Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

186 o 88284 4 Rhododendron (wardii x pseudochrysanthum) x 1 o 00 pds A K sd#435 fr.ARS'85:1446,DIX, smallr flwrs than -286, ye<br />

186 01252 4 Thujopsis dolabrata x 1 05 pds A Layer from 85506<br />

187 00300 4 Carpinus tschonoskii (Chiri San,Korea) x 1 07 wld sd 5202 from Chollipo,1996-43, 720m, Paekmu, 0611:<br />

187 98101 4 Cornus elliptica x 1 07 pds B- */Cttg. # 4773 from Hkrd 92203; 030209: perfectly har<br />

187 90225 4 Cornus florida x 1 07 wld ex-USA, Penn. possibly my 1641 or 1680, or Gladwyn<br />

187 00674 4 Corylopsis sinensis x 1 11 pds V was #00302-B, see there for more info, 1404: few hairs<br />

187 05278 4 Magnolia 'Blushing Belle' ('Yellow Bird' x 'Caerhays 08 rut<br />

187 05287 2 Magnolia 'March Till Frost' ((liliifl. x cylind.) x 'Ru<strong>by</strong>' 08 rut 1405: status 2, slugs<br />

187 14096 3 Rhododendron 'Aladdin' (auriculatum x griersonianu 14 pds big layer <strong>of</strong> #80095 in 37,<br />

188 08062 4 Acer palmatum cv. ('Osakazuki' sdlg) x 1 08 pds X sdlg #9097 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #81285, 131227: late yellow red<br />

188 13173 4 Aesculus californica (CA,USA) x 1 15 wld gift Meise (20091599-86) (De Meyere), 150402: sprout<br />

188 10082 4 Carpinus caroliniana (KC,IL,USA) x 1 10 wld BDB trip Illinois, sd. #8062 Shawnee Hills, wld, State<br />

188 12005 4 Carya glabra (Lance 08247,NC,USA) x 1 12 wld PROP #10779, rcvd as C. ovalis, sd., wld collected Ro<br />

188 12547 4 Cladrastis sinensis x 1 15 div syn <strong>of</strong> C. delavayi acc to FOC, Pan-Global Plants,<br />

188 11092 3 Corylus fargesii x 1 11 ver graft #9895 <strong>by</strong> Verhelst, 29-98 (AA67-35-46) from Ma<br />

188 11093 3 Corylus fargesii x 1 11 ver graft #9895 <strong>by</strong> Verhelst, 29-98 (AA67-35-46) from Ma<br />

188 05222 4 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana x 1 07 rug gift Marc libert, seedling <strong>of</strong> their compact tree<br />

188 04298 4 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 04 pds sdlg 6673 from 83429 on rotting stump, very good autu<br />

188 83429 2 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 07 ggd A T 051209: nice autumn colour, 0611: big move from 5, 1<br />

188 02449 4 Enkianthus perulatus 'J.L. Pennock' x 1 11 mor from Rik Lewandowski now at Mount Cuba Center, 11<br />

188 13179 2 Fraxinus anomala (Utah,USA) x 1 15 wld gift Meise (20091625-15) (De Meyere),<br />

188 08031 4 Kalopanax septemlobus x 1 08 spo spo sdlg #9808<br />

188 13035 4 Kalopanax septemlobus (PdS,Lake Chuzenji,Honshu, 13 wld ? sdlg #11508, Lake Chuzenji, cllct on path to Chanokid<br />

188 05231 4 Larix cajanderi x 1 07 klm A N form <strong>of</strong> L. gmelinii, mostly not recognized as distinct<br />

188 ** 07200 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Aurora' x 1 ** 08 bul ? 081022: deep dark burgundy autumn colour, 0911: is t<br />

188 05270 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Moonbeam' x 1 07 bul 061124: no colour, what is special about this cv? 1305<br />

188 05233 4 Liriodendron 'Chapel Hill' (chinense x tulipifera) x 1 07 div gift visit Boskoop nursery men<br />

188 08050 4 Maackia hupehensis x 1 08 div (syn. chinensis), 5741b, origin unknown, could be from<br />

188 98821 4 Magnolia ('David Clulow' x sprengeri var. elongata) x 06 pds K from #98137-C, see there for more info<br />

188 06217 4 Magnolia x loebneri 'Mag's Pirouette' x 1 09 ver gift Carlos Verhelst<br />

188 08040 4 Magnolia x loebneri 'Snowdrift' x 1 08 pds cttg #7608 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #84320<br />

188 07187 4 Magnolia 'Ruth' (campbellii 'Lanarth' x liliiflora) x 1 09 rut<br />

188 07189 4 Magnolia 'Sweet Valentine' ('Sweet Simplicity' x 'Blac 09 rut 1106: conspicuous upright habit<br />

188 11432 4 Meliosma veitchiorum x 1 15 div gift Klaas Verboom,<br />

188 13184 4 Pinus tabuliformis (Nei Mongol,CN) x 1 15 wld gift Meise (20101166-50) (De Meyere), China, Nei Mo<br />

188 94030 4 Prunus padus var. commutata (Odae San,S.Korea) x 1 94 wld */Sd.#3273, Chollipo sd.ex 91:165, -A has good aut.c<br />

188 94334 4 Prunus padus var. commutata (Odaesan,S.Korea) x 1 94 wld Sd.#3273, Chollipo sd.ex, was in group <strong>of</strong> 94030 (pl-b)<br />

188 05317 4 Quercus cerris 'Athena' (Assos,Turkey) x 1 09 wld V */050521: gift Charles Snyers, wld collected <strong>by</strong> Charlie<br />

188 10066 4 Quercus nigra (Lance,GA,USA) x 1 10 wld sd. #8593, IDS 05-468, USA, Georgia, Bartow Co, pic<br />

188 09118 4 Quercus oglethorpensis (Lance,Georgia,USA) x 1 09 wld V prop #9119, gift garden party may 2005 Eike Jablonski<br />

188 15100 4 Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum (KC, 15 wld ? prop #8790, India, Arunachal Pradesh, Chungri, 3200<br />

188 82309 4 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Album' x 1 06 sgw A 05: most <strong>of</strong> the high branches are rootstock, 0506: rem<br />

188 95243 3 Rhododendron degronianum subsp. heptamerum var. 06 wld B */Sd.#1246 from ARS 1987/294-JRS, wild collected fr<br />

188 * 12002 4 Rhododendron 'Great Dane' (yakushimanum x rex) x 15 div arboreum.be, Marc Reuling<br />

188 * 83205 4 Rhododendron 'Madame Masson' (catawbiense x pont 06 hil A 90:pushed over <strong>by</strong> storm<br />

188 00368 4 Rhododendron 'Mount Everest' (campanulatum x griff 03 pds B+ layer from 78069, 0701: flowering, but flowers damage<br />

188 86135 3 Rhododendron 'Polaris' ('Omega' x yakushimanum) x 06 div ? ex stand allemand Floralies Gant.1985, Hachmann sele<br />

188 02121 3 Rhododendron 'Romany Chal' ('Moser's Maroon' x fac 05 pds B layer from Hkrd #78098, 06: missing<br />

188 12003 4 Rhododendron 'Santiago' ('Hachmann's Polaris' x rex f 15 div arboreum.be, Marc Reuling<br />

188 06008 4 Sequoia sempervirens x 1 09 spo spo sdlg in A<br />

188 06009 4 Sequoia sempervirens x 1 09 spo spo sdlg in A, 1007: stem damaged <strong>by</strong> bamboo, 14: bac<br />

188 89160 4 Sequoia sempervirens x 1 89 pds T One <strong>of</strong> 50 sdlg,raised from 71009<br />

189 14316 4 Brucea javanica x 1 14 div ? ? gift #12534 from <strong>Arboretum</strong> Aubonne as Rhus javanic<br />

189 * 00223 4 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 * 00 pds B cttg.<strong>of</strong> 81283/spi, 99:moved to 227, (previously one <strong>of</strong><br />

189 00507 4 Enkianthus campanulatus 'Hollandia' x 1 03 bul<br />

189 00508 4 Enkianthus campanulatus var. palibinii x 1 03 bul 06: very similar to 'Hollandia' 00507, is probably that c<br />

189 99241 4 Enkianthus campanulatus var. palibinii x 1 02 wis<br />

189 08190 4 Enkianthus (campanulatus x perulatus) x 1 10 bur 130607: not perulatus as per invoice (see mail Joke)<br />

189 01301 4 Enkianthus campanulatus 'Ru<strong>by</strong> Glow' x 1 04 bul 131123: good aut. col.<br />

189 00510 4 Enkianthus campanulatus var. sikokianus x 1 01 bul<br />

189 00512 4 Enkianthus campanulatus 'Walla<strong>by</strong>' x 1 03 bul<br />

189 * 92858 4 Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens x 1 * 03 pds Sd.#1510 Ex Kyoto BG.#547, 03: moved this plant fro<br />

189 00513 4 Enkianthus chinensis x 1 03 bul<br />

05 mei 15 Page 31 <strong>of</strong> 54

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