Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

130 15163 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom' x 1 15 pds AGM, cttg. #12502 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #01095,<br />

130 12482 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Diadem' x 3 15 bul<br />

130 12487 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Warabe' x 3 15 bul (when planting: is less serrata; more a white mobhead<br />

130 92782 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Aurifodina' x 1 95 vml V Female, gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

130 * 98418 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Crassifolia' x 1 * 98 vml V Bokrijk 92188; 0705: interesting, 1311: no fruits, male<br />

130 88369 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Pendula' x 1 95 vml ? V Female, 1311: no fruits in this good year!<br />

130 95181 3 Ilex x attenuata 'Sunny Foster' x 1 95 vml C Female, gift Bokrijk, 95/8 defol.,dry, 96:C-, not hardy,<br />

130 98439 4 Ilex x attenuata 'Sunny Foster' x 1 98 vml V Female, Bokrijk 98079; 030828: lvs falling, new lvs ve<br />

130 88358 4 Ilex cornuta (hybrid) x 1 95 vml H 021028: rcvd. as Ilex aquifolium 'Brownell's Special',<br />

130 98447 4 Ilex 'Cousin' (ciliospinosa x rugosa) x 1 98 vml Bokrijk 98192<br />

130 08333 4 Ilex crenata 'Blondie' x 1 11 opr gift Oprins, their introduction, 13: cut <strong>of</strong>f head, to keep<br />

130 08334 4 Ilex crenata 'Dark Green' x 1 11 opr gift Oprins, their introduction, 1311: fruiting<br />

130 92817 4 Ilex crenata 'Hetzii' x 1 10 vml Female, gift fr.Bokrijk, 1311: no fruits in this good yea<br />

130 88340 4 Ilex crenata 'Ivory Hall' x 1 95 vml ? T Female, ivory fruit, 95:dry, _01:back to status 4<br />

130 92813 4 Ilex crenata 'Piedmont Pyramidal' x 1 10 vml Female, gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

130 88345 4 Ilex crenata 'Rotundifolia' x 1 95 vml ?<br />

130 92819 4 Ilex crenata 'Rotundifolia' x 1 10 vml gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

130 92763 4 Ilex crenata 'Sentinel' x 1 95 vml Female, gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

130 92767 4 Ilex crenata 'Tee Dee' x 1 10 vml Female, gift fr.Bokrijk, 1311: no fruits in this good yea<br />

130 88350 4 Ilex crenata 'William Jackson' x 1 95 vml ? 95:dry, 96:0 , 98:recovered from base<br />

130 92815 4 Ilex crenata 'William Jackson' x 1 95 vml Male, gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

130 88247 4 Ilex glabra x 1 05 pds ? HKRD #?<br />

130 88402 4 Ilex 'Good Taste' (cornuta x pernyi) x 1 95 vml ? 95/8:defol.<strong>by</strong> drought, _01:back to status 4 after wet se<br />

130 88404 4 Ilex 'Jermyns Dwarf' (pernyi x ?) x 1 95 vml ? Female, hbrd or sdlg <strong>of</strong> I.pernyi ? 95/8:lost most <strong>of</strong> its l<br />

130 ** 88415 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Angel' (rugosa x aquifolium) x 93 vml ? Female, good compact plant, 9909:pruned and shaped,<br />

130 88414 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' (rugosa x aquifolium) x 91 vml ? ?<br />

130 88417 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' (rugosa x aquifolium) x 91 vml ? uggly plant, leggy,could it be wrong or unhappy ? 99:p<br />

130 88416 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess' (rugosa x aquifolium) 91 vml ? ? 021028: could be Blue Girl ! because leaves are very s<br />

130 88501 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess' (rugosa x aquifolium) 91 vml 021028: is <strong>of</strong> course the same as 88416 ie Blue Girl say<br />

130 98434 4 Ilex pernyi x 1 98 vml V Bokrijk 98050, _0110:leaning over, cut back to promot<br />

130 02512 4 Juniperus chinensis x 1 09 div 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, cttg. fro<br />

130 96087 4 Magnolia (acuminata x 'Norman Gould') x 2 96 pds K */BDB #30757, Sd.#4084, A.Kehr crossed for late hard<br />

130 91239 4 Magnolia x loebneri 'Powder Puff' x 1 95 eis ? 0104:frosted, new shoots from close to base but probab<br />

130 02415 3 Magnolia stellata (Beni Iwa, Japan) x 1 05 wld near ditch and Ilex aq. 'Pendula', 02: gift from John Gal<br />

130 * 05043 4 Magnolia stellata (Beni Iwa,Hirukawa Mura,Japan) x 05 wld sd. #6169, Barry Yinger, gift, 30/4/00 at his home, wld<br />

130 09074 4 Rhododendron hippophaeoides 'Inshriach' x 7 09 pds A layers #9819 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #85589<br />

130 01203 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forr 04 esv A-<br />

130 92294 4 Styrax japonicus Benibana Group x 1 08 spi<br />

130 83014 4 Thuja plicata 'Excelsa' x 3 88 vpl A BDB #30728, planted as windscreen on corner <strong>of</strong> arbor<br />

131 ** 92418 4 Acer shirasawanum (hybrid) x 1 ** 93 waa H */991111:yellow pale colour, not bad for a shirasawanu<br />

131 * 91102 4 Betula grossa x 1 * 90 ter V BDB#25033, same as 88077, good aut. Colour<br />

131 03091 4 Betula ovalifolia x 1 03 pds V Cttg #5460 from HKRD #91355<br />

131 14163 4 Betula utilis (Kali,Nepal) x 1 14 wld #8351, Kali Nepal, CC5835, rcvd from M Foster, 120<br />

131 03242 4 Cercis chinensis x 1 05 nie wld collected in Korea, Pyongtach?, but only known fr<br />

131 99096 4 Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkins Pink' x 1 02 bul 0307: severely pruned to have a more shapely tree, will<br />

131 05267 4 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' x 1 07 bul<br />

131 04444 4 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Applause' x 1 06 bul<br />

131 04446 4 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Flake' x 1 15 bul 0605: lvs yellow and curling, touched <strong>by</strong> herbicide?, 07<br />

131 12481 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Woodlander' x 3 15 bul<br />

131 10210 4 Idesia polycarpa (HMC2450,Taiwan,1525m) x 1 10 wld sd. #9274, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2004.158<br />

131 98090 4 Ilex crenata cv. x 1 11 vml ? lost label, similar to I.c.'Aurea'? 9910:many fruits, the o<br />

131 92818 4 Ilex crenata 'Green Island' x 1 11 vml Male,gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

131 92764 4 Ilex crenata 'Green Lustre' x 1 11 vml gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

131 05091 4 Ilex x koehneana (aquifolium x latifolia) x 1 05 spo spo #7845 rooted branches <strong>of</strong> #85002<br />

131 * 95011 4 Magnolia (acuminata x cylindrica) x 1 * 96 pds K */ BDB #30758, Sd.#4092 <strong>by</strong> August Kehr,_ 97:-a has<br />

131 * 95138 4 Magnolia kobus var. borealis (Shikotsu,Hokkaido,Jap 96 wld BDB #30731, Sd.,WLD IDS Tour, from Kohan shore o<br />

131 91224 4 Magnolia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis var. biloba x 1 91 pds T BDB #30730, sd #1502 from sd LUSHAN B.G, 97/4/2<br />

131 14426 4 Melliodendron xylocarpum x 1 14 klm<br />

131 85473 3 Rhododendron (aberconwayi x 'Elizabeth') x 3 87 pds B K */sd.no prop#, fr.ARS SdXch 1982/458, 90's:first flw:u<br />

131 * 88291 4 Rhododendron 'Albatross Townhill White' (sdlg) x 1 91 pds C C */sd.#408, the only sdlg from that lot ! 97/4/30 floweri<br />

131 * 86367 4 Rhododendron 'Blue Tit' (impeditum x augustinii) x 4 05 esv A 87:A+, 04: dominated <strong>by</strong> Enkianthus, 0604:4/5 left, 06<br />

131 85462 4 Rhododendron ((discol.x smirno.) x (yak.x Gold Moh 87 pds A K 7 sdlg originally, = Dismal Gold Gr., ARS SdXch-82/6<br />

131 99224 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum (SBEC 0804,N. Cangshan, 10 pds A- Cttg 4513 fr 89334 ggd, 07: 1 status 1, 0806: 1 dead, 2<br />

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