Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...

Arboretum Wespelaar Catalogue of living woody plants, sorted by ...


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<strong>Arboretum</strong> <strong>Wespelaar</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>living</strong> <strong>woody</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, <strong>sorted</strong> <strong>by</strong> Location and <strong>by</strong> Name<br />

Loc E Numb S NAME x Quantity DP Src H V DATA<br />

143 00324 4 Azalea 'Schneeglanz' x 5 00 pds Cttg 5343 from Hkrd 86392<br />

143 93087 4 Cornus kousa 'Weaver's Weaping' x 1 93 waa C 97:last one C+, 0305: what a misery, again C+ I assum<br />

143 00485 4 Cornus x rutgersensis 'Aurora' x 1 01 bul ® name = 'Rutban',<br />

143 00488 4 Cornus x rutgersensis 'Celestial' x 1 01 bul ® name = 'Rutdan', rcvd. as 'Galaxy',<br />

143 00501 4 Cornus x rutgersensis 'Stellar Pink' x 1 01 bul ® name = 'Rutgan'<br />

143 93997 4 Cornus walteri (Odaesan,S.Korea) x 1 05 wld plant from 93006 group moved from 279 to pON in 02,<br />

143 92215 4 Halesia carolina x 1 94 spi 02: unhappy, unadapted plant, treated with temik durin<br />

143 14101 3 Lindera angustifolia x 1 14 div gift #9971 from Carla Theune, Leiden 1999.8249, as L.<br />

143 92151 2 Lindera angustifolia x 1 98 pds A */sd. Cll.<strong>by</strong> Pds at Arnold <strong>Arboretum</strong>, 98:moved to arb<br />

143 10160 4 Lindera erythrocarpa (Chilanshan,Taiwan,1900m) x 1 10 wld B sd. #9764, IS2006-2007, Taiwan Forestry Research Ins<br />

143 13080 4 Lindera erythrocarpa (BCJMMT288,Okudaira,Honsh 13 wld sd. #10028, PHA fall 2007 Japanese seed trip wld, #B<br />

143 * 96146 4 Lindera erythrocarpa (Mt.Mudung,S.Korea) x 3 * 96 wld A sd#4441c f/Mt.Mundung,Kwangju,Ko f.Chollipo SdXc<br />

143 ** 00274 4 Lindera obtusiloba (Mt.Togyu,S.Korea) x 1 ** 00 wld sd #5216, from Chollipo sd exch 1996-113, 660 m, 02<br />

143 03105 4 Lindera obtusiloba (Mt.Chukyop,S.Korea) x 1 06 wld Sd.4443 fr.Cholippo Sd.Xc 93/156, 05:not too happy i<br />

143 15217 4 Lindera obtusiloba (KU-06.060,Honshu,JP,300-700m 15 wld sd.#9259, gift Quarryhill BG, #2006.162, WLD origin,<br />

143 99035 4 Lindera praecox x 1 99 rug gift from Marc Libert, 9908:suffering from drought, 14<br />

143 92589 3 Phellodendron amurense x 1 92 waa BDB #30738, rcvd as Phellodendron piriforme, 95:not<br />

143 93173 4 Trochodendron aralioides x 1 93 pds */Sd.from my 71007, _0110:pl -c has lost its leader, fro<br />

144 92200 4 Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Spinners' x 1 93 spi<br />

144 * 98487 4 Cornus kousa var. chinensis 'Wieting's Select' x 1 * 00 div Selected for autumn colour, gift from Herlinde De Jaec<br />

144 98279 4 Cornus mas 'Aurea' x 1 00 esv 02: flowers at the same time as Cornus mas<br />

144 92489 3 Cornus nuttallii 'North Star' x 1 92 waa 98:was better but hit <strong>by</strong> caterpillars and scale insects …<br />

144 93110 4 Ilex macropoda (Halla San, Korea) x 1 96 wld ? Sd.HKR#1765:from ChollipoSdXch.87/016, from Mt.<br />

144 12399 3 Pterostyrax hispidus (PdS,Lake Chuzenji,Honshu,Jap 12 wld sd. #8275, edge <strong>of</strong> Lake Chuzenji 1250m, Nikko, 1405<br />

144 97023 4 Rhododendron 'Wonderland' ('Alice' x auriculatum) x 00 dcl gift fr.Antoon De Clercq, his propagat.fr.A.Kehr <strong>plants</strong><br />

145 01179 3 Acer palmatum 'Atrolineare' x 1 02 esv Linearilobum - red,<br />

145 98208 4 Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' x 1 00 esv Matsumurae - red,<br />

145 12057 4 Acer palmatum 'Chikuma-no' x 1 13 esv Amoenum - red,<br />

145 12060 4 Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' x 1 13 esv Amoenum - red, = 'Wolff'?, = 'Red Emperor'?,<br />

145 12061 4 Acer palmatum 'Fall's Fire' x 1 13 esv Palmatum - green,<br />

145 01259 4 Acer palmatum 'Filigree' x 1 04 bul Dissectum - variegated, 1108: back to status 4 (IL),<br />

145 12064 4 Acer palmatum 'Green Trompenburg' x 1 13 esv Matsumurae - green,<br />

145 98218 4 Acer palmatum 'Korean Gem' x 1 00 esv syn. Koreanum, Palmatum - green, 0410: half <strong>of</strong> the lea<br />

145 12078 4 Acer palmatum 'Red Flame' x 1 13 esv<br />

145 13050 4 Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' x 1 13 div Palmatum - green, prop #11191, Dick van der Maat,<br />

145 12080 4 Acer palmatum 'Sawa-chidori' x 1 13 esv Matsumurae - variegated,<br />

145 08144 4 Acer palmatum 'Seiun-kaku' x 1 13 div Palmatum - green, from Maillot Bonsai in France<br />

145 01261 4 Acer palmatum 'Stella Rossa' x 1 07 bul Dissectum - red,<br />

145 98229 4 Acer palmatum 'Suminagashi' x 1 00 esv Matsumurae - red,<br />

145 * 97162 4 Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg' x 1 * 98 esv Matsumurae - red, (in fact palmatum x shirasawanum),<br />

145 00429 4 Acer palmatum 'Utsu-semi' x 1 08 esv Amoenum - green,<br />

145 * 97165 4 Acer palmatum 'Yugure' x 1 * 02 esv Palmatum - red, 081102: good deep golden aut col, not<br />

145 ** 97164 4 Acer shirasawanum 'Yasemin' x 1 ** 98 esv */Matsumurae - red, Esveld says this is a shirasawanum<br />

145 14010 2 Celtis koraiensis (NACPEC11-003,Nan Wu Tai,Shaa 14 wld sd. #12627, Collectors Kang Wang, Kunso Kim, Paul<br />

145 08269 3 Cornus 'Dorothy' (florida x nuttallii) x 1 10 div 1406: status 3, not resistant to anthracnosis<br />

145 92470 4 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' x 1 93 waa 94:2pl.<strong>of</strong> 3, 96:1 poss. survives , 0111: Only survivor i<br />

145 * 93080 3 Cornus florida 'Purple Glory' x 1 * 94 waa 95:1/3 dead, 96:1/3 survives, 01:compact plant, good a<br />

145 93084 4 Cornus kousa var. chinensis x 3 93 waa */seems to be 4 not 3 pl., _00:many scale insects, massi<br />

145 05201 2 Cornus kousa 'Ed Mezitt' x 1 07 waa 0807: seems sensitive to powdery mildew, 1406: wond<br />

145 * 01288 4 Cornus kousa 'Mount Fuji' x 1 * 04 bul 0406: pink bracts, 1006: outstanding selection: small c<br />

145 00498 4 Cornus 'Ormonde' (florida x nuttallii) x 1 01 bul 070923:early aut. col., sick?, 1404: healthy and flwrg w<br />

145 08268 4 Cornus 'Starlight' (kousa x nuttallii) x 1 10 div = 'KN4-43'<br />

145 08267 4 Cornus 'Venus' (kousa x nuttallii) x 1 13 div = 'KN30-8'<br />

145 00293 4 Rhododendron 'Saint Breward' (impeditum x augustin 00 pds B+ Cttg 5335 from Hkrd 78132<br />

146 01024 4 Azalea 'Beethoven' (Vuyk) x 11 01 pds cttg Hkrd #5351 from 74148, 04: 11/12 left<br />

146 13104 4 Clethra acuminata (Macon Co.,NC,USA,721m) x 1 13 wld sd. #10053, PHA GA NC SC trip wld, #SEUS2007-01<br />

146 91292 4 Clethra alnifolia (Pine Barrens,NJ,USA) x 1 98 wld T 78:PdS Wld Cllct:New Jersey Pines Barrens, boggy are<br />

146 98065 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spires' x 1 04 pds Cttg 4829 from Hkrd 86247, 0601: to status 1, hit <strong>by</strong> m<br />

146 13023 4 Clethra barbinervis (PdS,Lake Chuzenji,Honshu,Japa 13 wld V sdlg #11517, Lake Chuzenji, cllct on path to Chanokid<br />

146 * 89299 4 Clethra fargesii x 1 * 04 spi T */91/4:B-, poss.Lancaster collection, gift from Spinners<br />

146 89298 4 Clethra monostachya x 1 04 spi T 91/4:B-, poss.Lancaster coll, from Spinners P.Chappel<br />

146 92188 4 Clethra monostachya x 1 15 spi T 0309: suffered clearly from drought, 14: big move with<br />

146 95092 4 Clethra monostachya x 1 04 pds sd 3379 : IDS Xch. 1992, Fraser Jenkins, 97: 4/5 left, 9<br />

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