Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

237 00335 4 Liquidambar acalycina x 1 00 pav 0111:dark lvs for long,only starting to colour<br />

237 * 98310 4 Liquidambar formosana Monticola Group x 1 * 00 esv 121122: superb autumn colour<br />

237 ** 89413 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Burgundy' x 1 ** 90 esv one <strong>of</strong> three only, others lost or not delivered ? 031124:<br />

237 98312 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Palo Alto' x 1 00 esv 031104: relatively good and late colour, was not specta<br />

237 08394 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' x 1 10 div gift visit Dreisvogt and friends, from nursery man Rein<br />

237 ** 06145 4 Parrotia persica 'Felicie' x 1 ** 08 bul (Bulk selection <strong>of</strong> DDH seed), 0905: to status 1, frost?,<br />

237 09031 3 Parrotia persica 'Vanessa' x 1 10 bur C 130917: status 3 after bad winter, good colour but may<br />

237 11258 4 Philadelphus 'Beauclerk' x 3 11 rob<br />

237 11259 4 Philadelphus 'Beauclerk' x 2 11 rob<br />

237 11256 4 Philadelphus 'Manteau d'Hermine' x 4 11 rob 1409: 4/5<br />

237 11264 4 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' x 5 11 rob<br />

237 ** 91490 4 Quercus 'Pondaim' (pontica x dentata) x 1 ** 94 waa<br />

237 13089 4 Rosa sp. (KC#104,Mamize,Sichuan,China,3100m) x 13 wld ? sd. #9599, S Sichuan, Mamize Nature Reserve (Leibo),<br />

237 98370 4 Sequoiadendron giganteum x 1 00 esv 1007: fungus? Botryosphaeria (MS)? 1403: is in good<br />

237 11271 4 Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' x 2 11 rob<br />

237 11272 4 Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' x 3 11 rob<br />

237 14370 4 x Sycoparrotia semidecidua 'Purple Haze' (Sycopsis x 14 div #11603, Hulsdonk<br />

241 04343 4 Azalea 'Hinomayo' (Kurume) x 3 09 vpl to fill group in 241, 1008: 3/5 left, drought, 1302: back<br />

241 77241 4 Azalea 'Hinomayo' (Kurume) x 1 03 hil A 03: moved with 2 layers to 241, was in P since 1977, 0<br />

241 13163 4 Carya glabra var. megacarpa x 1 13 pds sd. #10778, collected Ron Lance, #08254, NC, Hender<br />

241 14105 3 Diospyros virginiana (Berry's Cove,AL,USA) x 1 14 wld sd #10764, wld collected Jack Johnston, USA, Berry's<br />

241 04304 4 Fagus orientalis (Georgia) x 1 04 wld V sdlg 6617, Georgia, 11h 30 : passe entre est et ouest,C<br />

241 91126 4 Fraxinus angustifolia (Lanzhot Forest) x 1 94 wld V BDB #29633 pl-a, WLD cllctd sdlgs from Lanzhot For<br />

241 15172 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Orange Peel' x 1 15 div #12762, Chris Lane, Witch Hazel Nursery,<br />

241 13214 4 Magnolia macrophylla x 1 13 pds sd. #8158 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #00275,<br />

241 04496 4 Malus kansuensis (Kinlin Shan,China,2500m) x 1 07 wld 04: gift group <strong>of</strong> German visitors, Brockmann<br />

241 14082 4 Ostrya virginiana (Snyers 06102718,Louisiana,USA) 14 wld sd. #9645, wild collected <strong>by</strong> Charles Snyers 06102718,<br />

241 13087 4 Sorbus gracilis (BBJMT#262,Toyama,Honshu,Japan, 13 wld sd. #9015, BBJMT#262 Morris <strong>Arboretum</strong>, Boland, Br<br />

241 09183 4 Sorbus hugh-mcallisteri x 1 09 sny gift #8976, Charles Snyers #2003-00097, Maurice Fost<br />

241 09168 3 Sorbus rosea (SEP 492,Pakistan) x 1 09 sny gift #8975 Charles Snyers #1999-00182, Ness Gardens<br />

241 14441 4 Sorbus rufopilosa x 1 14 div prop #12538, (QO14 – CS110609 – OUT020810 – TP<br />

241 00453 2 Sorbus sargentiana x 1 02 esv 020301: cut back to single stem, conspicuous large, red<br />

241 14442 4 Sorbus sargentiana aff. (KC-25,Dafending,CN,2400m 14 wld ? sd. #9567, S Sichuan, Dafengding Nature Reserve (Mei<br />

241 14443 4 Sorbus tianschanica (Foster-2048,PK) x 1 14 wld gift #8041 from Maurice Foster, MFP 2048, wld<br />

241 09167 4 Sorbus vilmorinii (Caojian,Yunnan,China) x 1 09 wld gift #8979 Charles Snyers #2003-00104, Caojian Rang<br />

241 94022 3 Zanthoxylum simulans x 1 94 pds Sd #2527, Origin unknown, 98:pl-d best,away from co<br />

241 04319 3 Zelkova carpinifolia (Adzametski) x 1 04 wld sdlg #6618a, Georgia Adzametski reserve S <strong>of</strong> Kutaisi,<br />

241 12215 3 Zelkova serrata (Ashiu,Kyoto,Japan) x 1 12 wld sd., gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2006.168, WLD<br />

242 00578 4 Azalea 'Dominico Scassi' (Ghent) x 1 14 div bought at Beervelde from Cesar De Keiser, at BDB stu<br />

242 08169 4 Azalea 'Persil' (Knap Hill) x 3 15 bul 1411: 3/4 left<br />

242 05100 4 Callicarpa americana x 4 05 pds sd #6392 Polly Hill <strong>Arboretum</strong>, in the play pen, may be<br />

242 06041 4 Callicarpa dichotoma x 2 06 pds sd #6390, sub 'Alba', but not very white and name not f<br />

242 01069 4 Celtis choseniana (Nari Dong,Ullung-Do,200m) x 1 01 wld sd 5833 from Sd.Chlp.98/292:ex Ullong do Island, Ky<br />

242 92455 4 Celtis jessoensis x 1 93 waa ? similar to C. occidentalis, verify!<br />

242 10070 4 Celtis laevigata (KC,Illinois,USA) x 1 10 wld #8071, BDB trip Illinois, sd. Giant City Trail, wld.<br />

242 91340 4 Celtis sp. x 1 02 waa ? not Aphananthe aspera as per invoice, 02: status 3, olde<br />

242 02298 4 Corylopsis glabrescens var. gotoana 'Chollipo' x 1 03 waa C V */0805: to status 2, pruned, frost damage as with many<br />

242 98296 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Aspleniifolia' x 1 99 esv BDB #30147, 0606: not 'Laciniata' as per invoice, pres<br />

242 94176 4 Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. syriaca x 1 94 mal V BDB #29634, not Fr. Sogdiana<br />

242 92596 4 Prunus x gondouinii 'Schnee' (avium x cerasus) x 3 93 waa (P.avium x cerasus) 020823: several lvs turn yellow an<br />

242 04495 4 Pyrus betulifolia (Lichan,Shaanxi,2000m) x 1 07 wld 04: gift group <strong>of</strong> German visitors, Brockmann, 1995<br />

242 * 84729 4 Rhododendron 'Morning Cloud' (yakushimanum x 'Sp 96 spi A 90:Bk.Splt, 0305: spectacular flowering,_060722:very<br />

242 84750 4 Rhododendron 'Morning Cloud' (yakushimanum x 'Sp 96 reu A 90:Bk.Splt, 0305: spectacular flowering<br />

242 06234 3 Sorbus keissleri x 1 08 div gift Anne Leitner, from sd. from tree in Kew, 1302: ma<br />

242 15233 4 Sorbus monbeigii (BCHM-045,Muli,Sich,CN,3582m) 15 wld gift Charles Snyers #12292, BCHM-045 collection (see<br />

242 * 02340 4 Sorbus pseudohupehensis x 1 * 03 waa V 02: oligodonta syn <strong>of</strong> S. hupehensis hort. acc. to Jan D<br />

242 15291 4 Sorbus pseudovilmorinii (CLD-1468,Yunnan,CN) x 1 15 wld gift #12296 from Charles Snyers, Maurice Foster, Whit<br />

242 15292 4 Sorbus rosea x 1 15 sny gift #12297 Charles Snyers, Hergest Cr<strong>of</strong>t Gardens #49<br />

242 * 00405 4 Sorbus scalaris x 1 * 01 spi V */020823: good plant, 020924: both <strong>plants</strong> (98400) are<br />

243 10071 4 Betula ermanii (BBJMT#24,Honshu,Japan,925m) x 1 10 wld C sd. #9006, BBJMT #24, 13/09/2005, 925m, nr Hokkad<br />

243 02268 4 Fagus grandifolia (Echo Lake,N Conway,NH) x 1 02 wld V sd #5717f, Echo Lake, N Conway,N H, sdlgs around th<br />

243 02363 4 Fontanesia phillyreoides x 3 10 dev from seed<br />

243 * 04104 4 Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Purple' x 1 * 14 pav 1208: verified to species level, 121004: wonderful deep<br />

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