Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

171 11053 4 Magnolia 'Lanhydrock' (sprengeri 'Diva' seedling) x 1 11 ver graft #9899 <strong>by</strong> Verhelst <strong>of</strong> our #00390 I suppose<br />

171 04393 4 Magnolia 'Marwood Spring' (sprengeri x) x 1 07 rut ? 1109: Carlos says there are 2 clones, one wrong via Lu<br />

171 04372 4 Magnolia sargentiana 'Broadleas' x 1 12 rut<br />

171 91227 3 Magnolia sargentiana 'Chyverton Pale f.' x 1 92 eis 1108: to status 3, thin leaved<br />

171 13001 4 Mahonia nervosa x 10 15 pds prop #10111, seed Scottisch Rock Garden Club #2382,<br />

171 04502 4 Pinus thunbergii (Japan,Sado Isl.) x 1 06 wld V gift meise (19991499-90) (De Meyere), Japan, Niigata,<br />

171 15098 3 Quercus candicans (Snyers,Puebla,MX,1940m) x 1 15 wld ? sd #10207, Ch Snyers #2009-00045 Zacapoaxtla, Pueb<br />

171 00603 4 Quercus glauca x 1 02 div C+ V Zundert :Tuincentrum Hulsdonk, Hulsdonk straat, 060<br />

171 02132 3 Quercus myrsinifolia x 1 02 div A sd #4666 from MAG.SOC.sdex1994#? 05: severely da<br />

171 11349 4 Quercus salicina (Honshu, Japan) (hybrid?) x 1 14 wld ? gift Damien Devos, from wild collected seed <strong>by</strong> Shaun<br />

171 11050 3 Quercus x undulata (EJ,Boulder Co.,CO,USA,1737m) 11 wld prop #10680, EJ 041029-14 USA:CO:Boulder County,<br />

171 09850 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum Roylei Group x 1 13 ggd B<br />

171 13304 4 Rhododendron 'Dörte Reich' (minus x cinnabarinum x 15 ggd<br />

171 11126 4 Rhododendron 'Fastuosum Flore Pleno' x 1 11 pds A+ layers #9158 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #74144<br />

171 11127 4 Rhododendron 'Fastuosum Flore Pleno' x 1 11 pds A+ layers #9158 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #74144<br />

171 14100 4 Rhododendron 'Jacksonii' (caucasicum x 'Nobleanum' 14 pds 5 layers around mother plant #85337<br />

171 85337 4 Rhododendron 'Jacksonii' (caucasicum x 'Nobleanum' 14 ggd B T 87:A+ , 97:A+, 14: big move from 172, with 5 layers #<br />

171 11124 4 Rhododendron 'Madame Masson' (catawbiense x pont 11 pds A+ layer #9157 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83205,<br />

171 11125 4 Rhododendron 'Madame Masson' (catawbiense x pont 11 pds A+ layer #9157 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83205,<br />

171 15099 4 Rhododendron (maximum compactum x maximum La 15 pds K layers <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83796<br />

171 14135 4 Rhododendron 'Midsummer' (maximum x ) x 1 14 pds layers <strong>of</strong> #91598 in 464, 1412: perfectly healthy and di<br />

171 14313 3 Rhododendron 'Midsummer' (maximum x ) x 2 14 pds layers #12528 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #91598, 1412: status 3, chloro<br />

171 15017 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum aff. (BCHM-044,Sich,C 15 wld ? sd.wld #10352, Muli, Sichuan, road from new Muli to<br />

171 15018 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum aff. (BCHM-100,Sich,C 15 wld ? sd.wld #10430, Daocheng, Sichuan, road from Yading<br />

171 15020 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum aff. (BCHM-044,Sich,C 15 wld ? sd.wld #10352, Muli, Sichuan, road from new Muli to<br />

171 15142 4 Rhododendron searsiae (ACSN-6058,Sich,CN,2500-2 15 wld sd. #10956, RHS RCM list 2009, #07326, ACSN6058,<br />

171 95440 3 Rhododendron smirnowii x 1 15 pds A+ was #95099 (group <strong>of</strong> 3 in 85, one big move to 171), ct<br />

171 08556 4 Rhododendron ungernii x 1 14 ggd B+<br />

171 14362 4 Stewartia malacodendron (Winston Co.,AL,USA,199 14 wld sd. #10064, PHA Alabama trip wld, #2007AL-025, AL<br />

171 12257 4 Tsuga chinensis (NACPEC05-063,Gansu,China,2273 12 wld prop #9820, Morris Arb coll. #2005-196, field coll. #N<br />

172 * 94006 4 Abies durangensis (Cerro Mohinora,Mexico) x 3 * 94 wld A V BDB #30743, SD HKRD#2270,Mexico,via Horsholm<br />

172 05005 4 Abies sachalinensis x 1 05 pds C V sd. #3199, ex SCHUMACHER Mass., <strong>plants</strong> in 117 ar<br />

172 13027 4 Actinidia sp. (PdS,Lake Chuzenji,Honshu,Japan) x 1 13 wld ? sdlg #11505, Lake Chuzenji, cllct on path to Chanokid<br />

172 09117 3 Berberis temolaica (Clark 4649,Tibet,China,3300m) x 09 wld A prop #7108, sd wld <strong>by</strong> Alan Clark 4649, sd list RMC-g<br />

172 11073 4 Betula grossa (BBJMT-182,Honshu,JP,1120m) x 1 11 wld sd. #9303, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2005.328<br />

172 * 04111 4 Betula lenta x 1 * 04 pav V 0709: very healthy, lush plant, *, growing like hell, 081<br />

172 08274 4 Camellia japonica 'Lavinia Maggi' x 1 13 tre<br />

172 08181 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Saint Ewe' x 1 14 bur C 1004: leader frozen, 120113: big pink flowers, quite im<br />

172 08183 3 Camellia 'Winton' (cuspidata x saluenensis) x 1 15 bur 1207: remains status 3, 150324: first flowering, small,<br />

172 05073 4 Carpinus kawakamii aff. x 1 07 div ? gift Jacky Pousse, no info, 0806: omeiensis group?, 14<br />

172 14496 4 Chimonanthus nitens x 1 15 rug gift visit HBUG team 140417, origin unknown, XX0G<br />

172 04302 4 Chimonanthus praecox x 1 04 rug V sd 6344 Gent BG RUG, 1402: not C. zhejiangensis, thi<br />

172 14361 4 Cornus excelsa (Hidalgo-Puebla,MX,2104m) x 1 14 wld plant #11556 received from Beatrice Chassé (sec-id G7<br />

172 00254 4 Cupressus gigantea (KR 3350,Nang Xiang,Yarlung T 00 wld BDB #30748, sd 5107 from Keith Rushforth, wld : 315<br />

172 06175 4 Daphniphyllum macropodum x 1 11 klm 150430: seems slow to establish but now good growth<br />

172 08192 4 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 10 bur 130607: not perulatus as per invoice (see mail Joke), 1<br />

172 05230 4 Larix cajanderi x 1 08 klm N form <strong>of</strong> L. gmelinii, mostly not recognized as distinct<br />

172 11137 3 Larix laricina (Baddeck Falls,NS,Canada) x 1 11 wld sd. #7722, list IDS, 2003-165, wld. Cllctd. In Baddeck<br />

172 07085 3 Magnolia 'Felix Jury' ('Atlas' x 'Vulcan') x 1 09 rut gift Catharien Rutten, 100427: flowering, 1108: remain<br />

172 08087 3 Maytenus boaria x 1 08 pds C- layer #7329 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #84341, 09:C-, recovering from<br />

172 09137 4 Microbiota decussata x 5 14 esv<br />

172 03273 3 Orixa japonica x 1 12 mei Gift Dirk De Meyere, Meise: 10001059- origin unkno<br />

172 04504 4 Oxydendrum arboreum x 1 04 spo spo sdlg in that location!<br />

172 AA172 4 Pinus nigra subsp. laricio x 1 59 div A BDB #25934, Not sure about date planted<br />

172 * 02374 4 Podocarpus nivalis 'Rockery Gem' x 1 * 10 dev cttg<br />

172 10076 4 Quercus argyrotricha (Coombes 900,Yunnan,China) x 10 wld B sdlg.#8880, gift Hillier #2004.0773, wld collected Chin<br />

172 11052 4 Quercus phillyreoides x 1 11 div prop #10681, BW 041231-01, Eike Jablonski, garden o<br />

172 91492 4 Quercus pontica x 1 94 waa 01: healthy but loosing lower inside branches,<br />

172 11049 3 Quercus rugosa (EJ30,Catron Co.,NM,USA) x 1 11 wld prop #10679, EJ 010830-01, gift Eike Jablonski, USA:<br />

172 07141 4 Quercus salicina (Okayama,Japan) x 1 08 wld A V */#9152, gift garden party may 2005 Eike Jablonski, EJ<br />

172 86062 3 Rhododendron adenogynum x 1 91 ggd B V 87:B, 97:B+, 050410:flwrg (first time?), 060415:loosin<br />

172 00418 4 Rhododendron brachycarpum subsp. fauriei x 3 11 div A from open pollinated seed ex Kalmthout, raised <strong>by</strong> G.<br />

172 94338 4 Rhododendron brachycarpum subsp. fauriei (Sado Isl 12 wld A */sd ARS sd xch 1984n°361 <strong>by</strong> TAK, c/w Sado Isle, Ja<br />

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