Snodgrass Family History Book

The Snodgrass Family History Book - Luginbuel Funeral Home

The Snodgrass Family History Book - Luginbuel Funeral Home


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Preface<br />

countries.<br />

Research and Notes<br />

llistory is fact and speculation. The two should be kept<br />

apart, but some time facts cannot be discovered \vithout<br />

speculation. Sometimes we have speculated. but \VC have<br />

tried to distinguish between speculation and fact. Many<br />

sources of information used in our research arc the result of<br />

hours of research at home, on the Internet and in libraries<br />

across the United States. Many relatives, friends and total<br />

strangers have contributed.<br />

This is your history. Where it ends depends upon you.<br />

Please begin your own family history. You should record<br />

births, deaths. marriages and other pertinent information and<br />

help correct any information that might not be correct in this<br />

book. Whether you use this book or some other method<br />

does not matter. What is important is that you should start<br />

such a history. Do it now! Too much history has been lost<br />

already.<br />

Dedication and Thanks<br />

This book is also dedicated to my 1 ' 1 cousin and great friend<br />

William Hardy Rauch and his special wife Ruth Ellen<br />

(Davis) Rauch \hrho encouraged and advised me to write this<br />

book and accompanied me on 1nany research trips and helped<br />

gather the vast amount of infonnation and materials required<br />

in writing and publishing this book.<br />

l would also like to dedicate this book to the many<br />

<strong>Snodgrass</strong> Ancestors who made their contributions through<br />

the centuries. Vv'ithout them there would be no history.<br />

My book is laid out and \Vritten using the Church of Jesus<br />

Christ of Latter Day Saints Personal Ancestral File<br />

Software, Pedigree Charts of the <strong>Snodgrass</strong> line are shown<br />

along with a Descendant Outline of the descendants of the<br />

William <strong>Snodgrass</strong> family. In another section of this book I<br />

have written in Register Form about the ancestors of<br />

William <strong>Snodgrass</strong>. l have provided a brief example of how<br />

the Registry system works for those who are not familiar<br />

with it.<br />

Register Numbering Example<br />

This book is dedicated to my sweet mother Mae Elizabeth<br />

(Rauch) Norwood, who planted the seeds of genealogy in<br />

me and provided me with the drive to enhance the fruits of<br />

her earlier genealogy work. l also dedicate this book to my<br />

very loving and special wife, Joan Evelyn (Brown)<br />

Norwood. Joan encouraged me and never discouraged me on<br />

my genealogy efforts. She was my constant companion and<br />

chief researcher and helpmate during all of our years together<br />

so that we could become closer to our ancestors.<br />

There were many other persons in which this book is<br />

dedicated. I would especially like to thank Burlene (Brown)<br />

Hilton for her help and the many resource materials in<br />

which she provided and are used in this book.<br />

During the \Vriting and assembling of the material for this<br />

book I met a truly professional genealogist. lie was Virgil<br />

Talbot. My wife Joan and I were privileged to spend a<br />

Sunday with him doing research on my Rauch, <strong>Snodgrass</strong><br />

and Talbot families. Virgil wrote two books that were very<br />

helpful in completing my book. The books were "The<br />

Talbots, Centuries of Service" and ''A Bit of <strong>History</strong>".<br />

Virgil expressed that he would be honored for Joan and inc<br />

to use any of the information in our book that he provided.<br />

A short time after that delightful Sunday, Virgil passed<br />

away to be with his beloved wife Avis West Kirk (Talbot).<br />

This book is also dedicated to Clara Bee (Risley)<br />

<strong>Snodgrass</strong> \vho wrote the original <strong>Snodgrass</strong> <strong>Book</strong> from<br />

which much of the information contained in this book was<br />

taken. Without Clara's hard work in putting together the first<br />

book, I 1nost likely would not have written this book. Clara<br />

died 18 Dec 1993. Clara's son Jerry Eugene Risley most<br />

generously agreed to help me and provide materials from his<br />

mother's original book so that this book would become a<br />

reality. Thanks Jerry. Your mother will be glad we carried<br />

on her work.<br />

The following example shows the most common (excluding<br />

Henry numbers) numbering conventions that can appear in<br />

the register report. The register may print some or all of<br />

these numbers and symbols depending upon whiuh report<br />

options that are selected.<br />

Register Example Only<br />

Generation 4<br />

'<br />

64. William James~ SNODGRASS (Sr.) (14] (Thomas Lafayette,<br />

J 2 I<br />

James , David , Willia1n ). born I 0 Jun 1828 in Sparta, White,<br />

Tennessee; died 11 May 1882 in Lincoln, Washington,<br />

Arkansas. He 1narricd on 28 Dec 1853 in Sparta, White,<br />

Tennessee \\i'inifred (Winnie) Norton BRADLEY [ 15], born 20<br />

Jan I 836 in Near Big Springs, Sparta, White. Tennessee; died 11<br />

Feb 1908 in Lincoln, Washington. Arkansas, daughter of John<br />

Phillip BRADLEY (30] and Nancy JOHNSON (31 ].<br />

Children of William James SNODGRASS (Sr.) and<br />

Winifred (Winnie) Norton BRADLEY were as follows:<br />

+ 71<br />

6<br />

Man Francis SNODGRASS (75]. born 8 Aug<br />

1856 in Sparta, White County. Tennessee; died<br />

3 Jan 1941 in Lincoln. Washington County.<br />

Arkansas. She married Allen Sea KING (II)<br />

[240].<br />

Register Explanation:<br />

64. William James' SNODGRASS (Sr.) [14) (Thomas<br />

~ l 2 I<br />

Lafayette . Ja1nes . David , Willia1n )<br />

William James is the 64th person in this ancestral line.<br />

The computer assigns this number. William .James is of<br />

generation number five. 114) is a RIN number assigned<br />

06/30/01 The Norwood <strong>Family</strong> <strong>History</strong> Page iii<br />


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