Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

291 08372 4 Wisteria brachybotrys 'Showa Beni' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (ML080), graft Carlos Verhelst, ex Vi<br />

291 08374 3 Wisteria 'Burford' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (ML085), graft Carlos Verhelst<br />

291 08354 4 Wisteria 'Caroline' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (ML050), graft Carlos Verhelst, ex M.<br />

291 08355 4 Wisteria 'Caroline' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (ML050), graft Carlos Verhelst, ex M.<br />

291 08381 4 Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (sn) as Wisteria floribunda 'Shiro Nod<br />

291 08382 1 Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (sn) as Wisteria floribunda 'Shiro Nod<br />

291 08367 4 Wisteria floribunda 'Kimono' x 1 11 rug (syn. W. floribunda 'White with Blue Eye'), gift Marc L<br />

291 08368 3 Wisteria floribunda 'Kimono' x 1 11 rug (syn. W. floribunda 'White with Blue Eye'), gift Marc L<br />

291 08370 4 Wisteria floribunda 'Multijuga' x 1 11 rug (syn. 'Macrobotrys'), gift Marc Libert (ML028) as 'Six<br />

291 08365 4 Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (ML001), graft Carlos Verhelst, ex De<br />

291 08385 4 Wisteria sinensis 'Amethyst' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (sn), graft Carlos Verhelst<br />

291 06155 3 Zelkova serrata 'Iruma Sango' x 1 12 bul<br />

292 * AA280 4 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii' x 1 * ?? div garden <strong>of</strong> Molenh<strong>of</strong>, BDB #17026, 1007: pr<strong>of</strong>essionaly<br />

292 12155 4 Clematis 'Arabella' x 1 13 boc Integrifolia Group,<br />

292 10150 4 Clematis macropetala x 1 10 div Floralux<br />

292 12471 4 Clematis montana var. grandiflora (Verboom,Sichuan, 12 wld gift #11619 from Klaas Verboom, WLD, Da Yun (or D<br />

292 * 08614 4 Cornus kousa 'Eurostar' x 1 * 11 ver gift #8513 from Carlos Verhelst at my request,<br />

292 10145 4 Deutzia x hybrida 'Magicien' x 1 10 pds Cttg #8145 POTAG<br />

292 11445 4 Helwingia chinensis x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert (2001.2121), from Jacky Pousse<br />

292 15082 4 Holboellia sp. (G-11143,Leigongshan,Guizhou,CN,11 15 wld ? sd. #12739, collectors D. Hinkley, O. Johnson & S. Mc<br />

292 10148 4 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris x 1 10 div Floralux<br />

292 * 08583 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. radiata 'Samantha' x 1 11 rug gift Marc Libert, 1307: much better than Anabelle<br />

292 08152 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Sam Mc. Donald' x 1 10 bul<br />

292 09016 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Izu-no-hana' x 1 10 esv<br />

292 10439 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lilacina' x 1 10 pds ? cttg <strong>of</strong> #00615<br />

292 10146 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Athena' x 1 10 pds cttg. #9054 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #00270<br />

292 08590 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation' x 1 10 bul = 'Bulk'<br />

292 10438 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' x 1 10 pds cttg <strong>of</strong> #80058, 140601: perfect flowering after this mil<br />

292 08582 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Kurenai' x 1 14 rug gift Marc Libert, 1406: planted, had stayed in pot since<br />

292 14319 4 Juglans regia x 1 14 ver #11625, Koen oo Liesbeth, graft <strong>by</strong> Carlos Verhelst, 12<br />

292 15352 4 Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica x 2 15 klm gift Abraham Rammeloo<br />

292 11240 4 Nandina domestica x 1 10 div Floralux<br />

292 13353 4 Rhododendron cv. x 1 13 div ? prop #12594, gift J.-L. Dantec, to be indentified, one <strong>of</strong><br />

292 15355 4 Ribes nigrum 'Titania' x 1 15 div bought in Sint-Joris-Weert<br />

292 11364 4 Ribes rubrum 'Jonkheer van Tets' x 1 11 div Floralux,<br />

292 12442 4 Ribes rubrum 'Werdavia' x 1 12 div Floralux,<br />

292 10149 4 Rosa 'Guirlande d'Amour' x 1 10 div 175-200cm, white, Floralux<br />

292 15232 4 Rubus idaeus 'Golden Everest' x 1 15 div Floralux<br />

292 11365 4 Rubus idaeus 'Heritage' x 1 11 div ? Floralux, two names on label (also 'Zeva Herbsternte'),<br />

292 10099 4 Rubus idaeus 'Malling Promise' x 1 10 div Floralux<br />

292 12441 3 Rubus idaeus 'Malling Promise' x 1 12 div Floralux<br />

292 08161 4 Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Iwa Garami' x 1 10 bul<br />

292 10270 4 Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla 'Superba' x 1 10 dev gift Damien Devos<br />

292 10100 4 Vitis vinifera 'Chasselas' x 1 10 div Floralux<br />

292 10275 4 Wisteria brachybotrys 'Murasaki Kapitan' x 1 10 ver */gift Carlos Verhelst, ML158, rcvd as 'Ikojama Fuji', =<br />

293 98116 1 Camellia x williamsii 'Donation' x 1 12 pds C Cttg #4777 from Hkrd, 1203: heavily touched <strong>by</strong> cold<br />

293 03220 4 Catalpa ovata x 1 05 pav Pl near the fence between p237/293<br />

293 11082 4 Chaenomeles cathayensis x 1 11 pds prop #9344 <strong>by</strong> CC, from 90045, 1403: huge amount <strong>of</strong><br />

293 14145 4 Deutzia x rosea 'Campanulata' x 1 14 div #11205, from Francine Riez<br />

293 11309 4 Exochorda serratifolia x 1 14 hts gift H<strong>of</strong> ter Saksen opening <strong>Arboretum</strong>, #8397*A, gard<br />

293 05113 3 Holodiscus discolor x 1 14 div Van Bauwel, 060629: flowering, 1008: unattractive bro<br />

293 11078 4 Kolkwitzia amabilis (Mt.Maiji,Gansu,1200m) x 1 11 wld prop #7960, sd. #363 Shanghai Botanic Garden seed lis<br />

293 13165 2 Ligustrum sinense (Syuan,Taiwan,1870m) x 1 13 wld C sd. #11012, wld, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute IS<br />

293 10450 4 Osmanthus x burkwoodii (delavayi x decorus) x 11 10 div B mixed source, 3 or 4 biggest from Devos others via Fle<br />

293 11085 4 Philadelphus tenuifolius (Firsov,Vladivostok,RU) x 1 11 wld IDS seed list 2006, #F141, wld collected Vladivostok r<br />

294 12147 4 Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' (greyi x compacta?) x 1 12 boc as Senecio,<br />

294 12148 4 Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' (greyi x compacta?) x 1 12 boc as Senecio,<br />

294 12149 4 Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' (greyi x compacta?) x 1 12 boc as Senecio,<br />

294 11091 1 Buddleja lindleyana x 1 11 pds D cttg. #9727 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #05239, 1007: status 2, too tende<br />

294 15277 4 Buddleja loricata x 3 15 bul ?<br />

294 11285 1 Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise' x 1 11 div D 1203: D, maybe E after cold winter, 1206: 1/3 coming<br />

294 06147 4 Hydrangea anomala x 1 11 bul V 1305: not Schizophragma corylifolium as per invoice,<br />

294 11286 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo' x 1 11 div<br />

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