Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

114 99095 4 Rhododendron vaseyi (Pilot Mt,NC,USA, 1500m) x 1 09 wld A+ T *sd 4016:ARS 1992/126-LAR :Ch.T.Larus, Henderson<br />

114 * 09569 4 Rhododendron vaseyi 'White Find' x 3 * 13 ggd<br />

114 14275 4 Sinowilsonia henryi x 1 14 div prop #12630, gift A. Leitner, seedling raised <strong>by</strong> Anne, f<br />

114 94151 4 Sorbus commixta 'Embley' x 1 94 mal V 011118:good aut. colour,<br />

114 94152 4 Sorbus forrestii x 1 94 mal V<br />

114 89432 3 Stewartia pseudocamellia x 1 93 esv 99/3/18:base <strong>of</strong> stem has peeled** in one go,on lower<br />

114 * 98342 4 Viburnum buddlejifolium x 1 * 00 esv 0107018:good fruits red becoming black, 0808: attracti<br />

114 99243 4 Viburnum x hillieri 'Winton' x 1 01 wis Winton might be straight erubescens from another elev<br />

114 01048 4 Viburnum lantanoides (Shaftsbury Lake, Arlington,V 01 wld sd 5718f from BDB Tour <strong>of</strong> New England 1997 (Shaft<br />

114 86338 2 Viburnum 'Pragense' (rhytidophyllum x utile) x 1 13 esv A V *_97:A+, good plant for many years against western wa<br />

114 98358 4 Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' x 1 00 esv V<br />

114 98359 4 Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Dart's Duke' x 1 00 esv T name = 'Interduke', 0102:starting to flower,<br />

115 * 91562 4 Abies veitchii x 1 * 96 waa V BDB #30723, syn. nikkoensis, 97/7:good growth, confi<br />

115 83470 4 Acer pictum subsp. mono x 1 97 esv A slow ! 97:moved out <strong>of</strong> view in 202, recoverd well, big<br />

115 95093 4 Disanthus cercidifolius x 1 95 pds C cttg 4220 ex 92210, 95:3/6 surv. 3/6 <strong>plants</strong> lost on mov<br />

115 15191 4 Euonymus alatus (Gunma,Honshu,JP) x 1 15 wld sd.#9249, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden as f. striatus<br />

115 93124 4 Euonymus alatus x 2 98 waa 95:too dry under Larix, 97:1/3 dead, one miserable,<br />

115 04431 4 Euonymus alatus var. apterus x 1 06 bul<br />

115 04432 4 Euonymus alatus var. ciliatodentatus x 1 06 bul<br />

115 02303 4 Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' x 1 03 waa<br />

115 02304 4 Euonymus alatus 'Select' x 1 03 waa 0605: nice plant, somewhat round shape<br />

115 02305 4 Euonymus alatus 'Timber Creek' x 1 03 waa<br />

115 93298 4 Euonymus bungeanus x 1 04 waa C was group <strong>of</strong> 3, see #93125<br />

115 08108 1 Euonymus cornutus var. quinquecornutus x 1 08 pds Cttg #4911 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #87259, 97:seem blocked in their<br />

115 11087 2 Euonymus cornutus var. quinquecornutus x 1 11 pds Cttg #4911 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #87259,<br />

115 08055 4 Euonymus hamiltonianus (SICH 1819) x 1 08 wld prop #8867, gift Charles Snyers, Royal Botanical Gard<br />

115 * 95070 4 Euonymus hamiltonianus x 1 * 94 pds sd.2191 fr. Morris Arb.pl.nr.Hovenia, 94:in the sun, ha<br />

115 10266 4 Euonymus oresbius aff. (Yunnan,China,4200m) x 1 13 wld ? gift Piet de Jong, China , Yunnan, Baiman High Pass 4<br />

115 92511 4 Euonymus planipes x 2 95 waa grafted on E.alatus, 97/8/16:good early fruits, 02: 1/3 is<br />

115 * 02310 4 Euonymus planipes 'Sancho' x 1 * 03 waa 080829: nice plant, big fruits and early colouring<br />

115 12305 4 Euonymus semenovii (Mt.Emei,Sichuan,China,1900 12 wld sd. #8669 as Euonymus przewalskii Shanghai BG 2005<br />

115 01216 4 Magnolia 'Flamingo' (acuminata x sprengeri) x 1 03 rut<br />

115 00211 4 Nyssa sinensis 'Jim Russell' x 1 03 esv BDB #30724, Small 1999 Grafts from my <strong>plants</strong> <strong>by</strong> Es<br />

115 03102 4 Viburnum lantanoides (Mt. Washington,N.H.) x 1 03 wld Sdlg #5715a on Diretissima trail<br />

116 91544 4 Abies firma (Kyoto) x 1 97 waa V */BDB #30725, WC. Kyoto, WAA 228-87, 01:one go<br />

116 91745 4 Abies forrestii agg. x 1 93 waa V */980-85 KR , 97/11:misery status 1, 0109;back to stat<br />

116 94014 4 Abies holophylla x 1 96 pds V Sd HKR#Chollipo 1989/183<br />

116 09098 4 Abies koreana (Mt.Halla,Cheju-Do,S.Korea,1500m) x 09 wld Sd. #5825, Chlp.98/201:Songpanak,Mt.Halla,Cheju-D<br />

116 90018 4 Acer capillipes x 1 91 div V sdl. <strong>by</strong> J.G. Halflants, gift 12/89<br />

116 92993 4 Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' x 1 07 div Matsumurae - variegated, was group <strong>of</strong> 2 sub #92687,<br />

116 * 96036 2 Acer palmatum 'Koto-no-ito' x 1 * 97 div Linearilobum - green, gift Mr.Van Esdael,98:several br<br />

116 ** 89400 4 Acer palmatum 'Volubile' x 1 ** 91 esv Palmatum - green, 98:late colouring like 'Seiryu' , 9911<br />

116 92760 4 Ilex 'Accent' (integra x pernyi) x 1 94 vml gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

116 92821 4 Ilex x altaclerensis 'Wieman's Hedge-row' x 1 94 vml Male,<br />

116 92827 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Whitesail' x 1 94 vml Female gift fr.Bokrijk<br />

116 o 92752 4 Ilex 'China Girl' (rugosa x cornuta) x 1 o 94 vml gift fr.Bokrijk, 0802: ugly thing and very sensitive to bl<br />

116 92799 4 Ilex x koehneana 'Chieftain' x 1 94 vml Male, gift fr.Bokrijk, 0502: big wound in stem at 1m, l<br />

116 13152 4 Ligustrum sinense (Syuan,Taiwan,1870m) x 1 13 wld sd. #11012, wld, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute IS<br />

116 14246 4 Viburnum betulifolium (KC-15,Dafengding,Sich.,CN, 14 wld sd. #9614, S Sichuan, Dafengding Nature Reserve (Mei<br />

116 05316 4 Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Park Farm Hybrid' x 1 14 div<br />

116 98033 4 Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora' x 1 98 vpl 020313: first corymb is open<br />

116 12238 4 Viburnum corymbiflorum (McNamara YU06.012,Yu 12 wld sd. #9675, wld <strong>by</strong> McNamara et al., YU06.012, 1920m<br />

116 14306 4 Viburnum erosum aff. (KC-80,Mamize,CN,2430m) x 14 wld ? sd. #9563, S Sichuan, Mamize Nature Reserve (Leibo),<br />

116 11181 4 Viburnum formosanum (HMC2448,Taiwan,1525m) x 11 wld A sd.#9310, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2004.156,<br />

116 09173 1 Viburnum lentago x 1 09 div V */gift #9817 Anne Leitner as prunifolium, "proviennent<br />

116 92658 4 Viburnum plicatum 'Rotundifolium' x 2 92 waa T 94:1/3 pl is status 1and 99:dead, 2/3 survive, 0802: fro<br />

116 * 92654 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum x 3 * 92 waa 070424: wonderfully in flower, 0802: not pruned excep<br />

116 10074 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Cascade' x 1 10 pds found in pON, layer <strong>of</strong> #86334 I suppose<br />

116 92657 2 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' x 1 12 waa V 94:2/3 surv., 95:very dry, 01: one pl left! 1105: this see<br />

116 92660 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Saint Keverne' x 1 93 waa 94:1 pl.:misery, 95:2/3 dry,_01:confirmed <strong>by</strong> Ward Va<br />

116 11182 3 Viburnum recognitum (OH,USA,320m) x 1 11 wld sd. #8899 as V. dentatum var. lucidum, Holden Arbore<br />

116 95230 4 Viburnum sargentii x 1 00 pds C T sd.# 2267 from RHS 1988, 97: C,not happy, 99:moved<br />

117 03074 4 Abies amabilis x 3 03 pds V Hkrd sd 3200 from Schuhmacher, Mass USA,<br />

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