Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

154 10330 4 Rhododendron primuliflorum 'Doker La' x 1 13 ggd AM,<br />

154 10331 4 Rhododendron primuliflorum 'Doker La' x 1 13 ggd AM,<br />

154 10332 4 Rhododendron primuliflorum 'Doker La' x 1 13 ggd AM,<br />

154 09225 4 Rhododendron sargentianum 'Whitebait' x 1 14 ggd A<br />

154 09226 4 Rhododendron sargentianum 'Whitebait' x 1 14 ggd A<br />

154 00425 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forr 12 esv A- 08: moved towards fence and 6 <strong>plants</strong> now (1 layer), 09<br />

154 09307 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1 15 ggd A+ pink form,<br />

154 09308 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1 15 ggd A+ pink form,<br />

154 09309 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1 15 ggd A+ pink form,<br />

154 95291 4 Sequoia sempervirens x 1 95 pds<br />

155 10161 4 Acer oliverianum subsp. formosanum (Syuan,Taiwan, 10 wld A sd. #9769, as A. serrulatum, IS2006-2007, Taiwan For<br />

155 11202 3 Ailanthus vilmoriniana (SICH2400,China,1625m) x 1 11 wld C sd. #9277, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2003.398<br />

155 14485 4 Clematis fusca x 1 14 pds sd. #10459 from F. Riez<br />

155 14486 4 Clematis fusca x 1 14 pds sd. #10459 from F. Riez<br />

155 14487 4 Clematis fusca x 1 14 pds sd. #10459 from F. Riez<br />

155 02076 4 Cornus elliptica x 1 02 pds cttg #5777 from Hkrd #98101<br />

155 * 01287 4 Cornus kousa cv. x 1 * 02 bul ? bought as 'Madame Butterfly', 0906: probably error, is<br />

155 01297 4 Cornus nuttallii (hybrid?) x 1 02 bul not 'Pink Blush' as per invoice, 070501:not much pink i<br />

155 01296 4 Cornus nuttallii 'North Star' x 1 02 bul 1305: huge flowers<br />

155 14488 4 Decumaria barbara (Johnston,Rabun Co,GA,USA,500 14 wld gift #12969 from Jack Johnston, Rabun Co, GA, USA,<br />

155 14489 4 Decumaria barbara (Johnston,Rabun Co,GA,USA,500 14 wld gift #12969 from Jack Johnston, Rabun Co, GA, USA,<br />

155 08029 3 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 15 spo spo sldg #9123, possibly sdlgs <strong>of</strong> #83429, 0903: 1/5 fo<br />

155 06028 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Strawberries and Cream' x 1 09 dcl gift Antoon De Clercq<br />

155 92537 4 Hamamelis japonica f. flavopurpurascens x 1 11 waa 97:1/3 dead, 99:2 miserable <strong>plants</strong>,no growth, status 3,<br />

155 14095 4 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris (Mt. Kaba,Hons 14 wld gift Marc Libert, HBUG W20112617, E slope <strong>of</strong> Mt. K<br />

155 15071 4 Ilex latifolia (KC-7,Sich,CN,2214m) x 1 15 wld ? ? sd.#9560, S Sichuan, Shiguxuela, Heping village, 2214<br />

155 03195 4 Magnolia 'Apollo' (liliifl. 'Nigra' x camp. 'Lanarth') x 05 rut<br />

155 07108 3 Magnolia sinensis x 1 09 pds */sd. #6351, Cross #00/27 on 95075, naked virgin, (onl<br />

155 99069 4 Magnolia stellata 'Edward A. Kehr' x 1 02 rut = M. kobus 'Octopus'?<br />

155 84680 4 Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' x 1 87 spi A<br />

155 09267 2 Rhododendron augustinii subsp. chasmanthum x 1 13 ggd B+ 1401: status 2<br />

155 09268 2 Rhododendron augustinii subsp. chasmanthum x 1 13 ggd B+ 1401: status 2<br />

155 02579 4 Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' (augustinii x 'Intrifast' 14 pds A ? cttg #5375 from Hkrd #77124, 14: big move from 152,<br />

155 10295 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum Blandfordiiflorum Grou 14 ggd B+ beware for mildew<br />

155 09246 3 Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon x 1 13 ggd A 1401: status from 2 to 3<br />

155 09845 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon x 1 13 ggd<br />

155 10304 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum (SBEC 0804,N. Cangshan, 13 ggd<br />

155 10305 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum (SBEC 0804,N. Cangshan, 13 ggd<br />

155 02079 4 Rhododendron fortunei subsp. discolor Houlstonii Gr 02 pds A+ cttg #5321 from Hkrd #78163<br />

155 09301 4 Rhododendron 'Frosthexe' (anthopogon x lapponicum 13 ggd A+<br />

155 09302 4 Rhododendron 'Frosthexe' (anthopogon x lapponicum 13 ggd A+<br />

155 09303 4 Rhododendron 'Frosthexe' (anthopogon x lapponicum 13 ggd A+<br />

155 08422 4 Rhododendron 'Josefa Blue' (russatum x edgeworthii) 15 ggd A<br />

155 12029 4 Rhododendron lapponicum aff. x 3 12 pds B+ C cttg. #10656 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83202, 1504: can be hybrids<br />

155 81096 2 Rhododendron 'Ptarmigan' (leucaspis x orthocl.microl 15 wgp B 85:B, charming if no late frosts, 97:damaged <strong>by</strong> frosts (<br />

155 15097 4 Rhododendron 'Purple Gem' (minus Carolinianum Gr 15 pds cttg. #11042 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #01202<br />

155 14209 4 Rhododendron rex (AP06.014,Sichuan,CN,3567m) x 14 wld prop #9683, McNamara et al., near New Muli,Sichuan,<br />

155 14210 4 Rhododendron rex (AP06.014,Sichuan,CN,3567m) x 14 wld prop #9683, McNamara et al., near New Muli,Sichuan,<br />

155 14211 4 Rhododendron rex (KC-103,Sichuan,CN,3100m) x 1 14 wld prop #9583, sd., S Sichuan, Mamize Nature Reserve (L<br />

155 * 76036 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum x 1 * 11 hil B good pl. but flower dirty mauve pink colour, 96/4:quite<br />

155 14355 4 Rhododendron Russautinii Group (russatum x augusti 14 pds cttg. #11060 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #78104<br />

155 10306 4 Rhododendron yungningense (F 29260) x 1 13 ggd<br />

155 14303 4 Sorbus reducta x 6 14 pds layers <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83696<br />

155 13212 4 Sorbus sargentiana aff. (KC#36,Sichuan,CN,2300m) 13 wld sd. #11550 (=#9613), S Sichuan, Dafengding Nature R<br />

155 15066 4 Stewartia malacodendron (Johnston,Winston Co.,AL, 15 wld sd. #11648 Jack Johnston, wild collected Winston Cou<br />

155 14357 4 Stewartia ovata (Dekalb Co.,AL,USA,225m) x 1 14 wld sd. #10066, PHA Alabama trip wld, #2007AL-031, AL<br />

155 15067 4 Stewartia ovata (Johnston,Rabun Co.,GA,USA) x 1 15 wld sd. #11649 Jack Johnston, wild collected Rabun Count<br />

156 14309 4 Magnolia 'Summer Solstice' (globosa x obovata) x 1 14 rut 140605: excellent plant, will deserve a * if it proves go<br />

156 90895 4 Rhododendron micranthum x 1 12 div A gift?<br />

156 08410 4 Rhododendron polycladum Scintillans Group (F.C.C.) 15 ggd A<br />

156 04266 4 Rhododendron 'Saint Breward' (impeditum x augustin 15 pds Cttg 5335 from Hkrd 78132, 1107: to status 3, must be<br />

156 14356 4 Stewartia malacodendron (Blount Co.,AL,USA,147m 14 wld sd. #10065, PHA Alabama trip wld, #2007AL-026, AL<br />

156 86318 4 Tilia mongolica x 1 87 esv ? T<br />

05 mei 15 Page 18 <strong>of</strong> 54

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