Creedmoor To Request Loan

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THURSDAY August 2, 2012 THE BUTNER-CREEDMOOR NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS B SECTION REDDING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Ten Granville County tudents will receive edding Memorial cholarships to help them ttend area colleges and niversities this fall. Since 1979, the Redding emorial Scholarship und has awarded 293,700 to 200 Granville ounty students. Former ranville County resident r. Marshall E. Redding, ho is a prominent cardilogist and cardiovascuar-thoracic surgeon in ong Beach, California, stablished the highly ompetitive scholarships n 1977. The scholarship und honors the memories f Dr. Redding’s late arents, Mr. J. R. Redding, ho served as a county gricultural Extension gent for 28 years and rs. Bessie B. Redding, a ighly respected lementary school teacher. The selection process is highly competitive and is based on academic performance, financial need and a well-rounded investment in school and community activities. Applicants are among the brightest and most talented students in Granville County. The following 10 students will each be awarded $1,000 for the 2012-2013 academic year. From the Class of 2010, receiving the award for a third year: Taylor Gray Abernethy, a graduate of South Granville School of Health and Life Sciences, is majoring in Biology with a concentration in Environmental Sciences at East Carolina University (ECU) in Greenville. She serves as an ECU Honors Ambassador, volunteers as a tutor and was recently inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. She is the aughter of Mr. Scott bernethy of Butner and rs. Joan Bunders of reedmoor. Sharessa Cherwayne oyster, a graduate of J.F. ebb School of Health and ife Sciences, attends niversity of North arolina at Chapel Hill UNC-CH) and majors in sychology and minors in ntrepreneurship, Social Economic Justice. She is Resident Advisor for the ampus housing departent and the on campus oordinator for the inority Student ecruitment Committee. he is the daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Wayne Royster f Oxford. GeorQuesha Ti’Mes trong, a graduate of J. F. ebb High, attends ECU o study Mathematics and athematics Education. he daughter of Mr. and rs. David Thorpe of xford and Mr. and rs. George Strong, eorQuesha is a North arolina Teaching Fellow nd a member of the ational Society of ollegiate Scholars, a ociety of freshmen and ophomores from the top 0 percent in their class. hile pursuing her degree he volunteers for Habitat or Humanity and the Pitt ounty Building Hope ommunity Center. From the Class of 011, receiving the award or a second year: avannah Jane Bower, a raduate of South ranville High School of ntegrated Technology nd Leadership, studies usiness and Marketing ducation at Appalachian tate University in Boone. his past year Savannah has been active in the Student Government Association on campus using her skills to keep the student body informed on important events. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bower of Wake Forest. Claudia McCullough Willett, a graduate of J.F. Webb High School of Health and Life Sciences, studies Biology at Meredith College in Raleigh. In her first year of studies she undertook the beginnings of the Honors Program at Meredith, joined several clubs and chaired the committee for the Freshman Class Dinner. She is the daughter of Ms. Martha Hilton- Willett of Oxford. Receiving the award for the first time: Michelle Lynn Beckum, a 2012 graduate of South Granville High School of Integrated Technology and Leadership, will attend North Carolina State University (NCSU) and study Architecture. Michelle is a Student of Merit and while preparing for college she served as her school’s Junior Marshall and participated in the youth group and choir at her church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Beckum of Franklinton. Kalee Gray Edwards, a 2012 graduate of South Granville School of Health and Life Sciences, intends to become a nurse practitioner. She will study nursing at UNC-CH. While preparing to enter college, Kalee participated in student government, Leadership Granville and National Honor Society. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Edwards of Creedmoor. Abigail Bounds Gruchacz is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gruchacz of Oxford. She is a 2012 graduate of North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) and enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Asheville where she will study the Humanities. She is frequently cast for live stage performances at the Granville Little Theatre and NCSSM Theatre Department, has written three novels and wrote and directed her own film. Havannah Edelle Keeton, valedictorian of J.F. Webb School of Health and Life Sciences Class of 2011 and rising sophomore at UNC-CH, is majoring in Environmental Studies. After receiving her degree she wants to return to Granville County and begin a sustainable farming operation. When she is not studying, Havannah performs and composes music and volunteers at the campus community garden. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keeton of Bullock. Jalen Terrell Walton, a graduate of South Granville High School of Integrated Technology and Leadership and a former student of Christian Faith Center Academy, is enrolled at NCSU and will major in Computer Engineering or Computer Science. While preparing for college academics, Jalen was involved in National Honor Society, Beta Club and volunteered regularly at his church and in the community. He is the son of Ms. Bobbie Walton of Butner and Mr. John Walton of Garner, NC. Dr. Redding deeply appreciates the time and attention of the selection committee: Dr. Thomas J. Williams, chairman, retired Granville County Schools superintendent; Dr. Kay D. Phillips- Redding, retired director, N.C. Scholastic Media Association, UNC-CH School of Journalism and Mass Communication; Dr. Tim Farley, superintendent, Granville County Schools; Mr. Paul W. Westfall, Granville County Extension Director; and Ms. Jamie V. Haddix, School Social Worker at C. G. Credle Elementary. For more information on future applications for this award, please contact NC Cooperative Extension – Granville County Center at 919- 603-1350. Tax & Business INFORMATION PROVIDED BY Cozart & Edwards, PA Certified Public Accountants SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS HEALTH CARE LAW In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court generally upheld the constitutionality of the controversial 2010 health care law. In addition to preserving mandates for health insurance coverage, certain tax provisions will take effect as scheduled in 2013, barring any subsequent legislation. Here’s a summary of the main tax changes for 2013. Medicare surtaxes: The health care law includes the following two Medicare surtaxes that could affect individual taxpayers: A 3.8% surtax on the lesser of annual net investment income or the amount by which modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples). “Net investment income” includes interest, dividends, royalties, rents, gains from dispositions of property and income from passive activities, but not tax-free interest or distributions from qualified retirement plans and IRAs. A 0.9% surtax on earned income (e.g., wages) exceeding $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples). Flexible spending accounts: Currently, there’s a $5,000 limit on pre-tax contributions to a flexible spending account (FSA) used for dependent care expenses, but there’s no such limit on health care FSAs. The law caps health care FSA contributions at $2,500 starting in 2013. Medical deductions: For 2012, you may deduct unreimbursed medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). The law raises this AGI floor in 2013 to 10% for taxpayers under age 65. Other tax-related provisions in the law were also upheld by the Supreme Court. For instance, an individual will generally have to obtain “minimum essential health insurance coverage” or pay a nondeductible penalty, beginning in 2014. Another provision, which took effect in 2010, allows a qualified small business to claim a tax credit for part or all of the cost of providing health insurance. This remains a complex area of the tax law. Contact us regarding your personal circumstances and the effect the Supreme Court ruling could have on your taxes. Senior Center Activities Schedule PO Box 766, Hwy 56E. & Main Street Creedmoor, NC 27522 Week of Mon. August 6 - Friday, August 12, 2012 Daily: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Walking in the Gym 9:00 - 10:00 Coffee Hour 12:00 - Lunch For More Information - Call 528-0848 Click “Senior Services” . Monday, August 6: 8:45 Game Time, 10:00 Painting Class w/Alma Burke, 11:15 Devotion, 4:00 Zumba Gold Class. Lunch 12:00: Chicken Salad, Broccoli Salad, Crackers, Pineapple, Milk. Tuesday, August 7: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Low Impact Aerobics, 10:15 Exercise with Arthritis, 10:45 Bible Study with Dr. Mercedes Summmers, 12:30 Water Aerobics - YMCA. Lunch: 12:00: Fried Fish, Green Beans, Coleslaw, Cornbread Square, Milk. Wednesday, August 8: 8:45 Game Time, 9:30 North Central Legal Assistance Program (By Appointment, 10:15 Bingo. Lunch 12:00: Hamburger, Corn on the Cob, Lettuce/Tomato, Hamburger bun. Milk. Thursday, August 9: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Low Impact Aerobics, 10:00 Crochet Club,10:15 Exercise for Arthritis, 12:30 Water Aerobics - YMCA. Lunch 12:00: Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Asian Blend Vegetables, Wheat Bread, Citrus Sections, Milk. Friday, August 10: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Craft: Ceramic Classes w/Joan Harrison, 9:00 Zumba Gold Class, 12:00 Romeo’s Meet (Retired Old Men Eating Out.) Lunch 12:00: Pork BBQ, Hamburger Bun, New Potatoes, Baked Beans, Fresh Orange, Milk. * Milk is served with each meal - Chocolate milk and 2% low fat milk are available.** Savvy Senior You ask the Senior question ~ We find the Savvy answer Understanding Reverse Mortgages Dear Savvy Senior, Where can I get reliable, unbiased information on reverse mortgages? My wife and I are thinking about getting one but want to do some research first. Need Money Dear Need, For seniors that are house rich but cash poor, a reverse mortgage is a viable option, but there’s a lot to know and consider to be sure it’s a good choice for you. Here are some tips and tools to help you research this complex financial product. Let’s start with a quick review. A reverse mortgage is a loan that lets older homeowners convert part of the equity in their home into cash that doesn’t have to be paid back as long as they live there. To be eligible you must be age 62 or older, own your home (or owe only a small balance) and currently be living there. You can receive the cash either as a lump sum, a line of credit, regular monthly checks or a combination of these. And with a reverse mortgage, you, not the bank, own the house, so you’re still responsible for property taxes, insurance and repairs. Currently, 99 percent of all reverse mortgages offered today are Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM), which are backed by the Federal Housing Administration. Repayment is due when you or the last borrower dies, sells the place or lives elsewhere for 12 months. Then you or your heirs will have to pay off the loan (which includes the money you borrowed plus accrued interest and fees) either with the proceeds from selling the place, or if you want to keep the house, with money from another source. Educational Resources To get a better handle on reverse mortgages and how they work, there are several excellent resources you can turn to for reliable information, but you’re going to need access to the Internet utilize them. To get started, the National Council on Aging recently created a free new website called the Home Equity Advisor that’s designed to help you think through the best way to leverage your home – a reverse mortgage isn’t your only option. Just go to and click on their "Quick Check" tool which will ask you a series of questions about your personal and household situation to define exactly what you might need or want. Then, based on your answers, you’ll receive an individualized report offering information, tools, and consumer advice on a range of possible solutions that includes reverse mortgages and other alternatives. If you find that you are a good candidate for a reverse mortgage, your next stop is at, a new consumer website created by the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. This site offers lots of educational information including "Your Road Map" which will help guide you through all the features of reverse mortgages and the process of obtaining one. It also has a calculator to estimate how much you’d be eligible to receive from a reverse mortgage, and offers has a comprehensive directory of licensed HUDapproved mortgage lenders, banks, and credit unions that offer reverse mortgage loans in your state. Get Counseling Another important resource to help you understand the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage and how it would work in your particular situation is through counseling. In fact, because reverse mortgages are such complicated products, the federal government requires that all reverse mortgage borrowers receive counseling through a HUD approved independent counseling agency before they take out a HECM loan. Counseling can be done in person or over the phone and some agencies today provide it for free or at a minimal fee. Some locations charge around $125. To locate counseling agencies in your area, visit offices/hsg/sfh/hecm/hecmhome.cfm or call 800-569- 4287. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070 FINANCIAL FOCUS CHRIS ELLIS EDWARD JONES INVESTMENT FIRM Financial Tips For Newly Single Women Here’s something to think about: The average woman’s family income drops by 37% after divorce, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. So, if you’re a newly single woman, you may want to consider these steps: First, get help from a financial advisor to clarify your spending needs, cash flow and investment strategy. You might also consider working with a trust company, which can help you manage your finances in several ways. Next, contribute as much as you can afford to your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan. At a minimum, put in enough to earn your employer’s match, if one is offered. Also, try to put aside several months; worth of living expenses in a liquid account. This emergency fund can help you avoid dipping into long-term investments to pay for unexpected costs, such as an expensive car repair. Divorce is difficult. But by making the right moves, you can help brighten your financial picture. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

The Butner-Creedmoor News, Thursday August 2, 2012 • 3b GRANVILLE BUSINESS D OGS RULE AT Your Pet Gets Lonely When You’re Gone! Tammy with her Yorkies, Sky, Caman & Sachel Soap & Suds offers the very best in pet grooming & boarding facilities. For your special friend, it’s a touch of home. Stop by and experience the friendly atmosphere today. DOG GROOMING & BOARDING Tammy A. Wilson • 575-0355 or 824-9582 301 West C St., Butner, NC 27509 “Your Creedmoor Drug Store Since 1910” Creedmoor Drug Bobby, Kayla, Jewel, Anita, Larry & Candice 108 North Main St. • Creedmoor, NC • (919) 528-0041 Family Owned & Operated - Bobby Wheeler North Carolina Pediatric Associates “Celebrating 30 years of service to Vance and Granville counties and now Franklin County!” North Carolina Pediatric Associates opened their practice in 1982 and has been providing superior medical care for infants, children, and adolescents for 30 years. “We opened our Butner location to better serve and accommodate our patients in Southern Granville and Northern Durham counties.” Dr. Cornelius Cathcart, along with his experienced medical staff, have a great reputation for caring for children. “We care about our patients, and we will go above and beyond to help make sure they become healthy, productive a dults.” Mon - 99¢ Draft Beer Tues - 2 for $20 - Corn Hole Tournament Wed - Karaoke .49¢ Wings all day! T hurs - Penny Draft Beer Party Fri - 5 - Flatline, Live! Sat - DJ, Dance Sun - 99¢ Draft Beer NEW P atients Welcome! We provide spay and neuter procedures at the following fees: Cat Neuter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 Cat Spay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85 Puppy Neuter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95 Puppy Spay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110 2552 Capitol Drive, Ste. 103 • Creedmoor, NC Hwy 56 East of I-85, behind Advance Auto (919) 528-0606 Amber McHugh, DVM Colin McHugh, DVM 919-528-7700 Check us out on Facebook! Mon. - Sun. 11am to 2am 1597 NC Hwy #56, Butner L unch Specials 11-4 Daily only $5.95 Check Out Our New Deals For 2012! 919-575-5800 South Granville Animal Hospital Miriam can help you!! Hours: Mon thru Fri 7:30am-6pm • Sat- 8am-1pm 608 N. Main St. Creedmoor • 919-528-3591 Lease To Own Your Car!!! BEST TIRE PRICES IN TOWN! New & Used Tires, Car Batteries Motorcycle Repairs & Inspections Custom Exhaust • Oil Change Specials Full Service Repair Center • Official NC Inspection Site OBD II $25.00, Labor Rate $50/Per Hour Call Miriam Today for an Appointment for Discount Spay/Neuter! Hours: M-F 8am - 6pm • Sat 8am - 3pm “Get Rid of Belly Fat Once and For All!” Is your body shaped like everyone else’s? Of course not! So you don’t need a one-size-fits-all diet! Those just don’t work! You have individual needs. You need a weight loss program that is tailor-made for you by a doctor! Attend a FREE SEMINAR to learn about new Breakthrough Technology that shows YOU specifically how to “Finally Lose Your Weight and Keep it Off!” Seating is extremely limited for this popular seminar, so call now! Call and schedule now at (919) 477-2500 or NC Pediatric Associates is currently accepting new patients, from birth to age 21. There are four locations to serve you: Butner 317 Central Avenue (919) 528-7337 Oxford 1417 College Street (919) 693-7337 Louisburg 216 N. Bickett Blvd (919) 496-7337 Henderson 451 Ruin Creek Rd, Ste 101 (252) 492-9565 Our locations are open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 9am-1pm in the Henderson location for “sick visits only”. Visit us on our web at L ee Anne Lequick State Farm Insurance 2550 Capitol Dr. Suite 102 Creedmoor, NC 27522 Bus: 919-283-5409 Fax: 919-287-2550 Providing Insurance & Financial Services Come in for your free review! Lee Anne Lequick, Agent Creedmoor Wellness Welcomes Our Newest Team Member “Maggie” “Home of Whole-Food Supplements” *Classes are held the second Saturday of every month* This class is the first step needed to obtain a NC C oncealed Carry Permit. The class covers firearms safety and the laws concerning carrying a concealed firearm. Feel free to call with any questions. H ometown Dealer “Big enough to serve you. Small enough to care.” 2012 Chevy Cruze Eco! Great Selection! NC Pediatric Associates NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! 317 Central Avenue Butner, NC 27509 919-528-7337 M-F: 8am - 5pm Closed for Lunch 12-1 Mon., Wed., & Thurs., 7:30 - 5:30 T ues., 2:30 - 5:30 12:00 - 2:00 Closed 602 N. Durham Ave, Suite D Creedmoor, NC 27522 (919) 528-7290 phone • (919) 528-7297 fax We service all Makes & Models Domestic & Foreign. Call for info on our Service Specials! All local customers receive 10% off on parts & labor.


August 2, 2012<br />



B<br />




AWARDS<br />

Ten Granville County<br />

tudents will receive<br />

edding Memorial<br />

cholarships to help them<br />

ttend area colleges and<br />

niversities this fall.<br />

Since 1979, the Redding<br />

emorial Scholarship<br />

und has awarded<br />

293,700 to 200 Granville<br />

ounty students. Former<br />

ranville County resident<br />

r. Marshall E. Redding,<br />

ho is a prominent cardilogist<br />

and cardiovascuar-thoracic<br />

surgeon in<br />

ong Beach, California,<br />

stablished the highly<br />

ompetitive scholarships<br />

n 1977. The scholarship<br />

und honors the memories<br />

f Dr. Redding’s late<br />

arents, Mr. J. R. Redding,<br />

ho served as a county<br />

gricultural Extension<br />

gent for 28 years and<br />

rs. Bessie B. Redding, a<br />

ighly respected<br />

lementary school teacher.<br />

The selection process is<br />

highly competitive and is<br />

based on academic performance,<br />

financial need and<br />

a well-rounded<br />

investment in school and<br />

community activities.<br />

Applicants are among the<br />

brightest and most<br />

talented students in<br />

Granville County. The following<br />

10 students will<br />

each be awarded $1,000<br />

for the 2012-2013<br />

academic year.<br />

From the Class of<br />

2010, receiving the award<br />

for a third year: Taylor<br />

Gray Abernethy, a<br />

graduate of South<br />

Granville School of Health<br />

and Life Sciences, is<br />

majoring in Biology with<br />

a concentration in<br />

Environmental Sciences<br />

at East Carolina<br />

University (ECU) in<br />

Greenville. She serves as<br />

an ECU Honors<br />

Ambassador, volunteers<br />

as a tutor and was<br />

recently inducted into the<br />

Phi Kappa Phi Honor<br />

Society. She is the<br />

aughter of Mr. Scott<br />

bernethy of Butner and<br />

rs. Joan Bunders of<br />

reedmoor.<br />

Sharessa Cherwayne<br />

oyster, a graduate of J.F.<br />

ebb School of Health and<br />

ife Sciences, attends<br />

niversity of North<br />

arolina at Chapel Hill<br />

UNC-CH) and majors in<br />

sychology and minors in<br />

ntrepreneurship, Social<br />

Economic Justice. She is<br />

Resident Advisor for the<br />

ampus housing departent<br />

and the on campus<br />

oordinator for the<br />

inority Student<br />

ecruitment Committee.<br />

he is the daughter of Mr.<br />

nd Mrs. Wayne Royster<br />

f Oxford.<br />

GeorQuesha Ti’Mes<br />

trong, a graduate of J. F.<br />

ebb High, attends ECU<br />

o study Mathematics and<br />

athematics Education.<br />

he daughter of Mr. and<br />

rs. David Thorpe of<br />

xford and Mr. and<br />

rs. George Strong,<br />

eorQuesha is a North<br />

arolina Teaching Fellow<br />

nd a member of the<br />

ational Society of<br />

ollegiate Scholars, a<br />

ociety of freshmen and<br />

ophomores from the top<br />

0 percent in their class.<br />

hile pursuing her degree<br />

he volunteers for Habitat<br />

or Humanity and the Pitt<br />

ounty Building Hope<br />

ommunity Center.<br />

From the Class of<br />

011, receiving the award<br />

or a second year:<br />

avannah Jane Bower, a<br />

raduate of South<br />

ranville High School of<br />

ntegrated Technology<br />

nd Leadership, studies<br />

usiness and Marketing<br />

ducation at Appalachian<br />

tate University in Boone.<br />

his past year Savannah<br />

has been active in the<br />

Student Government<br />

Association on campus<br />

using her skills to keep<br />

the student body<br />

informed on important<br />

events. She is the<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Scott Bower of Wake<br />

Forest.<br />

Claudia McCullough<br />

Willett, a graduate of J.F.<br />

Webb High School of<br />

Health and Life Sciences,<br />

studies Biology at<br />

Meredith College in<br />

Raleigh. In her first year<br />

of studies she undertook<br />

the beginnings of the<br />

Honors Program at<br />

Meredith, joined several<br />

clubs and chaired the<br />

committee for the<br />

Freshman Class Dinner.<br />

She is the daughter of<br />

Ms. Martha Hilton-<br />

Willett of Oxford.<br />

Receiving the award<br />

for the first time:<br />

Michelle Lynn Beckum, a<br />

2012 graduate of South<br />

Granville High School of<br />

Integrated Technology<br />

and Leadership, will<br />

attend North Carolina<br />

State University (NCSU)<br />

and study Architecture.<br />

Michelle is a Student of<br />

Merit and while<br />

preparing for college she<br />

served as her school’s<br />

Junior Marshall and<br />

participated in the youth<br />

group and choir at her<br />

church. She is the<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Jerry Beckum of<br />

Franklinton.<br />

Kalee Gray Edwards,<br />

a 2012 graduate of South<br />

Granville School of<br />

Health and Life Sciences,<br />

intends to become a<br />

nurse practitioner. She<br />

will study nursing at<br />

UNC-CH. While<br />

preparing to enter<br />

college, Kalee<br />

participated in student<br />

government, Leadership<br />

Granville and National<br />

Honor Society. She is the<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Steve Edwards of<br />

<strong>Creedmoor</strong>.<br />

Abigail Bounds<br />

Gruchacz is the daughter<br />

of Mr. & Mrs. Mark<br />

Gruchacz of Oxford. She<br />

is a 2012 graduate of<br />

North Carolina School of<br />

Science<br />

and<br />

Mathematics (NCSSM)<br />

and enrolled at the<br />

University of North<br />

Carolina at Asheville<br />

where she will study the<br />

Humanities. She is frequently<br />

cast for live stage<br />

performances at the<br />

Granville Little Theatre<br />

and NCSSM Theatre<br />

Department, has written<br />

three novels and wrote<br />

and directed her own<br />

film.<br />

Havannah Edelle<br />

Keeton, valedictorian of<br />

J.F. Webb School of<br />

Health and Life Sciences<br />

Class of 2011 and rising<br />

sophomore at UNC-CH,<br />

is majoring in<br />

Environmental Studies.<br />

After receiving her<br />

degree she wants to<br />

return to Granville<br />

County and begin a<br />

sustainable farming<br />

operation. When she is<br />

not studying, Havannah<br />

performs and composes<br />

music and volunteers at<br />

the campus community<br />

garden. She is the<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Edward Keeton of<br />

Bullock.<br />

Jalen Terrell Walton,<br />

a graduate of South<br />

Granville High School of<br />

Integrated Technology<br />

and Leadership and a<br />

former student of<br />

Christian Faith Center<br />

Academy, is enrolled at<br />

NCSU and will major in<br />

Computer Engineering<br />

or Computer Science.<br />

While preparing for<br />

college academics, Jalen<br />

was involved in National<br />

Honor Society, Beta Club<br />

and volunteered<br />

regularly at his church<br />

and in the community.<br />

He is the son of Ms.<br />

Bobbie Walton of Butner<br />

and Mr. John Walton of<br />

Garner, NC.<br />

Dr. Redding deeply<br />

appreciates the time and<br />

attention of the selection<br />

committee: Dr. Thomas<br />

J. Williams, chairman,<br />

retired Granville County<br />

Schools superintendent;<br />

Dr. Kay D. Phillips-<br />

Redding, retired director,<br />

N.C. Scholastic Media<br />

Association, UNC-CH<br />

School of Journalism and<br />

Mass Communication;<br />

Dr. Tim Farley,<br />

superintendent,<br />

Granville County<br />

Schools; Mr. Paul W.<br />

Westfall, Granville<br />

County Extension<br />

Director; and Ms. Jamie<br />

V. Haddix, School Social<br />

Worker at C. G. Credle<br />

Elementary.<br />

For more information<br />

on future applications for<br />

this award, please<br />

contact NC Cooperative<br />

Extension – Granville<br />

County Center at 919-<br />

603-1350.<br />

Tax & Business<br />


Cozart & Edwards, PA<br />

Certified Public Accountants<br />


In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court<br />

generally upheld the constitutionality of the<br />

controversial 2010 health care law. In addition to<br />

preserving mandates for health insurance coverage,<br />

certain tax provisions will take effect as scheduled in<br />

2013, barring any subsequent legislation. Here’s a<br />

summary of the main tax changes for 2013.<br />

Medicare surtaxes: The health care law includes<br />

the following two Medicare surtaxes that could affect<br />

individual taxpayers:<br />

A 3.8% surtax on the lesser of annual net<br />

investment income or the amount by which modified<br />

adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds $200,000<br />

($250,000 for married couples). “Net investment<br />

income” includes interest, dividends, royalties, rents,<br />

gains from dispositions of property and income from<br />

passive activities, but not tax-free interest or<br />

distributions from qualified retirement plans and<br />

IRAs.<br />

A 0.9% surtax on earned income (e.g., wages)<br />

exceeding $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples).<br />

Flexible spending accounts: Currently, there’s<br />

a $5,000 limit on pre-tax contributions to a flexible<br />

spending account (FSA) used for dependent care<br />

expenses, but there’s no such limit on health care<br />

FSAs. The law caps health care FSA contributions at<br />

$2,500 starting in 2013.<br />

Medical deductions: For 2012, you may deduct<br />

unreimbursed medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of<br />

your adjusted gross income (AGI). The law raises this<br />

AGI floor in 2013 to 10% for taxpayers under age 65.<br />

Other tax-related provisions in the law were also<br />

upheld by the Supreme Court. For instance, an<br />

individual will generally have to obtain “minimum<br />

essential health insurance coverage” or pay a<br />

nondeductible penalty, beginning in 2014. Another<br />

provision, which took effect in 2010, allows a qualified<br />

small business to claim a tax credit for part or all of<br />

the cost of providing health insurance.<br />

This remains a complex area of the tax law. Contact<br />

us regarding your personal circumstances and the<br />

effect the Supreme Court ruling could have on your<br />

taxes.<br />

Senior Center<br />

Activities Schedule<br />

PO Box 766, Hwy 56E. & Main Street<br />

<strong>Creedmoor</strong>, NC 27522<br />

Week of Mon. August 6 - Friday, August 12, 2012<br />

Daily: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Walking in the Gym<br />

9:00 - 10:00 Coffee Hour<br />

12:00 - Lunch<br />

For More Information - Call 528-0848<br /><br />

Click “Senior Services”<br />

. Monday, August 6: 8:45 Game Time, 10:00<br />

Painting Class w/Alma Burke, 11:15 Devotion, 4:00<br />

Zumba Gold Class.<br />

Lunch 12:00: Chicken Salad, Broccoli Salad,<br />

Crackers, Pineapple, Milk.<br />

Tuesday, August 7: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Low<br />

Impact Aerobics, 10:15 Exercise with Arthritis, 10:45<br />

Bible Study with Dr. Mercedes Summmers, 12:30<br />

Water Aerobics - YMCA.<br />

Lunch: 12:00: Fried Fish, Green Beans, Coleslaw,<br />

Cornbread Square, Milk.<br />

Wednesday, August 8: 8:45 Game Time, 9:30<br />

North Central Legal Assistance Program (By<br />

Appointment, 10:15 Bingo.<br />

Lunch 12:00: Hamburger, Corn on the Cob,<br />

Lettuce/<strong>To</strong>mato, Hamburger bun. Milk.<br />

Thursday, August 9: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Low<br />

Impact Aerobics, 10:00 Crochet Club,10:15 Exercise<br />

for Arthritis, 12:30 Water Aerobics - YMCA.<br />

Lunch 12:00: Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Asian Blend<br />

Vegetables, Wheat Bread, Citrus Sections, Milk.<br />

Friday, August 10: 8:45 Game Time, 9:00 Craft:<br />

Ceramic Classes w/Joan Harrison, 9:00 Zumba Gold<br />

Class, 12:00 Romeo’s Meet (Retired Old Men Eating<br />

Out.)<br />

Lunch 12:00: Pork BBQ, Hamburger Bun, New<br />

Potatoes, Baked Beans, Fresh Orange, Milk.<br />

* Milk is served with each meal - Chocolate milk<br />

and 2% low fat milk are available.**<br />

Savvy<br />

Senior<br />

You ask the Senior question ~ We find the Savvy answer<br />

Understanding Reverse Mortgages<br />

Dear Savvy Senior,<br />

Where can I get reliable, unbiased information on<br />

reverse mortgages? My wife and I are thinking about<br />

getting one but want to do some research first.<br />

Need Money<br />

Dear Need,<br />

For seniors that are house rich but cash poor, a<br />

reverse mortgage is a viable option, but there’s a lot to<br />

know and consider to be sure it’s a good choice for you.<br />

Here are some tips and tools to help you research this<br />

complex financial product.<br />

Let’s start with a quick review. A reverse mortgage<br />

is a loan that lets older homeowners convert part of<br />

the equity in their home into cash that doesn’t have to<br />

be paid back as long as they live there.<br />

<strong>To</strong> be eligible you must be age 62 or older, own your<br />

home (or owe only a small balance) and currently be<br />

living there.<br />

You can receive the cash either as a lump sum, a<br />

line of credit, regular monthly checks or a combination<br />

of these. And with a reverse mortgage, you, not the<br />

bank, own the house, so you’re still responsible for<br />

property taxes, insurance and repairs.<br />

Currently, 99 percent of all reverse mortgages<br />

offered today are Home Equity Conversion Mortgages<br />

(HECM), which are backed by the Federal Housing<br />

Administration.<br />

Repayment is due when you or the last borrower<br />

dies, sells the place or lives elsewhere for 12 months.<br />

Then you or your heirs will have to pay off the loan<br />

(which includes the money you borrowed plus accrued<br />

interest and fees) either with the proceeds from selling<br />

the place, or if you want to keep the house, with money<br />

from another source.<br />

Educational Resources<br />

<strong>To</strong> get a better handle on reverse mortgages and<br />

how they work, there are several excellent resources<br />

you can turn to for reliable information, but you’re<br />

going to need access to the Internet utilize them.<br />

<strong>To</strong> get started, the National Council on Aging<br />

recently created a free new website called the Home<br />

Equity Advisor that’s designed to help you think<br />

through the best way to leverage your home – a reverse<br />

mortgage isn’t your only option.<br />

Just go to and click on their<br />

"Quick Check" tool which will ask you a series of<br />

questions about your personal and household situation<br />

to define exactly what you might need or want. Then,<br />

based on your answers, you’ll receive an individualized<br />

report offering information, tools, and consumer advice<br />

on a range of possible solutions that includes reverse<br />

mortgages and other alternatives.<br />

If you find that you are a good candidate for a<br />

reverse mortgage, your next stop is at<br />, a new consumer website created<br />

by the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders<br />

Association.<br />

This site offers lots of educational information<br />

including "Your Road Map" which will help guide you<br />

through all the features of reverse mortgages and the<br />

process of obtaining one.<br />

It also has a calculator to estimate how much you’d<br />

be eligible to receive from a reverse mortgage, and<br />

offers has a comprehensive directory of licensed HUDapproved<br />

mortgage lenders, banks, and credit unions<br />

that offer reverse mortgage loans in your state.<br />

Get Counseling<br />

Another important resource to help you understand<br />

the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage and how it<br />

would work in your particular situation is through<br />

counseling.<br />

In fact, because reverse mortgages are such<br />

complicated products, the federal government requires<br />

that all reverse mortgage borrowers receive counseling<br />

through a HUD approved independent counseling<br />

agency before they take out a HECM loan.<br />

Counseling can be done in person or over the phone<br />

and some agencies today provide it for free or at a<br />

minimal fee. Some locations charge around $125. <strong>To</strong><br />

locate counseling agencies in your area, visit<br />

offices/hsg/sfh/hecm/hecmhome.cfm or call 800-569-<br />

4287.<br />

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O.<br />

Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070<br />




Financial Tips For Newly Single Women<br />

Here’s something to think about: The average<br />

woman’s family income drops by 37% after divorce,<br />

according to the U.S. Census Bureau. So, if you’re a<br />

newly single woman, you may want to consider these<br />

steps:<br />

First, get help from a financial advisor to clarify<br />

your spending needs, cash flow and investment<br />

strategy. You might also consider working with a trust<br />

company, which can help you manage your finances<br />

in several ways.<br />

Next, contribute as much as you can afford to your<br />

401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan.<br />

At a minimum, put in enough to earn your employer’s<br />

match, if one is offered.<br />

Also, try to put aside several months; worth of<br />

living expenses in a liquid account. This emergency<br />

fund can help you avoid dipping into long-term<br />

investments to pay for unexpected costs, such as an<br />

expensive car repair.<br />

Divorce is difficult. But by making the right moves,<br />

you can help brighten your financial picture.<br />

This article was written by Edward Jones for use<br />

by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

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