTORS, Inc.<br />

Modernfution • Alterations<br />

SENTRY CONSTRUCTION Additions. Family Rooms<br />

CEMENT D~FLOOBS Kitchen .nd Recreation Areas<br />

PORCHES Est.te MainteJW1ee<br />


PA':l'!OS ~<br />


REFBAMED ALL P HA'S E S, Patterson<br />

NEW GARAGES BUILT Builder. lllaured .. Equipped<br />

TBUCIOWG-BACK: to .erve you. TU &-1",.<br />


'1'12-1771 '177-3055<br />

Lieensed Builder<br />

Free Eltimates<br />

H. CHAUVIN<br />




• Wallti • Drives • Por~hes<br />

• P~tio. • WaterproofiDg<br />

•! Steps<br />

• Tucl:: Poillting<br />

.. Chimney ReP' ir<br />

. No job too sma»<br />

Free estimates<br />

Lic~ed and SoDded<br />

PR t-M21<br />

17S-U27 882.1473<br />

CEMENT WORK of .my<br />

kind. BOIIded, lleeDled, io.<br />

sured. TU 2-9888, after e<br />

p.m. or 372-4939.<br />



ESTABLISHED 1924<br />

• Driveways Our Specialty<br />

• Patios<br />

• Porches<br />

• Chimneys<br />

• Waterproofing<br />

EO 1-1044<br />

LETO<br />


Sillee 1911<br />

Custom BuUdiDg<br />

Family rooms our speci.lty,<br />

alteratiOllS, kitchens.<br />

TU 2-322<br />



We Instan<br />

Formica-Sink Tops<br />

Cabinets-All Styles<br />

Built-Ins-Installed<br />

Free Estimates<br />

No Obligations<br />

No Delay.<br />

Bill Paige<br />

371~<br />




884-9512<br />


Construction Company<br />

BUILDERS •<br />


.<br />

• Additions, Dormer.<br />

Rec. Rooms, Bathrooms<br />

CHAS, F. JEFFREY Kitchens, New Homes<br />


,<br />


• BrJet • Block • Stone Custom Garagea aDd Doorl<br />

• CemeDt Work •<br />

Free Estimates .nd PlanniJlll<br />

• Waterproofing<br />

• Tuck Pointing<br />

• Patios of .ny kind<br />


8112-1800<br />

J. W. KLEINER<br />


All types Cement, Stone IDd<br />

Brick Werk-New aDd Repairs,<br />

Driveways, Porcba,<br />

W.Ib, Patios, Tuck PoiJItln,<br />

Pre-Cllt Step!<br />

WaterproolJDi<br />

No Job Too Small<br />


IN<br />

Flagstone Walk. u4 PatlOi<br />

Natural Stooe PLtntm<br />


TU 2.0717<br />

•<br />


•<br />

881-1024<br />

YOUR Construction dollar<br />

gou further with SlIdro<br />

Builder. SiDce lNI. 181.<br />

3515,<br />

QUALITY WORK by carpen.<br />

ter with over 20 ye.... ex.<br />

perienee ill Groue Po1Dte.<br />

Kitchen. remodeled, bue.<br />

ment.s paneled, room .ddition.,<br />

ete. Conlc:lenUout.<br />

SmaU jobs .eceptable. TO<br />

.-A72.<br />

CARPENTER work and aU<br />

remocleliDl. can Pete, ..<br />

ee18.<br />

CITY OF;<br />


'""I<br />

i, ----<br />

Page Twenty.Eight<br />

*<br />

(iJ-&nte<br />

*<br />

*<br />

Gounter Points<br />

WEIRD CEDRIC ... has ;ust arrived.<br />

at The Men-y Mouse, corner<br />

Kercheval and Notre Dame: Stop in<br />

and meet him.<br />

• •<br />

FALL-THE TIME OF CHANGE. Transitional<br />

blouses with long sleeves are now being shown at<br />

Michelle's Boutique. to be worn with sport suits or<br />

slacks. See the three piece pajama sets of Qiana ...<br />

that luxurious material in lovely coral prints . . .<br />

all reasonably priced. Accent your fall outfit with<br />

new jewelry. Shop at Michelle's Boutique, 17888<br />

Mack Avenue. They are open Friday evenings until<br />

8 p.m.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

At Ed Maliszewski ... 21435 Mack Avenue they<br />

have a wide selection of in voque, oriental rugs on<br />

display and other sizes can be ordered. Maliszewski's<br />

has been expanded to twice the size and remodeled<br />

for better viewing of the great selection of carpeting<br />

and area rugs ... they still. have the same friendly<br />

boutique atmosphere and personal service ... 776-<br />

5510.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />



MANENT WAVING." Just send a stamped,<br />

self-addresset.l envelope to Bart Edmund,<br />

21316 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods,<br />

48236 or come in while they last. Free con-<br />

sultations.<br />

by Pit Rousselu<br />

*<br />

,.,. ~ Jf'(".~~'''." ... "" • .,-... ~. ~. ~ •. -....... ~. - '!' •<br />


Feature Page<br />

Pointer of Interest<br />

Advance Notice ... The entire Posh Collection<br />

for Holiday and Resort will be informally modeled<br />

at Walton.Pierce, Somerset Mall, October 30th and<br />

Walton-Pierce, Grosse Pointe October 31st and November<br />

1st. The Walton.Pierce buyers saw the collec.<br />

lion in New York two weeks ago and it is great. As<br />

you know, the fabrics, prints and solid color combin.<br />

ations are always beautiful. Having a show does give<br />

the customer a chance to either buy from stock on<br />

hand or choose her Own color combinations and style<br />

modifications, such as adding sleeves or changing a !<br />

neckline. Customers have been asking when The<br />

Posh Collection was coming. It was a smashing sue.<br />

cess last year. Be sure to put the dates on your<br />

fashion calendar. We will be reminding you of the<br />

show again next month.<br />

• • •<br />

Relax And Be Pampered ... at The Jefferson<br />

Aparlments, Grosse Pointe's newest condominium,<br />

A doorman parks your car, receives your packages I<br />

and stores your groceries in a special refrigerator PlIoio b.v Barbara Bruno<br />

if you are not home. There's no need to arrange DR. NOLA HUSE TUTAG, OF RADNOR CIRCLE<br />

snow removal, gardening or exterior maintenance. --- ----<br />

Maximum insulation insures a quiet environment. <strong>By</strong> Roger Alexander Waha<br />

Your icemaker and wet bar are ready for entertain. I~ was ba~k in 1960 during. a college night at a<br />

ing. Plan a trip. Three security systems will guard DetroIt !irea hIgh school that I flfs~ had the pleasure<br />

your apartment-home. Visit the model apartment. ~f m~ttng Dr. N~l.a Tutag, (affect.lOnately known a')<br />

17111 E. Jefferson. Enter on Neff or St. Clair. Open Curl by her fnends and aSSOCiates), who, as an<br />

12.5 daily except Wednesday. 882-7708 or 886-4880. advisor a~Monteith College. Wayne State University,<br />

• • • warmly greeted prospective students while standing<br />

BE GLAMOROUS _ IMPROVE ON NATURE outside a classroom door. 1---------<br />

. At the Edward Nepi Salon they will add eye- To this day, 1 don't kn~w . science, .soCial science and<br />

lashes one-by-one, as few 'or as many as desired for if it was the charming, pert humani~ies.<br />

the more noturallook _ they last and last. Call 884- New Zealander who S?ld me T~tonal study classes ~rc<br />

• ' . on the then - experIIIlental avaQable, and the maSSlVe<br />

8858 Tor an appozntment. small college or the Monteith three-quarter ~enlor essay<br />

• • • program. itself. It was prob. projec~ is. a requirement.<br />

.N~w YOQ,caa afford &U week _ ill 'ablY a combination of both, In the meantime, the stu-<br />

FlGrida ••• tJaat y. CGlIlda't,1ut week. MIL , although 1 venture to say the dent could select" Classes, in<br />

The reaSOll is a aew TIl..aay to Suday edge would go to Dr. Tutag. liberal arts, education, law<br />

fare. Call as ud start paekml • • • .......... As a result, 1 selected Mon. or in whalever' area be<br />

• • • telth and was a member of wished his major to be, UpOn<br />

. the college's second gradu- graduation, his Bachelor of<br />

THE ALL~RE OF QI,ANA '.' . ~venmg eleganc~, ating class in 1954. During Arts or Bachelor of Philosothe<br />

way It feels against skin. silky and soft. m my career there I had the ohy del'1'e-ewould come from<br />

shades of lacquer red, black, midnight blue and {Ipportunity of visiting Dr. Monteith. It should also be<br />

emerald green. . . priced at $70.00. See them now Tutag, whose door is always n~ted that anyone whp's ad"<br />

at Mr. Julian Fashion Boutique. 15114 Kercheval open. to students, on ma!,!y m!tted!o. Wayne ~an .be ad-<br />

Avenue. Alterations at cost. 822-2812. occasions .. That aspect of life mltted mto Montclth.<br />

• • • at Monte1th hasn t changed Yet anotner experimental<br />

DID YOU KNOW! ••• MIdseb1er Kitdiss also speelaliae<br />

in cabinets for extra sv:raJe ... ce ba tile fa..ny.<br />

diDlJ1l or UYiq room. TIley are avaD.bIe .. tiIIernt ~<br />

isMS wltIl crecoralive borden aDd 1ft n.. to tle floor.<br />

H you are pI~ on remodeUaJ YlNll' kftelleu • • • remember<br />

tbls takes time. 10 let.aa early .tart. Call 884-31"<br />

or stop by 26ZZ1Mack Ayeaae.<br />

• •<br />

A SUGGESTION from LaParisienne Salon ...<br />

15233 Kercheval Avenue. Now that students are<br />

baCk to school and need time for extra curricular<br />

activities, they suggest a short care-free hair cut.<br />

Consult them, they will shape your cut to suit<br />

your personality. Call 821-1650 for an appointment.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

• • •<br />

EXPERT ADVICE ••• III doaW abold style aDd c:olor<br />

for YOll~framea! QlDlalt ,Joyce. tile II&YUst at WoocIaOptical<br />

Studios. Sbe stacties tile c:oatlNll'S of YOtll'face aDd always<br />

looks lor up.goiDl Uaes. sometIaiDg witlt a lift, to Dauer<br />

yoar face, regardJeSll of age. Stop lIy Itm Mack, between<br />

7 and 8 Mile ROPds, or can 881.8111.<br />

• • •<br />

Add a touch of elegance to your<br />

home with lead crystal<br />

candlesticks, bonbons,<br />

accessories. •.<br />

com pot e s,<br />

•<br />

.. ' .<br />

vases, etc. A new shipment has just<br />

arrived at The Squirrel's Nest-Sphere,<br />

19849 Mack Avenue.<br />

',.<br />

.<br />

Ports of Call • • • IIOW takiJI, regilltrations for hIr1dtllre<br />

refbdsbing, starting MoDday, October UtI! at 23ZZt Greater<br />

Mack. Can 775.117••<br />

WEIRD CEDRIC ... has ;ust arrived<br />

at The Merry Mouse, corner<br />

KerC:leval and Notre Dame. Stop in<br />

and meet him.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

over the years nor has her aspect is the informal qualwarm,<br />

gracious personality. ity and closeness of discus-<br />

Importaat Part . I sion groups. Students come<br />

A woman of many talents enm;;sse to course. lect~re.s<br />

Rnd Interests. Monteith Col. b~t then. break. up mto mdllege<br />

has bCilDand still is an Vidual dlsc~,sslon groups of<br />

important part of her life. amround1~. Here. a facul.ty<br />

She has been a counselor at em.her IS part of the dlsthe<br />

school since its birth in cuss Ion group. The student<br />

1959, tbanks to II' $1,000,000 then ha~ the ch~nce to .exgrant<br />

from the Ford Founda- change Ideas. which are 1m.<br />

tion. At the same time, Dr. port ant .to "hiS growth and<br />

Tutag is a adjunct professor maturatIOn, not e s Dr.<br />

in the Art <strong>History</strong> Depart- Tutng. .<br />

ment where she teaches a Experlinent Makes Good<br />

course titled "Art in the When students aren't shar-<br />

United States." ing ideas in class, many<br />

"Monteith Coil e g e was meet~t the student-operated<br />

founded by a group of pro- Monteith Center to exchange<br />

fessors who were concerned thoughts over .co~fee or !un<br />

about the specialization of fllms, have parbes or Just<br />

higher education in those taTkedabreMakbe~wh~enctlasse;;<br />

days. They felt all people 0 ay ontelt s s ory IS<br />

should have a good basic an experiment which has<br />

background In education," good - something in<br />

she explains. One the foun- w~lch Dr. Tutag takes great<br />

ders and the college's first pride.<br />

dean was Woodburn O. Ross, "Monteith isn't an experi.<br />

of Kensington road. ment anymore for it was ab-<br />

The founders went to the sorbed by Wayne in 1954 as<br />

Ford Foundation, also con- one of the .12 colleges on<br />

cerned over the specializa- campus . .J{o~ever. we hope<br />

lion of higher education, and we .can contl.nue to keep exthe<br />

Foundation agreed to fund penmenlal. In natur~ and<br />

its creation as a five-year ex- ~lway~ be mte~est~d In n~w<br />

periment. "Monteith was the Ideas III educatIOn, she said.<br />

very first college to try the Palt~rned after Ox~~rd and<br />

experiment of a limited small Camh.rldge but modified for<br />

college on a large campus. A!11e,ncan sta.ndards,. Mo~-<br />

Today many universities telth s cducahonal aim IS<br />

have ~uch colleges" states very close to Dr. Tutag's<br />

Dr. Tulag. ' heart. Take. for exampie, the<br />

S lit Cum uI socio.humanistic. course in<br />

p scum relation to Monteith's inter-<br />

This wasn't the 0.nlyexp~ri- disciplinary approach to edumental<br />

aspect of MonteJth, cation.<br />

he "first of. its kind which "This course focuses upon<br />

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